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1、關(guān)于英文自我介紹模板匯編5篇 英文自我介紹 篇1 respected leader:excuse me, thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to read my job search materials!my name is * *, is a newly graduated from xx university of biotechnology professional college graduates. i am honored to have the opportunity to present my persona

2、l letter to you, in society, in order to find their own professional interests and work to better use of their talents and realize their value of life so, to make a self introduction.present brief introduction of oneself circumstance as follows:in school i can learn professional knowledge seriously,

3、 but also because of the investment of learning and has won the outstanding student scholarship. major courses: biology, microbiology, cell biology, molecular biology, biochemistry, genetics, chemical principle, enzyme engineering, cell engineering, genetic engineering, fermentation engineering, bio

4、technology, food technology, fermentation engineering equipment.at the same time, students actively participate in social work, served as student union minister of learning, planning and organizing the "college students' occupation skills contest", "star of hope english contest&qu

5、ot;, "experimental skills competition" and other large extracurricular activities by the teachers and students recognized. and thus won the "three good student" and "three good student model" the honorary title, and won several "social work activist" title. in

6、 the freshmen occasion, i also because of the leadership and teacher recommendations, and served as assistant instructor of biotechnology major.to complete their studies seriously and actively participate in social work students at the same time, i also pay attention to strengthen social practice, i

7、mprove their overall quality, to meet the needs of future employment. for example: when the sales in the united states, in the course of work, due to the remarkable achievements, received the employer awards. it can be seen that the moment i don't forget to improve their own contact as soon as p

8、ossible to let the workplace, explore and develop my abilities.my life is in a period full of go, i am eager to display their talents in the wider world, i am not satisfied with the existing level of knowledge, expectations were tempered in practice and improve, so i hope to join your unit. i will d

9、o a good job of their own, doing their best to achieve good performance at work. i believe that through their own hard work and efforts, will make due contributions.thank you for your busy schedule to give my attention. wish the expensive unit business on the upgrade, repeated success, i wish your b

10、usiness make still further progress further! 英文自我介紹 篇2 good afternoon! sir and madam,nice to meet you! it is my honor to have this opportunity of being interviewed . my name is ,years old. i come from kuerle, a city of xinjiang province. i graduated from lanzhou busineuniversity. my major is informa

11、tion management. i have worked for china machanrt securitites for 4 years. as a financial consultant of the company, i like my job and i want to a great promotion in my company. this is a reason for me to choose xiamen university mba program. in my spare time, i like traveling with my family and my

12、friends. because there are some chances for me to make new friends in different places. 2 years ago, i had a chance to visit xiamen with my family. it is a very beautiful place and itattracted me so much. i love it and have a dream to study in xiamenuniversity. and i have a happy family; there are 4

13、 members in my family, my mother, my husband, my 2-year-old son and me. i will do my best to make my family happy. thank you for all your attention. thank you!中文自我介紹范文:各位考官好,我叫,現(xiàn)年 歲,現(xiàn)在擔任;我于年畢業(yè)于 大學專業(yè),畢業(yè)后曾在工作年,然后進入 工作,負責 方面工作。在領(lǐng)導和同事的眼中我是一個工作踏實認真,勤奮上進的人,在工作的年里,從一名普通的技術(shù)人員,依次擔任過班長、車間主任,一直到現(xiàn)在的 ,技術(shù)能力得到了全面的

14、發(fā)展,也使我的個人價值得到了體現(xiàn)。自從走上管理崗位后,我發(fā)現(xiàn)企業(yè)管理方面的很多問題僅憑技術(shù)是解決不了的,迫切需要加強管理知識的系統(tǒng)學習,所以我選擇報讀mba。在選擇mba高校時,我認識到 大學管理學院學院擁有一支深諳世界先進管理理念、熟悉中國企業(yè)發(fā)展經(jīng)驗的優(yōu)秀師資隊伍,我希望能夠考上并通過幾年的mba 課程學習,提高自己的理論創(chuàng)新和實際管理能力,把自己培養(yǎng)成為具有一定戰(zhàn)略眼光、思路寬廣、善于經(jīng)營、具有一定爭力的創(chuàng)新型管理人才,為我們公司的發(fā)展與壯大做出更大的貢獻。謝謝! 英文自我介紹 篇3 landing card; disembarkation card入境卡embarkation card

15、 departure card出境卡nationality ;citizen of country 國籍resident居民foreign visitor外國旅客profession;occupation職業(yè)purpose of your trip;purpose of entry旅行目的 ;入境目的sightseeing;tourist觀光male男性female 女性customs海關(guān)declare申報customs declaration海關(guān)申報單customs inspector海關(guān)檢察員quarantine衛(wèi)生檢疫publication出版物applicant申請人official

16、use only ;for official use 官方填寫international terminal國際候機廳check-in counter;check-in 乘機登記處passport control;immigration護照檢查處tax(duty)-free shop免稅商店currency exchange貨幣兌換處transfer中轉(zhuǎn)transfer correspondence中轉(zhuǎn)處transit passenger過境旅客(不換飛機)cancellation取消first class頭等艙business class公務艙economy class 經(jīng)濟艙,普通艙dela

17、yed延誤boarding card 登機牌name of passenger乘客姓名flight航班號boarding time登機時間seat座位security check安全檢查aisle seat靠走道座位no smoking禁止吸煙ground speed飛行速度altitude高度local time at origin 出發(fā)地的當?shù)貢r間time to destination到達目的的時間outside air temperature外面的溫度apple juice蘋果汁grape juice葡萄汁tomato juice 番茄汁orange juice橘子汁mineral wa

18、ter 礦泉水beer啤酒beef 牛肉pork 豬肉chicken雞肉rice米飯noodle面條reception接待處check in 入住,開房check out退房check-out time退房時間lobby大廳salad色拉vegetable salad蔬菜色拉discount減價reduction sale減價bargain sale大減價size尺碼quality certification質(zhì)量保證書receipt發(fā)票taxi;cab出租車bus公共汽車zebra line斑馬線underground;subway地鐵no parking 不準停車wake-up call叫醒

19、電話telephone operator電話總機,接線員dial direct直線電話postmark 郵戳post code 郵政編碼travelars check 旅行支票foreign currency外幣,外匯buying rate買入?yún)R率selling rate賣出匯率exchange rate匯率pain痛pain in the head頭痛pain in the stomach胃痛cough咳嗽vomiting嘔吐colic腹痛diarrhea拉肚子,腹瀉take a deep breath做深呼吸police station警察局dont move別走museum博物館chur

20、ch教堂entry;way in入口exit;way out出口ticket office售票處casino卡西羅(堵車)take a group picture照合影millimeter(mm)毫米kilometer(cm) 公里milliliter(ml)毫升gram(g) 克kilogram(kg) 千克inch 英寸foot 英尺ounce盎司pound磅pyramids,egypt埃及金字塔big ben in london,england 大笨鐘kolner dom,koln,germany 科隆大教堂leaning tower of pisa,italy 比薩斜塔notre da

21、me de paris,france巴黎圣母院grand canyon,arizona,usa 大峽谷sydney opera house,australia 悉尼歌劇院national day 國慶節(jié)easter 復活節(jié)thanksgiving day 感恩節(jié)new zealand新西蘭egypt埃及kenya肯尼亞south africa 南非argentina 阿根廷brazil 巴西peru 秘魯cuba 古巴mexico 墨西哥chile 智利poland 波蘭denmark丹麥germany德國russia 俄羅斯france 法國luxembourg盧森堡norway 挪威swe

22、den 瑞典switzerland 瑞士spain 西班牙greece 希臘hungary匈牙利italy 意大利the united kingdom 英國the republic of korea 韓國malaysia 馬來西亞japan 日本thailand 泰國turkey 土耳其india 印度indonesia 印度尼西亞viet nam 越南a:excuse me.we are to transfer jl458 to tokyo.can you help me?(勞駕,我們要乘轉(zhuǎn)日本航空公司的458號航班去冬京。你能幫助我嗎?)b:yes.may i have your tick

23、ets?(可以,請出示你們的機票)a:here are 10 tickets.can we have our seats as close to each other as possible?(這是我們的10張票,我們的座位能夠盡量在一起嗎?)b:let me see.the aircraft is quite full now.i can hardly give you 10 seats together.do you want smoking seats?(讓我看看。飛機現(xiàn)在已經(jīng)非常滿了,很難再把你們的.10個座位安排在一起了。你們需要吸煙座位嗎?)one tourist of our g

24、roup couldnt find his luggage.can you help me?(我們有一位游客的行李找不到了,你能幫助我嗎?)im the leader of tour group.we have the visa for group tourism.(我是旅行團的領(lǐng)隊,我們持有團體旅游簽證)yes.can i be the last one to pass?(好的,請允許我最后一個通過)excuse me,madam,a tourist of our group feels like vomiting.can i bother you for some ice water ,p

25、lease?打擾你了,小姐。這位先生想吐。麻煩你給他杯冰水,好嗎?excuse ,me ,miss.would you please give us some blankets?some tourists of our group feel a little bit cold.勞駕,小姐。請給我們幾條毯子。我們有幾位客人感覺有點兒冷。may i have some entry cards/customs declarations?請給我一些入境登記卡/海關(guān)申報單。好嗎?im gang lee,the leader of tour group.we are going to the airpor

26、t early tomorrow morning;id like to request a morning call.我叫李剛,是旅行團的領(lǐng)隊。我們明天一清早要去飛機場,因此我們想要叫早服務。your jewel shop is our company partner.i hope you can deal with this caseproperly.otherwise,its hard for us to explain to our passengers.你們珠寶店是我們公司的定點購物點,出了這樣的事情我希望能妥善解決,否則,我們難以向客人交待。youd better have a go

27、od rest,drink more hot water and be careful of your diet.im sure youll be all right soon.好好休息,多喝熱水,注意飲食。我相信你很快就會好的。after supper,we will go back the hotel first,send other passengers back,then take these guests to the downtown.lets make a time,you come to pick us up.晚餐后我們先回酒店,把其他客人送回,接著拉這幾位客人去市中心,我們約

28、定一個時間,你來接我們。just at the place you get off.youd better ask each passenger to take a hotel card.if he gets lost,he can take a taxi back with it.就在你們下車的地方。你最好讓每位客人拿一張酒店卡,萬一走散,可持酒店卡打的回去。excuse me ,sir. could you please help us take a group picture?勞駕,先生。幫我們照個合影,好嗎?入境卡:landing card; disembarkation card出境

29、卡:embarkation card;departure card國籍:nationality;citizen of country居民,居住者 resident 外國旅客:foreign visitor 英文自我介紹 篇4 hello everyone! my name is zhu yalu. my birthday is december 31, 20xx. i'm 11 years old. i'm a third grade student.i have beautiful black hair, big and bright eyes, a high nose, a

30、 small talkative mouth and a pair of front teeth that look like rabbits, so i can only smile when i take photos. because of my eloquence, my popularity is particularly good, and i always have my share in speaking in class.i am a lively and lovely little girl, my shortcoming is that my academic perfo

31、rmance is ok, that is, the chinese test results are always a little worse than other subjects. i have a wide range of interests, such as reading extracurricular books, painting, dancing but my favorite is dancing, followed by painting. i haven't learned dancing for one or two years. it's been six years since i was five years old. dancing can not only improve my external temperament, but also make me happy and lively. painting can make me have more imagination. i always regard the characters in the painting as myself, which makes me feel relaxed.mom, dad and sister are very


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