1、單元測評?閱讀理解。AThere is an old Chinese proverb that states“ Ojeneration plants the trees; another gets theshade ” and this is how it should be with mothers and daughters. The relati on ship betwee n a mother anddaughter is sometimes confusin g. If close, the relati on ship can be similar to frien dship.
2、 However, themother and daughter relati on ship has unique characteristics that dist in guish it from a frien dship. Thesecharacteristics include the hierarchy(等級)and unconditional love, which preclude mothers and daughtersfrom being best frien ds.Marina, 27 years old, says,love spe nding time with
3、my mom, but I would n con sider her my bestfriend. Best friends don pay for your wedding. Best friends don remind you how they carried you in theirbody and gave you life! Best friends don tell you how wise they are because they have bee n alive at least20 years Ion ger tha n you. This does n mean th
4、at the mother and daughter relati on ship can be veryclose and satisfy ing.While some adult relati on ships are still troubled, many find them to be extremely reward ing. This generati on of mothers and adult daughters has a lot in com mon which in creases the likelihood of sharedcompa nion ship. Mo
5、thers and daughters have always shared the com mon experie nee of beinghomemakers, resp on sible for maintaining and pass ing on family values and traditi ons. Today contemporary mothers and daughters also share the experie nee of the workforce and tech no logy, which maybring them even closer toget
6、her.Best friends may or may not con ti nue to be best frien ds, but for better or worse, the mother anddaughter relati on ship is perma nent, eve n if they aren speak ing for some unfortun ate reas on. Themother and child relati on ship is still closer tha n any other. There is not an equal relation
7、ship.Daughtersshould not feel responsible for their mother esotional well- being. It isntthat they don care deeply abouttheir mothers. It just that they shouldn be burdened with their mother well-being.The mother and daughter relati on ship is a relati on ship that is not replaceable by any other. M
8、othersn ever stop being mothers, which in cludes freque ntly wanting to protect their daughters and often feeli ngrespon sible for their happ in ess. Mother always“trumps f”en ds.1._ The underlined word“preclude in Paragraph 1 probably means “_ .”A.differB.preve ntC.ben efitD.cha nge2.What do we kno
9、w from the passage?A.The mother and daughter relati on ship can be replaced by a best friend.B.A mother love brings her and her daughter a close friendship.C.The mother and daughter relati on ship goes bey ond best friends frien dship.D.Mari na has a troubled relati on ship with her mother.3._The au
10、thor proves his statements mainly by .A . listing dataB. giving explanationsC. quoting sayingsD . makingexamples4.What is the best title for the passage?A . How to be a good mother and daughterB.Who is a motherbsst friend?C.A friend in n eed is a friend in deedD.Can a mother be a daughter best frien
11、d?BYou sig ned up for soccer, and played every game of the seas on. Sure, you rnot the best player onthe team, but most days you gave it your all. Do you deserve a trophy ( 獎杯)?If the decision is up to Carol Dweck, the answer would likely be no. She s psychology professor atStanford University, Cali
12、fornia. She says a player doesn have to be the best to get a trophy. But those whoreceive an award should have to work for it. She suggests trophies go to the most improved player, or theone who contributed most to the team spirit, as well as to those who play the best.“ Therophy has to sta nd for s
13、ometh ing, ” Dweck told TFK. Itve give a trophy to every one, then theaward has no value. Dweck argues that giving kids trophies for particular reasons, such as improvi ng in asport, teaches kids that adults value hard work and trying our best.Others say that there no harm in giving awards to all ki
14、ds who play a sport, regardless of how theyplayed or whether or not they improved.think we should encourage kids participation in sports, says Kenneth Barish, a psychologyprofessor at Weill Corn ell Medical College, in New York City.Atrophy is one way to en couragekids efforts. ”Barish argues that w
15、he n we sin gle_out on ly the best or even the most improved players with a trophy,we are teach ing kids the wrong less on. We are sending the message that winning is everythi ng. Winningis only part of the equati on(等式),” Barish told TFK. Play in gsports also teaches kids about teamworkand the impo
16、rtanee of exercise. ”There will be plenty of opportunities for kids to learn about competition as they get older, says Barish.They soon realize that only one soccer teamwins the World Cup and only one footballteam wins the Super Bowl. For now, he thinks there nothing wrong with letting all kids who
17、play a sport feellike winn ers. That means trophies for every one.5.According to Carol Dweck, which player should receive a trophy?A . Tony, the most attractive player of the soccer team.B.David, a soccer player who is both clever and funny.C.Peter, who is ready to help his partners to score goals.D
18、.Jim, a soccer player who tries his best to win the game.6.Which of the following statements would Kenneth Barish agree with?A . There is no sense in givi ng a trophy to every one.B.Kids fond of playing sports should be rewarded.C.Kids should be given trophies for trying their best.D.It is necessary
19、 to encourage kids participation in sports.7.The underlined phrase “single)ut ”n Paragraph 6 probably means “_8 . Which shows the correct structure of the text?CIn September of 2019, residents of Bexar County celebrated the opening of the Biblio Tech Library. It isone of the first libraries in Ameri
20、ca to go completely digital and perhaps it will lead the way for others to follow.To check out a book in this digital library, users link their library card to the 3M Cloud Library App. Then theycan look through the library catalogue and check out a total of five books at any given time. When the bo
21、oksare due, they are automatically removed from the e-reader. Biblio Tech offers free tablets, laptops andcomputers which can be used within the library. It also offers study rooms and lounge areas where peoplecan work together and other libraries are also on the trend.Despite the move towards digit
22、al, the Biblio Tech Library is currently the only digital library in the nation.However, the bookless library has been attempted before. Sadly, this change proved to be far too ahead ofits time. Within a few years, the library began providing materials along with the digital materials due torequests
23、 from the library members.Libraries are in the middle of a great change. Just a decade ago, the main focus was to lend materialsto the public, but recently they have been placing more emphasis on programs to help and educate the commun ity. A library is no Ion ger simply a place to check out books.D
24、igital libraries are the future. In the next 100 years or so, books in print may be completely replaced bytheir digital competitors. While these can be more convenient for libraries and library members, I am stillgoing to be fond of books in print. I will miss the smell of the paper, because those a
25、re things I grew to loveA. honourB. chooseC . valueD . stressabout readings. 9What does Paragraph 1 mainly talk about?AThe opening of the Biblio Tech Library.BThe improvement of the Biblio Tech Library.CThe importance of the Biblio Tech Library.DThe introduction of the Biblio Tech Library.10What can
26、 be inferred about libraries from the text?AThe function expands.BThe income increases.CThe development slows down.DThe business declines.11The writer seems to be a person who _ .Ais crazy about e-readersBworks in a libraryCmisses the old daysDis hopeless about the futureDFor families on vacation, a
27、 playground provides a welcome break from sightseeing. It can also providea glimpse into the local culture, from the setup of the park to the ways families interact. Here are the designsthat live up to that challenge.Fruit and Scent Park, StockholmIs there a picky eater on a steady diet of chicken f
28、ingers and cheese? Perhaps a trip to SwedensFruitand Scent Park will change his or her culinary( 烹飪的 ) tune. This playground features a banana slide, anorange seesaw, pear huts, a watermelon jungle gym and a pair of cherry swings, all designed by public artistJohan Ferner Strom. Now, who can say you
29、 canptlay with your food?Nishi Rokugo Park, TokyoLocated between central Tokyo and the city of Kawasaki, Nishi Rokugo combines recycled rubber tires( 橡膠輪胎 ) with traditional playground equipment. In total, more than 3,000 tires of different sizes are usedto create tunnels, bridges, tall sculptures f
30、or climbing and, of course, tire swings. Therelisttle shade, so youcan visit here in the early morning or late afternoon for the most comfortable weather, and be sure to wearyour play clothes.Bicentennial ChildrenPasrk, Santiago, ChileSet a top San Crist bal HiU, the Bicentennial Children playground
31、 in Metropolitan Park was built tocelebrate 200 years of Chilea n in depe ndence and improve the lives of San tiago citize ns. Doze ns of slidesare built into the slope, creat ing a desig n completely compleme ntary( 補充的)of the surrounding Iandscape. Fountains offer some relief from the sun, and amp
32、le seat ing gives pare nts a place to relax.12. What is mainlytalked about in the text?A . Programs designed for culture exchange.B.Theme parks attracting most tourists.C.Creative sites for family to hang out.D.Top museums around the world.13. What can be learned about Fruit and Scent Park?A . It is
33、 located in Tokyo, Japan.B.Its desig n was led by some artists.C . It is aimed to balanee people s diet.D . Its facilities are modelled after fruits.14 . When visit ing Nishi Rokugo Park, it is better to_ .A . wear thick protective clothesB . avoid moments when it s hotC . take umbrellas and rain co
34、atsD . watch out for the equipme nt15. Why does the author recommend Bicentennial Ch ildren s Park?A . It becomes part of the surroundin gs.B . It was built to improve people s lives.C . It amuses kids and helps pare nts get relaxed.D . It provides slides for both childre n and adults.n.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從短文后的
35、選項中選出能填入空白處的最佳選項。選項中有兩項為多余選項。Harsh truths that help you growYou cant always be in control of everything. _1_ But if you want to continue to grow, thereare times whe n you n eed to give up your con trol on everythi ng and let things un fold how theyremeant to be. You can still strive for greatness, b
36、ut put the work in and then let go with complete faith that theuni verse will make thi ngs right for you.You cant accomplish great things without taking great risks. If you dont take risks you will have a lotharder time accomplish ing what you want in life. _2_Theyre the ones who are willi ng to put
37、 everything onthe line and fail for something they believe in. And they treat each failure as an opportunity to grow and getbetter._3_ Theres some one in your life you care about deeply who is holdi ng you back. Thats n ot to sayyou should give up on the people you love. However, there comes a time
38、when you need to make the toughdecisi on to say no to people who arent help ing you grow.Death is a part of life. _4_ However, theres someth ing you can do to make los ing some oneyou love a lot less painful : make them a part of your life right now. Dont put off making that phone call or paying a r
39、an dom visit to a friend or family member you have nt see n in a while. Treat every mome nt with yourloved ones as if its your last, and you wont have any regrets.Sometimes bad things happe n to good people. _5_ Theres a randomn ess to how the world worksthats really hard to understand. We see evide
40、nce of this every day, and it can really make you question thefuture of mankind. How you choose to view the world is up to you.Just remember, the truth, however harsh,will set you free.A . Letting go is hard.B . The first step is always the hardest.C. Not every one will support you along the way.D .
41、 Suffering is part of life but makes us stronger.E.Nothing can prepare us for the pain of losing a loved one.F.People who truly change the world are the biggest risk takers.G . You may be better off without some of the people you currently care about.川.完形填空。Where do you go whe n you want to lear n s
42、ometh ing? School? A friend? A tutor? These are all _1_places of learning. But it may well be that the learning you really want _2 _ somewhere else in stead .I hadthe _3_ of see ing this first hand on a _4-.My daughter plays on a recreatio nal soccer team. They did very well this seas on and so _5_
43、atournament, which normally was only for more skilled club teams. This led to some _6_ experie nces onSaturday as they played aga inst teams _7_ train ed. Through the first two games, her _8_ did not getone serious shot on goal. As a pare nt, I _9_ see ing my daughter play ing her best, _10 still de
44、feated.It seemed that someth ing clicked with the _11 betwee n Saturday and Sun day. When they _12_for their Sun day game, they were _13_ differe nt. They had begu n to in tegrate( 融合)the kinds of playand teamwork they had 14 the day before into their _15_. They playedaggressively and _16_ scored a
45、goal.It _17_ me that playi ng aga inst the other team was a great _1 _ mome nt for all the girls on theteam. I think it is a gen eral prin ciple. _19_s the best teacher. The less ons they lear ned maynot be 20 what they would have gotten in school, but are certainly more personal and mea nin gful, b
46、ecausethey had to work them out on their own.1. A.publicB. traditionalC . officialD . special2. A.passesB. worksC . liesD. ends3. A.dreamB. ideaC . habitD. chanee4. A.tripB. holidayC . weekendD . square5. A.wonB. enteredC . orga ni zedD . watched6. A.painfulB. strangeC . com monD . practical7. A.les
47、sB. poorlyC . n ewlyD . better& A.fansB . tutorsC . classD . team9. A.imaginedB . hatedC . avoidedD . missed10. A.ifB . orC . butD . as11. A.girlsB . pare ntsC. coachesD . viewers12. A.dressedB . showed upC . made upD . pla nned13. A.slightlyB. hardlyC . basicallyD . completely14. A.seenB . know
48、nC . heardD . read15. A.stylesB . trai ningC . gameD . rules16. A.evenB . stillC . seldomD . aga in17. A.confusedB . struckC . remin dedD . warned18. A.touchingB . thi nkingC . en courag ingD . lear ning19. A.ExperieneeB . IndependenceC . CuriosityD . In terest20. A.harmful toB . mixed withC . diffe
49、re nt fromD . applied toIV.語法填空。閱讀卜面材料, 在空白處填入適當(dāng)?shù)膬?nèi)容(1 個單詞)或括號內(nèi)單詞的止確形式。Uni ess David Beckham can mend it as well as can bend it, the soccer superstar _9 (miss) thissummers World Cup.The 34-year-old midfielder injured his left heel on March 14 _2 _ playing for Italian club AC Mila n. Hewent through a
50、surgery last Mon day and is expected _3_(be) out of action for about six mon ths.That means Beckham wont be bending free kicks at the World Cup _4 _ begins on June 11 in SouthAfrica what he had hoped would be his fourth _5- (appear) for En gla nd at the tour name nt.Some people have questioned wheth
51、er the _6_ (injure) will be the end of Beckhams soccer career_7(con sider) his age.8_ 2019, the next time a major international tournament rolls around, Beckham will be 37. Thats old for_9_ goalkeeper or for centre back, and ancient for a right- sided midfielder, ” wrote Martin Rogers on Yahoo!But m
52、ost experts expect that Beckham will _1 _(even tual) be back.1 . _ 2._ 3._ 4._ 5._ 6 . _ 7._ 8._ 9._10._V. 短文改錯。假定英語課上老師要求同桌之間交換修改作文,請你修改你同桌寫的以下作文。文中共有 10 處錯誤,每句中最多有兩處。錯誤涉及一個單詞的增加,刪除或修改。增加:在缺詞處加一個漏字符號(A),并在其下面寫出該加的詞。刪除:把多余的詞用()劃掉。修改:在錯的詞下畫一橫線,并在該詞下面寫出修改后的詞。注意:1.每處錯誤及其修改均僅限一詞;2. 只允許修改 10 處,多者(從第 11 處
53、起)不計分。My favorite sport is playing basketball. In the middle school, I joined in the basketball team. Allthe teammate practised hard after school. Once our team had match against another schools. At the very beg inning,we were so n ervous which we could nt cooperate very good, because this was the f
54、irst time for us to compete with theschool honor. In the half match they fell behind. Our team leader calls us together and said that we must get uniting inorder to beat them. Then we tried our best and won the game at last. Play basketball makes me realize the importa neeof union and teamwork.VI. 書
55、面表達(dá)。假如你是學(xué)生會主席李華,為了增進(jìn)學(xué)生之間的交流,學(xué)生會決定在網(wǎng)絡(luò)上建立中外學(xué)生英文交流論壇,請你根據(jù)下面的要點提示介紹此論壇。目的要點細(xì)節(jié)提供交流平臺加強交流結(jié)識朋友提供幫助學(xué)習(xí)、生活.獻(xiàn)計獻(xiàn)策學(xué)校發(fā)展、校園生活1詞數(shù) 100 左右。開頭已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù)。2.可以適當(dāng)增加細(xì)節(jié),以使行文連貫。practised hard after school.Once our team had matchaga inst ano ther schools. At the very begi nning, we were so n ervous which we could nt cooper
56、atevery good, because thiswas the first timefor us to compete with the school honor. In the half match they fell behind. Our team leader calls us together and saidthat we must get uniting in order to beat them. Then we triedour best and won the game at last. Play basketball makes me realize the impo
57、rta nee of union and teamwork.【答案及解析】I.A.【語篇解讀】本文是一篇議論文。作者認(rèn)為,母女之間雖然有許多共同之處,她們的關(guān)系也可以很親密,但不會成為最好的朋友,因為母女關(guān)系不同于朋友關(guān)系,它獨具特點。LE【解析】詞義猜測題勺根據(jù)第一段最后兩句可知,母女關(guān)系的特性中包含的輩分差別所帶來的不同程度 的責(zé)任、,義務(wù)及無條件的爰使得她們不會成為最好的朋友。后一句是對前一句的解釋說明為何母女關(guān)系 不同干朋右關(guān)系$由此可知丿畫線詞Fredudb竜為龍礙 J 故選E項,青為龍礙,阻止乙C【解析】推理判斷題。根據(jù)第四段第一句可知,友誼關(guān)系可臥停止,但母女關(guān)系會永遠(yuǎn)存在下去。
58、由此 可知C項正確,即母女關(guān)系超越了友誼。3. B【解析】寫作手法題。通讀全文可燦文童第一段是中心段,提出了作者的觀晟即母女關(guān)系不同于左 誼。第二段引用Manna的觀點說明這種不同性j第三至五段分別從母女關(guān)系中的共性因素、不同責(zé)任因 素、母愛因素闡明了引起這種不同性的原因。故選目項,意為瞬釋說明 J4. D【解析】標(biāo)題歸納題。通讀全文可知,本文屬于議論文,第一段是中心段,提出了作者的觀點,即母女關(guān)系不同于朋友關(guān)系。其余各段分別從不同角度論證了這個觀點。因此答案選 D項,與文章中心一致。B.【語篇解讀】如果孩子參加體育比賽,那么是不是每個人都該得到獎杯呢?文章就這個問題給出了兩種不同的看法。5.
59、 C【解析】推理判斷題。根據(jù)第二段可知,斯坦福大學(xué)的心理學(xué)教授Carol Dweek 認(rèn)為,獲獎的運動員未必是最好的運動員。她認(rèn)為,進(jìn)步最大的、對團(tuán)隊精神貢獻(xiàn)最多的和表現(xiàn)最佳的運動員都應(yīng)獲獎。故 C 項正確。6. D【解析】細(xì)節(jié)理解題。根據(jù)第五段可知,紐約市威爾康乃爾醫(yī)學(xué)院的心理學(xué)教授KennethBarish 認(rèn)為,我們應(yīng)該鼓勵孩子參加體育活動。頒發(fā)獎杯就是一種激勵方式。7. B【解析】詞義猜測題。根據(jù)第六段可知,Barish 認(rèn)為,當(dāng)我們挑選出最佳球員或進(jìn)步最大的球員并授予他們獎杯的時候,我們給孩子們傳遞了一個錯誤的信號:獲勝就是一切。因此畫線的短語“single out 意為挑出”8.
60、B【解析】篇章結(jié)構(gòu)題。本文的第一段為導(dǎo)語,導(dǎo)入討論的話題。第二、三段陳述了斯坦福大學(xué)的心理學(xué)教授 Carol Dweek 的主要觀點:反對參與者人人獲獎。下文(第四段至第七段)陳述的是紐約市威爾康乃爾醫(yī)學(xué)院的心理學(xué)教授Kenneth Barish 的觀點,即贊成參與者人人獲獎。因此 B 項清晰地展示了本文的結(jié)構(gòu)。C.【語篇解讀】本文是一篇說明文。2019 年 9 月,美國 Bexar 縣的居民慶祝第一家 Biblio 科技圖書館的成立。文章通過Biblio 科技圖書館成立這件事,向我們介紹了與傳統(tǒng)圖書館相比,電子圖書館的優(yōu)勢及未來圖書館的發(fā)展方向。AD【解析】段落犬意題通讀第一段可知本段主要通過商bbo科技團(tuán)書tg成立這
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