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1、4.7 Back-formation-ReginaSuffixationBack-formationBack-formationDefinition:lBack formation is a method of creating words by removing the supposed suffixes. lOr Back-formation is the process of word-building by which elements are subtracted from a complex word. For exampleeditbegbutleorgarrinherit in

2、heritor 繼承繼承 繼承者繼承者 1)Abstract Nouns 2)Agential Nouns 3)Compound Nouns and Others 4)Adjectives1)Abstract Nounse.g. diagnose diagnosis donate donation reminisce reminiscence appreciate difficult mass-produce appreciationdifficultymass-production2)Agential Nouns e.g. loaf loafer, hawk hawker, sculpt s

3、culptor, butch peddle orate butcher, peddler,orator,3)Compound Nouns and Otherse.g. eavesdrop eavesdropping, merrymake(尋歡作樂尋歡作樂) merry-making babysit babysitter air-condition free-associate(自由聯(lián)想自由聯(lián)想) care-take(暫時看管暫時看管) air-conditioning,free-association,care-taker,4)Adjectivese.g. drowse drowsy, laz

4、e lazy frivol frivolous, cose (聊天,談心聊天,談心) greed (n) gloom (n) cosy,greedy, gloomy4.8 Sound ReduplicationSound ReduplicationDefinition: the formation of compound words by repeating the same element with little or no change (1) words to imitate soundse.g. tick-tuck 滴答滴答ha ha ha 哈哈哈bow-wow(of dog) 汪汪汪

5、cock-a doodle-doo(of cock) 喔喔喔2)Words to suggest alternating movementse.g. ping-pong seesaw flip-flop(3)Words to disparage by suggesting Instability, nonsense, insincerity, vacillation, ect,e.g. fingle-fangle 標新立異 miz-maze 迷津/頭腦混亂 higgledy-piggledy 雜亂無章 dilly-dally 三心二意/浪費時間(4) Words to intensifye.g

6、. teeny-weeny 小小的 tip-top 頂尖的/出色的 super-duper 了不起/出色漢語重疊AABB 熱熱鬧鬧 哭哭啼啼 吃吃喝喝 2. ABB/BBA 黑乎乎,邦邦硬,滾滾圓 3.ABAB 嘩啦嘩啦,討論討論 4.A里AB 俗里俗氣,傻里傻氣 5.AA 想想,看看,走走4.9 Commonization of Proper Names1) Names of people e.g. Newton, from the English scientist Newton cherub (a charming pretty male child),from Cherub (a wi

7、nged little attendant of God) bobby (BrE policeman), from Sir Robert Peel (founder of London police in early 19th century), robot, from the mechanical monsters in the play R.U.R. by Karel Capek. 2 )Names of places e.g. china (porcelain), from the homeland China, champagne (a kind of wine), from Cham

8、pagne in France where the white champagne was first produced, 3)Names of bookse.g. Utopia(an imaginary perfect society), from Sir Thomas Mores book Utopia, odyssey (an extended journey, 長期的冒險旅行),from Homers epic The Odyssey, which describes all the hardships Odysseus experienced on his voyage home after the fall of Troy 4) Tradenames (商標名商標名) e.g. nylon, orlon, dacron, rayon (originally trade names), four types of fabri


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