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1、幽默搞笑英語生日祝福語【篇一】幽默搞笑英語生日祝福語1 、摘一片雪花,把祝串成潔白的樹掛,為你的生日奉獻一朵亮麗的心花。 Pick up a snowflake, and wish you a bunch of white trees to make a beautiful flower for yourbirthday. 2、愿我們的友誼如同太陽與大地的結(jié)合一樣自然,一樣自由,一樣充滿生機。May our friendshipbe asnatural and free as the combination of the sun and theearth. 3、生活富庶喜盈盈,日子過得甜蜜蜜,

2、快快活活樂陶陶,樂樂悠悠喜上眉梢!Lifeisfullof happiness,lifeis sweet, and life is happy and joyful. 4、甜甜的蛋糕,甜甜的祝福, 輕柔的燭光, 深深的祝福。生日快樂! Sweetcakes, sweet wishes, gentle candles, deep blessings.Happy birthday! 5、朋友,在這美好的日子里,緊握屬于你的幸福。 祝你生日快樂!Friends,in thisbeautifulday,grasp your happiness. Happy birthday to you! 6、一份不

3、渝的友誼,執(zhí)著千萬個祝福,給我想念的兄弟姐妹,溫馨地問候。Foroureverlastingfriendship,send sincereblessingsand warm greetingsto my brothersand sisterswhomI miss.7、思念萬千,祝福無數(shù),在你生日來臨之際,祝君生日快樂!Miss you, bless you, happy birthday toyou when your birthday comes. 8、年年生日,歲歲平安。愿心情如夏日玫瑰, 綻放出快樂、幸福、美滿! Everyyear sbirthday is safe. May our

4、hearts be like summer roses,full of happiness, happiness and happiness. 9、把我的禮物送上,把我的心兒捎上,堅信你會快樂無比祝生日快樂! Send my gifttomy heartand believethatyou willbe happy. Happy birthday! 10、今天是我閨蜜生日,祝她生日快樂好么,祝我們的友誼天長地久!Today is mygirlfriend s birthday.Wish her a happy birthday.OK,may our friendship last foreve

5、r! 11、你以愛心為我們建一個溫馨的世界,祝福你,我親愛的母親, 生日快樂! Youlove us to builda warm world,bless you, my dear mother,happy birthday! 12、生日快樂,親愛的朋友,愿你天天快樂,年年好運,一生幸福!Happy birthday,dear friend.May you be happy every day, every year and every year!13、世上若有諍友,那就是如你對我那樣關懷的朋友。我的摯友,祝生日快樂。 If there is a friend in the world, it

6、 is like a friend you care for me. Happy birthday toyou, my dear friend. 14、青春,陽光,歡笑,為這屬于你的 日 子 , 舞出 歡 樂 的 節(jié) 拍, 祝 你 生 日快 樂 !Youth,sunshine,laughter,forthisday belongsto you,dancea happy beat, happy birthday to you! 15、擁有一份美好的友誼,便永遠擁有一份鮮美的祝福,生日快樂!Withagoodfriendship,youwillalwayshaveawonderfulblessin

7、g. Happy birthday! 16、夢境會褪色,繁花也會凋零。但您曾擁有過的, 將伴您永存。 生日快樂! Dreams fadeand flowersfade.But what you have, willaccompany youforever. Happy birthday! 17、你最可愛,我說時來不及思索,而思索后還是這樣說, 豬生日快樂! You are the most lovable. When I said it, I didn * t have time to think about it. After thinking, I said, pig happy birt

8、hday!18、愿每天的太陽帶給你光明的同時,也帶給你快樂真心祝你生日快樂! May the sun bring but also bring you happiness.you brightness every day, Sincerely wish you a happybirthday! 19、但愿真正的快樂擁抱著你,在這屬于你的特別的一天,祝你生日快樂!May therealjoyembrace you,and on this special day, happy birthday to you! 20、愿我的祝福,如一縷燦爛的陽光,在您的眼里流淌,生日快樂!May my blessi

9、ng, like a brilliant sunshine, flowin your eyes, happy birthday! 21、愿您在這只屬于您的日子里能幸福地享受一下簡單,彌補您這一年的辛勞。Mayyou enjoy this simple life in your only days and makeup for your hard work this year. 22、支支燦爛的燭光,歲歲生日的幸福。幸運的你,明天會更好!A splendidcandle, a happy birthday. Lucky you, tomorrow will bebetter! 23、夢境會褪色,

10、繁花也會凋零,但您曾擁有過的將伴您永藏,生日快樂!The dream will fade, and theflowerswillwither,butwhat you have willbe withyouforever. Happy birthday! 24、青春陽光歡笑為這屬于你的日子, 舞出歡樂的節(jié)拍祝你生日快樂!Youth,sunshine,laughterforthisday belongs to you, dance a happy beat,happy birthday to you! 25、感謝上帝賜給我像你這樣的朋友!在你的生日里,我愿你快快活活!Thank God forgi

11、ving me a friend like you! On your birthday, I wishyou to be happy! 26、在你生日之際,我只有默默的為你祈禱為你祝福:生日快樂,永遠幸福!On your birthday,I only pray silently for you: happy birthday, alwayshappy! 27 、熱烈祝賀你的生日,捎給你我對你的愛,也寄來一件小禮物。多保重。 Warm congratulations on your birthday. I send you my love and a small gift. Take care

12、.28、贈你明月清風,贈你深深情誼,你的生日是我的歡樂,也是歲月的饋贈。 To give you a bright moon and give you a deep friendship, your birthday is my joy, and alsoa gift from time to time. 29、愿你的容顏像春天般絢爛,衷心祝福你多情的女孩,生日快樂!May your facebeas gorgeous as spring,best wishes to you, a passionategirl, happy birthday! 30、祝你生日健康愉快,祝你天天健康愉快, 愿你

13、一切愿望都能實現(xiàn)。I wish you a happy andhealthy birthday.Iwish youeveryday health andhappiness, and wish all your wishes come true. 31、生活富庶喜盈盈,日子過得甜津津,快快活活樂樂樂,樂樂惠惠喜喜喜。Lifeis fullof happiness,lifeis sweet,and happiness is fast and joyful. 32、愿電波駕著我的祝福:幸福,好運送給你。 祝你生日愉快! 天天開心! Let swave my blessing: happiness,

14、good luck to you. Happybirthday to you! Happy everyday! 33、又是一個新的開始,又是一個美麗的日子,這日子充滿了歡愉,你開心嗎?It s a new start,and a beautifulday.Isthisday fullof happiness? Are you happy? 34、情誼深厚思念濃,遠方摯友牽掛重,快馬加鞭送祝福,生日快樂無煩憂。Friendship is deep and yearning is thick. Friends inthe distance are worried about it. 35、愿您在這

15、只屬于您的日子里能幸福地享受一下輕松,彌補您這一年的辛勞。 May you enjoy your ease in the days that belongto you and make up for your hard work this year. 36、您在這只屬于您的日子里能幸福地享受一下輕松,彌補您這一年的辛勞。You can enjoy your ease in the days thatbelong to you and make up foryour hard work thisyear.37、生日的燭光中搖曳一季繁花,每一支都是我的祝愿。生日快樂! The birthdayca

16、ndle lightsa season of flowersand every one is my wish. Happy birthday! 38、禮不貴,情珍貴。祝福你擁有一個甜蜜溫馨、快快樂樂的生日!Courtesy is not precious, but love is precious. I wishyou a sweet and joyful birthday. 39、一塊蛋糕三把叉,四支蠟燭兩壺茶, 相約經(jīng)典同祝賀, 生日快樂萬事成。 A cake,three forks, four candles and two pots of tea. 40、愿你在充滿希望的季節(jié)中播種在秋

17、日的喜悅里收獲!生日快樂!步步高升!Ihope you willsow in the season of hopeand harvest in the joy of autumn. Happy birthday! Bepromoted step by step! 41、把我的禮物送上,把我的心兒捎上,相信你會快樂無比、 朋友祝生日快樂!Send my giftto my heartand believethatyou willbe happy and happy.42、愿每天的太陽帶給你光明的同時,也帶給你快樂。真心祝你生日快樂!May the sunshine of the day brin

18、g youbrightness as well as happiness. Sincerely wish you ahappy birthday! 43、讓我和你分享以后你的每一個生日。年年有今日,歲歲有今朝,生辰快樂!Let me share withyou your every birthday. Every year has today, everyyear has today, happy birthday! 44、今天是你的生日,我祝福你一周七喜,百事可樂,萬事芬達!Today is yourbirthday, I wish you a seven happy week, Pepsi

19、 Cola,everything Fanta! 45、擁有一份美好的友誼,便永遠擁有一份鮮美的祝福生日快樂!To have a good friendship,wewill always have a happy birthday. 46、我們共同的享受過彼此的快樂悲傷,也共同的陪伴彼此度過最艱難的日子。 We have enjoyed each other s happiness and sadness together and shared the most difficult days together.47、熱烈祝賀你的生日,捎給你我對你的愛,也寄來一件小禮物。天天開心! Warm c

20、ongratulationson your birthday.I send you my love and a small gift. Happy everyday!48、一句問候,一聲祝福,一切如愿,一生幸福,一世平安。祝生日快樂!A greeting, a blessing, all wishes, alifetimeofhappiness,alifetimeofpeace.Happybirthday! 49、值得紀念的日子,原世界因為有了你而更加美好,生日快樂。 Itisa day of remembrance. The originalworld is better because o

21、f you. Happy birthday. 50、希望我是第一個向你道“生日快樂”的朋友,愿這一年中快樂、成功!I hope that I am the first friend to say“Happy Birthday” to you.May thisyear be a happy andsuccessful one. 51、祈愿您心靈深處,好花常開,好景常在,好運永遠盈滿胸懷!生日快樂!Pray for the goodflowersin your heart,good sceneryand good luck.Happybirthday!【篇二】幽默搞笑英語生日祝福語1 、 the

22、kindest friend there could ever be is the kindof friend you are to me.happy birthday!世上如有諍友,那就是像你對我那樣關懷的朋友。祝你生日快樂!2 、Affectionate birthday greetings.Birthday means a newbeginning and a new chance to take hold on life.在你生日之際,向你致以親切的祝賀。生日意味著一個新的開端,意味著重新把握生活的機會。3 、Many happy returnsof this special day.

23、All our best wishes go to you onyour birthday.祝你生日快樂,給你我們所有的祝福!4 、For all you mean to me each day,For all the happinessyou bringmy way,For the love we share and the memories,too,Im hoping your birthday is happy for you.為了你每天在我心中的地位,為了你帶給我生活中的玫瑰,也為了我們之間的愛和回憶,我祝愿你生日幸福,歡天喜地。 5 、grandmameans sunshinefil

24、ledwithblessingsfromabove,grandmameans kindnessbecauseitsanothername for love may this be a special birthday for you.奶奶是充滿祝福的陽光,照耀我身; 奶奶是慈祥和藹的別名,愛的象征。愿您的生日特別快樂!6 、birthday comes andbirthday goes each year, and this memories for ever. may this specialleaves theday brightenshappyeachhour like sunshine

25、 that cheers every flower.年年生日來而復去,留下永久的快樂回憶。愿今天的每時每刻都充滿明 媚 , 似陽 光普 照 鮮 花綻 放!7 、 withlove tomywife,im grateful for the special love you show indifferentways-lovethatgivesa specialtouchtoordinarydays,lovethat s always filledour home withbeauty,warmth and cheer-im gratefulforthe speciallove you give t

26、o me all year.把愛獻給我妻,感謝你深愛我無微不至,你的愛充實了平凡的日子,你的.愛浸潤著我們的家室,使它美滿、溫馨、樂滋滋,感謝你對我又是一年恩愛情深,關懷備至。8 、 you know you re thoughtoflovingly each day throughout the year.but its niceto mention it again when special days are here.您知道我們無日不把你親切思念,逢壽辰當然要把這話再說一遍。 9 、Wishingyou a birthdaythatis among your verybest.I hop

27、e that all the years ahead will be as happyas you have been in the past.祝你度過一個最美好的生日,希望你未來的日子與以往一樣快樂! 10、 Congratulations on your birthday.May the coming yearbe filled with happiness and success.敬賀誕辰!愿這一切充滿歡樂、成功!11 、on your specialday and everyday,may love and joy surround you,because you bringsuch

28、happiness to everyone around you.have a wonderful birthday! 愿您在生日和平日,天天都沉浸在愛和歡樂里,因為您讓身邊親人,個個生活在這樣的幸福里。祝您生日快樂無比! 12、 Because you re someone who s so veryspecial, someone who deserves the very best-not onlyon your specialday,butalways,you rewishedthethings that make you happiest.因為你是一個這樣熱情的人,一個配得上獎賞的人

29、 - 祝你得到的幸福,不僅在你的生日,而且永遠幸福。13 、every day is birthdaytimewhenthinking ofyou,andi shallkeep one sublimehopingyourmany dreams come true.每當想到你我好似天天都在過生日,可我特別珍視其中的一天,祝愿你在這天美夢都能實現(xiàn)。14、 As a brother,you re the greatest,but your goodpoints dont stopthere.Asa person and friend,you rethe nicest anywhere.作為哥哥,你最

30、偉大,你的優(yōu)點還有不少,作為一個和朋友, 不論在哪一方面你都。15 、Happybirthday.Maygladnessfillyour every hour onthisspecial day.生日快樂!愿這特殊的日子里,你的每時每刻都充滿歡樂。16 、Itstimetocelebrateyourbirthday.Happybirthdaytoanattractiveandintellectual girl.是慶祝你生日的時候了,祝福美麗、聰穎的你生日快樂! 17 、May every special happiness fill this day for you and may the y

31、ear bring all the bestthings you are looking forward to.愿你的生日特別快樂,愿新的一年中心想事成!18 、word can say so littlewhen someone cares so much.mother,i m wishing thatthese were a way to tell you the things that i d soliketo say-how thankfuli am and how very proud,too,tohave a wonderful mother like you.您對我的愛是這樣深,

32、言語的表敘顯得實在無力。母親,我希望這句話能告訴您我最想說的事 - 我多么感謝您,又多么自豪,因為我有像您這樣慈愛的母親。19 、thank you,mother,foryour love,yoursmiles,your faith and trust,but most of all for beingsuch a wonderful mother.謝謝您,母親,謝謝您的愛撫、您的微笑、您的信念、您的信任,但最重要的是,謝謝您是這樣慈祥敦厚的母親。20 、to my husband,happy birthdaywith all my love!給我的丈夫,用我全部的愛祝你生日快樂! 21 、

33、With love and the very warmest birthday,andbecause you re a wonderful sister.獻上我對你的愛,祝你生日快樂充滿溫馨,都因為你是最可愛的姐姐。22 、happy birthday to my husband!for all you do the wholeyear through,this brings world of love to you.祝我的夫君生日快樂,感謝你一年到頭辛苦勞碌,讓賀卡帶給你傾心的愛慕。23 、 send this special birthday wish justto let you kno

34、w that youll always be remembered forthe thoughtfulness you show.獻上這特別的生日祝愿,只想讓您知道:因為您對我的體貼關懷,我永遠不會把您忘懷。 24 、To my husband,Happy birthdaywith allmy love!給我的丈夫, 用我全部的愛祝你生日快樂!25 、for allyoumean to me each day,for all the happiness you bring myway,for the love we share and the memories, too,i mhoping y

35、our birthday is happy for you.為了你每天在我心中的地位,為了你帶給我生活中的玫瑰,也為了我們之間的愛和回憶,我祝愿你生日幸福,歡天喜地。26 、I wantto tell you on this special day that I m very glad,time hasn t changed our friendship any. Hoping yourbirthday is great.在這特殊的日子里,我想說我真高興,時光沒有改變我們的友誼,祝你生日其樂無窮。27 、Wehopethatyou enjoy thisspecialday and your b

36、irthdaygrowshappier by the minute!我們祝你歡慶這一天,愿你生日的快樂與分俱增! 28 、With love to my wife,I mgrateful for the special love you show in different ways-lovethat gives a special touch to ordinary days,love that s always filled our home with beauty,warmth and cheer-I m grateful for the special love you give tom

37、e all year.把愛獻給我妻,感謝你深愛我無微不至,你的愛充實了平凡的日子,你的愛浸潤著我們的家室,使它美滿、溫馨、樂滋滋,感謝你對我又是一年恩愛情深,關懷備至。祝兄弟、姐妹生日。 29 、roses,sweetand fragrant,sentto you to say,may each hour be a happy one on thisspecial day.have a happy birthday!送你一束甜蜜芬芳的玫瑰,她對你說,今天的喜慶分外美妙,每時每刻都同樣幸福,令人陶醉。祝你生日快樂!30 、Warmwishes on yourbirthday.I send alo

38、ng my love and affection for you aswell as a small gift.Take care!熱烈祝賀你的生日,捎給你我對你的愛,也寄去一件小禮物,多保重!【篇三】幽默搞笑英語生日祝福語1 、愿你生日煥發(fā)光彩,伴隨著喜悅和歡笑,從天明到日落。May your birthday shine with joy and laughterfrom dawnto sunset. 2、情緣駐我心,相思比夢長。祝你生日快樂!生命中的每一天永遠青春靚麗!Love is in my heart.Acacia is longer than dreams. Happy birt

39、hday to you!Every day of life is always young and beautiful! 3、原一切的快樂,一切的幸福,一切的溫馨,一切的好運永遠圍繞在你身邊!生日快樂!All the happiness, all thehappiness,all the warmth,all the good luckaround youforever!Happy birthday!4、明天比今天快樂,天天快樂!Happy tomorrow than today, happy every day! 5、在這屬于你的日子里祝你生日快樂愿你每一天都充滿快樂、幸福、溫馨與滿足!Ha

40、ppy birthdaytoyou on thisday thatbelongstoyou.May everyday be filledwithhappiness,happiness, warmth and satisfaction. 6、生命,從小溪的流淌中獲得;青春,在飛流的傾瀉中閃光;存在的價值,于大河的奔流中呈現(xiàn)。Lifeis acquiredfrom the flowa stream; youth shines in the flow of a torrent; thevalue of existence is presented in the flow of a greatrive

41、r. 7、常常思念你,在我的心里;默默祝福你,在我的of心底。愿你佳節(jié)愉快,幸福甜蜜。Often miss you, in myheart; silently bless you, in my heart. Wishing you ahappy and sweet holiday. 8、朋友,在這美好的日子里,緊握屬于你的幸福。祝你生日快樂!Friends, in thisbeautifulday,grasp the happinessthatbelongsto you.Happy birthday to you! 9、長長的距離,長長的線,連著長長的思念。 遠遠的空間, 久久的時間, 剪不斷

42、遠方的掂念!Long distance, long line, long miss. Far space, longtime, cut away from the distant meditation! 10、知道你快過生日了,想要什么禮物就盡管說,說呀,快說呀短信看完,時效已過。 Know that you are about to celebrate your birthday, just say whatever gift you want, say,say, read the shortmessage, the time limithas passed.11、常歡笑,祝福時常身邊繞,短

43、信此刻不能少,只因你的生日到,生日快樂! Oftenlaugh,blessingsoftenaround,textmessages cannotbelessatthemoment,justbecause of your birthday, happy birthday! 12、愿這張小卡片,給你快樂的日子平添一分春色,一分樂趣,一分怡心!May thislittlecardadd a littlespring,a littlepleasure and a little pleasure to your happy days! 13、在這個特別的日子,我沒有更好的祝福,只是希望你能夠快樂,即便是

44、讓我一無所有。On this special day, I haveno better wishes, just hope you can be happy, even ifI have nothing. 14、今天生日祝福您:天天娃哈哈,歲歲樂百事,笑臉美如花,青春惹人夸。生日快樂!Today sbirthday wishes to you: every day Wahaha, every year happy Pepsi, beautiful smiling face, youth provokingpraise. Happy birthday! 15、送你的是幾度春秋,留下來的卻是屬于你

45、我的那份最真摯的友誼,朋友生日快樂!Several Spring and Autumn Festivals were sent to you, but the most sincere friendship belongs to you and me.Happy birthday to my friend! 16、山迢迢,水遙遙,千里之外祝福到;噓聲寒,問句暖,壽星今日樂逍遙。生日快樂! The mountainsare far away, the watersare faraway,the blessings are thousands of miles away; the hiss isc

46、old, the questionis warm, thelongevitystar ishappyand happy today. Happy birthday! 17、生日快樂!你快樂所以我快樂,你不快樂我不快樂。不管誰快樂,還是祝你生日快樂!Happy birthday!You are happy, so I am happy,you are not happy, I am not happy. Whoever is happy,happy birthday to you! 18、短信是我跳動的心,跳躍的字符是我熱情的愛!歡快的消息音?當然就是我對你的贊美了 !Shortmessage

47、ismy beatingheart,jumpingcharacteris my passionatelove!Happy news? Of course,that s my compliment to you! 19、祝你生日快樂,健康幸福!Happy birthday, health and happiness! 20、不是每天都能過生日,希望我今天生日快樂,愿你年年歲歲幸福永伴! It s not every day that I can celebrate my birthday. I hope I have a happy birthday today. I wishyou happi

48、ness every year. 21、感謝上帝賜給我像你這樣的妹妹!在你的生日里,我愿你快快活活!妹妹生日愉快!Thank God for giving me a sister like you! In yourbirthday,I wish you happy! Happy birthdaytomy sister!22、你我心心相印,快樂生日。Happy Birthdaytoyou andme. 23 、在您的身上,我懂得了人生的意義,看到了真正的生命之光。祝您生日快樂!In you, I understand themeaning of life and see the real light of life. Happybirthday to you! 24、輕輕捎給你我的祝福小小言語,濃濃情誼都在這一份真摯的心意永遠伴隨著你我祝你生日快樂。 Gently take my blessings to you, small words, strong friendship in this sincere


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