



1、.比較級的用法句型: A+動詞 +形容詞比較級+than + B.二者相比較 ,說明“ A 比 B 更 一些”時要用一個連詞than引導的從句.I am older than you.注意than 后面接代詞時,一般要用主格.但在口語中也可使用賓格.需注意的比較級用法1.在形容詞比較級前還可以用 much, even, still, a little, 來修飾 ,表示“ 的多” ,“甚至 ” ,“更 ” ,“ 一些” .Our city is much more beautiful than yours.我們的城市比你們的漂亮得多.This is even harder than steel.

2、這個東西甚至比鋼還硬.2.表示倍數: times+形容詞比較級+thanOur room is twice larger than theirs.我們的房間比他們的大二倍.The Yangzi River is ten times longer than the river in your city.長江比你們城市的河長十倍.3.表示“大三歲”,“高二厘米”時要用表示數、量的詞+比較級來表示.I'm two years older than you.我比你大二歲 .4.比較級 + than any other + 單數名詞表示“比其他的任何 都 ”(這個句型是用比較級形式表達最高級的意

3、思.)He is better than any other student in the class.他在班里 ,比任何一個別的學生都好.(暗指:他是最好的)5.比較級 +and+比較級譯為“越來越 ”China is more and more beautiful.中國變得越來越美麗注意多音節(jié)形容詞用此句型時,要用 more and more + 形容詞原級;而不能用more beautiful and more beautiful.6.the+ 比較級 ,the+比較級 譯為“越 就越 ”The busier he is, the happier he feels.他越忙就越高興.The

4、 higher the ground( is),the thinner air becomes.越高 ,空氣就越稀薄.7.the+ 比較級+ of the two譯為“兩個中比較 的”.This watch is the cheaper of the two.這支手表是兩個中比較便宜的.He is the better of the two.他是這兩個人中比較好的.8.Which( Who )is+比較級 ?比較 A 和 B,問“哪一個較 ?”時用Which is+ 比較級,A or B?句型.如果是人與人相比時,用Who代替Which.Which one is more popular, t

5、he radio or the movie?收音機和電影,哪一個更普及?一般來說,表示“等于”時用原級,它的結構是1 / 6.as+原級 +as.如: I'm as tall as my twin brother. 我和我的雙胞胎哥哥一樣高.比較級和最高級有規(guī)則變化和不規(guī)則變化兩種.1) 規(guī)則變化單音節(jié)詞和少數雙音節(jié)詞,加詞尾 -er,-est 來構成比較級和最高級.構成法原級比較級最高級一般單音節(jié)詞tall( 高的 ) taller tallest未尾加 -er,-est great(巨大的 ) greater greatest以不發(fā)音的e 結尾nice(好的 ) nicer nic

6、est的單音詞和少數large(大的 ) larger largest以 - le 結尾的雙 able(有能力的 ) abler ablest音節(jié)詞只加 -r,-st以一個輔音字母big(大的 ) bigger biggest結尾的閉音節(jié)單hot 熱的 ) hotter hottest音節(jié)詞 ,雙寫結尾的輔音字母 ,再加 -er,-est" 以輔音字母 +y" easy(容易的 ) easier easiest結尾的雙音節(jié)詞,busy(忙的 ) busier busiest改 y 為 i,再加-er,-est少數以 -er,-ow clever( 聰明的 ) clevere

7、r cleverest結尾的雙音節(jié)詞narrow( 窄的 ) narrower narrowest未尾加 -er,-est其他雙音節(jié)詞和important( 重要的 )多音節(jié)詞 ,在前more important面加 more,most most important來構成比較級和easily(容易地 )最高級 . more easilymost easily2) 不規(guī)則變化原級比較級最高級good(好的 )/ better bestwell( 健康的 )bad (壞的 )/ worse worstill( 有病的 )old (老的 ) older/elder oldest/eldestmuch

8、/many( 多的 ) more mostlittle( 少的 ) less leastfar (遠的) farther/further farthest/furthest注:有些形容詞一般沒有比較等級。如:right, wrong, woolen等。*as +形容詞或副詞原級+ as1)在否定句或疑問句中可用soas.He cannot run so/as fast as you.2 / 6.2)當 asas 中間有名詞時采用以下格式.as +形容詞 + a +單數名詞as + many/much + 名詞This is as good an example as the other is.

9、I can carry as much paper as you can.3)用表示倍數的詞或其他程度副詞做修飾語時This room is twice as big as that one.Your room is the same size as mine.4) 倍數 + as + adj. + as 倍數 + then + ofThis bridge is three times as long as that one.This bridge is three times the length of that one.Your room is twice as large as mine

10、.Your room is twice the size of mine.,放在as 的前面.* 可修飾比較級的詞1)a bit, a little, rather, much, far, by far, many, a lot, lots, a great deal, any, still, even等2)還可以用表示倍數的詞或度量名詞作修飾語.3)以上詞 (除 by far)外 ,必須置于比較級形容詞或副詞的前面.* the +最高級+ 比較范圍1) The Sahara is the biggest desert in the world.形容詞最高級前通常必須用定冠詞the, 副詞最高

11、級前可不用.形容詞 most 前面沒有the,不表示最高級的含義,只表示 "非常 ".It is a most important problem.=It is a very important problem.注意:使用最高級要注意將主語包括在比較范圍內.(錯 ) Tom is the tallest of his three brothers.(對 ) Tom is the tallest of the three brothers.2) 下列詞可修飾最高級 ,by far, far, much, mostly, almost This hat is nearly /

12、almost the biggest.注意:a. very 可修飾最高級,但位置與much 不同 .This is the very best.This is much the best.b. 序數詞通常只修飾最高級.Africa is the second largest continent.3) 句型轉換:Mike is the most intelligent in his class.Mike is more intelligent than any other students in his class.4) "否定詞語 +比較級 "," 否定詞語 +

13、soas"結構表示最高級含義.Nothing is so easy as this.=Nothing is easier than this.=This is the easiest thing.二、形容詞各等級的用法:1、 原級 (同級 )比較: asas; not as(so)as3 / 6.We ll give you as much help as we can.She isn t as(so)active in sports as before.2. 比較級:表示兩者之間比更可用狀語much, a little, even等修飾: He made fewer mistake

14、s than I did.He is even richer than I.3、 高級:形容詞最高級前必須加the, 副詞最高級前常省略the ,后面多用of , in 短語表示范圍:It was the most/least interesting story I have ever listened.He is the tallest of the three.4、 如果在兩者之間表示“最 ”時要在比較級前加the ,而且還用of the two, of the pair短語:John is the clever of the two boys.Of the two boys, John

15、is the clever.三、重點與難點:1、 asas結構:你和湯姆是一樣好的孩子。You re a boy as good as Tom.=You re as goodaboy as Tom.2、 (1)too to與 so that sb.can 的t 句型轉換:前者為簡單句,主語只有一個,而后者為復合句,主語有兩個,試比較:The man was too angry to be able to speak.The man was so angry that he wasn t able to speak.The milk was too hot to drink.The milk w

16、as so hot that we can t drink it.(2) tooto 與 not enough to句型的轉換:He is too young to get married.=He is not old enough to get married.The book is too difficult for me to read.=The book is not easy enough for me to read.3、 形容詞原級表示比較級含義:約翰不象邁克那么苯。John is not so stupid as Mike.John is less stupid than Mi

17、ke.John is cleverer than Mike.4、 用比較級表示最高級:約翰是班里最高的男生。John is taller than any other boy in the class.John is the tallest boy in the class.John is taller than :any other boy.any of the other boy.all the other boy.any of the others.any one else.5、 the more. the more 表.示 “越越 ”:The more books you read,

18、the wider your knowledge is.The more food you eat, the fatter you are.6、 more and more .表示 “越來越 ”:More and more students realized the importance of a foreign language.Our country is getting stronger and stronger.less than與 more than意思相反 ,主要用法有:4 / 6.1. 用于兩者比較,意為 “比少 (小 ) ”。 如:I earn less than he doe

19、s.我比他錢掙得少。She eats less than a bird.她的食量比小鳥還少。2. 指數量上 “少于 ”“不足 ”。 如:It costs less than 5. 這值不了5 英鎊。I'll see you in less than three weeks.要不了 3 周我就能再見到你了。3. 表示輕微的否定,意為 “不很 ”“并不是太 ”(主要見于美國英語中)。如:The job was less than perfect.這工作不十分理想。The boys were less than happy about having a party.開晚會男孩子并不很高興。l

20、ess.than1. 表示 “不像 (如 ) ”。 如:He is less honest than his brother.他不如他哥哥聰明。This film is less interesting than that one.這部電影不如那部電影有趣。2. 表示 “比少 ”“不如多 ”。 如:We drink less coffee than tea.我們喝咖啡不如喝茶多。We have less rainfall here than in Shanghai.我們這兒的降雨量比上海少。3. 表示 “與其不如 ”。 如:I regard him less as my teacher tha

21、n as my friend.與其說我把他當作老師,不如說我是把他當作朋友。less 和 least 可加在形容詞或副詞等之前表示 “較不 ”或 “最不 ”,一、用于形容詞前1. 用于單音節(jié)形容詞前。如:Summer clothes are invariably less kind to fuller figures.體形較豐滿的人穿夏裝總是不那么好看。I found it immensely rewarding working with the less able children.為能力差的孩子工作我覺得是非常值得的。The voice, less coarse now, stirred

22、her as it had then.現在那聲音已不那么刺耳,它又如當年一樣讓她怦然心動。2. 用于雙(多)音節(jié)形容詞前Jack was careful but Peter was less careful.杰克細心,但是彼得差一些。It may be less useful than it appears at first.它似乎不像初看上去那樣有用。Any other的英語用法(后接單復數的區(qū)別)5 / 6.注意 any other的用法,是指在同一范圍內除了某人或某物以外的其他人或事物,any other后跟單數名詞,也可以說 any of the other+復數名詞。如:Tom runs faster than any other student(或 any of the other students)in his class.湯姆比他班上的任何人都跑得快。Shanghai is langer than other city in China.上海比中國的任何一個城市都大。【注】但比和被比的人或物不在同一范圍或不屬同一類別,就不用other 。如:Shanghai is larger than any city in India.上海比印度的任何城市都大。Painting leaves more impression on people t


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