1、2014年8月12021/8/14知識目標 掌握信封和信函的基本構(gòu)成和行文要求掌握信封和信函的基本構(gòu)成和行文要求 掌握商務信函的寫作原則掌握商務信函的寫作原則 掌握商務信函的寫作技巧掌握商務信函的寫作技巧 了解商務信函的文體特點了解商務信函的文體特點22021/8/14商務信函的信封格式商務信函的格式商務信函寫作七原則大綱商務信函的文體特點商務信函的寫作技巧常用商務信函寫作32021/8/1442021/8/14信封(縮格式)信封(縮格式)52021/8/14信封信封(1)寄信人姓名和地址應寫在信封的左上角,且務必與封內(nèi)地址一致,寄信人姓名前無需加頭銜或職稱(2)收信人姓名和地址寫在信封中下偏
2、右的位置,包括尊稱/頭銜、工作部門、姓名、地址、郵編(3)寄信人和收信人的姓名和地址的書寫順序是:先寫姓名后寫地址。地址的書寫應由小至大,先寫機構(gòu)名稱,再依次寫門牌、街道、城市、州/省及郵政編碼,最后寫國名62021/8/14平頭式商務信函的格式商務信函的格式(完全平頭式)72021/8/1482021/8/14商務信函的格式商務信函的格式 基本部分: (1)信頭 (2)日期:英國12 July 2003;July 12,2003 (3)信內(nèi)地址 (4)稱呼語:Dear Sirs(寫給某個機構(gòu)而非具體某個人); Dear Sir or Madam(寫給某個不知姓名的部門或機構(gòu)負責人) (5)正
3、文 (6)信尾客套語:置于信函正文空出2-4行處 (7)簽名稱呼結(jié)尾敬語Dear Sir (s) /Dear MadamDear Sir or MadamYours faithfullyDear Miss Jones/ Dear SamYours sincerely 92021/8/14英文商務信函的組成部分 其他部分: (1)附件(Enclosure,Enc.) (2)檔號(Ref.) (3)標題(Subject):信函內(nèi)容的簡要提示,置于稱呼語下方,中間空一行。標題一般要大寫 (4)抄送副本(Courtesy Copy,C.C.),信函的副本需抄送給第三方“C.C. Ravi Gopal,
4、 General Manager” (4)郵寄說明:航空By Air-Mail;掛號信Registered;快信 Express;Printed Matter 印刷品; Confidential 密件 102021/8/14商務信函寫作七原則商務信函寫作七原則7C原則原則體諒體諒Consideration清楚清楚Clarity簡潔簡潔Conciseness正確正確Correctness具體具體Concreteness禮貌禮貌Courtesy完整完整Completeness112021/8/14一、禮貌 禮貌原則禮貌是商務場上的重要法則,禮貌周到的信函可贏得對方好感。 在信函中宜多用 “It w
5、ill be highly appreciated that ”,“It is our pleasure to” ,“We feel dread fully sorry that ”,“We regret that ”等禮貌用語。 122021/8/14二、體諒 與其他寫作不同 ,商務英語信函寫作強調(diào)的是信息溝通的效果 ,不僅要關(guān)心內(nèi)容的正確與完整 ,還必須重視對方的反應 ,只有站在對方的立場上思考和處理問題 ,才能獲得滿意的溝通效果。 應注意強調(diào)對方利益。在商務英語寫作中 ,對方獲取信息的最根本目的是要了解他們將獲得什么利益以及這些利益是否能滿足他們的需要。132021/8/14二、體諒 “
6、You attitude”在商務交際活動中以對方為中心,站在對方的角度考慮問題,盡量照顧對方的感受,滿足對方的需求,以達到我方成功交際的目的。 We allow you 2 percent discount for cash payment. You can enjoy 2 percent discount when you pay in cash. We have received your letter about shipment Thank you for your letter regarding shipment We are glad to have got your busin
7、ess card and some of your samples You kindly presented your business card and some of your samples142021/8/14三、完整 完整不是冗長啰嗦,它指的是商務信函中應包括所有必要的信息。一封完整的商業(yè)信函應該是對對方提出的問題逐一做答而且對自己要表達的重要信息說明清楚。 信函的完整性有助于建立良好的企業(yè)形象,節(jié)省雙方的商務往來時間而達到預期的效果,避免因重要信息不全而引起的不必要的糾紛。152021/8/14四、清楚 商務英語信函寫作最重要的原則。一封含糊不清、 辭不達意的書信會引起誤會與歧義,
8、甚至會造成貿(mào)易損失。清楚表達應注意選擇準確、 簡煉的詞以及正確的句子結(jié)構(gòu)。 We shall take a firm line with the firm. 第一個 “firm” 的意思是 “strong”,第二個 “firm” 的意思是 “company”。在一句話中 ,要避免重復使用一個有兩種不同含意的詞。 We shall take a strong line with the firm.162021/8/14五、簡潔 有力、 生動的措詞是增強國際商務信函有效性的一大法寶。 ABC Corporation was founded fifty years ago and it now ha
9、s branch offices in four states and it employs nearly 400 individuals. () ABC Corporation was founded fifty years ago. With branch offices in four states, it now employs nearly 400 individuals. () As what you have requested ,we are sending you our newest catalog. () As requested, ()172021/8/14六、具體 在
10、商務信函中 ,要盡可能使所傳遞的信息具體、準確而形象。 We hope the equipment will be delivered to our company as soon as possible.() Please deliver the equipment to our company before next Friday. ()182021/8/14七、正確 商務英語信函與買賣雙方的權(quán)力、義務、利害關(guān)系、企業(yè)形象等息息相關(guān),是制作各種商業(yè)單據(jù)的依據(jù),以及進行商業(yè)活動往來的重要憑證。準確無誤是商業(yè)英語信函寫作的最重要的原則。準確原則不僅僅指單詞拼寫、標點符號無誤,語法使用、結(jié)構(gòu)格式
11、正確,還應確保信函所涉及的信息、數(shù)字、事實準確無誤。 We strongly demand immediate payment in full or partial payment with a statement of when you will pay the balance. 我們強烈要求你們馬上全部付款或者部分付款,但要說明何時將余款付清。 在普通英語中,“balance” 表示“平衡”,而在商務英語中則表示“結(jié)余, 余額”。192021/8/14202021/8/14“四部式” 正文結(jié)構(gòu) 商務信函由四部分組成 ,即引言(introduction) 、 詳情(details) 、 應答
12、(response)和結(jié)束語(close) 。 引言:出于禮貌 ,常常通過告知事由或提及彼此以前的聯(lián)系引出正文 ,而不是開門見山談具體的事情 ,以免唐突與失禮。 常用句型: We refer to your Order No. 8 and regret to say that Thank you for your letter dated Through the courtesy of our Commercial Counselors Office in London , we learned that you are interested in doing business with us
13、.212021/8/14“四部式” 正文結(jié)構(gòu) 詳情:具體說明事宜及具體要求。這部分是正文的核心。如涉及幾件不同事項 ,應該按照主次順序分幾個段落進行說明 ,通常是一個段落說明一個事項;同時,在敘述同一事項時要注意條理與邏輯性。通常把涉及限制、 付款、 罰款、賠償?shù)炔缓玫男畔⒎旁谧詈蟆?22021/8/14“四部式” 正文結(jié)構(gòu) 應答:該部分是第二部分的延續(xù),可以是要求對方確認、 答復或寄來價目表,也可以告訴對方隨函寄去的附件或表示歡迎對方詢價或咨詢??筛鶕?jù)具體情況來確定這一部分內(nèi)容是否有存在的必要。 結(jié)束語:通常是以一個相關(guān)的短句結(jié)束全文,是在完成以上三部分之后表示禮節(jié)性的一句客套語。23202
14、1/8/14242021/8/14禮貌、委婉語氣 禮貌可以帶來友誼,使對方閱讀后產(chǎn)生好感。委婉禮貌用語在商務信函中既可委婉地拒絕對方的要求或條件,而又能保持友好的貿(mào)易關(guān)系。因此在商務信函中,要學會用委婉的語氣來指出對方的不盡如人意之處。252021/8/14禮貌、委婉語氣 We regret having to remind you that we have not received your payment of the balance of US $5 000. We have not received your payment of the balance of US $ 5000.Yo
15、u have to replace the damaged records. We will appreciate it if you replace the damaged records.pIf understood your letter correctly, I would immediately accept your offer. p Your letter is not clear at all, I cannot understand it.262021/8/14用陳述句表示委婉的祈使意義 信函涉及的雙方為貿(mào)易伙伴,地位是平等的。因此,一方如果希望另一方采取某種行為,一般都不使
16、用祈使句型,而用陳述句表示自己的愿望,至于對方是否采取這種行動則留待對方定奪。 It would be appreciated if you could send us your shipping instructions. () Dont forget to send us your shipping instructions. ()272021/8/14少用否定形式 在商務信函中,出現(xiàn)一些否定和消極面的信息是難免的,如漲價等,在這種情況下,要盡量強調(diào)積極面,減少負面詞匯。積極因素較消極因素更能激發(fā)對方興趣 ,獲得對方認同。 盡量少用否定詞,“not,cant”等;避免使用消極的詞匯,“de
17、lay,unacceptable”等,多使用積極詞匯,“reasonable,appreciate”等,“Please be assured that”We do not believe that you will have cause for dissatisfaction. ()We feel surely that you will be entirely satisfied. ()We cannot fill your order because you failed to send your check. ()We shall be glad to fill your order a
18、s soon as we receive your check. ()282021/8/14大量使用套語公文寫作常包括幾個固定的步驟,商務英語信函也是如此。在長期實踐中,一些比較固定的句型逐漸被普遍使用。 表示自己收到對方的來函時可常用:we are in receipt of your letterwe admit receipt of your letterwe acknowledge receipt of 表示自己是在回復某份函電時可用:regarding your letter of in reply to your letter ofreferring to your letter
19、of 說明白己是從何處得知對方時可用:your name and address has been given byhas referred us to you 表示希望得到回函時可用:to receive your positivefavorable reply 說明寄上某物時可用:Enclosed please findWe are enclosing292021/8/14常用信函寫作 催款信 詢問函與回復函 邀請函302021/8/14催款信 Collection Letters 催款的基本做法: 寄一張月結(jié)單 寄一張附帶補充說明的月結(jié)單 寄一封措辭正式的信函 再寄一封正式催款信 寄信通
20、知對方,若不能在規(guī)定時間內(nèi)付清貨款,就將訴諸法律312021/8/14催款信 Collection Letters 第一封催款信Dear Sir/MadamAccount Number 6251As you are usually very prompt in settling your accounts, we wonder whether there is any special reason why we have not received payment of this account, which is already a month overdue.In case you may
21、not have received the statement of account sent on 31 May showing a balance owing of $105.68, a copy is enclosed. We hope this will receive you early attention.Yours faithfully322021/8/14催款信 Collection Letters 第二封催款信Dear Sir/MadamAccount Number 6251As we have not received a reply to our letter of 5
22、July requesting settlement of the above account, we are writing again to remind you that the amount still owing is $105.68.No doubt there is some special reason for the delay in payment, and we should welcome an explanation together with your remittance.Yours faithfully332021/8/14催款信 Collection Lett
23、ers 第三封催款信Dear Sir/MadamAccount Number 6251We do not appear to have received replies to our previous requests of 5 and 16 July for payment of the sum of $105.68 still owing on this account.It is with the utmost regret that we have reached the stage when we must press for immediate payment. We have n
24、o wish to be unreasonable, but failing payment by 7 August you will leave us no choice but to place the matter in other hands.We sincerely hope this will not become necessary.Yours faithfully342021/8/14催款信 Collection Letters 最后一封催款信Dear Sir/MadamAccount Number 6251We are surprised that we have recei
25、ved no reply to the further letter we sent to you on 28 July regarding the long overdue payment of $105.68 on your account.Our relations in the past have always been good. Even so we cannot allow the amount to remain unpaid indefinitely. Unless the amount due is paid or a satisfactory explanation re
26、ceived by the end of this month, we shall be reluctantly compelled to put this matter in the hands of our solicitors. Yours faithfully352021/8/14催款信 Collection Letters 使用堅定而又通情達理的語氣 提及最初的付款日期 申明處罰條例(如合同中有規(guī)定) 提及已經(jīng)給予的寬限期 給出新的最后期限 指出后果362021/8/14詢問函 向以前從未打過交道的供貨商咨詢時,要提及你是如何得知對方公司的,而且要詳細介紹你公司的情況。為樹立良好的商
27、業(yè)信譽,要認真回復這種詢問函。 “四點方案”:概述、提供詳細情況、提出要求、結(jié)尾處提供聯(lián)系電話。372021/8/14詢問函 Enquiries Dear Sir/MadamXX inform us that you are manufacturers of polyester cotton bedsheets and pillow cases.We are dealers in textiles and believe there is a promising market in our area for moderately priced goods of this kind.Please
28、 let me have details of your various ranges including sizes, colors and prices, together with samples of the different qualities of material used.Please state your terms of payment and discounts allowed on purchases of quantities of not less than 500 of specific items. Prices quoted should include d
29、elivery to our address shown above.Your prompt reply would be appreciated. Yours faithfully 382021/8/14回復函 RepliesDear Ms DenningI was glad to learn from your letter of 18 July of your interest in our products. As requested our catalogue and price list are enclosed, together with details of our cond
30、itions of sale and terms of payment. We have considered your proposal to place orders for a guaranteed minimum number of machines in return for a special allowance. However after careful consideration we feel it would be better to offer you a special allowance on the following sliding scale basis.On
31、 purchases exceeding an annual total of:$1000 but not exceeding $3000 3%$3000 but not exceeding $7500 4%I feel that an arrangement on these lines would be more satisfactory to both our companies.I look forward to working with you and hope to hear from you soon.Yours sincerely 392021/8/14邀請函 邀請函寫作時要簡
32、潔熱情,內(nèi)容明確,將時間和地點等事宜寫清晰,同時要顯示我方的誠意。 Beginning: This letter is to formally invite you to We are writing to inform/confirm/request you that We are inviting you for It is indeed a great pleasure to invite you402021/8/14邀請函 Informing the details: The meeting will start with The seminar will offer an excel
33、lent opportunity for Ending: Your presence will take the event to a different height and it will be an encouragement for all of us. We consider your participation in this conference vital and dispensable and strongly hope you will attend.412021/8/14422021/8/1443(1)感謝對方的來信)感謝對方的來信 We thank you for yo
34、ur letter (inquiry, telex, e-mail, fax etc.) of Thank you for We appreciate We were pleased to receive Please accept our thanks for Thank you for your letter on November 10.2021/8/1444(2)對來信進行回復)對來信進行回復We are pleased to reply to your letter (inquiry, telex, e-mail, fax etc.) of In answer to In respo
35、nse to In reply to 2021/8/1445(3)回復來信中的有關(guān)問題)回復來信中的有關(guān)問題With reference to your letter (inquiry, telex, e-mail, fax etc.) ofIn reference to Referring to We refer to 2021/8/1446(4)回復來信中提出的要求或指示)回復來信中提出的要求或指示As requested in your letter of As required As instructed According to the request/ instruction In
36、 accordance with In compliance with In conformity with 2021/8/1447(5)表達滿意和欣喜)表達滿意和欣喜It was a pleasureto learn from your letter of thatWe were glad 2021/8/1448(6)表達遺憾和驚訝)表達遺憾和驚訝We regret to learn from your letter of that We were sorry We were surprised 2021/8/1449 對于主動和對方聯(lián)系的商務信函,可以用對于主動和對方聯(lián)系的商務信函,可以用
37、以下方式開頭。以下方式開頭。Your company has been recommended to us by We have learnt from that We learned about your company from the Internet that you are one of the leading manufacturers in this line.We owe your name and address to .We have had your name and address given to us by (1)通過別人的介紹了解到對方)通過別人的介紹了解到對方2
38、021/8/1450(2)對以前信函的補充或確認)對以前信函的補充或確認Further to our letter of the 5th of this month 對我方某月某日的信函補充對我方某月某日的信函補充如下如下 With further reference to our letter of Confirming our letter/conversation of 我方確認某月某日的信函我方確認某月某日的信函/會會談談We confirm that out letter of and 我方確認某日信函并我方確認某日信函并 With further reference to 對對進一步補充如下進一步補充如下 2021/8/1451(3)通知對
- 1. 本站所有資源如無特殊說明,都需要本地電腦安裝OFFICE2007和PDF閱讀器。圖紙軟件為CAD,CAXA,PROE,UG,SolidWorks等.壓縮文件請下載最新的WinRAR軟件解壓。
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- 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負責。
- 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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