



1、Psychological analysis of Hamlets character transformation蔡曉琳 翻譯學(xué)院 12307007Seven long monologues from Hamlet is a prominent characteristic of the play. On the one hand, the monologues shows us Hamlets abundant inner world and his character. On the other hand , it is clue which go through the whole p

2、lay. From the seven monologues, we can figure out Hamlets transformation in inner world.The first monologue appears in act one, scene two. After his fathers death, his mother remarried to the new king-Hamlets uncle, within two months. In this monologue, we could find out that he was disappointed by

3、the fact . “O, that this too too solid flesh would melt, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew! Or that the Everlasting had not fixed .His canon gainst self-slaughter! O God, God, How weary, stale, flat and unprofitable Seem to me all the uses73 of this world!” He expressed his thought to melt his body

4、 and become dew, which implied his tendency to die. Since then, Hamlet shifted to a pessimistic prince from an optimistic one. Yet, he hadnt felt desperate about the world. “Fie ont, ah fie, tis an unweeded garden. That grows to seed: things rank and gross in nature .Possess it merely.” As far as he

5、 was concerned, the world is a garden with weed, it can still recover after being repaired.Hamlet gave his second monologue after meeting his fathers ghost. Since his father revealed the new kings sin to him, he completely had gained a new outlook on life and world. He was plunging into a mental cri

6、sis as his own words:” Yea, from the table of my memory, Ill wipe away all trivial fond59 records, All saws of books,60 all forms, all pressures past, That youth and observation copied there.” Although his fathers command took up his confused mind, he just said “remember me” instead of giving his wo

7、rd on taking revenge on his uncle immediately, Its indispensable for him to finish revenge for his father; however, he was blocked by his own hard circumstance. At that time, Hamlet had sunk into a conflicting feeling.Before Hamlet gave his third monologue, he had been through a number of experience

8、s. Hamlet ordered the player read the chapter in which the old king was killed, his devotion of revenge was aroused greatly by the character-Hecubas pain. However, he didnt react to his devotion without a second thought, he tried to prove whether the words from the ghost were true or not through his

9、 arrangement of a story within a story. His consideration actually indicated his humanism.In Hamlets fourth monologue, he was distracted by the serious problems of civil virtues, willpower, and existence etc. His revenge mission was delayed again. His fathers death , mothers remarriage and friends r

10、ebellion , as a serious events happened, Hamlet had clearly seen all kinds of social evil deeds and ugliness in humanity. As a result, he started to hold a suspicious attitude towards life. “To be, or not to be: that is the question. Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of

11、 outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them?” Lifes hardness and fear towards death confused his mind. He lingered about live and death ,he pondered and hesitated at the moment when he need to revenge.Hamlet was affected so greatly by others that he lost

12、his true feeling of the outside world. However, when he saw Claudius showed his hoof during the play, he eventually decided to take action. In the first half of the fifth monologue, he said:” Tis now the very witching time of night, When churchyards yawn and hell itself breathes out Contagion to thi

13、s world. Now could I drink hot blood And do such bitter business as the day Would quake to look on.” Suddenly, he felt confidence strongly strengthened that he would kill his uncle without hesitation. This monologue could be regarded as a turning point of Hamlet, as Hamlet had finally changed his co

14、mplicated thought and consideration into a clear revenge plan. He knew exactly what he was going to do. When Hamlet, who had made preparation, eventually got the opportunity to kill Claudius without attendants by his side, he was again stopped it, because Claudius was repenting to God, which couldnt

15、 make his go to hell as punishment. “To take him in the purging of his soul, When he is fit and seasoned for his passage? No! Up, sword, and know thou a more horrid hent.” The sixth monologue implied that Christianity was rooted in Hamlets mind, it contrasts with Hamlets humanism before. A humanist

16、only admit reality instead of an afterlife , and he was revengeful. Although Hamlet tried to follow the way humanists behave, he was full of worries, and tortured during his effort to keep balance between religion and humanism.Hamlet killed Polonius by mistake when he was talking to his mother, then

17、 Claudius started to be suspicious of Hamlet , he felt that Hamlet had become a threaten to him ,so he decided to send Hamlet abroad. At the same time, Hamlet seemed to become decisive. In his seventh monologue, its clear that Hamlet had totally made up his mind to take action. “O, from this time forth, My thoughts be bloody, or be nothing worth!” We cant see his depression anymore. In fact, we still cant see any indication that Hamlet was going to revenge. Although Hamlets monologues were over, he was continuing to think about the significant of life.Its his thought to life t


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