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1、七年級上冊重點(diǎn)句Unit 1 Topic l Welcome to China!重點(diǎn)句1 . Good morning!早上好 Good afternoon!下午好 Good evening!晚上好2 . Hello ! /Hi !你好3 .- Welcome to China! 歡迎來到中國-Thank you . / Thanks.謝謝4 . I'm Kangkang .我是康康5 .Are you Michael?你是邁克爾嗎?Yes, I am. /No, I'm not.是的,我是。/不,我不是。6 .Nice to meet / see you.見到你很高興Nice

2、 to meet/see you, too.見到你我也很高興7 . Mom, this is my teacher, Mr. Brown.媽媽,這是我的老師,布朗先生。8 .How do_you do? 你好How do you do? 你好9 .How are you?你好嗎?Fine, thanks. /I'm fine, thank you . And you?我很好,謝謝,你呢?10 . -Goodbye . 再見Bye .Unit 1 Topic 2 Where are you from?重點(diǎn)句1 .Excuse me. are you Jane?請問,你是簡嗎?Yes, I

3、 am . /No, I'm not.是的,我是。/不,我不是2 .What' s your name?爾叫什么名字?My name is Sally.我的名字叫莎莉3 .Where are you from? 你來自哪里?I'm from Canada .我來自加拿大4 . Are you from Canada, too.你也來自加拿大嗎?5 .Is she Jane? 她是簡嗎?Yes, she is. 是的,她是。Is he Li Ming?他是李明嗎?No , he isn :不,他不是。6 .-Who is he/she?他/她是誰-He/ She is 他

4、/她是7 .Who are they?她們是街-They're Maria and Jane.她們是瑪禾1J亞和簡8 . - What' s youtelephone number?你的電話號碼是多少?- My telephone number is/It is 號碼是9 . -Thank you very much.非常感謝-That s OK. = You 're welcome.不用謝。Unit 1 Topic 3 How old are you?重點(diǎn)句(1) How old are you? 你幾歲? 一 I ' m twelve, too.我也十二歲。

5、(2) What class are you in?你在幾班? I m in Class Four, Grade Seven.我在七年四班。一How old is she?她幾歲? 一She is fourteen.她十四歲。 一 What grade is she in?她在哪個年級?一 She' s Grade Eight.她在八年級。 一 How do you spell it?你怎么拼它?一E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser. E-R-A-S-E-R, eraser.(6) Can you spell it, please?請問你能拼寫它嗎?Yes. M-A-P, map.

6、 是的,我能,M-A-P, map.一Thank you./Thanks. 謝謝。一 That' s OK./You ' re welcomed謝。(8) What' shis/that in English?這/那個用英語怎么說? It 'ais eraser/a map.它是一個橡皮擦/一張地圖。-What are these/those?這些 /那些是什么? They' re books/apples.他們是書 /蘋果。(9) Is this/that a telephone? 這個/那個是一個電話嗎? Yes, it is./No, it isn

7、是的,它t是。/不,它不是。-Are these/those oranges? 這些 / 那些是橘子嗎? Yes, they are./No, they aren 是的,他們是。/不,他們不是(10) . Let me help you.讓我?guī)湍恪?Thank you very much./Thanks.謝謝你。Unit 2 Topic 1 I have a small nose.重點(diǎn)句1. I have a small nose, but he has a big one.我有一個小鼻子,而他有個大鼻子。2. Who is your favorite actor? 誰是你最喜歡的演員?3.

8、He's Chinese and he has a big nose.他是個中國人,而且他有個大鼻子。4. - Does he have a wide mouth? - Yes, he does.-他有張大嘴巴嗎?一是的,他有。5. His hair is short. = He has short hair.他的頭發(fā)短。=他有短頭發(fā)。6. I am a boy.我是個男孩。7. She has a small face, big eyes and a small nose.她有一張小臉,一雙大眼睛和一個小鼻子8. I come from England.我來自英國。 =I am fr

9、om England.9. We are in the same school, but in different grades.我們在同一個學(xué)校,但在不同的年級。Unit2 Topic2 What does she look like?重點(diǎn)句1. -Who is that boy?那個男孩是誰?-Oh, he's my friend, Yukio. 哦,他是我的朋友,由紀(jì)夫。2. But you 100k the same.但是你們看起來很像。3. We have black hair and black eyes.我們都長著黑色的頭發(fā)和黑色的眼睛。4. We don' 10

10、0k the same, but we 're good friends.雖然我們看起來不一樣,但我們是好朋友!5. Please gjve this letter to Maria.請把這封信給瑪利亞。6. Sorry. I don' t knovher.對不起,我不認(rèn)識她。7. What does she look like?她長得什么樣?8. She is tall and she has short brown hair.她個子高,她長著短棕色的頭發(fā)。9. Tll give iRo her.我會把信給她的。10. He is old, but he doesn'

11、t have gray hair.他老但他沒有白發(fā)。11. I want to buy a T-shirt, a cap, a pair of shoes.我想買一件T恤衫,一頂帽子,一雙鞋。12. -What color is that T-shirt?那件 T 恤衫是什么顏色的。-It's red.是紅色的。13. What color arethese shoes?這些鞋是什么顏色的?-They are green.是綠色的。14. Look at this photo.看這張照片。15. The girl in a yellow dress is Maria.穿黃色連裙子的女孩

12、是瑪利亞。16. Jane is in a purple T-shirt and a pink skirt.簡穿著一件紫色的T恤衫和一條粉色的裙子。17. His pants are blue.他的褲子是藍(lán)色的。18. They are good friends and they 100k happy.他們是好朋友,他們看起來很開心。19. The boy next to me is my good friend, Michael.在我近旁的男孩是我的好朋友,邁克爾。Unit2 Topic3Whose jacket is this?重點(diǎn)句1. - Is this your cap?這是你的帽子

13、嗎?-No, it's not mine.不,它不是我的。2. -Whose cap is it ,then?那么,它是誰的帽子-It s Sally's它是薩莉的。3. Is this cap yours? 這個帽子是你的嗎?4. - Whose bike is this ?這是誰的自行車?- It' s his bike.= It's his.這是他的自行車。5. -Whose cat is that?那是誰的貓?- It' s her cat.= It's hers.那是她的貓。6. -Whose shoes are those?那些是誰的

14、鞋子?- They 're our shoes = They're ours.那些是我們的鞋子。7. I think it s Kangkang's.我認(rèn)為它是康康的。8. My jacket is blue and white.我的夾克是藍(lán)白相間。9. I have a new classmate. 我有一個新同學(xué)。10. We look the same, but we are in different clothes.我們長得一樣,但是我們穿著不同的衣服。11. Please help us find him.請幫我們找至U他。Unit 3 Topicl Does

15、 he speak Chinese重點(diǎn)句1. 一Could you please tell me your name?你能告訴我你的名字嗎?Sure. My name is Jane.當(dāng)然,我的名字是簡。2. He can speak some Chinese.他會講一些中文。3. 一Do you like Chinese?你喜歡中文嗎?Yes, I do.是,我喜歡。4. But my Chinese is not very good.但是我的中文不是很好。5. Can you help me with it?你能幫助我學(xué)中文嗎?-No problem.沒問題。6. -Who is the

16、letter from? 誰來的信?-It's from |my pen pal, Sam. 來自我的筆友, 薩姆。7. 一Does he speak Chinese?他講中文嗎?Yes, he does./ No, hedoesn '是的,他講。/ 不,他不講。8. But he knows lot about China.但是他很了解中國。9. -Does he live in England?他居住在英格蘭嗎?一 Yes, he does.是的。10. What does he say in the letter?他在信里說了什么?一He wants to visit B

17、eijing.他想?yún)⒂^北京。11. He can help you with your English.他能幫助你學(xué)習(xí)英語。12. Many students in our class Jjke English a lot, but I like it a little.我們班的許多學(xué)生很喜歡英語,但是我只有一點(diǎn)喜歡。13. But their Chinese is not good, so 11 help them.但是她們中文不好,所以我?guī)椭齻儭?4. We are good friends and we help each other.我們是好朋友并且我們互相幫助。15. I don&

18、#39;t like English at all.我一點(diǎn)也不喜歡英語。16. Sally speaks English very well.薩莉英語講得很好。17. I meet a 10t of people.我遇見許多人。18. Some of them can speak Chinese well.他們當(dāng)中的一些人中文說得很好。19. Every day I read many letters from my pen pal.我每天都會閱讀許多來自我筆友的信。Unit 3 Topic2 What does your mother do ?重點(diǎn)句1. Mom, I'm home.

19、媽媽,我回來了。2. Glad to meet you. = Nice to meet you.很高興認(rèn)識你。3. -What does your mother/father do?你母親 /父親是做什么的?-She is a teacher. / He is a doctor.她是一位老師。/他是一名醫(yī)生。4. -What do your parents do?你父母是做什么的?-They are office workers. 他們是辦公室職員。5. Maria shows a photo of her family to_Kangkang.瑪利亞給康康展示了一幅她的全家福。6. -Whe

20、re does she/he work?她/他在哪里工作?-She/He works in a hospital/a restaurant /an office.她/他在一家醫(yī)院/一家飯店/一間辦公室工作。7. -Where do they work?他們在哪里工作?-They work on a farm.他們在農(nóng)場工作。8. She teaches English in a school她在一家學(xué)校教英語。9. This is a photo of my family.這是我的一張全家福。10. He is my uncle, my father's brother.他是我的叔叔,

21、我爸的弟弟。11. You have a big/ happy family.你們有一個大/幸福的家庭。12. My grandparents live with us我的祖父母和我們住在一起。13. She likes to play with Kitty.她喜歡和 Kitty 玩耍。14. Its color is black and white.它的顏色是黑白相間。Unit 3 Topic3 What would you like to drink ?重點(diǎn)句1. -Help yourselves!請自便!-Thank you. I would like an egg and some f

22、ish.謝謝,我想要一個雞蛋和一些魚肉。2. -Would you like some eggs, Maria?.瑪禾1J亞,你想要吃些雞蛋嗎?-No, thanks. I'd like some chicken.不,謝謝。我想要一些雞肉。3. -What about you, Jane? 簡,你呢?4. -What would you like to drink?你們想要喝點(diǎn)什么?-Apple juice, please. I like it very much.請來蘋果汁。我很喜歡它。5. -Milk for me, please.請給我些牛奶吧!6. -What do you u

23、sually have for breakfast, Michael?邁克爾,你早餐通常吃什么?-I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.我早餐通常喝牛奶吃面包。7. It's my favorite food.它是我最愛的食物。8. -May I take your order, Sir? 先生,您可以點(diǎn)菜了嗎?-Fish with vegetables and rice, please 請來份魚和蔬菜還有米飯。9. -Would you like something to drink? 你想要來點(diǎn)喝的東西嗎?-Yes. A glass

24、 of apple juice.好的。 杯蘋果汁。10. -Let me see 讓我想想。11. -Would you like to have dinner with me?你愿和我一起吃飯嘛?-Yes, I'd like to.好的,我愿意。12. -May I help you, sir?先生,你想要點(diǎn)什么?13. -Why not have some fish and eggs徵什么不來些魚肉和雞蛋呢?-Good idea.好主意。14. -They are all kind to me.他們都對我很友好。15. I'm very glad to be here.我很

25、樂意在這里。Unit4 topic1 What can I do for you? 重點(diǎn)句1. - What can I do for you, madam?=May/ Can I help you? 請問你要買點(diǎn)什么呢?-I want to buy some clothes for my daughter.=-I would like to buy some clothes for my daughter.=-I want to buy my daughter some clothes.我想要買些衣月艮給我女兒。2. Can I try it on?我可以試穿一下嗎?3. It 100ks

26、very nice on you.你穿上它看起來很漂亮。4. -How much is it? 這個多少錢?-It's seventy yuan, madam.它只要 70 元,女士。5. We will take it. = We will buy/get it.我們要買它。6. I'm just looking, thanks.我只是看看而已,謝謝。7. -How do you likejthe pants?你覺得這條褲子怎么樣?-They 're too long. 太長了。8. -Why not try on that pair?為什么不試穿那一條呢?-All

27、right.好的。9. Jane, what do you think of this yellow skirt?簡,你覺得這件黃色短裙怎么樣?10. How about the blue one?那條藍(lán)色的怎么樣?11. Are you kidding?你在開玩笑嗎?12. Well, I 'll think about it.好吧,我會考慮下的。13. Thank you all the same. = Thank you anyway.=Thank you anyhow.仍然謝謝你。15. -Could you help me do some shopping, Ben?本,你能

28、幫我買點(diǎn)東西嗎?一 Sure, what do we need?當(dāng)然,我們需要什么呢?16. How many bottles?多少瓶?17. -Is that all?就這樣嗎?- Yes, I think so.是的,我這樣認(rèn)為。18. Here it is.在這里。Unit 4 Topic 2 Would you like to cook with us?重點(diǎn)句1. Hello , Jane ! This is Kangkang. 你好,簡。我是康康。2. Are you free this Sunday? 你這個星期天有空嗎?3. What's up?什么事?4. -Would

29、 you like to go to West Hill for a picnic?你想去西山野餐嗎?-Oh, I'd love 及我愿意。5. Please jell Maria about it.請把這件事告訴瑪利亞。6. I will call her.我將會打給她。7. See you then.= See you. 再見8. Lucy doesn't want to go shopping with Linda.露西不想和琳達(dá)一起去購物。9. Would you like to sing some songs with me, Kangkang?康康,你愿意和我一起唱

30、歌嗎?10. I'm sorry I can't. I have to cook. 我很抱歉,我得煮東西。11. How about flying a kite with me?和我一起放風(fēng)箏怎么樣?12. I ' d like that , but I sorry I hame no time.我愿意,可是抱歉我沒時間。13. I have to get some water. 我得去提水。14. May I speak to Maria? 請找瑪利亞接電話好嗎?15. Maria isn ' t now.瑪利亞現(xiàn)在不在家。16. Could you ask

31、her to call me back this evening?你能讓她今晚給我回個電話嗎?17. I ' Hke to have a picnic with my friends.我想和朋友們一起去野餐。18. That would be very nice.那太好了。Unit 4 Topic 3 What time is it?重點(diǎn)句1. Do you have any time tomorrow? 你明天有空嗎 ?=Are you free tomorrow?2. Let's meet at 9 o"clock at my home.讓我們 9 點(diǎn)在我家見面吧

32、。3. -What time is it, please?請問現(xiàn)在幾點(diǎn)了 ?=What's the time, please?一 It's one o'clock. 1 點(diǎn)-It s three fifteen. = It s a quarter past three. 3點(diǎn) 15 分一 It s eleven thirty. = It s half past eleven. 11 點(diǎn) 30 分一 It s ten forty. = It s twenty to five. 4 點(diǎn) 40 分4. It's time to go to the zoo.去動物園的時

33、間到了。5. What are your favorite animals?=What animals are your favorite?你最喜歡的動物是什么?6. Kangkang meets baby monkey on his way home in the afternoon. 康康在下午回家的路上遇到一只小猴子。7. -What s up, baby monkey?小猴子,你怎么了 ?一 I can't find my way home. 我找不到回家的路了。8. Here we are.我們至 U 了。9. It s very kind of you.你真是太好了。10.

34、 Thank you for your help. 感謝你的幫助。=Thank you for helping me.七年級仁愛英語上冊書面表達(dá)匯總一.介紹自己Hi ! My nameis Chen Bin. I' m from China. I' m a boy. Tony is my English name. NowI ' m 13. I' m a student in No.4 High School. I am in Class 11,Grade 7. My telephone number is 8359627.Look at me. I '

35、 m tall. I have big eyes and my hair is black. I like red T-shirt , my pants are blue and my shoes are white. I like Chinese very much. I like fish and apples a lot. What about you?參考譯文:你好!我叫陳斌。我來自中國。我是一個男孩。托尼是我的英文名字。我 現(xiàn)在13歲。我是一名第四中學(xué)的學(xué)生。 我在七年級十一班。我的電話號碼是8359627??纯次?,我個子很高。我有一雙大眼睛,我的頭發(fā)是黑色的。我喜歡紅色的T恤衫,我

36、的褲子是藍(lán)色的,還有我的鞋子是白色的。我非常喜歡英語。我很喜歡魚肉和 蘋果。你呢? 二、介紹我的朋友My FriendI have a good friend. Her name is Guo Shan. She is a girl. She is fourteen years old. She lives in Hengyang. She is in Class Four, Grade Seven in No.2 High School. She is very nice and cute,and she has two big eyes. She is very kind to me.Sh

37、e likes English very much and she speaks English very well. She likes Sichuan food very much, but she doesn t like milk at all. Now, do you know her? Do you want to be her friend?參考譯文:我有一個好朋友,她的名字叫高珊。她是一個女孩。她14 歲,住在衡陽。她在衡陽二中上學(xué)。她很漂亮,長著兩只大大的眼睛。她對我很好。她非常喜歡英語,并且她講英語很流利。她很喜歡川菜,但她一點(diǎn)也不喜歡牛奶?,F(xiàn)在,你知道她是誰了嗎?你想成為

38、她的朋友嗎? 三、介紹家人My family 我的家庭Hi! I m Jane.I have a h appy family.There are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my sister and I. My father is an English t eacher. He likes fish very much. My mother is a doctor. She likes cooking. Chicken is her favorite food. I have a little sisite

39、r. She is only thre e. We like vegetables very much .Look, we are a happy family. I love my family. Welcome to my home!參考譯文:你好!我是簡。我有一個幸福的家庭。我家有四口人。他們是我爸爸,媽媽,姐姐和我。我爸爸是一名英語老師,他非常喜歡吃魚肉。我媽媽是一名醫(yī)生,她很喜歡烹飪。雞肉是她最喜歡的食物。我有一個妹妹,她只有3 歲。我們都很喜歡蔬菜。看,我們是幸福是一家人。我很愛我的家人。歡迎來我家! 四、記敘文My Day 我的一天It Ssunday today. I get

40、up at 7:30 in the morning, and I have breakfast at 8:30. I study English at 9:10. At 11:00 I help my mother cook. Andwe have lunch at 12:10. I go shopping with my friends at about 3:15 in the aft ernoon. We go home at 5:20. I have dinner with my parents at 6:30 in the e vening. I go to the bed at 9:

41、30. I mvery happy today.參考譯文:今天是星期天。我早上七點(diǎn)半起床,八點(diǎn)半吃早餐。九點(diǎn)二十分學(xué)習(xí)英語。十一點(diǎn)時,幫我媽媽做飯。我們十二點(diǎn)十分吃午飯。下午三點(diǎn)十五分,我和朋友去買東西。我們五點(diǎn)二十分回家。晚上六點(diǎn)半,我和父母一起吃晚飯。到了九點(diǎn)半,我就 去睡覺了。今天,我過得很開心。 五、去動物園Go To the Zoo 去動物園On Sunday, Tom and I go to the zoo. We see many animals in the zoo. We can see tigers,lions,monkeys and elephants. Tigers a

42、re very strong .Pandas are very cute.We like different animals. Monkeys are my favorite a nimals. They are very clever. Tom likes elephants very much. They have lon g noses and they are very kind. Today,we have a good time. 參考譯文:星期天,我和湯姆去動物園。在動物園里我們看到了很多動物。我們可以 看到老虎、獅子、猴子和大象。老虎非常強(qiáng)壯。熊貓很可愛。我們喜歡不同的動物。猴子是我最喜歡的動物,它們很聰明。湯姆非常喜歡大象,它們


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  • 5. 人人文庫網(wǎng)僅提供信息存儲空間,僅對用戶上傳內(nèi)容的表現(xiàn)方式做保護(hù)處理,對用戶上傳分享的文檔內(nèi)容本身不做任何修改或編輯,并不能對任何下載內(nèi)容負(fù)責(zé)。
  • 6. 下載文件中如有侵權(quán)或不適當(dāng)內(nèi)容,請與我們聯(lián)系,我們立即糾正。
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