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1、福師1203考試批次現(xiàn)代語(yǔ)言學(xué)復(fù)習(xí)題及參考答案福師1203考試批次現(xiàn)代語(yǔ)言學(xué)復(fù)習(xí)題及參考答案一本課程復(fù)習(xí)題所提供的答案僅供學(xué)員在復(fù)習(xí)過(guò)程中參考之用,有問(wèn)題請(qǐng)到課程論壇提問(wèn)本復(fù)習(xí)題頁(yè)碼標(biāo)注所用教材為:教材名稱(chēng)現(xiàn)代語(yǔ)言學(xué)教程單價(jià)作者孫麗紅版本出版社如學(xué)員使用其他版本教材,請(qǐng)參考相關(guān)知識(shí)點(diǎn)題號(hào) 答案 F 1 T 2 F 3 T45FF6F7I. DeCide Whether each Statement is true (T) Or false (F).(1.5*10=15)8TT9F 101 SOmetinIeS bound morphemes Can be USed by themselves.

2、2. There is a three-word SentenCe Stage in first IangUage acquisition. 3 A SinIPle SentenCeCOnSiStS Of a Single CIaUSe WhiCh COntainS aSUbjeCt and a PrediCate and StandS alone as its OWn SentenCe 4. A IOCUtiOnary act is the act OfCOnVeying Iiteral meaning by meansOf syntax, lexicon, and phonology. 5

3、. LangUage is entirely arbitray6. The naming theory Of meaning WaS PrOPOSed by the ancient GreekSChOlar Plato.7. COmPOUnding is the addition Of affixes to StemS to form new WOrdS 8. All IItteranCeS take the form Of sentences.9. SUffiXeS modify the Ineaning Of the Original WOrd and in many CaSeS Chan

4、ge itsPart Of SPeeCh10. The most basic element Of meaning is traditionally CalIed morpheme11. DeCide WhiCh One Of the four ChOiCeS best COmPIeteS the Statement. (1.5*10=15)題號(hào) 答案C 1 A 2 D 3A4B5B6C7A8A9A10 1. The PharynX refers to the SPaCe Of CaVity betweenthe IarynX and theend Of1A. tongue B. hard P

5、alate C. SOft PaIate D VoCaI COrdS 2. MOrPhemeS that represent tense, UnUmber, Ugendef"case"' and SO forth are CalledmophemesA. inflectional B. bound C. freeD derivational 3. The fact that ability to SPeak aIangUage is transmitted from generation to generation by a PrOCeSS Of Iearning5

6、 and not genetically is USUany referred to asA. PerfOrmanCeB. IangUage acquisition C. CUltUral transmissionDCOnIPetenCe4. The SOUnd s and z are the results Of air escaping Under frication between tongue andbefore PaSSing through the teeth A. hard PaIate B. UVUIa C. alveolar ridge D. SOft PaIate5. de

7、als With IangUage application to Other fields, PartiCUlarlyeducatio n.A. LingUiStiC geographyB. APPIied IingUiStiCS C. SOCiOIingUiStiCSDCOnIParatiVe IingUiStiCS 6. VbWelS that are PrOdUCed between the POSitiOnS for a front and back VOWel are Canedvowels.A. OPen B. ClOSe C. front D Central 7、 is defi

8、ned as a COnSCiOUS PrOCeSS Ofaccumulating knowledge Of a SeCOnd IanglIage USUany Obtained in SClIOOl settings.A. COnIPetenCeB. PerfOrmanCeC. LearningD ACqUiSitiOn8>act theory is an important theory in the PragmatiCA. SPeaking B. SPeeCh C. SOUnd D SPOkenStUdy Of IangUage9. Aanalysis Of an UtteranC

9、e Win reveal What the SPeaker intends to do With it.A. SemantiC B. SyntaCtiC C. PragmatiC D grammatical 10.The most basic element Of meaning is traditionally Callen A morpheme B. SyntaCtiC C. PragmatiC Dgrammatical2III. DiSSeCt the following WOrdS into morphemes(2*5=10)1. though點(diǎn):morpheme、參見(jiàn) Pl 9-22

10、考核知識(shí)2. SPeeCheSmorpheme,參見(jiàn) P19-22考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):3. geographymorpheme,參見(jiàn) P19-22考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):4、morpheme考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):morpheme,參見(jiàn) P19-225、SVntaCtiC考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):morpheme,參見(jiàn) P19-22 IV. Define the following terms. (5*6=30) 1. the telegraphic Stage 考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):IangUage acquisition,參見(jiàn) P48 2. IangUage考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):IangUage ,參見(jiàn) P3 3. discreteness考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):d

11、iscreteness 參見(jiàn) P9 4. VOWel考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):VOWeb 參見(jiàn) P14 5. internal StrUCtUre考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):internal structure,參見(jiàn) P22V. AnSWer the following questions. (15*2=30) 1. Why do We Say IangUage is arbitrary?考核知 識(shí)點(diǎn):arbitrary,參見(jiàn) P5參考答案要點(diǎn): ArbitrarineSS in narrow SenSe refers to the IaCk Of PhySiCal, IOgiCal Or natural COnneCti

12、on(i e the inexplicability Of the relationship)between individual IingUiStiC SymbOIS and the meanings they SynIbOIiZe We know PeOPle USe IingUiStiC SymbOIS WhiCh are Originany meaningless to refer to SOmething meaningful. There is no PhySiCal, , IOgiCal Or natural COnneCtiOn between the SymbOliC Sig

13、nS USed in IangUage and the meaning they Stand for. It is inexplicable. We3Can' t explain Why the EngliSh PeOPle USe" 'water八 to refer to the StUff in this bottle SimilarIy,we Cant t explain Why the ChineSe PeOPIe use"K"to refer to the StUff SO IangUage is arbitrary in nature

14、2. What' S the difference between IangUe and parole? 考核知識(shí)點(diǎn):IangUe and parole, 參見(jiàn)P3-10參考答案要點(diǎn):LangUage is full OfVarieties: no two SPeakerS SPeak in an identical manner; no two SPeakerS have an identical Iearning experienceLangUage COnSiStS in its VarietieS , that is to SayJangUage is realized thr

15、ough its VarietieS(CP the relation between fruit and apple, between PhOneme and allophones and PhOneS and between IangIIe and ParOle 福師1203考試批次現(xiàn)代語(yǔ)言學(xué)復(fù)習(xí)題及參考答案二本課程復(fù)習(xí)題所提供的答案僅供學(xué)員在復(fù)習(xí)過(guò)程中參考之用,有問(wèn)題請(qǐng)到課程論壇提問(wèn) 本復(fù)習(xí)題頁(yè)碼標(biāo)注所用教材為:教材名稱(chēng)現(xiàn)代語(yǔ)言學(xué)教程單價(jià)作者孫麗紅版本出版社如學(xué)員使用其他版本教材,請(qǐng)參考相關(guān)知識(shí)點(diǎn)I. DeCide Whether each StateInent is t*ue (T) O

16、r false (F). (15 points, 1.5 POintS for each)1. LingUiStiCS is generally defined as the SCientifiC StUely Of language. 2、LangUage is not Only Iinearly-StrUCtUred 3、LingUiStiC PerfOrmanCe is essentially a SOCial PhenOmenOn and also a COnteXt-dependent behavi o4、General IingUiStiCS StUdieS the basic c

17、oncepts, tlIeOries,5 descriptions, models and methods applicable are not in any IingUiStiC study. 6、SOmeIangUageS are not SUPeriOr to Other IangUageS7、COnIPOUnding is the addition Of affixes to StemS to form new words. 8、 NOt all UtteranCeS take the form Of SentenCeS9、MOrPhemeS modify the meaning Of

18、 the Original WOrd and in many CaSeS Change its Part Of SPeeCh10、The most basic element Of meaning is traditionally Caned morphe.參考答案:1-5 FTFTF6-10TFTTF11、ChOOSe the ONE ChOiCe that best COmPleteS each Statement. (20 points, 2 POintS for each)1 .Whcih Of the following best StateS the behaviorist Vie

19、W Of Child IangUage4acquisition?A. LangUage acquisition is a PrOCeSS Of habit formationB. LangUage acquisition is the SPeCieS-SPeCifiC PrOPerty Of human beings C. Children are bornWith an innate ability to acquire IangUageD. HIImCmS are equipped With the neural PrereqUiSiteS for IangUage and IangUag

20、e USe參考答案B2. The Pair Of WOrdS A.gradable OPPOSiteSB.relational OPPOSiteS C.co-hyponymsD.synonyms參考答案B3. The discovery Of IndO-EUrOPean IangUage family began With the WOrk Of theBritiSh SChOlar A.Jacob GrinImB.Rasmus RaSkC.Franz BOPPD.Sir Winiam JOneS 參考答案D4. A IingUiSt regards the ChangeS in IangUage and IangUage USe as _ A.unusualB. something to be fearedC.abnormalD.natural 參考答案 D5. _PrOdUCe fast and fluent SPeeCh With good intonati


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