(整理版高中英語)Unit3 Traveljournal_第1頁
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1、unit 3travel journal.單詞拼寫1show me your_(進度表), please.2she may forgethe is not very_(可靠的)3we'll go on a_(旅行)to beijing next month.4who's going to_(組織)the party this year?5the dolphins disappeared_(在下面)the waves.6the judge said that in his v_the trial should never have taken place.7i usually c

2、_home after work.8the seeds of such a plant are t_by the wind.9they will g_from college next year.10he d_to go to school at once.答案:10determined/decided.完成句子1我寧愿一個人溜達著回家也不愿意乘公交車。i_ _ _walk home alone_ _take a bus.2經(jīng)過長達兩個小時的談話之后,我讓他相信了我的老實。after as long as two hours' talking, i managed to_him_my

3、honesty.3湯姆從來沒有想到幾年以后能有時機去國外。tom never_ _ _ _a chance for him to go abroad several years later.4他正照顧著年邁的父母。he is_ _his elderly parents.5他兩周以前離開家,到現(xiàn)在一直沒有他的音信。he left home two weeks ago and we haven't heard from him_ _.答案:1.would prefer to; rather than2.persuade; of3dreamed of there being4.caring

4、for5.ever since.單項填空1my parents_me to go to the theatre with my friends. but i didn't go.asuggestedbpersuadedcadvised dexpected答案:c考查動詞辨析。句意:我父母勸我和朋友一塊兒去看戲,但是我沒有去。advise sb. to do sth. 表示“勸說某人做某事,不一定成功;persuade sb. to do sth. 表示“說服某人做某事,勸說成功了。suggest“建議,后面不能跟不定式作賓補;expect“期待,預(yù)料,不符合語境。2talking ab

5、out the future, i prefer_a businessman_be an official.abeing; to bto be; tocto be; rather than dbeing; more than答案:c考查prefer的用法。prefer to do.rather than do.表示“寧愿做也不愿做。如:i prefer to stay here on my own rather than go there. 我寧愿自己呆在這里,也不去那里。3that's a lovely dress. you look good in it.really? thank

6、 you. my aunt gave it to me for my birthday, but i don't_the color.ago in for bcare forccare about dconcern about答案:b考查短語辨析。go in for“從事,愛好(表示長期的愛好);care for“喜歡,介意;care about“關(guān)心,惦念;concern多為及物動詞,在be concerned后才跟介詞about, for, with等。從語境看,只有b項適宜。4after she found she had lost the necklace, she and h

7、er husband_to find it.amade up their minds bmade their mindchad made up ther mind dhad made minds答案:a考查make up one's mind的用法。句意:當(dāng)她發(fā)現(xiàn)她喪失了項鏈后,她和她丈夫下決心找到它。當(dāng)主語是復(fù)數(shù)時,mind后要加­s,即make up one's minds。5he was watching her doing it with a_look on his face, as if to say that he would not change his

8、 mind.adetermining bdeterminedcsceptical dsecure答案:bdetermined意為“果斷的,堅毅的。句意:他看著她的舉動,臉上一幅果斷的表情,好似說他不會改變主意。sceptical“疑心的;secure“安心的,有把握的。6please ask the lawyer what his_would be to take the case to court.afare bchargecfee dexpense答案:7it is always i who_first when a quarrel between my wife and me break

9、s out.agive away bgive outcgive up dgive in答案:d此題考查動詞短語辨析。句意:當(dāng)我和妻子發(fā)生爭吵時,總是我首先讓步。give in“屈服,讓步;give away“泄露,放棄;give up“放棄;停止;give out“散發(fā),分發(fā)。從語境看,應(yīng)該選give in。8you have been reading to me_james went out.aever than bever sincecso far as dthe moment答案:b考查連詞用法。句意:自從詹姆斯出去后你就一直在給我朗讀。ever since為連詞,主句要用完成時,從句用

10、一般過去時;其中ever是個強化詞,放在since前表強調(diào)。9he tried his best to solve the problem,_difficult it was.ahowever bno mattercwhatever dalthough答案:a考查連詞辨析。howeveradj./adv.no matter howadj./adv. 引導(dǎo)讓步狀語從句。句意:不管多么難,他都盡全力解決這個問題。10the old man insisted that i_his wallet and that i_to the police station with him.ahad taken;

11、 go btake; should gocwould take; had gone dshould take; go答案:a考查insist接從句的用法。insist作“堅持,主張講時,從句用虛擬語氣,即“(should)do sth.;作“堅持認為,即堅持事實時,為陳述語氣,應(yīng)根據(jù)實際情況選用適宜的時態(tài)。11our teacher insisted that the key words worth paying attention_before class.abe underlined bbeing underlinedcto be underlined dto being underlin

12、ed答案:12good­bye! i'm going back to my hometown this afternoon._ahave a nice trip. bcongratulations!ctake your time. di couldn't agree more.答案:a考查交際用語。句意:“再見!今天下午我要回家鄉(xiāng)看看?!奥猛居淇臁ave a nice trip“旅途愉快。congratulations“恭喜;take your time“不著急,慢慢來;i couldn't agree more“我非常同意。13despite such a

13、 big difference in _ towards what one eats, there is no doubt that people in the west regard the chinese food as something special.apoint bideacattitude dsight答案:cpoint“點,意義;idea“主意,念頭;attitude“態(tài)度,看法;sight“視力。句意:盡管對一個人的飲食的態(tài)度有著很大的不同,但是毫無疑問西方人把中國的飲食看做是某種特殊的東西。14ladies and gentlemen, please fasten your

14、 seat belts. the plane _.atakes off bis taking offchas taken off dtook off答案:b動詞的現(xiàn)在進行時態(tài)可以表示將要發(fā)生的動作。句意:女士們,先生們,請系好平安帶。飛機即將起飛。15after the earthquake, the injured were cared_in the local hospitals or taken by air to the hospitals in the neighbouring cities.aof bforcafter dwith答案:b句意:地震后,受傷者或在當(dāng)?shù)蒯t(yī)院獲得護理,或

15、用飛機被送往鄰市醫(yī)院(救治)。根據(jù)句意,空白處應(yīng)為與“care搭配的固定詞組,意為“護理;即care for和“take care of,但后者“care為名詞。c項中的after應(yīng)與動詞look搭配。故只能用care for。.完形填空when i started riding a bike a couple of years ago, i didn't think my involvement would ever be more serious than the occasional short ride. but as i built strength, my friends_

16、1_me to step up my training and try some longer trips. the first one to come along was a 150­mile trip, the ms­150, an annual_2_that raises money to fight aids.when i registered, the idea seemed fantasticsupport a worthy cause while going for the distance and i trained with_3_. however, as

17、 the time for the ride approached, my self­doubts_4_beyond my endurance(忍耐). i_5_wanted to raise money for the charity, but i didn't really want to bike all those miles for two days straight.the ride began on a beautiful sunday morning in the georgia countryside, and for the first few hours

18、 i felt_6_. this was just the experience i had_78_by the end of the day, i felt tired out.if the body is_9_to the mind, here was evidence. every_10_my brain pushed out seemed to travel right down to my legs.“i can't handle thisbecame a leg cramp(抽筋), and“everyone else is a better ridertranslated

19、 into_11_of breath. i was sure i'd have to_12_.as i topped the crest(頂)of a hill, the beautiful sunset kept me going for a few minutes more. then in the distance, i saw a lone woman riding very slowly_13_the bright red sun. i_14_that the person looked different in some way, but i couldn't te

20、ll why. so i pushed myself to_15_. there she was, riding along slowly but_16_, with a slight and determined smile on her face and she had only one leg.my focus changed in that instant. for a whole day i'd been_17_my body. but now i knew it wasn't the body, but the_18_that would help me reach

21、 my goal.it rained all the second day. i never saw the one­legged biker again, but i pushed on without_19_, knowing she was out there with me somewhere. and at the end of the day, still feeling_20_, i completed the 150­mile trip.文章大意:本文作者講述了自己參加每年一次為抗擊愛滋病籌款騎自行車活動的經(jīng)歷。作者平時很少騎車,在朋友的鼓勵下決定參加長達1

22、50英里的騎自行車活動。剛開始作者感到很好,但是過了幾個小時以后,作者堅持不下去了,于是便想放棄。在這時候卻發(fā)現(xiàn)有一個一條腿的婦女面帶微笑也在參加這項活動。作者徹底被感動了,于是堅持騎完了全程。1a.encouraged bforbadecforced dwarned答案:a朋友當(dāng)然是“鼓勵而非“強迫或“警告。2a.accident beventcincident daffair答案:ban anual event 每年一次的活動。event“重大事件,賽事;accident“意外事故;incident“事端,小事件;affair“事情,事務(wù)。3a.care beasecenthusiasm

23、ddifficulty答案:c開始作者充滿激情訓(xùn)練。enthusiasm“熱心,熱情;care“關(guān)心,喜歡;ease“安逸;difficulty“困難。4a.achieved bgainedcprogressed dadvanced答案:b詞義辨析。achieve“完成,到達;gain“(逐漸)增加,獲得;progress“進步;advance“前進,進步。句意:隨著時間的臨近,我對自己能力的疑心逐漸增加。5a.still bevencrather dthen答案:astill仍然。6a.nervous bdisappointedcwonderful drefreshed答案:ci felt

24、wonderful.作者開始感覺很好。后面my spirits were high是提示。7a.suspected bappreciatedcadmired dimagined答案:d這種經(jīng)歷是作者之前想象的。suspect“疑心;appreciate“欣賞;admire“欽佩。8a.but bthereforecmeanwhile dmoreover答案:a根據(jù)后面i felt tired out可知這里是轉(zhuǎn)折。9a.opposite bconnectedcexposed dequal答案:b身體與大腦是有聯(lián)系的。10a.cause breasoncexcuse deffect答案:c由于作

25、者想放棄所以大腦給出各種借口。11a.holding bsavingccatching dshortness答案:dshortness of breath“呼吸困難;上氣不接下氣。12a.quit bcontinuecinsist dfade答案:a作者在前面說i can't handle this所以這里他認為自己不得不放棄。quit“停止,放棄;continue“繼續(xù);insist“堅持;fade“衰退,褪色。13a.on bagainstcdown dover答案:bagainst“以為背景,以作襯托。如:against the evening sky在夜空的襯托下。作者這里用烈

26、日來襯托暗示這個一條腿婦女的不尋常之處。14a.observed bwatchedcnoticed doverlooked答案:c作者后面說“說不出為什么這里只是“注意到有所不同比擬適宜。observe表示仔細觀察,多用于科學(xué)實驗等。watch表示用心觀看、盯著看,多用于日常生活。overlook“漏看;忽略;俯視。15a.put up blook upccatch up dtake up答案:c作者說不清什么地方不同所以“趕上去(弄明白)。catch up“趕上;put up“搭建,張貼;look up“抬頭看,查看;take up“從事,占據(jù)。16a.steadily babruptlyc

27、closely dnarrowly答案:asteadily“平衡地,沉著地。她騎得緩慢但很“穩(wěn)定與后面面帶輕松堅決的微笑相符。17a.trusting bdoubtingccheating dfighting答案:b從前面4空可知作者一直對自己(身體)能否堅持騎下去持疑心態(tài)度,所以這里用一整天都在疑心最適宜。18a.strength bhonestycwill dpower答案:c之前一直疑心自己的身體,但現(xiàn)在從這個殘疾女車手身上明白了“意志力才是實現(xiàn)目標(biāo)的關(guān)鍵。19a.struggling barguingcnegotiating dcomplaining答案:d在受到鼓勵啟發(fā)過后作者的思想起了很大變化,當(dāng)然不再“抱怨。20a.strong bweakchealthy dspiritless答案:a由于思想上起了變化,作者到最后仍感到渾身有力。.書面表達(·)假


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