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1、智慧樹知到英國文學(xué)漫談?wù)鹿?jié)測試答案第一章1、English literature began with the ( ) settlement in England.A:RomanB:CelticC:EnglishD:Anglo-Saxon答案 : Anglo-Saxon2、Beowulf, written about the life of England in the ( ) society,is said to bethe national epicof the English people.A:primitiveB:feudalC:medievalD:agricultural答案 : f

2、eudal3、Beowulfis written in the form of ( ), a popular form of poetry in Anglo-Saxon literature.A:balladB:blank verseC:coupletD:alliterative verse答案 : alliterative verse第二章1、The medieval period is often called the Dark Age for the dominating power of( ) over everything in the society.A:the KingB:feu

3、dal lordsC:the ChurchD:the knights答案 : the Church2、The central character of a romance is ( ), who follows the code of behavior calledchivalry.A:the knightB:the warriorC:the GladiatorD:a soldier答案 : the knightorally3、The stories of ( ) are the most well-known ballads, songs of stories told in 4-line

4、stanzas.A:the green knightsB:King ArthurC:Robin HoodD:the Vikings答案 : Robin Hood4、Piers the Plowmanwritten by William Langland in the form of ( ) represents the achievements of popular literature of Medieval England.A:allegoryB:symbolismC:a dreamD:epic答案: allegorywork5、( ) is considered the father o

5、f English poetry, whose most representative isThe Canterbury Tales.A:William LanglandB:Edmund SpenserC:John MiltonD:Geoffrey Chaucer答案 : Geoffrey Chaucer6、The Canterbury Tales,a collection of stories strung together and told by 30 pilgrims on their way to pilgrimage, is written in the form of ( ).A:

6、blank verseB:alliterative verseC:heroic couopletD:ballad答案 : heroic couoplet7、The key-note of the Renaissance is ( ).A:humanismB:realismC:romanticismD:asceticism答案 : humanism第三章1、It was ( ) who first introduced and reformed the English drama which reached its climax in the hands of William Shakespea

7、re.A:JohnWycliffB:University WitsC:Christopher MarloweD:Ben Johnson答案 :B2、Great writers of the English Renaissance who are known for humanism, took ( )as the centre of the world and voiced the humanaspirations for freedom and equality.A:the worldB:GodC:powerD:man答案 :D3、Shakespeare is hailed by ( ),

8、contemporary with Shakespeare, as “ not of an age, but for all time ”.A:Christopher MarloweB:Ben JonsonC:Robert GreeneD:Thomas Nash答案 :B4、Hamlet is characterized as a(an) ( ) on that, he loves good and hates evil; heunbounded love for the worldis a man free from prejudice and superstition; he has an

9、d firm belief in the power of man.A:idealistB:PuritanC:humanistD:patriot答案 :C5、Edmund Spenser was considered the ( ) for his achievements in poetry.A:“ the Poets ' Poet ”B:“ father of English poetry”C:“ the saint ofEnglish poetry ”D:“ the greatest English poet”答案 :A6、( ) is a distinctiveverse fo

10、rm adopted by Edmund Spenser in his works incluidinghis masterpieceThe Faerie Queene. It has 9-line stanzas, rhyming in ababbcbcc.A: “The mighty lines ”B:sonnetC: “ The Spenserian Stanza ”D:blank verse答案 :C7、Francis Bacon won for himself the first English ( ) for his achievements in English literatu

11、re of the Renaissance.A:dramatistB:poetC:prose writerD:essayist答案 :D8 、 The most representative work of Francis Bacon is ( ), which is the first collection of English essays.A:Advancement of LearningB:EssaysC:The Interpretation of NatureD:Novum Organum答案 :B第四章of the17th1、( )is regarded as the greate

12、st prose writer in theEnglish literature century, who is best known for his workThe Pilgrim' s Progress.A:John DrydenB:Francis BaconC:George HerbertD:John Bunyan答案 :D2、The Pilgrim ' s Progressis written in the form of ( ) .A:symbolsB:allegoryC:allusionsD:aggressions答案:3、“The Metaphysical Poe

13、ts ” refer to theloose group of17th -century English poets whose work was characterized by the inventive use of( )A:metaphorB:imaginationC:conceitD:symbols答案:C4、In his “A Valediction:Forbidding Mourning”, John Donne makes a most impressivecomparison between love and ( ) as the dominant conceit of th

14、e poem.A:a pair of compassesB:an earthquakeC:a farewell to a dying personD:a piece of gold答案:A5、The 17th century of English history was marked mainly by the English Bourgeois Revolution which ended with the establishment of ( ) as a compromise between the bourgeoisie and the monarchy.A:the United Ki

15、ngdomB:institutional monarchyC:the Whig PartyD:the Tory Party答案:B() was the religious cloak of the English Bourgeois Revolution whichadvocated God's supreme authority over human beings.A:HumanismB:RepublicanismC:CalvinismD:Puritanism答案 :D7、 Puritan poetry in the 17th-century English literature i

16、s represented best by( ), who producedParadise Lostas his representative work.A:John MiltionB:John DonneC:Robert HerrickD:John Dryden答案 :Amany things-known of8、Throughout his life, Milton showed strong rebellious spirit agaisnt he thought unjust and acted as the voice of ( ) of England under Oliver

17、Cromwell.A:the ParliamentB:the CommonwealthC:the MonarchD:the Royalists答案 :B9、“ On his Blindness ” and “ On his Deceased Wife ” are the two best Milton 's ( ).A:elegiesB:blank versesC:sonnetsD:alliterative verses答案 :C10、Milton ' sParadise Lostemploysthe themes taken from ( )of the Christian

18、Bible.A:GenesisB:MatthewC:ExodusD:Luke答案 :A11、The central theme ofParadise Lostis ( ).A:the creation of manB:the fall of manC:resurrectionD:final judgment答案:第五章1 、 The Enlightenment was an intellectualmovement throughout Western Europe in the18thcenturywhich was an expression of the struggle of bour

19、geoisie against ( ).A:puritanismB:feudalismC:humanismD:classicism答案 :B2、 Among the English Enlighteners of the 18th century,there were chiefly two groups: the ( ) group and the radical group.A:conservativeB:revolutionaryC:royalistD:moderate答案 :D3、 The Tatler,a British literary and society journal be

20、gun byRichard Steelein 1709,featured cultivated essays on( ).A:contemporary mannersB:social evilsC:class strugglesD:cultural state答案 :A4、As a distinctiveway, ( ) are adopted by the neo-classicist playwrights in the18th-century English literature.A:realistic techniquesB:three unitiesC:heroic couplets

21、D:satires答案 :BontheGreek and Romanwritersin their dramatic writings.A:Pre-romanticistB:RealistC:Neo-classicistD:Enlightenment答案 :C6、AlexanerPope was a masterof poetryinheroic couplet.He strongly advocated ( ), emphasizing that literary works should be judged by classical rules.A:realismB:naturalismC

22、:aestheticismD:classicism答案 :D7、Daniel Defoe is an early proponent of the ( ) novel whose masterpieceRobinson Crusoetells about the adventures of a sailor on the sea and on an island.A:sentimentalistB:epistolaryC:realistD:Gothic答案 :C8、As one of the greatest satirists in the 18th century,( )made use

23、of satire to attacksocial evilsand call for social changes in hisGulliver's Travels.A:Johnathan SwiftB:Daniel DefoeC:Samuel RichardsonD:Henry Fielding答案 :A9、Gulliver ' s Travelstells about the adventures ofGullliver through the fairytale of fantasy which is a great satire on ( ).A:human mind

24、B:human heartC:human spiritD:human nature答案 :D10、( ), the greatest realist novelist of the 18th-century English literature, is also considered the father of the English novel.A:Jonathan SwiftB:Henry FieldingC:Daniel DefoeD:Oliver Goldsmith答案 :B11、Tom Jonesshows Fielding ' s philosophical view of

25、“ return to ( ) ” . Thus, incharacterization, a contrast is made between Tom Jones, the good-nautured though flawed man, and Bilfil, the hypocritical villain.A:natureB:childhoodC:countrysideD:motherland答案 :A 12、Sentimentalism of English literature got its name from Lawrence Stern's novel () in w

26、hich Sterne tries to catch the actual flow of human mind andsentiment.A:Tristram ShandyB:The Vicar of WakefieldC:PamelaD:A Sentimental Journey答案 :D13、 Sentimetalism is also found in Samuel Richardson ' s ( ) novels which conveyfemale characters ' feelings and sentiments.A:realistB:adventureC

27、:epistolaryD:historical答案 :C14、The only poet of the sentimentalist school of literature is Thomas Gray, whosewell-“( )known “ Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard” earned for him the name of aPoet ”.A:LakeB:NationalC:LocalD:Graveyardtheof答案 :D15、Oliver Goldsmith 'sThe Vicar of Wakefieldconveys

28、his reflections on relations between sentimentalism and ( ) in the 18th-century English literature.A:satireB:realismC:romanticismD:localism答案:16、The latter half of the 18th century English literaturewas marked by a strong protest against the bondage ofclassicismanda recognition of the claims passion

29、and emotion which is later known as ( ).A:sentimentalismB:realismC:pre-romanticismD:neo-classicism答案 :C17、Robert Burnsis the best known of the poets who have written in the( )dialect.A:IrishB:ScottishC:LondonD:Celtic答案 :B1、Romanticism preferred ( ) to reason and rationalism. To William Wordsworth, p

30、oetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings.A:emotionB:devicesC:rhetoricD:art答案 :A2、The joint publication of() in 1798 by Wordsworth and Coleridgemarked the beginning of the Romantic movement in England.A:'Lines Composed upon Tinten Abbey'B:'Rime of Ancient Mariner'C:Lyric

31、al BalladsD:'Preface to Lyrical Ballads'答案 :C3、To Wordsworth, the theme of poetry should be concerned with ( ), the languageof peotry should be plain, and the people poetry should deal with are country folk.A:country lifeB:common lifeC:city lifeD:fantastic life答案 :B4、In“I Wandered Lonely as

32、a Cloud ”, “the inward eye ” refers to ( ), which is a metaphor to appeal to the reader 's imagination of the author 's inner feelings.A: “heart ”B: “emotiansC:“reason”D:“mind”答案 :D5、In “ The Solitary Reaper” , the feeling of ( ) is clearly conveyed to the reader, especially in the first sta

33、nza.A:lonelinessB:melancholyC:homesicknessD:disillusionment答案 :B6 、 Percy Bysshe Shelley belongs tothe school of ( ) romantic poets, whosemasterpiecePrometheus Unboundowes much to the Greek tragedyPrometheus Bound.A:revolutionaryB:passiveC:activeD:lyrical答案 :C7、( ) is Shelley ' s bestknown lyric

34、 in which he calls forth the overthrowing of the old social system and bringing destruction to it.A: “Ode to the West Wind ”B: “To a Skylark ”C:“The Cloud ”答案 :A8、Walter Scott is the only novelist of the romantic literature of the 19th-century England and his novels are mainly ( ) novels as far as g

35、enre is concerned.A:realistB:historicalC:sentimentalistD:psychoanalytical答案 :B9、Scott ' s historical novels touch uponthe subject matters ofthe history of( ), thehistory of Englandand the history of European countries.A:IrelandB:WalesC:FranceD:Scotland答案 :D第七章1、JaneAusten' s novels mainly co

36、ncern such issues as the ( ) of young women.Because of the use of satire and criticism of social prejudices, she is considered as a realist novelist rather than a romantic writer.A:mannersB:moralsC:ethicsD:feminism答案 :A2、The Bronte sisters refer to Charlotte, Emily and Anne Bronte, with the elder tw

37、o represented byJane Eyreand ( ) respectively.A:The ProfessorB:Agnes GreyC:Wuthering HeightsD:Villette答案 :C3、Of the women writers in the 19th century English literature, ( ) is the only one that deals with the life of the working-class people, represented by her novelMary Barton.A:Mrs. GaskellB:Char

38、lotte BronteC:George EliotD:Jane Austen答案 :Apsychological4、The novels of George Eliot mostly deal with ( ) problems and contain studies of the characters.A:socialB:moralC:culturalD:psychological答案 :B第八章1、In response to the social, political and economic problems associated with industrialisation,()

39、novel becomes the leading genre of the Victorian literature.A:critial realistB:psychoanalyticalC:aestheticistD:new romanticist答案:A2、The first period of Charles Dickens's literary careeris characterized mainlyby ( ) and the novels are filled with moral teachings.A:mysticismB:pessimismC:fatalismD:

40、optimism答案:D3、Thomas Hardyis the most representativerealist in the later decades of theVictorian era,whose principal works are the ( ) novels, i.e., the novels describing the characters and environment of his native countryside.A:realistB:character and environmentC:modernistD:Bildungsroman答案:B4、In t

41、he aesthetic movementof the 19th century, “Art for Art 's Sake” can simply mean the focus on ( ) rather than on deep meaning of literary works.A:formB:techniqueC:impressionD:beauty答案 :D5、( ) is a type of poetry written in the form of a speech of an individual character whose spiritual world is c

42、onveyed to the reader through the author ' s subtle psychological analysis.A:Interior monologueB:Free associationC:Dramatic monologueD:Psycho-analysis答案 :C6、“ Break, Break, Break” is a short lyric poem written by Alfred Tennyson which is a(n) ( ) for the poet to reveal his grief over the death o

43、f his friend.A:elegyB:lyricC:sonnetD:ode答案 :A7、Thomas Carlyle's non-fiction The French Revolution: A Historywas the inspiration for Charles Dickens' s novel( ).A:Hard TimesB:Great ExpectationsC:A Tale of Two CitiesD:Oliver Twist答案 :C8、 John Ruskin was the leading English artcritic of the Vic

44、torian era. In hisModern Painters, he argued that the principal role of the artist is ( ).A: “art for art 's sake ”B: “truth to nature “C:innovationD:creativity答案 :B9、 In hisCultureand Anarchy, ( ) showed his deepest contempt for and most frequentattack on the middle-class Philistines who he thought lacked culture.A:Thomas CarlyleB:John RuskinC:Charles KinsleyD:Matthew Arnold答案 :D第九章1、Writer s, artists and composers we consider“ modern” had their roots in the( ) era which produce


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