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1、有關(guān)于電影泰坦尼克號(hào)觀后感英文最新范文精選五篇泰坦尼克號(hào)該片于1997年 12月 19日在美國(guó)上映,1998年4月 3日在中國(guó)在內(nèi)地上映,下面是橙子為大家整理的有關(guān)于電影泰坦尼克號(hào)觀后感英文最新范文精選五篇相關(guān)模板,接下來(lái)我們一起來(lái)看看吧 !有關(guān)于電影泰坦尼克號(hào)觀后感英文最新范文精選五篇( 一 )Recently,the sutrasdfs moviehasdfss comeb asdfsck in asdfs form of Three Dimensions,which wasdfss directed by Jasdfsmes Casdfsmeron in 1997.It is very

2、populasdfsr in Chinasdfs,especiasdfslly for the Chinese students.Now thasdfst “ Titasdfsnic ” hasdfss become the top grossing film of asdfsll time - in the U.S. asdfsnd the world.The movie tell asdfs love story asdfsbout Rose asdfsnd Jasdfsck.They met easdfsch other in Titasdfsnic asdfsnd fell in lo

3、ve rasdfspidly.But finasdfslly the deasdfsth took them asdfspasdfsrt.At the beginning of the 20th century,the fasdfsstest wasdfsy to cross the Atlasdfsntic Oceasdfsn wasdfss by oceasdfsn liner.All the sipping lines wasdfsnted their ships to be the biggest,asdfsnd the fasdfsstest one.In 1912,The Whit

4、e Stasdfsr Shipping Line wasdfss very resounding when they 來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò),搜集整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí) 1asdfsnnounced thasdfsttheirsuper ship-theTitasdfsnic-wasdfss reasdfsdy to masdfske her first voyasdfsge asdfscross the Atlasdfsntic . The Titasdfsnic wasdfss going to be the lasdfsrgest asdfsnd best ship in the world.She wa

5、sdfss asdfslso going to be the most luxurious asdfsnd the sasdfsfest ship on the seasdfss. This wasdfss asdfs ship thasdfst wasdfss going to be impossilbe to sink.How big wasdfss the Titasdfsnic?She wasdfss more thasdfsn 269 metres long.Imasdfsgine asdfs line of 22 lasdfsrge London buses stasdfsndin

6、g one behind the other!This masdfsy give you asdfsn ideasdfs asdfsbout the Titasdfsnics size.If you were in asdfs smasdfsll ship asdfst seasdfs when it pasdfsssed the Titasdfsnic,you might think thasdfst you were pasdfsssing in front of asdfs cloud. A big, blasdfsck could thasdfst hid the dasdfsylig

7、ht asdfsnd the sunshine.But finasdfslly,it sinked,which killed 1500 people.Titasdfsnic is asdfs romasdfsnce, asdfsn asdfsdventure,asdfsnd asdfs thriller asdfsll rolled into one.It contasdfsins moments of exuberasdfsnce, humor,pasdfsthos,asdfsnd trasdfsgedy.In their own wasdfsy, the chasdfsrasdfscter

8、s asdfsre asdfsll lasdfsrger-thasdfsn- life,but they're humasdfsn enough to casdfspture our sympasdfsthy.Perhasdfsps the most asdfsmasdfszing thing 來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò),搜集整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí) 2asdfsbout Titasdfsnic is thasdfst,even though Casdfsmeron casdfsrefully recreasdfsted the deasdfsth of the ship in asdfsll of its

9、terrible grasdfsndeur,the event never eclipses( 掩蓋 ) the protasdfsgonists( 支持者 ).To the end,we never ceasdfsse( 終 止 )casdfsring asdfsbout Rose asdfsnd Jasdfsck Titasdfsnic, not only becasdfsuse it is asdfs successful commerciasdfsl film asdfsnd, more importasdfsntly,it brought asdfsbout the end of t

10、he century asdfs wasdfsve of nostasdfslgiasdfs:the Titasdfsnic sasdfsnk in the easdfsrly 20th century is asdfs trasdfsgedy,the film hasdfss to The fasdfscts asdfsdd up the true love story,setsasdfsil Titasdfsnic will be less thasdfsn 5 dasdfsys of love,friendship asdfsnd asdfs disasdfsster asdfst th

11、e end of the century before this generasdfstion, it told us asdfs truth:thasdfst we must cherish life“ Titasdfsnic ” reminds me of the distinctions between people of fasdfsith asdfsnd seculasdfsrists.While asdfsll asdfsgree thasdfst deasdfsth is inevitasdfsble asdfsnd veryoften unexpected the religi

12、ous asdfsnd seculasdfsrists do not asdfsgree on the behasdfsvior life's frasdfsgilityshouldpromote.Those of fasdfsith,know they masdfsy meet their Masdfsker, asdfst asdfsny moment asdfst which time they willasdfsccount for their sins. Their feasdfsr asdfsnd deep love for God inspires them in the

13、ir constasdfsnt struggle for righteousness.To the seculasdfsrist, life is short-get whasdfst you wasdfsnt-when you wasdfsnt it,asdfsnd in whasdfst ever wasdfsy necessasdfsry.Our heros fit into the lasdfstter casdfstegory.有關(guān)于電影泰坦尼克號(hào)觀后感英文最新范文精選五篇( 二 )The film is reasdfslly well written. I love the was

14、dfsy it is told in flasdfsshbasdfsck.It begins with asdfs group of present-dasdfsy treasdfssure hunters exploring the wreckasdfsge of the Titasdfsnic (which results in some brilliasdfsntunderwasdfsterfootasdfsge).They find asdfsn old sasdfsfe thasdfst's completely empty sasdfsve for asdfs drasdf

15、swing of asdfs womasdfsn.An elderly womasdfsn suddenly phones them asdfsnd sasdfsys she's the womasdfsn in the picture. She then tells the divers asdfsnd her grasdfsnddasdfsughter the masdfsin plot of the film.One thing thasdfst I reasdfslly like asdfss well asdfsbout the flasdfsshbasdfsck forma

16、sdfst is the editing.Easdfsch time the film asdfslwasdfsys shifts between the pasdfsst or present viasdfs asdfs masdfstch cut,such asdfss asdfs video of thewreckasdfsge of the Titasdfsnic in the present dasdfsy chasdfsnging into the Titasdfsnic before it left in 1912 orasdfs close-up shot of young R

17、ose's eye to the eye of the elderlyRose in the present.The chasdfsrasdfscters asdfsre asdfsll reasdfslly welldeveloped.I love how the filmmasdfsnasdfsges to blend some ofthe reasdfsl historicasdfsl figures (I.E. the crew of theTitasdfsnic) with fictionasdfsl chasdfsrasdfscters (I.E. Rose,Jasdfsc

18、k) asdfsnd yet it is still incredibly believasdfsble,asdfss if this reasdfslly wasdfss asdfs true story. The story is lasdfsrgely focused on the relasdfstionship between Rose asdfsnd Jasdfsck, but the film constasdfsntly masdfsnasdfsges to develop other chasdfsrasdfscters.Even the present-dasdfsy ch

19、asdfsrasdfscters asdfsre reasdfslly well developed.The story is very well written,asdfsnd I love the wasdfsyhow it chasdfsnges in tone throughout.The film stasdfsrts off exciting, with masdfsny people excited, yet stillmasdfsnasdfsges to portrasdfsy Rose in asdfs somewhasdfst sympasdfsthetic role.A

20、lasdfsrge portion of it is the romasdfsnce between Jasdfsck asdfsnd Rose, but the film masdfsnasdfsges to hasdfsve some drasdfsmasdfsticscenes,with來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò),搜集整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí) 6asdfs lasdfsrge sub-plot of the story being the conflict between Rose asdfsnd the rest of her upper-clasdfsss fasdfsmily.The film even

21、masdfsnasdfsges to include asdfs bit of humour here asdfsnd there, but doesn't tasdfske it too fasdfsr. However everything chasdfsnges neasdfsr the end, when we hasdfsve the iceberg,asdfsnd asdfsll of asdfs sudden the film becomes very dasdfsrk asdfsnd trasdfsgic.The climasdfsx is very impressiv

22、e.It tasdfskes plasdfsceonce the Titasdfsnic hits the iceberg.At this point, the film masdfsnasdfsges to successfully shift focus between different people.It masdfsnasdfsges to focus on the protasdfsgonists, but asdfslso masdfsnasdfsges to focus on the chasdfsos asdfsnd tension asdfss the ship sinks

23、 asdfsnd the crew struggle to keep order asdfsnd get the pasdfsssengers off sasdfsfely.It brilliasdfsntly masdfsnasdfsges to casdfspture the trasdfsgedy asdfsnd horror of the disasdfsster.Overasdfsll this movie is asdfs cinemasdfstic masdfssterpiece asdfsnd one thasdfst you definitely should see if

24、you hasdfsven't asdfslreasdfsdy.有關(guān)于電影泰坦尼克號(hào)觀后感英文最新范文精選五篇( 三 )After wasdfstching the film Titasdfsnic II,it casdfsn thelp masdfsking me remember Titasdfsnic I 來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò),搜集整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí) 6asdfsgasdfsin,remembering the touching story plot.But compasdfsred to Titasdfsnic I,Titasdfsnic II seems to be inferior s

25、lightly,just asdfss the words:The clasdfsssics casdfsn t be trasdfsnscendentasdfsl.The following asdfsre some similasdfsrities asdfsnd differences of the two films which I summasdfsrize.The sasdfsme point is thasdfst the two films hasdfsve the sasdfsme story plot.Firstly,they asdfsre both love stori

26、es asdfsbout asdfs masdfsn asdfsnd asdfs women basdfssing the basdfsckground of the ship sasdfsnk asdfsnd finasdfslly the masdfsn died in order to sasdfsve the women he loved.Secondly, the reasdfssons of wrecking the ships asdfsreboth the two ships hit the iceberg.However, there asdfsre asdfslso mas

27、dfsny different points between them. Although the two ships ruin asdfsre casdfsused by icebergs,but inTitasdfsnic I,the masdfsin reasdfsson is thasdfst the casdfsptasdfsin is too confident.However in Titasdfsnic II,they asdfsre asdfslreasdfsdy wasdfsrned but still asdfsccelerasdfste the speed of nas

28、dfsvigasdfstion asdfsnd finasdfslly casdfsuse the ship wrecked.Whasdfst s more,in the Titasdfsnic I,the director casdfsnbe sasdfsid to creasdfste asdfs clasdfsssic.Until now it still asdfs populasdfsr film asdfsbout love. In Titasdfsnic II, it s asdfslso asdfsbout the lone story but it masdfskes peo

29、ple dull.In my opinion,Titasdfsnic I is relasdfstively fine asdfsnd smooth,Titasdfsnic II is more coasdfsrse asdfsnd I think it casdfsn t surmount Titasdfsnic I forever, becasdfsuse every story plot of Titasdfsnic I hasdfss asdfslreasdfsdy firmly born in the minds of people.Any will be considered im

30、perfect with its different story plots.有關(guān)于電影泰坦尼克號(hào)觀后感英文最新范文精選五篇( 四 )Duringthe winter holidasdfsy, I wasdfstched the泰坦尼克號(hào) asdfsgasdfsin. The first time thasdfst I wasdfstched thefilmis asdfst the asdfsge of 13, asdfst thasdfst stasdfsge I believe thasdfst the understasdfsnding of love forme is too dif

31、ficult. Therefore, the measdfsning of love for me is exclusivelyshasdfsllow. Hence, this time I reasdfslly leasdfsrn more asdfsbout the love asdfsgasdfsin. I wasdfssspelled by the love surpasdfsssing the life asdfsndthepure relasdfstionship between the two lovers. After wasdfstching the film, asdfsl

32、l sorts of feelings well in my heasdfsrt. Rose fasdfslls inlove with him asdfsnd ignore the identity of Jasdfsck who does not give in the outdasdfstedideasdfs thasdfst the love must on the basdfsse of money, even if the money is the evil of everything asdfsnd it will let the masdfsjority ofpeople ca

33、sdfsnnot pull themselves together. Once Iwasdfstched the sense, my voice will asdfslwasdfsys become hoasdfsrse.The love story is so moving thasdfst I will blasdfsmethe current love in the society where the power asdfsnd the money will beconsidered into the masdfsrriasdfsge. The phenomenon thasdfst w

34、ith the masdfsrriasdfsge for expedience rasdfsther thasdfsn love is getting increasdfssinglycommon, it is pretty difficult for us to seek for the reasdfsl love in the presentsociety. For instasdfsnce, like my friend, he fasdfslls in love with asdfs girl who isextremely beasdfsutiful asdfsnd students

35、 asdfslwasdfsys sasdfsy “ you asdfsre asdfsregulasdfsr little chasdfsrmer “ . There asdfsre so masdfsny times he told to me thasdfst heloved the girl too muchb ut compasdfsred with others who try their utmost to pursuethe girl, he simply looked sick. Owing to thefasdfsct thasdfst the basdfsckground

36、of the boy is very “ thin ” while the girl is terrific “ fasdfst ” so the boy lock the love asdfswasdfsy until the collegeentrasdfsnce is over. One dasdfsy asdfs girl who is the friend of the girlconfides to me the truth thasdfst the girl loves the boybefore the first time they met. I asdfsm asdfsma

37、sdfszing becasdfsuse the silence is fasdfstasdfsl to the love. Finasdfslly theyasdfslso do not tellthe love to easdfsch other. Whasdfst asdfs pity! The sasdfsd love is over but for me the old memory isasdfslive. There asdfsre so masdfsny girls asdfsnd boysspasdfsre no every effect to masdfsrry the r

38、ich one. The girls tossedtheir heasdfsds asdfsnd swung their hip to asdfsttrasdfsct the rich, the boys use thewords which asdfsre very idle to steasdfsl the heasdfsrt of the rich. As fasdfsrasdfss I asdfsmconcerned, Is the moneyi s so cruel thasdfst let you to sellout your reasdfsl love asdfsnd chea

39、sdfst your integrity.I casdfsnnot succumb to the seductive sirens of asdfsn easdfssymorasdfslity. I should find my reasdfsl love asdfsnd I firmly believe thasdfst beasdfsuty is in the eyes of the beloved. We should confidently puff out yourself chest to summon the courasdfsge to combasdfst the unscr

40、upulous prasdfsctice thus holding your life we shouldbring the fasdfsith home. I hasdfsve asdfs dreasdfsm thasdfst onedasdfsy everyone casdfsn get the true love. I hasdfsve asdfs dreasdfsm thasdfst one dasdfsy the two of themcasdfsn wasdfslk hasdfsnd in hasdfsnd asdfslong the river basdfsnk,chasdfst

41、ting,lasdfsughing, asdfsnd looking hasdfsppy. I hasdfsve asdfs dreasdfsm thasdfst one dasdfsy we casdfsn push asdfsside the money! ck有關(guān)于電影泰坦尼克號(hào)觀后感英文最新范文精選五篇( 五 )After the asdfsppreciasdfstion of the film “ Titasdfsnic ”,I hasdfsve noticed some measdfsningful detasdfsils behind the peoples' gener

42、asdfsl impression of simply asdfsn asdfsffectionasdfsl film. The wreck of the Titasdfsnic occurred in 1912, in which the greasdfst recession stasdfsrted from the end of the 19th Century still hasdfssn't ended. Most critics pointed out thasdfst the sinking of the Titasdfsnic represents the collas

43、dfspse of the Casdfspitasdfslism in the end of the 19th Century. However, Iwould like to sasdfsythasdfst, in this movie, the director hasdfsd not only forerasdfsn the crisis of the Casdfspitasdfslism, but asdfslso showed some of the humasdfsn nasdfsture, from both gloomy asdfsnd brilliasdfsnt asdfss

44、pects, like selfish, masdfsmmonish, vasdfsinglorious, asdfsnd love, hope, brasdfsvery, fasdfsith, asdfsnd so on. In this essasdfsy, I will first reveasdfsl this film's indicasdfstion of the sociasdfsl context of thasdfstasdfsge, then I willasdfsnasdfslyse the two contrasdfsryasdfsspects of humas

45、dfsn來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò),搜集整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí) 13nasdfsture indicasdfsted in this film through some impressive shots.Under the development of industriasdfsl technology, the economy in the Casdfspitasdfslism countries took off. People lived asdfs rich, luxury asdfsnd expensive life, asdfsnd this rasdfspid economic development

46、 lasdfssted for asdfslmost 20 yeasdfsrs. People hasdfsd got used to this kind of life. The huge development in masdfschinery chasdfsnged people's life greasdfstly. Innovasdfstions of trasdfsnsportasdfstion, such asdfss vehicles asdfsnd tasdfsnkers, asdfsllowed people to trasdfsvel asdfsround. Th

47、e asdfsppeasdfsrasdfsnce of these modern trasdfsnsportasdfstions wasdfss asdfsn importasdfsnt milestone of the industriasdfslizasdfstion.People thusbecasdfsme very confident on humasdfsn intellectuasdfsl casdfspasdfsbilities. They believed their power of conquering the nasdfsture is inasdfspproasdfs

48、chasdfsble. While the Titasdfsnic is asdfslso casdfslled “ The Ship of Dreasdfsmers ”, in this film, when it beasdfsring in with the oceasdfsn in the dasdfsrkness, the mysterious oceasdfsn represents the unknown nasdfsture asdfsnd the ship itself represents the asdfsdvasdfsnced masdfsteriasdfsl casd

49、fspasdfsbilities people owned. In asdfs shot thasdfst Mr Bruce explasdfsins his 來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò),搜集整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí) 12design of the Titasdfsnic, he sasdfsid “ the ship possesses huge size, stasdfsbility, luxury, asdfsnd strength ” , asdfsnd thasdfst “ the supremasdfscy will never be chasdfsllenged ”。 In fasdfsct, asdf

50、sll these words casdfsn be thought of the symbols of the Casdfspitasdfslism of thasdfst time in masdfsny people's eyes. They thought the Casdfspitasdfslism is just like the Titasdfsnic, which should be “ unsinkasdfsble ” 。 The wonderful wasdfsy of developing economy would stasdfsy in good condit

51、ion eternasdfslly. However, things do not asdfslwasdfsys follow the wasdfsy people wish to be. The economic recession suddenly asdfsttasdfscked the Casdfspitasdfslism countries asdfst the end of the 19th Century. It wasdfss not until then thasdfst people did not reasdfslize the imprasdfscticasdfslit

52、y of their ideasdfslized “ unsinkasdfsble ” Casdfspitasdfslism. Casdfspitasdfslism will sink. And unfortunasdfstely it did sink. Just like the movie shows, when the ship broke into two pasdfsrts asdfsnd begasdfsn to sink quicker asdfsnd quicker, everybody knows the ship is going to sink, the priest

53、kept reiterasdfsting to the disciples, “ the former would hasdfss pasdfsssed asdfswasdfsy. ”As to the humasdfsn nasdfsture uncovered in this film, casdfsn be thought of from both negasdfstive asdfsnd positiveasdfsspects.I will firstelucidasdfstesome gloomychasdfsrasdfscteristics reveasdfsled by the

54、film. The first impressive chasdfsrasdfscteristic masdfsy be thasdfst the fiasdfsnc é of Rose, Kasdfsrl would gasdfsin his ends by fasdfsirmeasdfsns or foul. When he noticed thasdfst Rosehasdfss obliquity with Jasdfsck, he took out the necklasdfscewith asdfs diasdfsmond of 56 casdfsrasdfsts nas

55、dfsmed“ theheasdfsrt of the oceasdfsn ”, to request Rose not to leasdfsve him. He knows thasdfst Rose doesn't love him, but he chose to use money to keep Rose with him. When Titasdfsnic wasdfss sinking, both Jasdfsck asdfsnd Kasdfsrl were trying to trickRose into getting on the asdfsccident boas

56、dfst. Since Kasdfsrl hasdfsd asdfslreasdfsdy bribed asdfs sasdfsilor, he lied toRose thasdfst he would ensure thasdfst Jasdfsck will asdfslsoget on the boasdfst. Nevertheless, when Kasdfsrl himself wasdfss rejected to get on the asdfsccident boasdfst, he asdfsgasdfsin used asdfsn intrigue thasdfst h

57、e picked up asdfsn outcasdfsst child asdfsnd pretended to be the fasdfsther of the child, asdfsnd masdfsnasdfsged to get on the asdfsccident boasdfst. Another negasdfstive sociasdfsl mood of thasdfsttime exposed by the film is vasdfsnity. Rose's mother wasdfsnted to masdfsrry her dasdfsughter to

58、 Kasdfsrl just來(lái)源網(wǎng)絡(luò),搜集整理,僅供參考學(xué)習(xí) 17becasdfsuse Kasdfsrl is extremely rich, while she doesn't casdfsre whether Rose loves him or not. When Jasdfsck weasdfsring asdfs suitborrowed from asdfs womasdfsn toasdfsttend the dinner invited by Kasdfsrl, he wasdfss respected by other guests. However, when he wore his own clothes masdfsybe


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