



1、六年級(jí)上冊(cè)期中試卷一、按要求寫單詞。(每小題1分,共10分)l.dirty (反義詞)2. never (反義詞)3 .child (復(fù)數(shù))4. man (復(fù)數(shù))5 .have (第三人稱單數(shù)) 6. let (全寫形式)7 .teach (名詞形式)8.like (第三人稱單數(shù))9 .write (現(xiàn)在分詞)10. put (現(xiàn)在分詞)二、給下列單詞填入所缺的字母(每小題1分,共22分)1.st_dy2. k tch_n 3. brkfast 4. h_lf 5.d_rty6._mbrella.7.l_ss_n8. c_rd9. dr_v_r 10.l_nch11. h_me 12.t_me

2、13 .tabl_ 14.th_re 15.flo_r16.the_ 17.din_er18. _ell14 .some_ime_ 20.alway_ 21. _ften 22. _ever三、選擇正確的一項(xiàng)(每小題1分,共10分)()1. Where are you from ? I China.A. am fromB. so C.to()2. How many do you have?.A. class B. classes C.a class()3. He never to school.A. walk B.walks C.walking()4.These many boxesA. is

3、 B. are C.am()5.The children A. is playingB.play C.are playing()6. Mr. Wood a science lesson.A.teach B. teaches C.teaching()7.I ' m putting my hat now.A. on B. in C.off()8. Sometimes he noodles.A. eat B. eating C.eats.()9. We often to school.A. walkB.walksC.walking()10.the temperature now? It s

4、100degrees.A.What' sB.How' sC.When' s四、用所給單詞的適當(dāng)形式填空。(每小題1分,共6分)1、How many(class)do you have each school day?2、These are many (photo)3. I always have umbrella on a (rain)day4、This is our bus(drive)5、Here (be) the bus stop.6.I m(write) a lettenow.五、口語(yǔ)配對(duì)。(每小題2分,共14分)()1.What time is it?)2.W

5、hat are you doing?)3.Where are you from?)4.How' s the weather today?A. I m washing the dishes.B. It ' s 7:00.C. It ' s rainy and cool.D. I'm from China.)5.What would you like for lunch? E.It ' s twenty degrees.)6.What' s the temperature? F. I'd like noodles.)7.Do you do y

6、ou homework?G. Yes.always.六、連詞成句。(每小題2分,共12分)1、What doing are you.2、What you would for like breakfast.3、 ItsDast seven half.4、These dishes are.5、We lunch at have school6、Nice meet to you !七句型轉(zhuǎn)換。(10分)1. I am from China.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn)) are you.2. This is one pencil.(改為復(fù)數(shù)句) many 3. These are three buses改為一般疑

7、問(wèn)句)_ three buses?4. Good morning .(回答)5. There are three buses in the bus stop.對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn)) buses in the bos stop?八根據(jù)表格內(nèi)容判八斷句子的對(duì)錯(cuò),對(duì)的寫T,錯(cuò)的寫F.6分namedoyourhomeworkhelp your motherwatch TVwear dressJennyo/Dannyo/ alwaysOften Csometimesnever1 .Jenny always wears dresses.()2 .Danny never wears dresses.()3 .Je

8、nny always watchesTV in the evening.( )4 .Sometimes Danny watches TV in the evening.( )5 .Jenny usually help her mother.( )6 .Danny always does his homework.( )九、閱讀短文,判斷正誤,用"T或“F表示(每題2分,共10分)It ' s a fine day today.We are playing in the park .There are many children in the park.Some are fly

9、ing kites.Some are skipping.Li Ming and Danny are lying on the grass.They are watching the clouds in the sky.Bob and Lynn are playing catch .Jenny and Kim are swimming in the swimming pool.Where is Steven?He is sitting under the tree.He is reading a book. Everyone is having fun.()1、Where are they?A.

10、 They are in the park. B.They are at the gym. C.They are at school.()2、HoW s the weather?A.It ' s rainy B.It ' s snowy C.It ' s sunny()3、What is Danny doing in the park?A.He is skipping. B.He is reading a book C.He is lying on the grass.()4、Are Bob and Lynn swimming in the pool?A.Yes,they are . B.No.They are playing catch.


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