1、目錄1 工藝鑒定要求 31.1 總則 31.2 對生產(chǎn)設(shè)備及原材料的要求 31.2.1 生產(chǎn)線用水水質(zhì)要求 31.2.2 化工原材料要求 31.2.3 質(zhì)量檢驗手段 31.3 工藝鑒定程序 31.4 工藝鑒定試驗及試樣要求 41.4.1 試樣要求 41.4.2 試驗項目及試樣數(shù)量 41.5 試驗方法及質(zhì)量指標(biāo) 41.5.1 外觀 41.5.2 鍍層厚度 41.5.3 結(jié)合強(qiáng)度 51.5.4 耐蝕性 . 51.5.5 鍍層脆性 51.5.6 導(dǎo)電性 . 51.5.7 六價鉻含量 51.6 鑒定狀態(tài)的保持 52 批生產(chǎn)過程中零件質(zhì)量檢驗要求 52.1 鍍前表面質(zhì)量要求 52.2 鍍層外觀 62.3
2、 鍍層厚度 62.4 結(jié)合強(qiáng)度 62.5 耐蝕性 62.6 鍍層脆性 72.7 六價鉻含量 . 7表目錄表 1.鑒定試驗項目及試樣數(shù)量 4表 2.螺紋上鍍層厚度要求 6錯誤!未找到引用源范圍:本規(guī)范規(guī)定了華為技術(shù)有限公司產(chǎn)品中電鍍鋅彩色鈍化或黑色鈍化的工藝要求及其質(zhì)量要求。本規(guī)范適用于電鍍鋅的工藝鑒定、首樣鑒定和電鍍批生產(chǎn)質(zhì)量檢驗??捎糜谥笇?dǎo)產(chǎn)品設(shè)計、采購和生產(chǎn),以及 用于生產(chǎn)者在零件電鍍處理過程中的質(zhì)量檢驗。本規(guī)范所要求的電鍍層只適用于一般環(huán)境。簡介:電鍍鋅工藝中包括有多種后處理方式,華為產(chǎn)品要求的電鍍鋅工藝中,其后處理只能采用不含六價鉻的鈍化, 同時對于鋅基合金壓鑄件允許只進(jìn)行“鈍化”處理
3、。本文規(guī)定了鈍化膜層的質(zhì)量指標(biāo),包括鍍層厚度、鈍化膜的耐 蝕性、鍍層與基體的結(jié)合力、鍍層脆性以及六價鉻含量等等,同時明確了在工藝鑒定時和批生產(chǎn)情況下各種零件類 型的檢驗方法。關(guān)鍵詞:鍍鋅,鈍化,質(zhì)量,六價鉻。引用文件:下列文件中的條款通過本規(guī)范的引用而成為本規(guī)范的條款。凡是注日期的引用文件,其隨后所有的修改單(不 包括勘誤的內(nèi)容)或修訂版均不適用于本規(guī)范,然而,鼓勵根據(jù)本規(guī)范達(dá)成協(xié)議的各方研究是否可使用這些文件的 最新版本。凡是不注日期的引用文件,其最新版本適用于本規(guī)范。序 號文件編號文件名稱等效標(biāo)準(zhǔn)1IEC 60068-2-11基本環(huán)境試驗程序.第2部分:試驗.試驗Ka:鹽霧GB 2423.
4、17ASTM B1172ISO 1463金屬和氧化物覆蓋層橫斷面厚度顯微鏡測量方法GB/T 64623ISO 2178磁性金屬基體上非磁性覆蓋層厚度測量磁性方法GB/T 49564ISO 2409涂料和清漆交叉切割試驗GB/T 92865ISO 3613鋅、鉻、鋁鋅合金及鋅鋁合金表面鉻酸鹽的轉(zhuǎn)化鍍層測 試方法GB/T 97916ISO 4042緊固件.電鍍層GB/T 5267.17ISO 4519金屬電鍍層和有關(guān)的精加工計數(shù)檢查的抽樣程序GB/T 126098GB/T 2058鋅陽極板9GB 5749生活飲用水衛(wèi)生標(biāo)準(zhǔn)10DKBA0.400.0021產(chǎn)品表面外觀缺陷的限定標(biāo)準(zhǔn)術(shù)語和定義:術(shù)語定
5、義平均厚度在同一平面內(nèi)、選擇平均分布的十個點進(jìn)行厚度測量,所測厚度的算術(shù)平均值即為平均厚度。主視表面零件在裝配成完整產(chǎn)品后處于正常視覺范圍內(nèi)的可見表面。術(shù)語定義生產(chǎn)批指冋一天在相冋條件下處理的、材料和形狀相似的零件的總和。標(biāo)準(zhǔn)膠帶指符合ISO2409的、專門用于檢測表面鍍涂層附著力的粘膠帶產(chǎn)品,其在金屬表面 或有機(jī)涂層表面的粘附力是每 25 mm寬不低于(10 ± 1) N 。絲印即絲網(wǎng)印刷。一種印刷工藝方法。1工藝鑒定要求1.1 總則電鍍鋅工藝應(yīng)采用環(huán)保的無氰電鍍工藝;鈍化不能采用含六價鉻的工藝。除緊固件外,電鍍后處理工藝中不能 有任何“封閉”類處理操作。生產(chǎn)者的工藝設(shè)備、工藝流程
6、、質(zhì)量保證措施應(yīng)在其主要的工藝文件中加以說明。生產(chǎn)者的工藝質(zhì)量必須滿足第1.2至1.6 節(jié)的要求。1.2對生產(chǎn)設(shè)備及原材料的要求1.2.1 生產(chǎn)線用水水質(zhì)要求1)所有工藝槽的配制用水必須用去離子水或蒸餾水;2)鈍化前、后的清洗用水必須用去離子水或蒸餾水;其它清洗用水必須達(dá)到GB 5749 飲用水要求;3)清洗槽中水流方式應(yīng)采用逆流,或者定時更換。(注:去離子水或蒸餾水的水質(zhì)要求達(dá)到pH = 5.0-7.5,電導(dǎo)率不大于 10卩S/cm )1.2.2 化工原材料要求1)鍍鋅前各工藝槽所用化工原材料必須不低于相應(yīng)工業(yè)級材料的國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求;2)鍍鋅液所用化工原材料必須不低于相應(yīng)化學(xué)純級材料的國家標(biāo)準(zhǔn)
7、要求;3)鍍鋅用鋅陽極不低于 GB/T 2058的要求。4)鍍鋅光劑或鈍化劑的供應(yīng)商必須具備良好的品質(zhì)保證能力,一般需得到華為技術(shù)有限公司認(rèn)可。1.2.3 質(zhì)量檢驗手段生產(chǎn)方除了應(yīng)具備化學(xué)分析實驗室外,還必須具有以下檢測儀器:測厚儀、鹽霧試驗箱、附著力檢測用刀具和 標(biāo)準(zhǔn)膠帶(符合ISO 2409 ),并能進(jìn)行合格的試驗操作。所有檢測儀器設(shè)備都必須具有有效的校驗合格證。1.3工藝鑒定程序被鑒定的工廠必須完成以下全部試驗工作,這些試驗必須在零件批生產(chǎn)所用的條件下完成:1. 試樣加工(注1)2. 表面處理(注2)3. 試樣檢查及測試4. 提供試驗報告(注3)及試片給華為技術(shù)有限公司的質(zhì)檢部門以便復(fù)驗
8、注:1、鑒定用試樣也可由華為技術(shù)有限公司完成并提供給被鑒定工廠。2、所有試樣必須同時進(jìn)行處理試驗報告的發(fā)岀者必須是華為技術(shù)有限公司質(zhì)量鑒定部門認(rèn)可的試驗室或單位。1.4工藝鑒定試驗及試樣要求1.4.1 試樣要求1)掛鍍工藝材料:冷軋鋼板或鋅合金壓鑄件尺寸:80 X 125 X 1 4 (mm)或與實際加工零件相同或相似的樣件表面粗糙度:Ra < 1 mm表面處理:根據(jù)工藝鑒定要求選擇冷軋板電鍍鋅彩色鈍化或鋅基合金直接鈍化處理。2)滾鍍工藝材料:冷軋鋼尺寸:選擇與實際加工零件相同或相似的樣件表面粗糙度:Ra < 1 m表面處理:根據(jù)工藝鑒定要求選擇電鍍鋅彩色鈍化或黑色鈍化工藝1.4.
9、2 試驗項目及試樣數(shù)量表1給岀了工藝鑒定所需的試驗項目和試樣數(shù)量要求:表1.鑒定試驗項目及試樣數(shù)量試驗項目試樣數(shù)量(件)備注外觀所有試樣鍍層厚度所有試樣鋅基合金鈍化工藝不要求結(jié)合強(qiáng)度3鋅基合金鈍化工藝不要求鍍層脆性3+3鋅基合金鈍化工藝不要求耐蝕性3+3導(dǎo)電性3六價鉻含量2注:其中三件為提供華為技術(shù)有限公司進(jìn)行復(fù)驗用1.5試驗方法及質(zhì)量指標(biāo)1.5.1 外觀1)所有試樣均應(yīng)進(jìn)行外觀檢查。2)鍍層結(jié)晶均勻、細(xì)致、連續(xù)。3)允許有輕微夾具印。4)不允許:鍍層粗糙、麻點、黑點、起泡、剝落和嚴(yán)重條紋;鈍化膜疏松、起粉、及嚴(yán)重的鈍化液痕跡;局部 無鍍層。5)鈍化膜顏色如下:鍍鋅后的彩色鈍化膜應(yīng)是帶有綠色、
10、黃色和紫色色彩的光亮彩虹色;鋅基合金鈍化處理膜 可以是灰色至略顯彩色的暗灰色;黑色鈍化處理的表面應(yīng)是均勻的黑色。1.5.2 鍍層厚度1)所有試樣均應(yīng)進(jìn)行厚度檢測。10個點(滾鍍試樣可只取2)按ISO 2178 進(jìn)行非破壞性測試(或采用其它等效的方法)。每一試樣上測取 35個點),其值均應(yīng)在 812卩m范圍以內(nèi)。1.5.3 結(jié)合強(qiáng)度1) 在三件試樣上進(jìn)行結(jié)合強(qiáng)度試驗;試驗應(yīng)在電鍍完成 24H 后、三天之內(nèi)進(jìn)行。2) 按 ISO 2409 的試驗方法,在試樣上劃出 1mm 見方的 100 個小格,然后用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)膠帶拉扯,應(yīng)沒有鈍化 膜或鍍層脫落現(xiàn)象。1.5.4 耐蝕性1) 在三件試樣上進(jìn)行耐蝕性試驗;
11、試驗應(yīng)在電鍍或鈍化完成 24H 后、三天之內(nèi)開始進(jìn)行。2) 對鍍鋅彩色鈍化膜:按 IEC 60068-2-11 進(jìn)行 72H 的中性鹽霧試驗;試驗后,在每一試樣的試驗表面不 能出現(xiàn)任何白色或黑色腐蝕點。3) 對鋅基合金鈍化處理膜:按 IEC 60068-2-11 進(jìn)行 48H 的中性鹽霧試驗;試驗后,在每一試樣距邊緣 5mm 以上的表面不能出現(xiàn)任何白色或黑色腐蝕點。1.5.5 鍍層脆性1) 在三件試樣上進(jìn)行鍍層脆性試驗。2) 將試樣放入180200 °C的恒溫烘箱中保持0.51 H后,取出自然冷卻,檢查鍍層應(yīng)沒有起泡、脫落的現(xiàn)象。1.5.6 導(dǎo)電性1) 在三件試樣上進(jìn)行導(dǎo)電性測試。2
12、) 利用微歐計,兩個電極與被測表面接觸,電極面積為 1cm 2、電極壓強(qiáng)為 1.4MPa (即壓力 14kgf ),在試樣表面上任取兩點進(jìn)行測量,共測5次,其值應(yīng)不大于 50 m Qo1.5.7 六價鉻含量1) 按ISO 3613中的六價鉻存在試驗方法檢測鈍化膜中是否存在六價鉻。2) 如果發(fā)現(xiàn)存在六價鉻,則應(yīng)利用 ISO 3613 中的比色法定量檢測六價鉻含量(檢測機(jī)構(gòu)必須得到華為技術(shù)有限公司認(rèn)可)。要求轉(zhuǎn)化膜中的六價鉻含量不能高于900ppm o1.6 鑒定狀態(tài)的保持經(jīng)過華為技術(shù)有限公司鑒定的工藝,在未得到華為技術(shù)有限公司的同意之前,不能改變?nèi)魏慰捎绊懶阅苜|(zhì)量的 工藝參數(shù),否則將重新進(jìn)行鑒定
13、 .o2 批生產(chǎn)過程中零件質(zhì)量檢驗要求2.1 鍍前表面質(zhì)量要求1) 應(yīng)無嚴(yán)重油污、金屬屑、漆層以及銹蝕和氧化皮等;不能夾帶有任何塑料膜碎屑。2) 零件表面應(yīng)無毛刺、 裂紋、 壓坑等因操作不良而導(dǎo)致的人為損傷;表面劃傷等外觀缺陷要符合 要求;3) 焊接件應(yīng)無焊料剩余物和溶渣、釷孔等缺陷;焊縫處的嚴(yán)重氧化皮應(yīng)已被打磨消除;4) 應(yīng)無鉚接螺母(或者“壓死邊”)等易造成截留溶液的縫隙,除非是特殊結(jié)構(gòu)使鍍后鉚接不可能實現(xiàn);5) 鑄件不得有未除盡的砂粒和涂料燒結(jié)物,不能有肉眼可見的針孔、起皮、夾層等缺陷;6) 鑄件、焊接件、沖壓件及原材料,如果帶有其相應(yīng)的技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)允許范圍內(nèi)的缺陷,可以接受。2.2鍍層外觀
14、1)所有零件都應(yīng)進(jìn)行外觀檢查。2)鍍層結(jié)晶均勻、細(xì)致、連續(xù)。3)顏色:鍍鋅后的彩色鈍化膜應(yīng)是帶有綠色、黃色和紫色色彩的光亮彩虹色,但允許經(jīng)過局部噴粉的零件表面 鍍層變暗失光或呈霧狀;黑色鈍化膜應(yīng)是均勻的黑色;鋅基合金壓鑄件鈍化后的外觀顏色不作控制要求。4)在零件表面允許有以下缺陷:不影響裝配后外觀效果的輕微水?。ㄖ饕暠砻娌辉试S有水?。?; 非主視表面上小而少的夾具印(夾具印小于 1X1 mm 2); 由于零件表面狀態(tài)不同而導(dǎo)致的同一零件上有不均勻的顏色或光澤; 在復(fù)雜件、大型件或過長的零件棱邊及端部有輕微的粗糙(不影響裝配); 焊縫、搭接交界處不明顯的稍暗或發(fā)白,或者符合外觀要求(參見)的局部修
15、補(bǔ); 在大型零件(某一方向尺寸超過 600mm )的隱蔽部位允許有少于三處、每處面積小于4mm 2的鈍化膜脫落(表現(xiàn)為白色)和黑點現(xiàn)象。5)不允許: 鍍層粗糙、起泡、燒焦、孔隙、疙瘩、脫落、裂紋;樹枝狀、海綿狀和條紋狀鍍層;鈍化膜疏松、起粉; 局部無鍍層;手??; 彩色鈍化膜中夾有深黃色、棕色或褐色;黑色鈍化膜中夾有白色、紅色。 在上面第4)點中未包括的其它缺陷。2.3鍍層厚度1)厚度檢查在零件上進(jìn)行;每件零件都需檢測(滾鍍零件可以抽檢,抽檢比例符合ISO 4519 的規(guī)定)。2)按ISO 2178 進(jìn)行檢測。在零件表面,凡能被直徑為20 mm的球接觸到的區(qū)域,其平均厚度應(yīng)為8、12卩m,最低電
16、位區(qū)域(如槽內(nèi))允許最小平均厚度在5卩m以上。 凡直徑為20 mm 的球不能接觸到的區(qū)域,其厚度不作要求。3)對帶螺紋的工件:其鍍層厚度以保證螺紋質(zhì)量為準(zhǔn),即必須符合圖紙或ISO 4042 中的要求,如表2所示;其厚度檢測方法按ISO 4042 的相關(guān)內(nèi)容進(jìn)行。4)當(dāng)對檢測結(jié)果有爭議時,按ISO 1463 進(jìn)行仲裁試驗。表2.螺紋上鍍層厚度要求螺紋公稱直徑(mm)< 2.53810 1214 22螺紋上鍍層厚度(卩m)358102.4結(jié)合強(qiáng)度1)試驗應(yīng)在電鍍完成 24H以后、三天之內(nèi)進(jìn)行;每生產(chǎn)批至少檢查一件試片(試片要求見節(jié))或樣件。2)按ISO 2409 的試驗方法,在試樣或樣件上劃
17、出1mm 見方的100個小格,然后用標(biāo)準(zhǔn)膠帶拉扯,應(yīng)沒有鈍化膜或鍍層脫落現(xiàn)象。否則該生產(chǎn)批零件不合格。3)對螺紋緊固件、鋅基合金鈍化處理不要求此項內(nèi)容。2.5 耐蝕性1)耐蝕性檢測在零件上進(jìn)行。2)試驗應(yīng)在電鍍完成 24H 以后、三天之內(nèi)進(jìn)行;每生產(chǎn)批至少檢查一件零件。3)對鍍鋅彩色鈍化膜:按 IEC 60068-2-11 進(jìn)行72H的中性鹽霧試驗;試驗后,在試樣距邊緣5mm以外的表面不能岀現(xiàn)任何白色或黑色或棕紅色腐蝕點。否則,該批零件不合格。4) 對鍍鋅黑色鈍化膜、或鋅基合金鈍化處理膜:按 IEC 60068-2-11 進(jìn)行 48H 的中性鹽霧試驗;試驗后, 在每一試樣除邊緣 5mm 以外的
18、表面不能出現(xiàn)任何白色或黑色腐蝕點。否則,該批零件不合格。5) 對于緊固件之類滾鍍的小零件,每生產(chǎn)批試驗零件至少取 5 件。在按上述 3)的要求試驗后,允許不超過 1/2 的試樣在表面出現(xiàn)個別黑點、但不允許出現(xiàn)白色腐蝕。否則,該批零件不合格。緊固件不考查螺紋及裝配后的壓合 部位。6) 對于局部噴粉的零件,在噴粉后不要求耐蝕性試驗。7) 對于只在電鍍層上進(jìn)行了絲印、沒有再進(jìn)行其它處理的零件表面,其耐蝕性要求與上面第3 )點一樣。8) 當(dāng)生產(chǎn)的零件尺寸太大(不能放入試驗箱)時,可以用該零件上的典型結(jié)構(gòu)部分作替代試樣。2.6 鍍層脆性1) 每生產(chǎn)批零件中抽取至少三件進(jìn)行本試驗。2) 將試樣放入1802
19、00 °C的恒溫烘箱中保持 0.51H后,取出自然冷卻,檢查每件上的鍍層都應(yīng)沒有起 泡、脫落的現(xiàn)象。否則該生產(chǎn)批零件不合格。3) 對鋅基合金鈍化處理的零件、緊固件不要求此項內(nèi)容。2.7 六價鉻含量1) 每周試驗一次,有新調(diào)整電鍍或鈍化溶液后也必須試驗一次。試驗樣件必須從批生產(chǎn)零件中抽取至少一件。2) 按 ISO 3613 中的六價鉻存在試驗方法檢測鈍化膜中是否存在六價鉻。3) 如果發(fā)現(xiàn)存在六價鉻,則應(yīng)利用 ISO 3613 中的比色法定量檢測六價鉻含量(檢測機(jī)構(gòu)必須得到華為技術(shù) 有限公司認(rèn)可)。要求轉(zhuǎn)化膜中的六價鉻含量不能高于 900ppm 。TABLE OF CONTENTS1.
20、REQUIREMENTS FOR PROCESS AUTHENTICATION 121.1. G ENERAL PRINCIPLES 121.2. R EQUIREMENTS FOR PRODUCTION E QUIPMENT AND RAW M ATERIALS 121.2.1 Requirements for Water Quality of Production Line 121.2.2 Requirements for Chemical Raw Materials 12 121.3. PROCEDURES FOR PROCESS Q UALIFICATION 121.4. TEST A
21、ND S AMPLE R EQUIREMENTS FOR PROCESS QUALIFICATION 131.4.1 Sample Requirements 131.4.2 Test Items and Sample Quantity 131.5. TEST M ETHODS AND Q UALITY INDEXES 141.5.1 Appearance 141.5.2 Coating Thickness 141.5.3 Bonding Strength 141.5.4 Corrosion Resistance 151.5.5 Coating Embrittlement 151.5.6 Ele
23、.6. C OATING E MBRITTLEMENT 182.7. C ONTENT OF H EXAVALENT CHROME 18LIST OF TABLES13TABLE 1 TEST ITEMS AND SAMPLE QUANTITYTABLE 2 REQUIREMENTS FOR COATING THICKNESS OF SCREW THREADS 17錯誤!未找到引用源ScopeThis specification defines process and quality requirements for color passivation or black passivation
24、 of zinc electroplating in products of Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Huawei).This specification is applicable to the process qualification and initial sample qualification of zincelectroplating, and qualityinspection of electroplating in batch production.It can be used to
25、guide the design, procurement and production of products, as well as quality inspection during the process of parts electroplating by manufacturers.Electroplated coatings required in this specification apply to only the general environment.Brief in troduct ionZinc electroplating process contains mul
26、tiple post-processing methods. However, the zinc electroplating process of Huawei's products only uses hexavalent chrome exclusive passivation for post-processing. In addition, for the zinc alloy die castings, only passivation is permitted. This document specifies qualityindexesof passive films,
27、 including coating thickness, corrosionresistance of passive films, bonding force between coating and substrate, coating embrittlement, and content of hexavalentchrome.Besides, it defines the testing methods of various partsduring process qualification and batch production.Key wordsZinc plating, pas
28、sivation, quality, and hexavalent chromeRefere need Docume ntsThe following normative documents contain provisions which, through reference in this text, constitute provisionsof this specification.Fordated references, subsequentamendments,excluding corrections, to, or revisions of, any of these publ
29、ications do not apply. However, parties to agreements basedon this specificationareencouraged to investigate thepossibilityofapplying the most recent editions of the normative documents. For undated references, the latest edition of the normative document referred to applies.No.Doc No.Doc TitleEquiv
30、ale nt1IEC 60068-2-11Basic environmental testing procedures. Part 2 : Tests. Test Ka:Salt mistGB 2423.17ASTM B1172ISO 1463Measurementof transactionthickness of metallic and oxidecoating using microscopical methodGB/T 64623ISO 2178Measurementof non-magneticcoating thickness on magneticand metallic su
31、bstrates-magnetic methodsGB/T 49564ISO 2409Coatings and vanishes-Cross-cut testGB/T 92865ISO 3613Chromate conversion coatings on zinc,cadmium,aluminium-zinc alloys and zinc-aluminium alloys- Test methodsGB/T 97916ISO 4042Fasteners-Electroplated coatingsGB/T5267.17ISO 4519Electrodepositedmetalliccoat
32、ings and related finishes -Sampling procedures for inspection by attributesGB/T12609No.Doc No.Doc TitleEquivale nt8GB/T 2058Zinc anodic plate9DKBA0.400.0021Cosmetic Standard for Product SurfacesTer m&Defi niti onTermDefin iti onAverage thicknessArithmetic mean value of thicknesses of ten evenly
33、distributed points on one surface.Primary apparent surfaceVisible surface within the normal visual range after assembly of a complete product with parts.Production batchSum of parts with similar materials and shapes processed under the same conditions on the same day.Standard adhesive tapeAdhesive t
34、ape specifically for testing adhesion of surface coatings. The adhesionon the surface of metal or organic coating is not less than 10± 1 N for a wevery 25 mm.SilkscreenSilkscreen printing, a printing method.1. Requirements for Process Authentication1.1. Ge neral Prin ciplesZinc electroplating s
35、hould adopt the environmental non-cyanide electroplating technology.Passivation cannot use the technology with hexavalent chrome. Except fasteners, any“ closedprocessing operation should not exist in the post-processing of electroplating.Manufacturers' process documents should specify their proc
36、ess equipment, process flow, and quality assurance measures.Manufacturers' process quality must meet requirements specified in sections 1.2- . Requirements for Production Equipment and Raw Materials1.2.1 Requireme nts for Water Quality of Producti on Line1) The prepared water for all proc
37、ess troughs must be deionized water or distilled water.2) The rinsing water before and after passivation must be deionized water or distilled water.Other rinsing water must be tap water.3) The water in washing troughs should be in counter flow or changed periodically.(Note: The quality of deionized
38、water or distilled water should meet requirements such as pH =5.0 - 7.5 and electrical conductivity10 卩 S/cm.)1.2.2 Requireme nts for Chemical Raw Materials1) Before plating zinc, chemical raw materials used in all process troughs must meet national standard requirements for industrial-class materia
39、ls.2) Chemical raw materials used in the zinc plating solution must meet national standard requirements for chemical pure-class materials.3) Zinc anodes for plating zinc should meet requirements in GB/T 2058.4) Suppliers must provide zinc-plating brighteners or passivators with good quality, which g
40、enerally should be recognized by Huawei.1.2.3. Quality In spection MethodsBesides chemical analysis laboratories, manufacturers must have the following testing instruments compliant with test operations: thickness gauge, salt fog testing chamber, and tools and standard adhesive tapes for testing adh
41、esion (in accordance with ISO 2409). All testing instruments must have a valid calibration certificate.1.3. Procedures for Process QualificationAuthenticated factories must complete the following test operations under the conditions forbatch production of parts.Sample processing (Note 1)Surface trea
42、tment (Note 2)Sample inspection and testProviding Huawei with test reports (Note 3) and sample pieces for retest.- Samples used in qualification can also be produced and provided by Huawei.- All samples must be processed simultaneously.- Test reports must be issued by laboratories or units approved
43、by the Qualification Dept of Huawei.1.4. Test and Sample Requirements for Process Qualification1.4.1 Sample Requireme nts1) Rack plating processMaterial: cold rolled steel plates or zinc alloy die castings.Dimensions: 80 mm x 125 mm x 1- 4 mm or samples which are the same as or similar to actualproc
44、essing parts.Surface roughness: Ra1 mm.Surface treatment: According to requirements for process qualification, select color passivation for cold rolled zinc electroplating or direct passivation for zinc alloys.2) Barrel plating processMaterial: cold rolled steel.Dimension: samples which are the same
45、 as or similar to actual processing parts.Surface roughness: Ra1 mm.Surface treatment: According to requirements for process qualification, select color passivation or black passivation for zinc electroplating.1.4.2 Test Items and Sample Qua ntityTable 1 shows requirements for test items and sample
46、quantity in process qualification.Table 1 Test items and sample quantityTest ItemSample Quan tity(Pieces)RemarksAppearanceAll samplesCoating thicknessAll samplesNot required in passivationprocess of zincalloysBonding strength3Not required in passivationprocess of zincalloysCoating embrittlement3+3No
47、t required in passivationprocess of zincalloysCorrosion resistance3+3Electrical conductivity3Contentofhexavalentchrome2Note:Three pieces are used for retest by Huawei.1.5. Test Methods and Quality Indexes1.5.1 Appeara nee1) Exterior inspection should be performed on all samples.2) The coating crysta
48、llization should be well-distributed, fine, and continuous.3) Slight clamp marks are acceptable.4) Not allowed defects: roughness, pitting, black dot, bubbling, falling off, and serious stripe on the coating; loose and powdering passive films, and obvious mark of passive solution; partially unplated
49、.5) Color of passive film: The galvanized color passive film should be of bright iridescent color (green, yellow, and purple). The color of zinc base alloy passive film could be gray or dark gray with light color. The color of the black passive surface should be well-distributed black.1.5.2 Coating
50、Thickness1) Thickness inspection should be performed on all samples.2) Non-destructive test should be conducted according to ISO 2178 or equivalent. Choose 10points on each sample (three to five points on the barrel plated sample is acceptable). The size of each point should be within 8- 12 卩 m.1.5.
51、3 Bon di ng Stre ngth1) Bond strength test should be performed on three samples. The test should be conducted 24 hours after and within three days upon the completion of plating.2) The passive film or coating should not fall off when you scratch 100 grids of 1 mm on a sample and pull the grids with
52、standard adhesive tapes according to the test method of ISO 240 Corrosi on Resista nee1) Corrosion resistance test should be performed on three samples. The test should be conducted24 hours after and within three days upon the completion of plating or passivation.2) For galvanized color passi
53、ve films, perform a neutral salt fog test for 72 hours according to IEC 60068-2-11. A sample should be free of white or black corrosion points on its surface.3) For zinc base alloy passive films, perform a neutral salt fog test for 48 hours according to IEC 60068-2-11. A sample should be free of whi
54、te or black corrosion points on its surface.1.5.5 Coat ing Embrittleme nt1) Coating embrittlement test should be conducted on three samples.2) Put samples in a thermostatic heating oven at 180- 200 C for 0.5 - 1 hour. Take out them fornatural cooling. Bubbling or falling is not allowed to the coatin
55、g.1.5.6 Electrical Co nductivity1) Electrical conductivity test is conducted on three samples.2) Contact two electrodes of a micro-ohmmeter with a measured surface. The area and pressure intensity of each electrode is 1 cm2 and 1.4 MPa (that is, the pressure is14 kgf) respectively.Measure any two po
56、ints on the surface for five times, and the values should not be larger than 50 mohms.1.5.7 Content of Hexavale nt Chrome1) Check passive films for hexavalent chrome according to the test method for hexavalent chrome according to ISO 3613.2) If hexavalent chrome exists, quantitative inspection should be conducted to check the contentof hexavalent chrome using colo
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