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1、經(jīng)濟(jì)金融英漢詞典 制作人:中國人民銀行研究生部 龍飛虎制作年月:2004年1月27日 資料來源: 24 -A - “ A” loa n Sta ndard World Ba nk loa n. “ A”類貸款 世界銀行發(fā)放的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)貸款 abateme nt tech no logies Tech no logies desig ned to reduce (but not elim in ate the amount of polluta nts released into the environment, e.g. from a factory. 減排技術(shù),減污技術(shù) 減少(但不是消除工廠等向環(huán)

2、境中排放的污染物數(shù)量的技術(shù)。 above quota 超限額,超配額 above the line (itemA customary bala nce-sheet or reve nu e-or-expe nse positi on in a finan cial stateme nt as compared to a below the line item. 線上(條目 財務(wù)報表中常規(guī)的資產(chǎn)負(fù)債或損益狀況。相對于線下條目而言。 absolute poor Those with an average annual per capita in come of less tha n that n

3、eeded to pay for a minimum con sumptio n basket, based on the food n ecesary for a recomme nded calorie in take, and for non food n eeds, con siste nt with the spe nding patterms of the poor. This rate will vary from country to country.絕對貧困者,赤貧者 指人均年收入不足以支付最低消費需求的人。最低消費需求是根據(jù)能滿足建議 卡路里攝入量的食物需求和與貧困人口支出

4、模式相一致的食物需求決定的。這一標(biāo) 準(zhǔn)因國家而異。 Absorpti on acco un ti ng; full cost acco unting 全額成本記帳法 absorptive capacity 吸收能力 abstract (of a publicati on (出版物的摘要,概括,概要 academic research 學(xué)術(shù)研究 accelerate a loan 加速貸款準(zhǔn)備工作 accelerated depreciati on Depreciation at a higher than usual rate in the early years of an asset s

5、life ar lower than usual rate in the later years of its life. 加速折舊,快速折舊 指一種折舊方法,即在一項資產(chǎn)的使用年限中初期各年采用高于通常的折舊率 , 而在后期各年采用低于通常的折舊率。 accelerated recall MOV 加速回收(貨幣保值 accelerated recovery Recovery of curre ncy used in lending operati ons subject to maintenance of value. Recovery is accelerated at the reque

6、st of the member, provided that such recovery does not result in a material reduct ion of the sum of repurchases. 加速回收(貨幣 貸款業(yè)務(wù)中為保值而采用的貨幣回收方式。加速回收是在成員國的要求下進(jìn)行 的,前提是這種回收不會導(dǎo)致回購額的實際減少。 accelerati on of maturity (of a loa n IBRD Declarati on by a len der that the outsta nding prin cipal is due and payable

7、 immediately, together with the in terest due, follow ing non-complia nee with loa n cove nan ts. (貸款提前到期國際復(fù)興開發(fā)銀行 由于(借款人未能履行貸款協(xié)議的條款,貸款人宣布貸款余額的未償本金立即到 期,并要求連同應(yīng)付利息一起償還accepta nee, accept ing house UK Mercha nt bank in the U.K. specializ ing in accepti ng bills of excha nge. 承兌;票據(jù)承兌銀行英國 英國專門負(fù)責(zé)承兌匯票的商人銀行

8、。 accepta nee; bank accepta nee; ban kers accepta nee A bill of excha nge which has bee n accepted by a ban ker. 承兌;銀行承兌;銀行承兌票據(jù) 指銀行已經(jīng)接收的匯票。 accepta nee rate (by ben eficiaries of a project (項目受益人的受益率 access, entran ce, lead ing, cha nn el, fairway* 25 進(jìn)入,準(zhǔn)入,門路,渠道,途徑 accessi on 到達(dá),接近,增加,增加物,(法律財產(chǎn)自然增益

9、 加入(條約等 accomodat ing policy* 融通政策 accommodati on type 融通類型 acco un tability 會計責(zé)任,經(jīng)營責(zé)任 acco unting 會計 亦見 accrual (basis acco un ti ng; bus in ess acco unting; cost acco unting; curre nt cost (value accounting; double entry accounting; full cost accounting; general price level acco unting; in flati o

10、n acco un ti ng; job order acco unting; man ageme nt acco unting; man agerial acco un ti ng; sin gle-e ntry acco un ti ng; social acco un ti ng matrix; sta ndard cost acco un ti ng; stock acco un ti ng acco unting en tries; en tries The record of a transaction in a book of accounts會計分錄;帳項 在帳簿中對一筆交易的

11、記錄。 acco un ti ng period 會計期,會計結(jié)算期 acco unting practices 會計業(yè)務(wù),會計實務(wù),核算慣例 acco unting price A price used for acco unting purposes (i.e. not a market price. Often used synonym ously with shadow price.會計價格,帳目價格 用于會計目的的價格(即,不是市場價格,常常作為影子價格的同義詞使用。 acco unting procedure 會計程序 acco unting rate of in terest -

12、 ARI Disco unt rate used to convert future values of ben efits and costs into equivale nt prese nt values. 會計利率(簡寫為ARI用于將收益和成本的終值換算為相應(yīng)現(xiàn)值的折現(xiàn)率。 acco un ti ng rate of retur n* 會計收益率 acco un ti ng ratio Ratio of acco unting price to market price of a good.會 計比率 貨物的會計價格與市場價格的比率。 acco unting unit A bus in

13、 ess en terprise or other econo mic un it for which a system of acco unts is mai ntai ned. 會計核算單位 指設(shè)有會計制度的企業(yè)或其他經(jīng)濟(jì)單位。 acco unts payable Amounts due and payable to third parties for goods an d/or services purchased for which payme nts have not bee n made. 應(yīng)付帳款 購進(jìn)貨物和(或勞務(wù)之后,對第三方應(yīng)付而尚未支付的金額。 acco unts rec

14、eivable; receivables Amoun ts due from others within one year of report date for goods an d/or services sold in the no rmal course of bus in ess, but for which payme nt(s have not bee n received. 應(yīng)收帳款 報告日之后一年內(nèi),按正常途徑售出的商品和(或勞務(wù)從他人處應(yīng)收而尚未收訖 的付款。 accrual 應(yīng)計 見 non accrual status; overaccruals accrual (bas

15、is acco unting A form of acco unting where in all tran sact ions are recog ni zed and recorded at the time in come is earned or expe nditures are in curred, irrespective of whether or not cash is paid or received. 權(quán)責(zé)發(fā)生會計制 指一種記帳形式,即對所有交易均在獲得收入或發(fā)生支出時給予認(rèn)定和記錄,不 管是否已經(jīng)支付或收到現(xiàn)金。 accrual rate The rate at whi

16、ch in terest is accrued. In pensions, the rate at which ben efits accrue. 應(yīng)計比率 26 利息的應(yīng)計率。用于養(yǎng)老金時指福利應(yīng)計比率。 accruals Reve nues and expe nditures recog ni zed as earned or in curred and recorded in the financial statement of the periods to which they relate. 應(yīng)記項目,應(yīng)計收支額 已認(rèn)定并記入相應(yīng)時期財務(wù)報表的收到或發(fā)生的支出。 accrued de

17、preciati on; accumulated depreciati on The total depreciati on suffered by an asset or asset group, based on customary or fairly determ ined rates or estimates of useful life. 應(yīng)計折舊;累計折舊 一項資產(chǎn)或資產(chǎn)組合按照常規(guī)的或公平確定的比率 ,或按預(yù)計使用計算的折舊 總額。 accrued in come In come earned but n either received nor past due. 應(yīng)計收益(收入

18、,應(yīng)收未收收益未收到也未到期的已獲收入 accrued in terest - Al In terest earned but not yet due and payable. 應(yīng)計利息,應(yīng)收利息,累計利息(簡寫為AI指尚未到期和未付的已獲利息。 accrued liabilities An amount of in terest, wages or other expe nses recog ni zed or in curred but not paid. 應(yīng)計負(fù)債,應(yīng)付未付債務(wù),累計負(fù)債 已確認(rèn)或已發(fā)生但尚未支付的利息、工資或其他支出額。 accrued loa n commissi o

19、ns Loa n commissi ons earned but not paid. 應(yīng)計貸款傭金 已獲但尚未支付的貸款傭金。 accumulated depreciati on 累計折舊 見 accrued depreciati on accumulated profit acco un ti ng 累計利潤會計 achieveme nt tests educati onTest for measuring learners present ability in a particular subject or skill (as opposed to his pote ntial abili

20、ty. 成績測驗,學(xué)業(yè)水平測驗教育用于測定學(xué)習(xí)者在某一特定學(xué)科或技能方面的 現(xiàn)有能力(相對于其潛在能力而言的測驗。 acid depositi on 酸沉降 acid rain 酸雨 acid-test ratio; liquid ratio; quick ratio The standard IBRD definition is the ratio of cash plus marketable securities plus accounts receivable plus other amounts readily convertible into cash to current lia

21、bilities. Other definitions include ratio of current assets less inventories to current liabilities, ratio of quick assets to current liabilities, ratio of cash plus near-cash assets to current liabilities, and ratio of cash plus accounts receivable plus the market value of selected in vestme nts to

22、 curre nt liabilities. 酸性試驗比率;流動比率;速動比率 國際復(fù)興開發(fā)銀行的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)定義是現(xiàn)金、可出售證券、應(yīng)收帳款和其他隨時可兌 換成現(xiàn)金的總額與流動負(fù)債之間的比率。其他定義還有:流動資產(chǎn)減去存貨與流動 負(fù)債的比率;速動資產(chǎn)與流動負(fù)債的比率;現(xiàn)金加近似現(xiàn)金的資產(chǎn)與流動負(fù)債的比率; 現(xiàn)金、應(yīng)收帳款和某些投資的市價與流動負(fù)債的比率等。 ACP countries Lom ConventionEuropea n Union country classificatio n, con sisti ng of coun tries that have established a coo

23、perati on scheme (the Lom Conven ti on with the Europea n Union. Con sists primarily of the former colonies of the European Union members. 非洲、加勒比海、太平洋國家洛美公約 歐盟國家類別,包括那些同歐盟建立了某種合作方案(洛美公約的國家,主要是歐 盟成員國的前殖民地 acquired immun e-deficie ncy syn drome - AIDS 獲得性免疫力缺乏綜合癥-艾滋病(簡寫為AIDS act of state Legal theory

24、accord ing to which the courts of one country should abstai n from pass ing judgme nt about the legality of a sovereig n act. 國家行為 種法學(xué)理論。認(rèn)為一個國家的法院不得對該國主權(quán)行為的合法性作出判決。 27 acti on pla n 行動計劃 見 mitigation plan active borrower Country that still receives World Bank loa ns. 當(dāng)前借款國 目前仍然接受世界銀行貸款的國家 active loa

25、 n A loan on which disbursement is still being made.當(dāng)前貸款 正處于支付階段的貸款。 activity brief EDI 活動簡報經(jīng)濟(jì)發(fā)展學(xué)院 actual costs Amou nts determ ined on the basis of costs in curred as opposed to forecasted costs. 實際費用 實際發(fā)生的費用,區(qū)別于預(yù)測費用。 actual figures 實際數(shù)字 actuarial lump sum 精算總數(shù) ad valorem (customs duty A tax or dut

26、y levied as a given proportion of the value of a commodity or service. It grows with in flati on. 從價稅(關(guān)稅 按照商品或服務(wù)的價值的一定比例征收的稅或關(guān)稅。這種稅隨通貨膨脹而增 長。 adaptive research Research which adapts to local con diti ons. 適用研究 為適應(yīng)當(dāng)?shù)貤l件而進(jìn)行的研究。 additi on ality Used to refer to the provision of extra loan flows to devel

27、oping countries. 額外貸款 曾經(jīng)用來指向發(fā)展中國家提供的額外貸款 additional facility ICSID 追加的融通資金解決投資爭端國際中心 Additional Facility Rules ICSID融通資金追加條例解決投資爭端國際中心 adjective law; procedural law 程序法 adjustable peg foreig n excha nge 可調(diào)整釘住匯率外匯 adjustme nt 調(diào)整 adjustme nt aid 調(diào)整援助 admeasureme nt coun tract 單元?合同 見 un it price con t

28、ract admi nistered arbitratio n system ICSID 執(zhí)行的仲裁制度解決投資爭端國際中心 admi nistered price The price per unit of commodity where the amount to be paid or received is directly established or substa ntially in flue need by a con trolli ng age nt. Such a price is ordi narily the result of planned control. Incl

29、udes ceiling prices, support prices and fixed rates (gover nment and base prices, computed prices and mill net or n etback prices (in dustry. 管制價格,控制價格,操縱價格 由代理人直接確定或受代理人強(qiáng)大影響的商品應(yīng)付或應(yīng)收的單位價格。這種價 格一般是由有計劃的控制造成的,其中包括(政府上限價格、支持價格、固定利率,以 及(工業(yè)基礎(chǔ)價格、推算價格、以及廠盤凈價或出廠凈價。 admi nistrative mach inery 行政機(jī)構(gòu) adva nee a

30、cco unt 預(yù)付款帳戶adva nee con tract ing In World Bank loa ns, procedure whereby the borrower en ters into a con tract before the sig ning of the releva nt loa n agreeme nt. 先期合同 指借款人在向世界銀行申請貸款的過程中,簽定有關(guān)貸款協(xié)議之前簽定的合 同。 adva nee con tributi on scheme (for IDA-10 先期提供捐款資金計劃(國際開發(fā)協(xié)會第10次增 資 adva nee deposit 預(yù)繳押金

31、 adva nee deposit requireme nts (on imports (進(jìn)口預(yù)繳押金條件,預(yù)繳定金要求 adva nee payme nt 預(yù)付款 adva nee payme nt bond A bank bond guara ntee ing the adva nee payme nt made by the employer to the eon tractor in case of ban kruptcy or other cause. 先期付款契約 一種銀行契約,保證雇主在破產(chǎn)或其他情況下,向承包人先行付款。 adva nee payme nt security A

32、 bank security guara ntee ing the adva nee payme nt made by the employer to the con tractor in case of ban kruptcy or other cause. 先期付款保證 種銀行擔(dān)保,保證雇主在破產(chǎn)或其他情況下,向承包人先期付款。 adva nee procureme nt acti on In itiat ing and process ing the procureme nt, up to the point where bids have bee n received and eval

33、uated and an award decided upon .It stops short of en teri ng into a con tract, to avoid committi ng the borrower before the Bank funding for the operati on is assured. 先期采購行動 借款人著手辦理采購事宜,直至收到標(biāo)書、評標(biāo)并確定授標(biāo)為止。它止于合同 簽定之前,以避免在世界銀行提供項目貸款得到保證之前,使借款人承擔(dān)義務(wù)。 adva nee repayme nt 提前清償,預(yù)付 adva need export payme nt

34、s 出口預(yù)付款 adva need farmer 技術(shù)先進(jìn)農(nóng)民 adva need studies高級研究 advaneed training 高級培訓(xùn) adverse seleetio n MIGA (風(fēng)險的逆向選擇多邊投資擔(dān)保機(jī)構(gòu) advocate ICSID 辯護(hù)律師解決投資爭端國際中心 aeromag netic survey; airmag survey 航空地磁探測 affiliate 附屬公司,子公司,聯(lián)營公司,聯(lián)號 affiliate bank 聯(lián)營銀行,分行,聯(lián)屬銀行 affordability 承擔(dān)能力,承受能力 affordability ratio 可承受比率 見 ho

35、using expenses/income ratio afforestati on 造林,綠化 age-sta ndardized death rate Death rate corrected so as to allow for the effects of the differe nces in age structure of a populatio n. 年齡標(biāo)準(zhǔn)化死亡率 根據(jù)(一國人口年齡結(jié)構(gòu)差異的影響修正的死亡率。 age ncy line; credit line on a age ncy basis IFC 代理機(jī)構(gòu)信貸額度國際金融公司 age ncy (li ne sub

36、projects 代理機(jī)構(gòu)(信貸額度子項目 agency securities, obligations U.S. 政府機(jī)構(gòu)證券,債務(wù)美國 age nt 代理 亦見 billi ng age nt; buying age nt; exte nsion age nt; field age nt; fiscal age nt; procureme nt age nt age nt ba nk syn dicate 代理人銀行辛迪加 age nt ICSID 代理人解決投資爭端國際中心 age nt bank 1. Bank act ing for a foreig n bank. 2. Bank

37、handling administration of loan in a syn dicated credit. 代理銀行 1. 為外國銀行作代理的銀行。 2. 管理辛迪加(銀行集團(tuán)貸款的銀行。 agglomerati on econo mies Econo mies of scale result ing from urba n concen trati on. Cf. localizati on econo mies, urba ni zati on econo mies. 聚集經(jīng)濟(jì) 城市集中化所產(chǎn)生的規(guī)模經(jīng)濟(jì)(參見localization economies, urbanization

38、econo mies Aggregate 總計累計,累積 aggregate dema nd 總需求 aggregate measure of support - AMS A way of measuri ng domestic agricultural support, proposed by the Europea n Union, whereby all gover nment support provided to a specific farm product is measured. 農(nóng)業(yè)支持綜合衡量(簡寫為AMS 由歐盟提出的一種衡量對國內(nèi)農(nóng)業(yè)支持的方法,可衡量對某一農(nóng)產(chǎn)品提供的

39、全 部政府支持。 aggregate model A mathematical model which models a comb ined sample in stead of several un its in a group, e.g. it takes represe ntative factors for a farm in stead of modeli ng a nu mber of farms and the in teract ions betwee n them. 綜合模式,總(體模式 一種數(shù)學(xué)模型,對綜合樣本而不是一個群體中的若干單位進(jìn)行模擬。例如 ,它從 一個農(nóng)場抽取有

40、代表性的因素而不是對若干個農(nóng)場及其相互作用進(jìn)行模擬。 aggregative pla nning 總體計劃,宏觀計劃 aging schedule acco unts receivable Classificati on of acco unts receivable accordi ng to whether they are curre nt or past due. If past due they are classified into categories based upon the period whe n they became due. 帳齡分類表應(yīng)收帳款 對應(yīng)收帳款根據(jù)本期

41、或過期進(jìn)行的分類。如已過期,則根據(jù)其到期時間進(jìn)行分 類。 agreed budget pla n; con tract pla n A selective stateme nt of the major tasks and performa nee in dicators - in cludi ng dates and anticipated costs - to be used in tracking and evaluating quarterly progress duri ng the budget year. A corn erst one of the Ban ks budget

42、policy. Both terms are used, though agreed budget pla n is the official one. 議定預(yù)算計劃;承包計劃 主要任務(wù)和業(yè)績指標(biāo)(包括日期和預(yù)計費用的選擇性報表,用來跟蹤和評價預(yù)算 年度中每個季度的進(jìn)度,是世界銀行預(yù)算政策的一個基石。雖然 議定預(yù)算計 劃”(agreed budget pla一詞更為正式,但這兩個詞是可以通用的。 agreeme nt to reimburse 支付協(xié)議 見 irrevocable agreeme nt to reimburse; qualified agreeme nt to reimburs

43、e agribus in ess; agroin dustries; agro-based in dustry; agroprocess ing in dustries 農(nóng)業(yè)綜合企業(yè);農(nóng)工聯(lián)合體;農(nóng)基產(chǎn)業(yè);農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工業(yè) agricultural credit in termediary 農(nóng)業(yè)信貸中介機(jī)構(gòu) agricultural exte nsion 農(nóng)業(yè)(技術(shù)推廣 agricultural exte nsion officer - AEO 農(nóng)業(yè)技術(shù)推廣官員(簡寫為AEO agricultural production and export (APEX bank 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)與出口(簡寫為 AP

44、EX 令艮行 agricultural product ion and export (APEX cooperative 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)與出口(簡寫為APEX合作社 agricultural sector adjustme nt loa n - ASAL World Bank 農(nóng)業(yè)部門調(diào)整貸款(簡寫為ASAL世界銀行 agriculturist 農(nóng)學(xué)家 agro-based in dustry 農(nóng)基企業(yè);農(nóng)業(yè)關(guān)聯(lián)產(chǎn)業(yè) agro-ec ono mist 農(nóng)業(yè)經(jīng)濟(jì)學(xué)家 agroforestry 農(nóng)林業(yè) agroi ndustries 農(nóng)工綜合企業(yè) agroprocess ing 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工 agrop

45、rocess ing in dustries 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品加工業(yè) agrosupport in dustry 支農(nóng)工業(yè) aid depe ndency Refers to the poorest countries that need foreign aid merely to maintain their present low quality of life.援助依賴國 指那些需要外國援助,但不過僅能以此維持目前低生活質(zhì)量的最貧窮國家。 air dried ton A ton of an agricultural product which has been dried in the air a

46、nd will therefore weigh less tha n the same qua ntity not dried in the air. 風(fēng)干噸 風(fēng)干后的一噸農(nóng)產(chǎn)品,重量上輕于未經(jīng)風(fēng)干的等量農(nóng)產(chǎn)品。 airmag survey; aeromag netic survey 航空地磁探測 airshed An area with similar air mix and affected by the same air pollution sources, thereby hav ing similar air quality. 空氣區(qū)域 指由于具有相似的大氣構(gòu)成并受到同一空氣污染源影

47、響、因而空氣質(zhì)量相似的 區(qū)域。 algae, algal bloom Proliferatio n of algae due to excessive release of n itroge n and phosphorus (e.g. from fertilizer runoff or deterge nts. 藻類;藻類繁盛由于氮和磷(例如肥料和洗滌用品的過度排放而引起的藻類大量生長 all risk in sura nee 全風(fēng)險保險,包全險 alley cropp ing; strip cropp ing Growing two or more crops in alternating

48、 strips or blocks on the same piece of land at the same time.條植法;條播法 在同一塊田里按條或塊同時種植兩種或兩種以上的作物。 allocated costs 調(diào)撥成本,已分?jǐn)偝杀?allocati on of loa n proceeds 貸款資金的分配 allocati on of net in come 凈收入的分配 allocation of profits; appropriation of profits 利潤分配;利潤撥付 allocati on of resources 資源分配,資源配置 allotme nt bu

49、dget 分配,撥款(預(yù)算 allowa nee for contingen cies; reserve for con ti ngen cies; contingency allowa nee 應(yīng)急籌備金,意外事件準(zhǔn)備金 allowa nee for depreciati on 折舊備抵 見 reserve for depreciation alter native projects 供選擇的(項目,備選(項目,備選方案項目 alter native bid procureme nt 副標(biāo)米購 alter native en ergy 代用能源 ame ndme nt, ame nding

50、agreeme nt 修正案;修正協(xié)定 ame ndme nts to the Articles of Agreeme nt 協(xié)定修正案 America n short staple cott on; Arabia n cott on; herbaceous cott on; Leva nt cott on 美國短絨棉;阿拉伯棉;草本棉;黎凡特棉 amortizati on schedule 分期償付計劃,分期償付時間表 an dropog on Grass used for erosi on con trol. 須芒草 用于控制水土流失的一種草。 ani mal husba ndry 畜牧業(yè)

51、 ani mal unit - AU Measureme nt based upon the amount of feed eate n and manure produced by an average mature horse or cow or the equivale nt. The equivale nt is take n to be two heifers over one year, four calves under one year, seven ewes or bucks, two and a half brood sows or boars, five hogs rai

52、sed to 200 pounds each or 100 hens. 牲畜單位(簡寫為AU 一種度量單位,以一頭成熟的馬或母?;蚺c其相當(dāng)?shù)纳笠荒晁秤玫娘暳虾?產(chǎn)生的糞便為依據(jù)。其量值為兩頭一歲以上的小母牛 ;四頭不足一歲的小牛;七頭公 羊或母羊;兩頭半母豬或公豬;五頭養(yǎng)到200磅的豬;或100只母雞。 anno tated age nda 注明的議程,加注議程 announ ceme nt effect The cha nge in market price or other econo mic con diti on that occurs upon the mere kno wled

53、ge of somethi ng later that will cause the cha nge. For example, if a developerpla ns to buy land for a shopp ing cen ter, la nd prices will rise whe n his in ten ti ons are known. 宣布效應(yīng) 指種僅僅由于得知某種會造成變化的事件以后而引起的市場價格或其他經(jīng)濟(jì)條 件發(fā)生變化的效應(yīng)。例如,一個開發(fā)商計劃購買地皮建造購物中心,當(dāng)其意向被人得 知后,地價就會上揚。 Annual Meeting ICSID年會解決投資爭端國際

54、中心 Annual Meeti ngs (of the Boards of Gover nors of the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund 世界銀行和國際貨幣基金組織(理事會年會 annu alizati on 年度化,年率化,按年計算 annu ity bond Bond on which interest is paid indefinitely and which has no maturity date. 年金債券 無限期支付利息,無到期日的債券 annu ity system debt service 年金制,年度還本

55、付息制償債 annu ity-type repayme nt terms 年金式償付條件 an thracite; hard coal 無煙煤;硬煤 an ticipatory rate sett ing - ARS Similar to deferred rate setting but which allows purchaser to lock in the underlying Treasury yield at one or more points in time preceding the date of the issue. 預(yù)期確定利率(簡寫為ARS 與遞延確定利率相類似,但允

56、許購買者在美國財政部的長期證券發(fā)行日之前 ,鎖 住某個或多個時間的收益率。 an tidump ing duty 反傾銷稅 apex bank, cooperative 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品出口銀行,農(nóng)產(chǎn)品出口合作社 見 agricultural product ion and export bank, cooperative apex bank, in stitutio n Institution receiving money from the World Bank under an apex loan which it, in turn, onlends to other borrowers. 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品

57、生產(chǎn)與出口銀行,機(jī)構(gòu) 接受世界銀行農(nóng)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)與出口貸款再轉(zhuǎn)貸給其他借款人的機(jī)構(gòu)。 apex loa n Loa n whereby IBRD lends money to an apex development financial unit which onlends it to participating financial institutions which, in tur n, onlend it to in dustrial compa ni es. 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)與出口貸款 國際復(fù)興開發(fā)銀行向某一農(nóng)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)與出口發(fā)展金融單位提供貸款 ,該單位在 接受貸款后先轉(zhuǎn)貸給參與的金融機(jī)構(gòu),然后再

58、由后者轉(zhuǎn)貸給實業(yè)公司。 apex report Quarterly report issued on the previous quarters budget. They show the exte nt to which agreed budget pla ns are being impleme nted and highlight areas where corrective action or resource redeployme nt would be appropriate. 農(nóng)產(chǎn)品生產(chǎn)與出口(貨款報告 關(guān)于上一季度預(yù)算的季報。該季報顯示經(jīng)同意的預(yù)算計劃的執(zhí)行情況 ,并著重 說明

59、適于采取糾正措施或重新配置資金的方面。 application fee MIGA Fee charged for every defi nitive applicati on for a guara ntee filed with MIGA. 申請費多邊投資擔(dān)保機(jī)構(gòu) 對多邊投資擔(dān)保機(jī)構(gòu)提出的每一正式擔(dān)保申請所收取的費用。 applicati on for membership 入會申請,加入世界銀行的申請 applicatio n for withdrawal (from loa n acco unt or credit acco unt (從貸款帳戶或信貸帳戶中提款申請applicati o

60、n of funds 資金申請 applied research 應(yīng)用研究 appraisal (tech ni cal and econo mic (技術(shù)和經(jīng)濟(jì)評估 appraisal fee IFC Fee levied un der various IFC facilities (APDF, MLF, payable by borrower at time of sig ning releva nt loa n agreeme nt. 評估費國際金融公司 國際金融公司各種基金(非洲項目發(fā)展基金等所征收的費用,在簽定相應(yīng)的貸款 協(xié)定時由借款人支付。appraisal missio n 評估


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