



1、精品資料四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)期末模擬試卷(1) 、選出你所聽(tīng)到的單詞。()1、A. mumB.wantC.way()2> A. pencilB.penC.play()3、A. lookB.lightC. fly()4、A.shopB.fiveC.seven()5、A.faceB.cinemaC.thirty()6、A.MondayB.yellowC.Sunday()7、A.sockB. skirtC. shirt()8、A.ballB. supermarketC. to()9、A.bagB.classroomC.with()10、A.schoolB.coldC.bike二、選出你所聽(tīng)到的句子。

2、()1.A.I read a book. B. I write a story. C. I draw a picture.()2. A .Is this his dress? B. Yes, it is . C. I like your skirt.( )3. A. I bursh my teeth. B . I wash my face.C .I put on my clothes.()4. A. Excuse me. B .I go to school by bike. C.I go to therestaurant by car.( )5. A. Let ' s go shopp

3、ing Let ' s go to the tea shop.What is he wearing?( )6 . A .No, they aren ' t. B .Yes, they are. C .These are new trousers.( )7 . A .I watch TV after dinner. B . I play on the computer.C . I write a story.()8.A.We fly kites. B .We play catch with a ball. C .We read books.()9 . A .What do you

4、 do? B .Where ' sthe library? (This way , please.( )1 0 .A.Is it far from here? B .No, it ' near. C. I can show you.筆試部分一、根據(jù)漢語(yǔ)意思寫(xiě)出單詞襯衫()新的()他們() 星期( )讀()家庭作業(yè)()打掃()洗()街道()圖書(shū)館()二、英漢單詞對(duì)應(yīng),將序號(hào)填在括號(hào)中(10分)A. YellowB. playwith C. whereD. schoolE.ShortsF. theseG. MissH. watchI1. doJ.bed床()黃色() 短褲()這些(

5、)看( )和也玩()小姐()在哪里()做()學(xué)校()三、句子與漢語(yǔ)意思對(duì)應(yīng),將字母序號(hào)填在括號(hào)中。(10分)A.I ' dost. Where ' s the zoo?B.Excuse me. Can youhelp me?C. In the evening, I do my homework.D. I play on the computerE. I clean my bedroom.F. These are new trousers.GLet ' s go to the park to fly kites.H. Go straight and turn left.I

6、. I play catch with a ball.J.What do you doon Sunday?()1.直走然后向左轉(zhuǎn)()2.我迷路了,動(dòng)物園在哪里?()3.讓我們?nèi)ス珗@放風(fēng)箏。()4.打擾了,你能幫助我嗎?()5.這是新的褲子。()6.我玩電腦。()7.在晚上,我做家庭作業(yè)。()8.我打掃我的臥室。()9.你星期天在做什么?()10.我玩接球游戲。四、根據(jù)情景選擇句子,將標(biāo)號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)中(10分)()1.當(dāng)你要打擾別人時(shí),你應(yīng)說(shuō):A. Thank you. B. Excuse me. C. Sorry.()2.當(dāng)某人向你問(wèn)路,你想指給他時(shí),你應(yīng)該說(shuō)A、I can show you.

7、B. Excuse me. C. Thank you!()3.爸爸問(wèn)你今天星期幾時(shí),應(yīng)說(shuō):A. Where s it? B. What day is it? C. What' s this?()4當(dāng)你想知道去圖書(shū)館怎么走時(shí),你應(yīng)該詢(xún)問(wèn)別人A. How are you? B. Where' sthe library? C. How old are you?()5當(dāng)你建議大家一起去購(gòu)物時(shí),你應(yīng)說(shuō): A.I want to go shopping. B. I like tomato. C. Let ' go shopping.()6你看到黃燈亮?xí)r,你可以對(duì)同學(xué)說(shuō):A、Red

8、is stop. B、Yellow is wait. C、Yellow is go。()7.我給朋友打電話(huà)是下列那句的漢語(yǔ)意思;A.I watch TV after dinner. B. I talk on the phone with my friends.C. I listen to music.()8.當(dāng)你想問(wèn)別人:你想買(mǎi)什么,你應(yīng)該這樣問(wèn):A . What do you want to buy ? B. Lets go to the book shopDon' t use that bag.()9.當(dāng)你想說(shuō):我給我的故事配畫(huà),你應(yīng)該說(shuō): A . I read a book .

9、B. I write a story. C. I draw a picture for my story.()1 0 .Let s go to the library to.A .watch a movie. B.fly kitesC. read a book五、句子搭配,從右欄中選出與左欄相對(duì)應(yīng)的答語(yǔ),將字母序號(hào) 填在括號(hào)中。(10分)()1.Thank you.A. He is wearing a green sweater.()2. What is he wearing?)3. Is this your cap?B. No, it s Kim s cap.C. No, it '

10、s near.)4. What do you do in the morning? D. Yes, please.)5. Is it far from here?dress.()6. May I help you?()7. What do you want to buy?()8. How much is it?turn left.()9. Where' s the zoo?E. I want to buy a newF. You re welcome.G. . It ' s 40 yuan.H. Go straight andI. Thanks.J. I brush my te

11、eth.()10. I like your skirt.四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)模擬試卷(2)一、根據(jù)所給漢語(yǔ)選擇正確的單詞或選項(xiàng)()1、舊的_ ld A.oB.eC.a()2、自行車(chē)A.bicycleB.besideC.bus()3、暖和A.teethB.faceC.warm()4、星期一A.MondayB.streetC.store()5、臥室bedrmA.o 、oB.e、oC.a 、oCX、按要求寫(xiě)出所給單詞的正確形式。1.It' s (完全形式) 2.let' s(完全形式)3.You are(縮 略形式 )4.tomato( 復(fù)數(shù) )5.teeth(復(fù)數(shù))6.dress (復(fù)數(shù)

12、)三、選擇填空.(20分)()1、 hat is this?A.Who B.Whose C.What( )2、 the evening ,I my homework.A、On、 doB、In、 do C.At、 do()3.Is Jenny near far?A. to B. or C. and()4.This is apartment building.A. an B. a C. are()5.Let s go to the movie theatre to.A.fly kites B.read a book C.watch a movie()6.A waiter works in a.A.

13、restaurant B.office building C.store()7、I' m (餓了). I want to eat food.A.hungryB.brokenC.tired()8、Red is stop and is go.A. blueB. red C. green( )9、 is a pair of shoes.A、These B.This C、Where()10、The weather is cold andA.hot B.snowy C.warm四、從B欄中選擇與A欄相對(duì)應(yīng)的答語(yǔ),并將其序號(hào)寫(xiě)在題前括 號(hào)里。( ( (第一組A)1.What is it?)2.Ho

14、w' s the weather?)3.Where are you going?)4.Where does a clerk work?)5.Do you like this dress?BA.he works in a store.B.No,I want a new one C:It ' s a bicycle.D.To the grocery storeE.It ' s hot and sunny.第二組A1.Where are you going?BA、There is a TV and a(bed.(五、()2、What' s in the bedroom

15、?3、What do you do at home ?4、Whose hat is this?5、What is it?B、.To the grocery storeC、Wang LiD、It' s a teddy bears.E、I watch TV.根據(jù)情景選擇句子,將標(biāo)號(hào)寫(xiě)在括號(hào)中 )1.當(dāng)你要打擾別人時(shí),你應(yīng)說(shuō):A. Thank you.B. Excuse meC. Sorry()2.當(dāng)某人向你問(wèn)路,你想指給他時(shí),你應(yīng)該說(shuō) A、I can show you. B. Excuse me. C. Thank you!()3.爸爸問(wèn)你今天星期幾時(shí),應(yīng)說(shuō):A.Where' s

16、it? B.What day is it? C.What is it?()4.你穿上新衣服上學(xué),朋友夸你的衣服漂亮?xí)r,應(yīng)說(shuō):A.Hello!B.Thanks. C.Fine.()5.當(dāng)你想知道去圖書(shū)館怎么走時(shí),你應(yīng)該詢(xún)問(wèn)別人 A. How are you? B. Where' s the library? C. How old are you?()6.你去餐館用餐時(shí),服務(wù)員把你帶向座位時(shí)通常會(huì)說(shuō):一一 A.Come here! B.This way, please. C.Let me help you.()7.當(dāng)你建議大家一起去購(gòu)物時(shí),你應(yīng)說(shuō): A.I want to go shopp

17、ing. B.Let me go shopping C.Let' s go shopping.()8.當(dāng)你不知道對(duì)方的名字,想向?qū)Ψ絾?wèn)時(shí),應(yīng)說(shuō):A. What' s your name? B.How are you? C.Nice to meet you.()9.表示感謝時(shí)應(yīng)該說(shuō):A. The same to you. B. Thank you very much C、Nice to meet you()10.同桌讓你猜猜他的書(shū)包里是一支鋼筆還是一支鉛筆時(shí),應(yīng)說(shuō):A、Is this a penB、Is this a pencil?2. Just go straight this

18、 street.3. go to the hotel.C、Is this a pen or a pen ?()11.當(dāng)你向你的朋友或同學(xué)問(wèn)好時(shí),應(yīng)說(shuō):A.How old are you? B.How do you do? C.How are you?()12.當(dāng)你見(jiàn)到一位新朋友時(shí),應(yīng)該說(shuō): A. How old are you?B. Goodbye. C. Nice to meet you!()13.當(dāng)別人對(duì)你表示感謝時(shí),你應(yīng)說(shuō):A . The same to you. B. Thank you very much C. You' re welcome.()14.早上見(jiàn)面時(shí)應(yīng)說(shuō):A .

19、 Nice to meet you B. Goodbye C. Good morning()15.當(dāng)你需要?jiǎng)e人幫助時(shí),應(yīng)說(shuō):A . Can I help you ? B. Can you help me ? C. How are you? 六、連詞成句。(10分)1 . want, I, to, buy, dress, a.2 .that, Is, here, from, far3 .turn, Please, right .4 .am, going, I, the, park, to . .5 .a, go to, Let' s, to, eat ice cream, restaur

20、ant5 Dolostatdown Let4. Turn right the traffic lights.5. you have a map?八、閱讀短文,判斷正誤,正確的寫(xiě)“',錯(cuò)誤的寫(xiě)“ F”(10分)Hello! My name is Li Hua. I am a student.In my classroom,there are fifty-five students.We are all friends.This afternoon, I am going to the library.Because(因?yàn)?I like to read books very much.Th

21、e library is across from my classroom.It s near.I like it!()<1> . Li Hua is a teacher.()<2> . There are fifty-five students in the classroom.()<3> . Li Hua is going to the park this afternoon.()<4> . Li Hua doesn ' t like reading books.()<5> . The library is near fr

22、om Li Hua ' s classroom.四年級(jí)英語(yǔ)上冊(cè)模擬試卷(3)一.看圖寫(xiě)出單詞。scarf電腦1. I m computer跳繩s teddy bear玩具熊comb圍巾skipping rope梳子3. 將下列單詞進(jìn)行分類(lèi)。(15分)TV dresser Saturday pyjamas closet kite sweater bed Tuesday doll radio shorts skipping rope Friday telephone家具:家用電器:玩具:衣服:星期:4. 將正確答案的序號(hào)填到括號(hào)里。(20分)()1.It was a birthday gift my mom.A.ofB.onC.from()2.I saw a dog a purple hat , a Sundaymorning.A.in,onB.on,inC.at,on()3.I like with my


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