



1、-1 - Unit 3 綜合測試題 9.聽第四段對話,完成第 9 小題. ( )9. Where does the conversation probably take place ? 一、聽力部分(25 分) 第一節(jié)、聽對話選圖 ( )1. what Roses favorite fruit ? A. I n a bank B. I n a library 10.聽第五段對話,完成第 10、11 小題. ( )10. What are the two speakers doing ? A. Making a call B. Having a speech C. In a cloth ing

2、shop C. Watch ing a movie ( )2. How does Mark usually come to school ? ( )11. Where will Linda and Mary meet ? A. In the park B. At Mary s home 12.聽第六段對話,完成第 12、13 小題. C. At the school gate ( )12. What s the relati on ship betwee n the two speakers A. Mother and son B. Husba nd and wife C. Brother a

3、nd sister ( )13. When will they go for a walk ? A. At 6 : 50 B. At 7 : 00 C. At 7 : 10 ( )3. What Bill going to do this afternoon ? 14.聽第七段對話,完成第 14、15 小題. ( )14. Who does the man buy the shirt for ? A. His father B. His uncle ( )15. What color shirt does the man buy ? A. A white one B. A gree n one

4、 第三節(jié)、短文理解 C. His gra ndfather C. A brow n one )16. What s the speaker mainly talking about ( )4. Which sign are they talking about ? A. Outdoor sports B. In door activities ( )17. Which of the followi ng isn C. Sports camp pla ns t men ti oned in the passage A. Gloves B. Shorts C. Sports suits ( )18

5、. How many pairs of sports shoes does each child need ? A. One B. Two C. Three ( )19. How long is the lunchtime ? A. One hour B. One and a half hours ( )20. Where do they buy snacks ? A. In a sports cen ter B. In a supermarket C. Two hours C. In a shopp ing cen ter ( )5. What can they see at ten ocl

6、ock ? 第二節(jié)、對話理解 ( )6 .聽第一段對話,完成第 6 小題. 6. What s wrong with Ni?k A. He has a headache B. He has a toothache 7. 聽第二段對話,完成第 7 小題. ( )7. What kind of music does Nancy like now ? A. Jazz B. Pop music 8. 聽第三段對話,完成第 8 小題. ( )8. What is Helen doing ? A. Running B. Playi ng basketball C. He has a stomachache

7、 C. Rock music C. Playing ping - pong 第二部分語言知識綜合運用部分 二、單項選擇(15 分) ( )21. - Do you like Zhang Bichen s song? -Yes. She is the winner of The V oice of China 川.I can t think of anyone wit_ _ voice. A. best B. better C. worse D. worst ( )22. -Do you kn ow _ De ngChao is? -He is an actor. He is the team

8、leader in the popular reality TV show Running Man now. A. which B. whe n C. what D. how ( )23. -Must I finish all the homework this evening? -No, you_ . Tomorrow is Saturday, and you have eno ugh time for it. A. must n t B. n eed n t C. won t D. can t ( )24. When Liu Xia ng announ ced( 宣布)that he wo

9、uld _ running forever, he burst into tears. A. give away B. give up C. give out D. give in ( )25. -Could you give me a hand to carry the heavy box to the fifth floor. - _ A. Never mind. B. With pleasure. C. It svery kind of you D. Glad you like it. ( )26. What do you thi nk of the dish I cooked for

10、you? I haven t htayeit. However, it _ good. A. tastes B. smells C. sounds D. feels -2 - )27. It is n ecessary for every one to _ a good habit of readi ng. B. choose C. develop )28. Practice more, _ you ll learn English better. or B. so C. and )29. Tony is n ever late for school, is he? _ . He always

11、 comes to school earlier than others. ( A. enjoy ( A. ( D. accept D. but D. No, sometimes _ a few years. ll be more convenient and faster for us to go out. C. in D. at .Yes, of course. B. how often you hear form your sister D. why he arrived late yesterday t park your car heBejrryr.I _ it. C. haven

12、t seen D.hadn t seen .You can make it! ( )44. A. because ( )45. A. funny 四、閱讀理解(40 分) B. as B.happy C. if C. excited D. whether D.unhappy A Let s enjoy a movie! A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn t C. Yes, of course. ( )30. -1 hear two high speed railways will be built i n Xia ngya ng _ -That sounds great

13、. It A. after B. on ( )31. I won der _ A. where we can buy the parts C. if I may have a word with you ( )32. Look at the sig n. You can A. don t see B. didn t see Zootopia From a large elephant to a small mouse, animals live happily together in Disney s Zootopia. Language: En glish Running Time: 1 H

14、our and 30 Min utes Price: Weekdays-$50 $25 (childre n under 6) Weeke nds-$60 $30 (childre n un der 6) I e never imagined the movie is so interesting. There are 64 kinds of animals in it. After I watched the movie, I lear ned more about ani mals. I would highly recomme nd this movie to those ani mal

15、 lovers. ( )33. It will be my turn. I feel a little nervous. _ A. Con gratulati ons! B. Take it easy. C. Look out! D. Have a good time. ( )34. Can I use your e-dicti on ary? Sorry. I don t have _ A. it B. this C. that D. one ( )35. Do you know if_ back tomorrow? If he _ back, please call me. A. will

16、 he come, comes B. he comes, will come C. will he come, will come D. he will come, comes 三、完形填空(10 分) When I was a junior high school stude nt in 1980, God gave me a gift, it was happ in ess. One weeke nd, I went to visit my gra ndpare nts in the coun tryside. On my way home a car ran over me and cu

17、t off my 36 because of its high speed. Several days later whe n I woke up at the hospital, I realized I had to spe nd the rest of my life 37 arms. How sad I felt at that time! Even I was full of fears. But slowly I knew I had to face the fact and got over it. I couldn t get my arms back eveiveoughiy

18、. However, it s easiehan done. It took me nearly half a year to get out of the sadness 40. I got so much from my past story. From the n on, I could treat my life with a 41 mind. But in our daily life, I often see my classmates get worried about little things: They get a bad grade on a test; their bu

19、s comes late; they don t have a mobile phone but others have, and so on4 Bute.only was lucky to realize from an accide nt: It is a waste of our life to focus on what you have 43. We_ should always think of what we have. So why are so many people un happy? Some one may say, My whole life would improv

20、e 44 I have a new car. II But when you get the car and what happens? For a whole week you are walk ing on air. Then you go right back to being un happy. s a state of mind, even though youexpress mail(快遞)is a fast way to send your letters, there is an other type of mail appeari ng in from mastering t

21、he art of - John I have see n many cartoons of this kind, but this one is surpris in gly funny and I love the sweet voice in it. My brother and I just could n t help laugh ing from the begi nning to the end. - David This movie is so well made. I went to see it with my 5-year-old son last Sun day aft

22、er noon. I love the beautiful music while my son loves the rabbit police officer Judy very much. It shows that small ani mals like her can also do serious work. Nancy )46. The poster shows that _is spoke n in the movie. A. Japa nese B. French C. En glish )47. From the poster, we can know that the mo

23、vie lasts _ . A. 60 min utes B. 90 min utes C. 100 minu tes )48. Joh n likes this movie because of _ . A. the different kinds of animals B. the funny actors C. the sweet voice D. the beautiful music )49. It cost Nancy and her son _ to watch the movie. A. $75 B. $90 C. $100 )50. Accord ing to the pos

24、ter, the movie most probably tells a _ A. frighte ning B. sad C. true B D. Chi nese D. 120 mi nutes D.$120 story. D. funny Have you ever dreamed about sending a letter to yourself or your friends in the future? While ( )36. A. feet B. legs C. arms D. ears ( )37. A. with B. without C. for D. on ( )38

25、. A. cried B. laughed C. sat D. stood ( )39. A. dreamed B. acted C. called D. said ( )40. A. stro ngly B. especially C. completely D. similarly ( )41. A. crazy B. no rmal C. full D. ( )42. A. hate B. dislike C. enjoy D. save ( )43. A. lost B. had C. fou nd D. spent Happ in ess depe nds on what we ha

26、 ve! It s in our heart. It own the whole world, you may still feel 45.Happ in ess comes appreciati ng(感激)and tak ing pleasure in what you really have. China as a new bus in ess future mail. The letter should be sent n ext Mother and n otsaDaay earlier! student in Shanghai, tells one of the companies

27、 offering the service. Lin Xiaofan wrote the letter to her mother nearly a year earlier to express her love to her mother for next Mother s Day. Offering this service makes people slow down and lets them understand the meaning of ?time in another way, llsaid Zheng Zhimin, manager at a futuremail Ico

28、mpany. Zheng thinks future mail II letters help remind us of care, friendship and love. While futuremail Is becoming more and more popular, some people are wondering what will happen if the postal address changes or if the company goes broken before the letters arrive. II Lin Xiaofan, a college -3 -

29、 Zheng said customers are glad to sign a contract(簽訂合同)to make sure that they can be compensated if their letters are lost or damaged. Most of the customers are college students and young white-collar(白領(lǐng))workers. Psychologists (心 理學(xué)家)said that young Chinese might have a new way to express their feel

30、ings through this service. Most people put their hopes and wishes in the letter so that they can experienee the connection(聯(lián)系)between the past and the present when they receive the letter. )51.Future mail II is a_an way to send your letter. A. fast B. old )52. The un derl ined word A. 賠償 B.完成 II ser

31、vice is popular among . A. j unior stude nts B. college stude nts C. young childre n D. blue-collar workers ( )54. The future mail II service can help us . B. express our love and care D. un dersta nd the meaning of future mail II if you wa nt to A. save money from sending express mail B. send a bir

32、thday gift to your friend quickly C. talk with your friends about your life freely D. send a your best wishes to yourself on January 1,2020 C Have you ever asked your relatives or friends if there is Wi-Fi in their houses? Have you ever searched for Wi-Fi when you are at restaura nts or hotels? The

33、an swers will probably be Yes. Most of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it. But we can only use free Wi-Fi in some public places. We still have to spend some money access ing(連接)the Internet at most time. Here comes a piece of good n ews. A rich, powerful organization in the USA c

34、alled the Media FrC Wi-F: Developme nt In vestme nt Fund (MDIF) has decided to cha nge the age of online computing (計算)completely by giving free Wi-Fi to every person on Earth. They will send up hundreds of satellites into low Earth orbit(軌道)in 2015. This is because they have made a survey and found

35、 that only 60% of the worlds populati on has been able to get information on the Internet. And this is also because many countries are unable to offer people the necessary infrastructure(基礎(chǔ)設(shè)施)to access the web. We can expect to use free Wi-Fi everywhere in the n ear future. 閱讀以上信息,用恰當?shù)脑~完成下面的表格。 Pres

36、e nt situati ons Many of us want Wi-Fi everywhere as if we cant live without it. K Access ing the Intern et56 us some mon ey. What the orga ni zati on will do MDIF has made a decisi on to send up hun dreds of satellites into low Earth orbit in 2015 so that every person on Earth will be able to 57 fr

37、ee Wi-Fi. The mai n 58 Only 60% of the worlds population has been able to get information on the Intern et. Many countries cant 59 people with the necessary in frastructure to access the web. What we can expect Free WiFi will 60 the world in the near future. D C. new compensate I means C.送達 D. cheap

38、 in Chin ese. )53. The future mail A. sig n a con tract C. forget frien dship ( )55. You d better use time II in a wrong way -4 - 任務(wù)型閱讀。 Too many people want others to be their friends, but they don t give friendship back. T why some friendships don t last very long. To have a friend, you must learn

39、 to be one. You must learn to treat your friend the way you want your friend to treat you. Lear ning to be a good friend means learning three rules: be honest, be generous(慷慨的),be understanding. Honesty is where a good friendship starts. Friends must be honest to one another. 如果你不 說實話,人們通常都會識破。 If a

40、 friend finds out t hat you haven t been honest, you may lose your frien ds. Generosity means sharing and sharing makes a friendship grow. You don t have to give lunch money or your clothes, of course. In stead you have to lear n how to share thi ngs you enjoy, like your hobbies and your interests.

41、Naturally you will want to share your ideas and feelings. These can be very valuable to a friend. By sharing them, you help your friend know you better. Sooner or later every one n eeds un dersta nding and help with a problem. Someth ing may go wrong at school. Talk ing about the problem can make it

42、 easier to solve. Turning to a friend can be a first step in solv ing the problem. So to be a friend, you must liste n and un dersta nd. You must try to put yourself in your friend s place so you can understand the problem better. No two friendships are ever exactly alike. But all true friendships h

43、ave three things in com mon. If you pla n to keep your frien ds, you must practice hon esty, gen erosity and un dersta nding. 61. 將處翻譯成英文: _ 62. 寫出處 them 指代的內(nèi)容: _ . 63. 將處翻譯成中文:_ 64. According to the passage, what should we learn to be a good friend? 65. 寫出文段的標題:_ 五、 完成句子(9 分) 66. Sometimes, body Ia

44、n guage in com muni catio n is a won derful way _ (expressi on) ourselves. 67. It OK to ask your classmates very _ (direct) questio ns because you know them well. 68. Some inven ti ons that led to the colorful movies are on show, _ (in clude) cameras. 69. You should take the escalator to the _ (twel

45、ve) floor and turn left. 70. We shouldn t speak to the old people _ (polite). 71. This morni ng the traffic was _ (crowd) so I was n ot late for work. 72. I live near the supermarket so it s very _ (方便的)for me to go shopping. 73. The _ (小說)writte n by Mo Yan are .worth readi ng. 74. Ducks are born w

46、ith the _ (able) to swim. 六、 補全對話(6 分) D: Hi, Carol, 75_ _ C: Oh, hi, Darren. I m just ghbg ready for the Red Nose Day concert tomorrow. D: Oh really? Well, I m free this a _ C: Actually, I neave finished. Jim and I are going to put up some ads later, though. Could you please help us with that? D: S

47、ure, with pleasure. C: That wonde rful! Oh, there s one more thing. Would you mind coming early tomorrow to help sell tickets at the door? D: Not at all, what time shall I be there? C: Around six would be great. D: OK. 77 _ -5 - 9. We orga ni zed a lot of activities to celebrate our schools _ (fifty

48、) birthday. 10. The restaura nt _ (供應(yīng))delicious hamburgers and hot dogs. 11. If you ask your teacher, vhere is the book store? IIThis direct request may sound _ (polite). 12. the restroom is on the _ (角落)of Main and Center streets. 13. Why not _ (介紹)yourself to us? We want to make friends with you.

49、14. Chinese people celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival by _ (欣賞)the moon and sharing moon cakes with the family. 15. Don tleave your bike outside. Some one may _ (偷)it. 16. He promised not to tell anybody about my _ ( 秘密). 17. Could you tell me which place would be a good _ (choose) for me to go to? 18. I

50、t s not eno ugh to just ask a questi on _ . (correct) 19. Not only I but also my brother _ (like) eati ng moon cakes. 20. I m coming to thank you for your _ (kind). 21. A good teacher should be _ (耐心)with his or her students. 22. The weather reporter _ (警告)there will be a heavy storm in South China.

51、 23. Although LeiFe ng _ (dead) for many . yearshis spirit is still en couragi ng all of us. 24. -Could you tell me how _ ( 增力口 ) my reading speed? Don t read word by word. 25. Hard work can _ (導(dǎo)致)to a great success. 單項選擇 ( )1. I have on ly two t ickets for TF Boys con cert. _ you _he can go on with

52、 me. A. Either or B. Neither nor C. Both and D. Not only but also ( )2. My parents are crazy about Running Man . How about your parents ? _ my dad _ my mom likes it. But they prefer Ode to Joy (歡樂頌) A. Not only ; but also B. Both ; and C. Either; or D. Neither ; nor ( )3. - Hurry up, or we will miss

53、 the sea lion show in the Ocea n Park. - _ . We still have fiftee n minu tes before the show begi ns. A. Take your time B. Good luck C. I guess so D. Take care ( )4. - Oh, my god! I ve left my keys in the room. I II have to get in _ the window. -It s dangerous. You d better wait for your mom to come

54、 back. A. past B. over C. across D. through ( )5. -Hi, Mr. Zhang, do you ofte n come here to climb the mountain? -Yes, _ exercise. You see, I m healthier than before. A. to get B. gett ing C. get D. gets ( )6. -The light in his office is still on. I won der _ .-Maybe at midni ght aga in. A. if will

55、he stop worki ng B. if he will stop worki ng C. whe n will he stop worki ng D. whe n he will stop worki ng ( )7. -Could you tell me some information about the hotels in your city? -Why not _ on the Intern et? A. look for it B. to look for it C. look it up D. to look it up ( )8.Would you like to atte

56、nd the farewell party next week , Mr. Huang ? Sure, I d love to. Ihave no reason to _ your invitation. A. turn dow n B. turn off C. turn up D. turn on ( )9. I can hardly believe my eyes. Is that you, Joy? Yes. It has been almost ten years _ we were together. A. since B. before C. un til D. after ( )

57、10. Mom, I will eat less fast food this year, believe me. If you make a _ , you must keep it. A. joke B. no ise C. mistake D. promise基本情況 江明 班級 九( 3) 日常表現(xiàn) 1. 文明禮貌,主動熱情問候他人; 2. 團結(jié)友好,能與他人和睦相處; 3. 富有愛心,力所能及幫助他人。 具體事例 任選日常表現(xiàn)之一,舉例介紹。 愿望 做一個善良、有愛心的人。 Good morning, every one! Today I am to in troduce a tee

58、 nager. His n ame is Jia ng Ming. _ 附加題( (錯題重現(xiàn)) ) 1. -When is _ (father) Day? On the third Su nday of June. 2. The _ (關(guān)鍵)to success is to lear n from mistakes and n ever give up. 3. As stude nts, we should try to master more _ (know) to build our motherla nd better. 4. -Did you watch Euro2016 last night? No, I _ (study) for the exams at that time. 5. He treats every one with kindn ess and _ (warm). 6. The stars always get tons of _ (關(guān)注)wherever they go. 7. You should wash your hands to stop the germ(纟田菌)from _ (傳播). 8. Do you


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