1、Succule nt pla ntFrom Wikipedia, the free en cyclopediaNot to be con fused with cactus; n early all cacti are succule nts but not all succule nts are cacti.Succule nt pla nts, such as this Aloe, store water in their fleshy leavesIn bota ny, succule nt pla nts, also known as succule nts or sometimes
2、fat pla nts, are pla ntshaving some parts that are more than normally thickened and fleshy, usually to retain water in arid climates or soil conditions. Succulent plants may store water in various structures, such as leaves and stems. Some definitions also include roots, so that geophytes that survi
3、ve un favorable periods by dying back to un dergr ound storage orga ns may be regarded as succule nts. In horticultural use, the term "succule nt" is often used in a way which excludes plants that botanists would regard as succulents, such as cacti. Succule nts are often grow n as orn ame
4、ntal pla nts because of their strik ing and unu sual appeara nee.Conten tshide1 Defini tion2 Appeara nee3 Habitat4 Evoluti on5 Families and genera6 See also7 Refere nces8 Bibliography9 Exter nal linksDefini tio n editThere are a number of somewhatdifferent definitions of the term succulent. Onediffe
5、re nee lies in whether or not roots are in cluded in the parts of a pla nt which make it a succule nt. Some authors in clude roots, asin the defi niti on"pla nts in which the leaves,stem or roots have become more tha n usually fleshy by the developme nt of water-stori ng tissue."1 Others e
6、xclude roots, as in the defi niti on "a pla nt with thick, fleshy and swolle nstems and/or leaves, adapted to dry environments".2 This differenee affects the relati on shipbetwee n succule nts and "geophytes" - pla nts that survive un favorableseas ons as a rest ing bud on an un
7、dergr ound orga n.3 These un dergr ound orga ns, such as bulbs, corms and tubers, are often fleshy with water-storing tissues. Thus if roots arein cluded in the defi niti on, many geophytes would be classed as succule nts.Pla nts adapted to living in dry environments are termed xerophytes; thus succ
8、ule nts are ofte n xerophytes. However, not all xerophytes are succule nts, since there are other ways of adapting to a shortage of water, e.g. by developing small leaves which may roll up or hav ing leathery rather tha n succule nt leaves.4 Nor are all succule nts xerophytes, since pla nts like Cra
9、ssula helmsii are both succule nt and aquatic.5Those who grow succule nts as a hobby use the term in a differe nt way to bota ni sts. In horticultural use, the term succulent regularly excludes cacti. For example, Jacobsen's three volume Handbook of Succulent Plants does not cover cacti,6 and &q
10、uot;cacti and succulents" is the title or part of the title of many books covering the cultivation of these plants.789 However, in botanical terminology, cacti are succulents.1 Horticulturists may also exclude other groups of plants, e.g. bromeliads.10 A practical, but unscientific, horticultur
11、al definition is "a succulent plant is any desert plant that a succulent plant collector wishes to grow".11 Such plants less often include geophytes (in which the swollen storage organ is wholly underground) but do include plants with a caudex,12 which is a swollen above-ground organ at so
12、il level, formed from a stem, a root or both.3A further difficulty is that pla nts are not either succule nt or non-succule nt. In many genera and families there is a continuous sequenee from plants with thin leaves and normal stems to those with very clearly thickened and fleshy leaves or stems, so
13、 that deciding what is a succulent is often arbitrary. Different sources may classify the same plant differe ntly.13Appeara nceeditA collect ion of succule nt pla nts, in cludi ng cactiThe storage of water ofte n gives succule nt pla nts a more swolle n or fleshy appeara nee than other plants, a cha
14、racteristic known as succulenee. In addition to succulenee, succule nt pla nts variously have other water-savi ng features. These may in elude:Crassulacea n acid metabolism (CAM) to mini mize water lossabsent, reduced, or cylindrical-to-spherical leavesreduct ion in the nu mber of stomatastems as th
15、e main site of photos yn thesis, rather tha n leavescompact, reduced, cushi on-like, colu mnar, or spherical growth formribs en abli ng rapid in creases in pla nt volume and decreas ing surface area exposed to the sunwaxy, hairy, or spiny outer surface to create a humid micro-habitat around the plan
16、t, which reduces air moveme nt n ear the surface of the pla nt, and thereby reduces water loss and creates shaderoots very n ear the surface of the soil, so they are able to take up moisture from very small showers or even from heavy dewability to remai n plump and full of water even with high in te
17、rnal temperatures (e.g. 52126 °)14very impervious outer cuticle (sk in )14mucilag inous substa nces, which reta in water abundan tly14HabitateditQuestio n book -n ew.svgThis secti on does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this sect ion by addi ng citati ons to reliable sou
18、rces. Un sourced material may be challe nged and removed.(Ja nuary 2013)Many succule nts come from the dry areas such as steppes, semi-desert, and desert. High temperatures and low precipitatio n force pla nts to collect and store water to survive long dry periods. Succule nts may occasi on ally occ
19、ur as epiphytes - "air pla nts" - as they have limited or no con tact with the gro und, and are depe ndent on their ability to store water and gain nu trie nts by other means; this n iche is see n in Tilla ndsia. Succule nts also occur as inhabitants of seacoasts and dry lakes, which are e
20、xposed to high levels of dissolvedmin erals that are deadly to many other pla nt species.Evolutio neditQuestio n book -n ew.svgThis secti on does not cite any references or sources. Please help improve this sect ion by addi ng citati ons to reliable sources. Un sourced material may be challe nged an
21、d removed.(Ja nuary 2013)The best-k nown succule nts are cacti (family: Cactaceae). Virtually all cacti are succule nts, but not all succule nts are cacti. A uniquefeature of cacti is the possessi on of areoles,structures from which spines and flowers are produced.To differe ntiate betwee n these tw
22、o basic types that seem so similar, but that are un related succulent plants, use of the terms, cactus or cacti, only should be used to describe succule nts in the cactus family. Popular collect ion of these types of pla nts has led to many Old World plants becoming established in the wild in the Ne
23、w World, and vice versa.Families and gen eraeditThis secti on in eludes a list of referen ces, related read ing or exter nal lin ks, but the sources of this sect ion remai n un clear because it lacks in li ne citati ons. Please improve this article by in troduc ing more precise citati ons. (Septembe
24、r 2012)Apocy naceae: Pachypodium lealii, stem succule ntXan thorrhoeaceae: Haworthia arach no idea, leaf succule ntCactaceae: Rebutia muscula, stem succule ntCrassulaceae: Crassula ovata, stem and leaf succule ntEuphorbiaceae: Euphorbia obesa ssp. symmetrica, stem succule ntCyli ndrop un tia imbrica
25、ta: stem, woody succule ntMalvaceae: Ada nsonia digitata, stem succule ntMorin gaceae: Moringa ovalifolia, stem succule ntAsparagaceae: Beaucar nea recurvata, stem succule ntAsparagaceae: Dracae na draco, stem succule ntEuphorbia resi niferaPlant families and genera in which succulent species occur
26、are listed below.Order AlismatalesAraceae: ZamioculcasOrder ApialesApiaceae: Stega no tae niaAraliaceae: Cuss oniaOrder AsparagalesAmaryllidaceae (geophytes): Ammocharis, Apodoliri on, Booph one, Brun svigia, Crinum,Cross yne, Cryptostepha nus, Cyrtan thus, Gethyllis, Habra nthus, Haema nthus, Hesse
27、a,Nerine, Pan cratium, Rauhia, Scadoxus, Strumaria, Zephyra nthes,Asparagaceaesubfamily Agavoideae: Agave, Beschor neria,Chlorophytum, Furcraea, Hesperaloe,Hesperoyucca, Yuccasubfamily Asparagoideae: Asparagussubfamily Loma ndroideae: Cordyli ne,subfamily Noli no ideae: Beaucarnea, Caliba nus, Dasyl
28、iri on, Dracae na, Noli na, San sevieria, Eriospermumsubfamily Scilloideae: Albuca, Bowiea, Daubenya, Dipcadi, Drimia, Drimiopsis, Eucomis,Hyaci nthus,Lache nalia, Ledebouria, Lita nthus,Mass on ia,Merwilla, Namophila,Orn ithogalum, Pseudogalt onia, Pseudoprospero, Resno va, Schizobasis, Schizocarph
29、us,Spetaea, VeltheimiaDorya nthaceae: Dorya nthesHypoxidaceae (geophytes): Empodium, Hypoxis, Pauridia, Sani ella, Spiloxe neIridaceae (geophytes): Babia na, Chasma nthe, Crocosmia, Devia, Dierama, Dietes, Duthiastrum, Ferraria, Freesia, Geissorhiza, Gladiolus, Hesperantha, Ixia, Lapeirousia, Melasp
30、haerula, Micra nthus, Moraea, Pilla nsia, Radino siph on, Romulea, Sparaxis, Syrin godea, Thereia nthus, Trit onia, Trit oni opsis, Wats onia, Xeno scapaOrchidaceae(succule nts)Acampe,Aera ngis,An sellia, Bolusiella, Bulbophyllum,Cala nthe, Cyrtorchis, Oberon ia, Polystachya, Tridactyle, Van ilia(su
31、ccule nt geophytes) Eulophia, Liparis, Oeceoclades(geophytes) Acroliphia, Bartholi na, Bon atea, Brachycorythis,Brow nl eea, Cen trostigma,Cerata ndra, Corycium, Cyno rkis, Didymoplexis, Disa, Disperis, Draco mon ticola, Eulophia, Evotella, Gastrodia, Habern aria, Holothrix, Hutt on aea, Neobolusia,
32、 Nervilia, Plicosepalus, Pachites, Platycory nesubfamily Epide ndroideae Phalae no psisXan thorrhoeaceaesubfamily Asphodeloideae: Aloe (succulents and succulent geophytes), Astroloba,xAstroworthia,Bulb ine (succule nt geophytes, succule nts, and geophytes), Bulb in ella(geophyte), Chortolirio n (suc
33、cule nt geophytes),Gasteria,Haworthia,Trachya ndra(succule nt geophytes and succule nts),subfamily Xano thorrhoeoidae: Xan thorrhoeaOrder AsteralesAsteraceae: Arctotheca, Baeriopsis, Chrysa nthemoides, Coulterella, Crassocephalum,Didelta, Emilia, Eremotha mnus,Gymno discus, Gynura, Hillardiella (geo
34、phyte),Lopholae na, Mono culus, Nidorella, Osteospermum, Othonna(succule nts and succule ntgeophytes), Phan eroglossa, Poecilolepis, Polyachyrus, Pteronia, Sen ecio, Sola necio,TripterisCampa nu laceae: BrighamiaOrder BrassicalesBrassicaceae: Heliophila, LepidiumCapparidaceae: MaeruaCaricaceae: Cari
35、ca, JacarathiaMorin gaceae: MoringaOrder CaryophyllalesAizoaceae: Corbich on ia, Gisekia, Herrea nthus, Limeum, Ophthalmophyllum, Saphesiasubfamily Aizooideae:Acrosa nthes,Aizoa nthemum,Aizo on, Gale nia, Gunni opsis,Pli nthus, Tetrago niasubfamily Mesembrya nthemoideae (syn. Mesembrya nthemaceae15)
36、: Apte nia, Aridaria, Aspazoma,Brow nan thus,Calamophyllum, Caulipsil on,Con ophytum,Dactylopsis,Erepsia, Hameria,Hartma nthus,Hyme nogyne,Marlothistela,Mesembrya nthemum,Phiambolia, Phyllobolus, Prenia,Psilocaul on,Ruschiella,Saroz ona,Sceletium,Syn aptophyllum subfamily Ruschioideae:tribe Apatesie
37、ae: Apatesia,Carpa nthea,Caryotophora,Coni cosia,Hyme nogyne,Saphesia, Skiatophytumtribe Dorothea ntheae: Aethephyllum Cleretum Dorothea nthustribe Ruschiae: Acrodon, Aloinopsis,Amphibolia, Antegibbaeum,Antimima, Arenifera,Argyroderma, Astridia, Bergera nthus, Bijlia, Braun sia,Bria nhun tleya,Carpo
38、brotus,Carrua nthus, Cephalophyllum, Cerochlamys, Chasmatophyllum, Cheiridopsis, Circa ndra, Cono phytum, Corpuscularia, Cyli ndrophyllum, Delosperma, Dicrocaul on, Didymaotus, Din tera nthus,Diplosoma, Disphyma, Dracophilus,Drosa nthemum,Eberla nzia,Ebracteola,En arga nthe,Erepsia, Esterhuyse nia,
39、Faucaria,Fen estraria,Frithia,Gibbaeum, Glottiphyllum, Hallia nthus, Hereroa,Ihle nfeldtia,Imitaria,Jacobse nia,Jensen obotrya,Jordaa ni ella,Juttadi nteria, Khadia, Lampra nthus, Lapidaria (pla nt),Leipoldtia, Lithops, Machairophyllum, Malephora, Mestoklema, Meyerophytum,Mitrophyllum,Mon ilaria, Mo
40、ssia, Muiria, Namaqua nthus,Namibia, Nanan thus,Nelia,Neohe nricia,Octopoma,Odon tophorus,Oophytum, Ophthalmophyllum, Orthopterum,Oscularia, Ottos on deria,Pleiospilos, Polymita, Psammophora, Rabiea, Rhin ephyllum,Rhombophyllum, Ruschia, Ruschia nthemum,Ruschia nthus,Schlechtera nthus,Schwa ntesia,
41、Scopeloge na, Smicrostigma, Stayn eria, Stoeberia, Stomatium Tanquana Tita nopsis, Trichodiadema, Van heerdea, Van zijlia, Vlokia, Wooleya, Zeuktophyllum subfamily Sesuvioideae: Cypselea, Sesuvium, Trian thema, Tribulocarpus, Zaleya Amara nthaceae: subfamily Amara nthoideae: Arthraerva subfamily Che
42、no podioideae (family Cheno podiaceae):16) Atriplex, Chen opodium, Dissocarpus, Ein adia, En chylae na, Eremophea, Halopeplis, Mairea na, Malacocera, Neobassia, Osteocarpum, Rhagodia, Roycea, Halosarcia,Salicor nia,Salsola,Sarcocor nia, Sclerochlamys, Sclerolae na, Suaeda, Tecticor nia, Threlkeldia
43、Basellaceae: An redera, BasellaCactaceae: Aca nthocalycium,Aca nthocereus,Ariocarpus, Armatocereus, Arrojadoa,Arthrocereus, Astrophytum, Austrocactus, Aztekium, Bergerocactus, Blossfeldia, Brachycereus,Brow nin gia,Brasilicereus, Calymma nthium,Carn egiea, Cephalocereus,Cephalocleistocactus, Cereus,
44、 Cintia, Cipocereus, Cleistocactus, Coleocephalocereus, Copiapoa, Corryocactus,Corypha ntha,Den drocereus, Denm oza, Discocactus,Disocactus, Echino cactus, Echi no cereus, Echino psis, Epiphyllum, Epithela ntha, Eriosyce, Escobaria, Escon tria, Espostoa, Espostoopsis, Eulych nia, Facheiroa, Ferocact
45、us, Frailea, Geoh inton ia,Gymno calycium,Haageocereus, Harrisia, Hatiora, Hylocereus,Jasm ino cereus,Lasiocereus, Leocereus, Lepismium, Leptocereus,Leuchte nbergia.Lophophora, Maihue nia, Malacocarpus, Mammillaria, Mammilloydia, Matuca na, Melocactus, Micra nthocereus, Mila, Mon villea, Myrtillocac
46、tus, Neobuxbaumia, Neolloydia, Neora imon dia,Neowerderma nn ia,Obrego nia, Opun tia, Oreocereus, Oroya,Ortegocactus, Pachycereus, Parodia, Pediocactus, Pelecyphora, Penio cereus, Pereskia, Pereskiopsis,Pilosocereus, Polaskia,Praecereus,Pseudoaca nthocereus,Pseudorhipsalis,Pterocactus,Pygmaeocereus,
47、 Quiabe ntia,Rauhocereus, Rebutia,Rhipsalis, Samaipaticereus, Schlumbergera, Sclerocactus, Sele ni cereus, Steno cactus, Steno cereus,Stepha no cereus,Stets onia,Strombocactus,Tac inga,Thelocactus,TrichocereusTurbin icarpus, Uebelma nnia, Weberbauerocereus,Weberocereus, Yun gasocereusDidiereaceae: A
48、lluaudia, Alluaudiopsis, Decaria, DidiereaMollugi naceae: Hypertelis Phytolaccaceae: Phytolacca Portulacaceae: Amphipetalum, An acampseros, Avon ia, Calyptrotheca, Ceraria, Cista nthe, Cala ndrin ia,Den droportulaca, Grahamia, Lewisia, Parakeelya,17 Portulaca,Portulacaria, Schreiteria, Tali nella, T
49、ali numOrder Commeli nalesCommeli naceae: An eilema, Callisia, Cyano tis, Tradesca ntia, Tripoga ndraOrder Corn alesLoasaceae: SchismocarpusOrder CucurbitalesBego ni aceae: Bego niaCucurbitaceae:Acan thosicyos,Apoda nthera,Bran degea,Cephalope ntan dra,Ceratosa nthes.Citrullus,Cocc in ia,Corallocarp
50、us,Cucumella,Cucumis, Cucurbita,Cycla ntheropsis,Dactylia ndra,Den drosicyos,Doyera,Eure in dra,Fevillea,Gerrandan thus,Gyno stemma,Halosicyos, Ibervilla,Kedostris,Lage naria,Marah,Momordica, Neoalsomitra, Odosicyos, Parasicyos,Syrigia,Telfairia, Trochomeria,Trochomeriopsis, Tumamoca, Xerosicyos, Ze
51、hn eria, ZygosicyosOrder DiascorealesDioscoreaceae: DioscoreaOrder EricalesBalsam in aceae: Impatie nsEricaceae: SphyrospermumFouquieriaceae: FouquieriaOrder FabalesFabaceae:Delonix, Dolichos, Erythri na. Lot ononis,Neorauta nen ia,Pachyrhizus,TylosemaOrder Gen tia nalesApocy naceae: Ade nium, Man d
52、evilla, Pachypodium, Plumeria subfamily Asclepiadoideae (syn. Asclepiadaceae):Absolmsia, Australluma,Aspidoglossum,Aspid on epsis,Bayn esia,Brachystelma, Ceropegia, Chlorocyathus,Cibirhiza,Cordylogy ne,Cynan chum, Dischidia, Dischidiopsis, Duvalia ndra, Eustegia,Fanninia, Fockea, Glossostelma, Hoya,
53、 Isch no lepis, Lavra nia, Marsde nia, Miraglossum, Odon tostelma,Ophi on ella,Orbea nthus, Pachycarpus, Parapodium, Periglossum,Petope ntia,Raphi on acme,Riocreuxia, Sarcorrhiza, Schizoglossum, Schlechterella,Stathmostelma, Steno stelma, Stomatostemma, Trachycalymma, Trichocaul on, Tylophora, Woodi
54、a, Xysmalobium tribe Asclepiadeae: subtribe Asclepiad ne: Asclepias, subtribe Cynanchin ae: Sarcostemma, subtribe Gono lob in ae: Matelea, tribe Maxillarieae: subtribe Lycastinae: Rudolfiella tribe Stapeliae: Angolluma, Caralluma, Desmidorchis, Duvalia, Echidnopsis, Edithcolea,Frerea, Hoodia, Huerni
55、a,Huerni opsis,Larryleachia, Notechid nopsis, Orbea (pla nt),Orbeopsis, Piara nthus, Pachycymbium, Pect in aria, Pseudolithos, Pseudopect in aria, Quaqua, Rhytidocaul on,Stapelia, Stapelia nthus, Stapeliopsis, Tavaresia,Tride ntea,Tromotriche, Whitesloa neasubfamily Periplocoideae:tribe Cryptolepide
56、ae: CryptolepisRubiaceae:An thorrhiza,An thospermum,Hydn ophytum,Hydrophylax, Myrmecodia,Myrmephytum, Phylohydrax, SquamellariaOrder Gera nialesGerani aceae: Monsonia, Pelarg onium (succule nts and geophytes), Sarcocaul onOrder LamialesGesn eriaceae: Aesch ynan thus, Alsobia, Chirita, Codonan the, C
57、olumn ea, Nemata nthus,Sinnin gia, StreptocarpusLamiaceae:Aeolla nthus,Dauphi nea,Perrierastrum, Plectra nthus, Rotheca,Sole no stem on, Tetrade nia, Thorn croftiaLen tibulariaceaePedaliaceae: Holubia, Pterodiscus, Sesamotha mnus, Un cari naOrder MalpighialesEuphorbiaceae:Cni doscolus,Euphorbia, Jat
58、ropha,Mon ade nium,Pedila nthus,Phylla nthus, Syn ade niumPassifloraceae: Ade niaPhylla nthaceae: Phylla nthusOrder MalvalesCochlospermaceaeMalvaceae: Ada nsonia. Cava nillesia, Ceiba, Pseudobombaxsubgroup Sterculiaceae: Brachychit on, SterculiaOrder MyrtalesMelastomataceae: Medi nillaOrder OxalidalesOxalidace
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