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1、骨骼名稱中英文對照全部人體骨骼名稱中英文對照 一直對人體骨骼感興趣,但總是找不全所有骨頭的英文名稱。 近日在 維基百科上Human Skeleton條目下,鏈接至U list of bones of the human skeleton ,終于一嘗夙愿。于是,立馬與中文名稱進行匹配, 仔細把玩了一番,甚是欣慰。許多詞匯來源于希臘、拉丁,這是不言 而喻的。個別詞匯沒有找到固有的中文名稱, 是根據原文詞義直接翻 譯的。Bones骨骼Cranial (8)腦顱部 cranium 頭蓋骨 -crani-( 頭顱)? frontal bone 額骨?parietal bone(2)頂骨?temporal

2、 bone(2) 顆骨? occipital bone 枕骨?sphenoid bone蝶骨? ethmoid bone 篩骨facial bones (14):mnemonic device : Virgil CanNot MakeMy PetZebra Laugh。Vomer,conchae nasal etc 。 面顱部 (記憶口訣, 這 是我從另一處搬來的)? mandible 下頜骨? maxilla (2)上頜骨? palatine bone (2)顫骨? zygomatic bone (2)顛骨? nasal bone (2)鼻骨? lacrimal bone (2)淚骨? in

3、ferior nasal conchae (2) 鼻下 甲? vomer 犁骨In the middle ears (6):中耳部? malleus (2)錘骨? incus (2)砧骨? stapes (2)鐐骨In thethroat(1):喉部? hyoid bone 舌骨In theshoulder girdle (4):肩部? scapula or shoulder blade (2) 肩月甲骨? clavicle or collarbone (2) 鎖骨In the thorax (25):胸部? sternum or breastbone, comprising the body

4、 of sternum (gladiolus), manubriumand xiphoidprocess (1)胸骨(胸骨體,胸骨柄,劍突)? ribs (2 x 12)肋骨In the vertebral column (24):脊柱部? cervical vertebrae (7) 頸椎 C? thoracic vertebrae (12)胸椎 T? lumbar vertebrae (5)腰椎 LIn the arms (2):手臂部? Humerus (2)肱骨In the forearms (4):前臂部? radius (2)模骨? ulna (2)尺骨In the hands e

5、xcluding sesamoid bones (54):手部(不含籽 骨)? Carpal (wrist) bones: 腕骨? scaphoid bone (2)手舟骨? lunate bone (2)月骨? triquetrum bone (2)三角骨? pisiform bone (2)豌豆骨? trapezium (2)大多角骨? trapezoid bone (2)小多角骨? capitate bone (2)頭狀骨? hamate bone (2)鉤骨Metacarpus (palm) bones:掌骨? metacarpal bones (5 x 2)掌骨指骨Digits of

6、 the hands (finger bones or phalanges):? proximal phalanges (5 x 2)近節(jié)指骨? intermediate phalanges (4 x 2)中節(jié)? distal phalanges (5 x 2)末節(jié)In the pelvis (4):骨盆部? sacrum 1舐骨? coccyx or tailbone 1 尾骨? os coxae or hipbone, comprising the fused ilium , ischium , and pubis (2)魏骨(含骼骨、坐骨、恥骨)In the thighs (2):大腿部

7、? femur (2)股骨In the legs (6):小腿部? patella 骸骨 kneecap 膝蓋骨? tibia (2)脛骨? fibula(2)腓骨In the feet excluding sesamoid bones (52):腳部(不含籽骨)? Tarsal(ankle) bones:跑骨(踝骨)? calcaneus or heel bone (2) 跟骨? talus (2)距骨? navicular bone (2) 足舟骨? medial cuneiform bone (2) 內側楔骨? intermediate cuneiform bone (2)中間楔骨? l

8、ateral cuneiform bone (2) 外側楔骨? cuboid bone (2)骰骨? Metatarsus bones:跖骨? metatarsal bone (5 x 2)跖骨? Digits of the feet (toe bones or phalanges):趾骨? proximal phalanges (5 x 2)近節(jié)趾骨? intermediate phalanges (4 x 2) 中節(jié)? distal phalanges (5 x 2) 末節(jié)從維基百科上覓得:"http:/w/index.php?title=List

9、 of bones of_the_human_skeleton&oldid=525182847 ”人體各骨英文單詞(括號內為數量)1 .軀干骨(51)椎骨 vertebrae (24):頸椎(7) cervical vertebrae 胸椎(12)thoracic vertebrae 腰椎(5) lumbar vertebrae環(huán)椎 atlas 樞椎 axis 隆椎 porminent舐骨 sacral bone (1)尾骨 coccys (1)胸骨 sternum (1)肋骨 costal bone(24)2 .顱骨 (29)腦顱骨(8):額骨 frontal bone(1)篩骨 e

10、thmoid bone(1)蝶骨 sphenoid bone (1)枕骨 occipital bone(1)顆骨 temproal bone頂骨 parietal bone(2)面顱骨(15):下頜骨 mandible (1)舌骨 hyoid bone (1)犁骨 vomer (1)上頜骨 maxilla (2)腭骨 palatine bone (2)鼻骨 nasal bone (2)淚骨 lacrimal bone 下鼻甲 inferior nasal concha 顛骨 zygomatic bone 聽小骨(6):錘骨 malleus (2)砧骨 incus (2)鐐骨 stapes (2

11、)3 .上肢骨(64)鎖骨 clavicle (2)肩胛骨 scaplua (2)肱骨 humerus (2)模骨 radius(2)尺骨 ulna (2)腕骨 carpal bone (16):手舟骨 scaphoid bone(2)月骨 lunate bone(2)三角骨 triquetralbone (2)豌豆骨 pisiform bone (2)大多角骨 trapezium bone (2)小多角骨 trapezoid bone (2) 頭壯骨 capitate bone (2)鉤骨hamate bone (2)掌骨 metacarpal bones(10)指骨 phalanges bones (28)4 .下肢骨(62)魏骨 hip bone (2)股骨 femur (2)骸骨 patella(2)脛骨 tibia(2)腓骨 fibula (2)跑骨 tarsal bones(14):距骨 talus(2)跟骨 calcaneus (2)足舟骨 navicular bone(2)內側楔骨 medial cuneiform bone(2)中 間楔骨 interm


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