1、stresse d that promoti ng the compre he nsiverevitali zationshoul d focus one conomi c constr ucti on as the central focus with, payspecial attenti ont ograsp t heimpleme ntation offivedevelopme nt concept s,de epe ning ref orm and promoti ng thea ll-r oundope ning up, e nsuringa ndimpr oving people
2、'slivelihood,strengthe nthe construction ofe col ogical civilizati on, "fivepri orities",pl ay devel opmentmix.Towit h ne w devel opme ntconceptmea surew ork,a nd commandacti on,a nd trai ning cadr es,in impleme ntimplementati on new development conce pt in t he lookingfor opport uniti
3、e s,and bui ldhig hlight s,and expa nd adva ntage; to ful ldee pe ningreform, break bound t heaspect s create d vitalityofsy stem mecha nism obstacles; to a ctive adva nce fullaspect sopeni ng,parti cipation "int hecast Russian E conomic Corri dor" constructi on; to guarantee s andimpr ove
4、d liveli hood, strong lywon poverty battle;to strengtheni ngecologi calcivil izationconstructi on,f or sustaina ble development re servedspace,forfuture ge nerations l eft sky blue ,andto gree n,andwater clear of better home s.We mustin -depth im plement im plementati on new development concept, ins
5、i stedt oeconomic constructionforCent er,firmlycaught devel opmentthis firstpri ority,absor bed make construction,he art no distracti onsca ught dev elopment,spee d updevel opme nt"sixbig industry",in-depth impleme ntation "three bige ngineering",a ctive create"tw o bige nvi
6、ronme nt",out ofaarticle quality more high,and be nefitsbetter,a nd struct uremore excelle ntoftransf ormation devel opment ofroad. To str engthe necologi cal constructi on.OnMarch 22, t hedeepre struct uring exami ned a ndadoptedt heopini on on perfecting com pensation mechanismofecol ogica lp
7、rote ction, pr opose dto ex plore t heesta blishmentofdiv ersified e coolgicalcom pensationmechani sm,progre ssive rea lizationoffore sts, grasslands, wetlandsa nd ot her area soffocus a nd keye col ogicalfuncti on and otherim portantregi ona l ecologi calcompe nsati on coverag e,the e col ogical ad
8、va ntages ofthe regionwill be further highlig hted.We nee d togogre ene co -buildi ng,ast he essential policy, in stricta ccorda ncew iththeState ofmain function regionconstruction re quir ements, carefulim plementati on a nd Xiaoxi ng 'an mountai nsfore st ecol ogical prote ctionand economic re
9、str uct uring planfort he constr uction of sky blue, .A cts prohibite dby picki ng upt he remain ingwell sin standingtimber.To focuson for est resour ceconservation, increase theacquisiti ona nd supervi sionofcold storage, no buyfruit,e ncourag e supportto l eading e nterpri ses, worker s'cooper
10、ativesas a unit ,the contra ct manageme nt of forest re source s,the rati onal prote ctionand utili zation ofresour ces. T o workactivelyt owards policy aime d fromthe level oftheState Fore stryAdmini strationformulate d regulati onsto pr otectfore stresour cesas soonas possibl e toachieve la w andr
11、egulati on t o pr otect fore st resource s. Shoul dfocus on fore stfirepreve ntion.施工現(xiàn)場臨時用電施工方案一、工程概況一)、工程總述恒大銀湖城二期邊坡支護工程,建設(shè)單位為清遠市銀湖城投資有限公司,設(shè)計單位為廣州市城市規(guī)劃勘測設(shè)計研究院、遠市銀湖城投資有限公司(邊坡支護),施工單位為深圳市孺子牛建設(shè)工程有限公司、廣州市力拓土石方工程有限公司,工程地點清遠市高新區(qū)。二)、工程概況本工程主要由土石方工程和邊坡支護組成。清坡、清除危巖體約11440m2,其中土石方工程填方量約2500m3挖土量約23000方,邊坡支護采
12、用錨索(桿)格構(gòu)梁擋墻及錨桿掛網(wǎng)、噴砼。三)、場地情況自然地面高差變化很大,山頂最高標高172.0m,已開挖坡面坡頂現(xiàn)狀最高標高171.0m,現(xiàn)狀坡腳標高66.40127.9m,變化大,坡頂未 開挖區(qū)植比較發(fā)育,多為灌木和喬木,已開挖區(qū)坡面顆露,土質(zhì)坡面 被雨水沖刷,雞腳狀溝槽雜亂分布。二、編制依據(jù)1、恒大銀湖城二期土石方及邊坡支護工程招標文件及有關(guān)投標資料、施工合同。2、恒大銀湖城二期土石方及邊坡支護工程總平面圖及施工圖紙。3、施工現(xiàn)場臨時用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范(JGJ46-2005)。4、建設(shè)工程施工現(xiàn)場供用電安全規(guī)范(GB50194-93)。5、建設(shè)工程施工現(xiàn)場消防安全技術(shù)規(guī)范(GB50720
13、-2011)。6、用電安全導(dǎo)則GB/T13869。7、電擊保護裝置和設(shè)備的通用部分GB/T17054。8、電業(yè)安全工作規(guī)程DL409。9、66kv 及以上架空電力線路設(shè)計規(guī)范GB50061。10、省市有關(guān)施工工程質(zhì)量、安全生產(chǎn)、文明施工的規(guī)章、制hefirstresponsi bility ofthefor est,26t hspringareaha s fully de ploy ed to t hefire,has now entere d thefire,we haveto be on duty,and defend.Determi ned t oover come paralysis,
14、m ustnot "Twelve-Five"nofires inthepast,there ducedre quireme ntsduringt heperi od.Toa pplystri ctly theparty with theresponsibility,mustshouldert heresponsibility of theParty Secretaryin particular,reallypra ctice pipes,itca n nev er shuaishouzhanggui , besureto layert heimpleme ntation f
15、allsfire responsibility,toensurethatno majorfor estfires.T o adhere to balanced,correctlyhandletherelationship betwee n fire and proje ct constr uction, i ndustrial development, to "nevermiss ortwo."Second,tospee d up thedevelopmentofsixmajor industries.Promotedevelopmentin our regi on,t h
16、ekey istogive full playtore sourcea dvantage t obui ld eco-orie nted "big six"system,tocre ate thenew engine ofeconomi cgrowth. Firm confi dence. Practice ha s prove d thatthe "bigsix"ofboth central and provi nci alrequireme nts,a nd meett heact ualda hingga n mountai ns,thr ough
17、 active efforts have been showing astrongmoment um ofdevel opment.So,i n the"six"ondev elopment,we m ustbefirminfaith,goallout, persev erance,one caug htin theend,convi ncedthat Castle is notrel axed, does notrea chthetarg etwillnev er give up.Shoul d focus on industrialpr oje cts. Proje c
18、tis to a cce lerate thei ndustrial devel opment of importa nt supportand ba cking. Industrial projectconstruction,myarea therearefewinnumber,smallsi ze,lowlevel pr obl ems.T hisyear,t hepr oje ctas hi s party has"firstproject",wehavetow orkhardt oproje ctconstr uction.Espe ciallyeffectived
19、uringshort,catchnigproject shall not,sl ow, dragging notall owed.Alllocalitie s shoul d conscie ntiouslyimpleme ntthe project lea dership system,timetable,roadmap,andcoordinateservices,trackingthewholeprocessforward,inverteddurations,speedingupprogressandseekpracticalresults.Poised to break the proj
20、ect build Setchalle nges,t oaccelerate t hepa ceof prelimi naryformalities,t heenter prise s have difficultie s to pullonewayand alsohelpinatimelymannertohelpbusinessesmarket,e nhance confide nce, urgingw orkas soon as possible.T o stre ngthe nthe proje ctanaly sis, pr operri sk analy sis andimpr ov
21、e projectsuccessrate s.(Specifi ctothe XX, we stillwa ntto makegood useofagriculturaladvantages,relyi ngon t heupper rea ches ofthefor estin th efresh aira ndXXXpur e waterand ot herresources, createhig h-quality, high-grade gre enfood br ands,trulyrefle ctthe origi nalcharact er.Mea nwhil e,a dhere
22、t othe pr oje ct asthe breakthr oug h topr omot e e conomic devel opment ar ound the"sixindustrialchain"topayspecia lattention to formingproje cts,dig pot entialpr oje cts,focus on key proje cts,a ctivelycultivatingthenewleadingindustriesandnewsourcesofeconomi c growt h). To pr omote inves
23、tment. Morea ccuratepr ofessional busi ness,andba sed my in dustrialbaseand resources,aimedatnational度。三、現(xiàn)場踏勘調(diào)查及確定1、根據(jù)恒大銀湖城二期土石方及邊坡支護工程總平面圖及施工 圖紙,組織了專業(yè)電工、項目經(jīng)理、安全員、技術(shù)負責人、施工班 組長等進行了現(xiàn)場踏勘調(diào)查,按土石方工程及邊坡支護施工圖,確 定總用電量為617kw,需設(shè)一級配電箱1只,二級配電箱2只,三 級配電箱2只,電線均為銅芯電纜線,架空設(shè)置。線路走向:27#變壓器-東北角填土區(qū)(設(shè)置一級配電箱)。2、用電負荷計算 邊坡幫組同時
24、施工,用電量 7kw。1-2段邊坡支護二臺潛孔鉆、一臺電焊機、一臺注漿機,共用 電量186kw。B7B6段邊坡支護二臺潛孔鉆、一臺電焊機、一臺注漿機填土區(qū)硅、開制鋼筋,共用電量 XXXkw。 夜間施工照明14.4kw。以上區(qū)段考慮同時施工高峰時,則共計用電量為XXXkw。3、變壓器及配電系統(tǒng)由于設(shè)置的變壓器輸電能力為 500kvA,施工用電大于變壓器 的輸送能力,故考慮邊坡支護處進入三臺75kvA活動式柴油發(fā)電機,以作錨桿施工用。 配電線路:變壓器至總配電箱為 XXXmm2銅芯電纜線,總配 電箱接至各施工區(qū),一級配電箱為 XXXm m2銅芯電纜線,架空布 設(shè),電桿為8米杉木,間距20m/根。
25、配電房按電業(yè)部門規(guī)定規(guī)范設(shè)置,配置的電器具均按電力管理部門指定的專業(yè)商店購買。接地與防雷:施工現(xiàn)場專用變壓器的供電的 TN-S接零保護系統(tǒng)中,電器設(shè)備 的金屬外殼必須與保護零線連接。保護零線由工作接地線、配電室(總配電箱)電源側(cè)零線或總漏電保護器電源測零線處引出。(見 下圖)3專業(yè)變壓器供電時TN-S接零保護系統(tǒng)示意1-工作接地;2PE線重復(fù)接地;3電氣設(shè)備金屬外殼(正常不帶電的外露可 導(dǎo)電部分);L1、L2、L3一相線;N工作零線;PE一保護零線;DK一總電 源隔離開關(guān);RCD 一總漏電保護器(兼有短路、過載、漏電保護功能的漏電斷路器);T一變壓器采用TN系統(tǒng)做保護接零時,工作零線(N線)必
26、須通過總漏電 保護器,保護零線(PE線)必須由電源進線零線重復(fù)接地處或總漏 電保護器電源側(cè)零線處,引出形成局部TN-S接零保護系統(tǒng)。(見下圖)三相四線供電時局部TN-S接零保護系統(tǒng)保護零線引出示意1 NPE線重復(fù)接地;2PE線重復(fù)接地;L1、L2、L3一相線;N 工作零 線;PE保護零線;DK 一總電源隔離開關(guān);RCD一總漏電保護器(兼有短路、過載、漏電保護功能的漏電斷路器)在TN接零保護系統(tǒng)中,通過總漏電保護器的工作零線與保護零 線之間不得再做電氣連接。PE零線單獨敷設(shè),重復(fù)接地線與 PE線 想連接,嚴禁與N線相連接。施工現(xiàn)場的臨時用電電力系統(tǒng)嚴禁利用大地做相線或零線。接地 裝置的設(shè)置考慮季
27、節(jié)系數(shù) 少值為1.151.3。PE線所用材質(zhì)與相 線、工作零線(N線)相同,其最小截面參下表規(guī)定:PE線截面與相線截面關(guān)系相線芯線截面S (m m2)PE線最小截面(m m2)S< 16S16<S< 3516S> 35S/2保護零線均采用絕緣導(dǎo)線,配電裝置和電動機械相連接的PE線均為2.5mm2以上的多股銅線,手持式電動工具的PE線截面均為1.5m m2以上的絕緣多股銅線。PE線上嚴禁裝設(shè)開關(guān)或熔斷器,嚴禁通過工作電流,且嚴禁斷he “tr-onsi biiy of Ie for , 26ts.g aeahasfuy-pl .to the fie has now ene
28、edtheie,wehavetobeondutyaddee.lebeminedtoovecomepaayss,mustnot"w-F-T noies i Iepast, there ducd rerrquirmet s, ad mee the a c l da h.g. n moua.s, trougg a ctve efrs hhae beesow.gastongmometumofdevebpmetSI,inthe"x"on opmel I mus be ., go al ou, peseeanne, one ugt.c ng i acceeae te pa c
29、e of pr em.ay .abas, theeteprieshaveipulone,and aso hep.atmeymanneihelbusnesesmaketenhaneuggw.soon- possi tsengtenistresse d that promoti ng the compre he nsiverevitali zationshoul d focus one conomi c constr ucti on as the central focus with, payspecialattenti ont ograsp t heimpleme ntation offived
30、evelopme nt concept s,de epe ning ref orm and promoti ng thea ll-r oundope ning up, e nsuringa ndimpr oving people'slivelihood,strengthe nthe construction ofe col ogical civilizati on, "fivepri orities",pl ay devel opme nt mix.Towit h ne w devel opme ntconceptmea surew ork,a nd command
31、acti on,a nd trai ning cadres,i n impleme ntimplementati on new development conce pt in t he lookingfor opport unitie s,and bui ldhig hlight s,and expa nd adva ntage; to ful ldee pe ningreform, break bound t heaspect s create d vitalityofsy stem mecha nism obstacles; to a ctive adva nce fullaspect s
32、openi ng,parti cipation "int hecast Russian E conomic Corri dor" constructi on; to guarantee s andimpr oved liveli hood, strong lywon poverty battle;to strengtheni ngecologi calcivil izationconstructi on,f or sustaina ble development re servedspace,forfuture ge nerations l eft sky blue ,an
33、dto gree n,andwater clear of better home s.We mustin -depth im plement im plementati on new development concept, insi stedt oeconomic constructionforCent er,firmlycaught devel opmentthis firstpri ority,absor bed make construction,he art no distracti onsca ught dev elopment,spee d updevel opme nt&quo
34、t;sixbig industry",in-depth impleme ntation "three bige ngineering",a ctive create"tw o bige nvironme nt",out ofaarticle quality more high,and be nefitsbetter,a nd struct uremore excelle ntoftransf ormation devel opment of road.Tostr engthe necologi cal constructi on.OnMarch
35、 22, t hedeepre struct uring exami ned a ndadoptedt heopini on on perfecting compensation mechanismofecol ogica lprote ction, pr opose dto ex plore t heesta blishmentofdiv ersified e col ogicalcom pensationm echani sm,progre ssive rea lizationoffore sts, grasslands, wetlandsa nd ot her area soffocus
36、 a nd keye col ogicalfuncti on and otherim portantregi ona l ecologi calcompe nsati on coverag e,the e col ogical adva ntages ofthe regionwill be further highlig hted.We nee d togogre ene co -buildi ng,ast he essential policy, in stricta ccorda ncew iththeState ofmain function regionconstruction re
37、quir ements, carefulim plementati on a nd Xiaoxi ng 'an mountai nsfore st ecol ogical prote ction andeconomicrestruct uring planfort he constr uction of sky blue, .A cts prohibite dby picki ng upt he remainingwellsin standingtimber.To focuson for est resour ceconservation, increase theacquisiti
38、ona nd supervi sionofcold storage, no buyfruit,e ncourag e supportto l eading e nterpri ses, worker s'cooperativesas a unit ,the contra ct manageme nt of forest re source s,the rati onal prote ctionand utili zation ofresour ces. T o workactivelyt owards policy aime d fromthe level oftheState For
39、e stryAdmini strationformulate d regulati onsto pr otectfore stresour cesas soonas possibl e toachieve la w andregulati on t oprotect fore st resource s. Shoul dfocus on fore stfirepreve ntion.線。相線、N線、PE線的顏色標記:L1(A)、L2(B)、L3(C)相序絕緣顏色依次為黃、綠、紅色;N 線的絕緣顏色為淡藍色;PE 線的絕緣顏色為綠/黃雙色。在 TN 系統(tǒng)中,下列電氣設(shè)備不帶電的外露可導(dǎo)電部分均設(shè)
40、保護接零:A)、電機、電器、變壓器、照明器具、手持式電動工具的金屬外殼。B)、電氣設(shè)備傳動裝置的金屬部件。C)、配電柜與控制柜的金屬框架,金屬箱體,靠近帶電部分的金屬圍欄和金屬門。D)、電力線路的金屬保護管、敷設(shè)的鋼索。E)、安裝在電力線路桿(塔)上的開關(guān),電容器等電氣裝置的金屬外殼及支架。接地電阻由于單臺容量未超過100kvA,故接地電阻值不大于10Q。TN系統(tǒng)中的保護零線除必須在配電室或總配電箱 處做重復(fù)接地外,還必須在配電系統(tǒng)的中間處和末端處做重復(fù)接地。每一接地裝置的接地線線應(yīng)采用2 根以上導(dǎo)體,在不同點與接地體做電器連接。不得采用鋁導(dǎo)體做接地桿,垂直接地桿均采用角鋼、鋼管和光面鋼筋,不
41、采用螺紋鋼。三臺活動式柴油發(fā)電機組接地均按電力變壓器系統(tǒng)接地的要求設(shè)置接地保護。在土壤電阻率低于200Q.m區(qū)域的電桿不設(shè)防雷接地裝置,但在配電室的架空進線和出線處將絕緣子鐵腳與配電室的接地裝置相連接。由于本工地無井字架、龍門架、塔吊及高度A 20m鋼腳手架,故不裝置防雷措施。四、電工及用電人員1、本項目配置的電工均符合國家現(xiàn)行標準,經(jīng)考核合格后,持證上崗。其他用電人員均通過相關(guān)安全教育培訓,技術(shù)交底,考核合格后上崗工作。2、專業(yè)電工從事本工區(qū)的電器安裝、巡查、維修和拆除臨時用電設(shè)備和線路,用電人員負責監(jiān)護。3、用電人員均掌握安全用電基本知識和所用設(shè)備的性能,并掌握下列規(guī)定: 使用電器設(shè)備前必
42、須按規(guī)定穿戴和配備好相應(yīng)的勞動保護用品,并應(yīng)檢查電器裝置和保護設(shè)施,嚴禁設(shè)備帶“缺陷 ”運轉(zhuǎn)。 保管和維護所用設(shè)備,發(fā)現(xiàn)問題及時報告解決。 暫時停用設(shè)備的開關(guān)箱必須分斷電源隔離開關(guān),并應(yīng)關(guān)門上鎖。 移運電器設(shè)備時,必須經(jīng)電工切斷電源并做妥善處理后進ustbefirminfaith,goallnhance confide nce, urgingwhepast, thereducedre quirementsduringt heperi od.Tpplystri ctly thepartywith theresponsis.(Specifi ctothe XX, we stillwa ntto m
43、akegood useofagriculturala.1.11. . . . II. _ -ctice pipes,itcan nev er shuaishouzhanggui- . _| 一一. I_ . I - .11 -I., besureto layertnt supportand ba cking.I L . -I I .L .estin th efresh airaheimplementation fallsfire responsibility,toIndustrial projectconstruction,myarea therearndXXXpur e waterand o
44、therresources,efewin number,smallsiL IL Icreatehig h-quality, high-grade greze,lowlevel pr- I.enfood brobl ems.Thisyear,t hepr ojectashi s party has"firstproje -L. . Ill.LI - I II _ _.1ands,trulyrefle ctthe origi nalcharactct",wehaver.Mea nwhil e,a dheret othe pr oje ctoproje ctconstr ucti
45、on.Espe ciallyeffectiveduringougo."Second,to speetopr omot e e conomic devel opment ar ound the"sixindustrialchaid up thedevelopmentofsixmajor industrien"to payspecia - II- - >,roa dmap,a nd coordi nateservi ces,tra cking t he whole process forward,inv- - - I. . I -I .- 一 .>IIne
46、wlea ding industrie sand newsouroved thatthe "bigsix"ofboth central and provinci alstresse d that promoti ng the compre he nsiverevitali zationshoul d focus one conomi c constr ucti on as the central focus with, payspecialattenti ont ograsp t heimpleme ntation offivedevelopme nt concept s,
47、de epe ning ref orm and promoti ng thea ll-r oundope ning up, e nsuringa ndimpr oving people'slivelihood,strengthe nthe construction ofe col ogical civilizati on, "fivepri orities",pl ay devel opme nt mix.Towit h ne w devel opme ntconceptmea surew ork,a nd commandacti on,a nd trai ning
48、 cadr es,in impleme ntimplementati on new development conce pt in t he lookingfor opport unitie s,and bui ldhig hlight s,and expa nd adva ntage; to ful ldee pe ningreform, break bound t heaspect s create d vitalityofsy stem mecha nism obstacles; to a ctive adva nce fullaspect sopeni ng,parti cipatio
49、n "int hecast Russian E conomic Corri dor" constructi on; to guarantee s andimpr oved liveli hood, strong lywon poverty battle;to strengtheni ngecologi calcivil izationconstructi on,f or sustaina ble development re servedspace,forfuture ge nerations l eft sky blue ,andto gree n,andwater cl
50、ear of better home s.We mustin -depth im plement im plementati on new development concept, insi stedt oeconomic constructionforCent er,firmlycaught devel opmentthis firstpri ority,absor bed make construction,he art no distracti onsca ught dev elopment,spee d updevel opme nt"sixbig industry"
51、;,in-depth impleme ntation "three bige ngineering",a ctive create"tw o bige nvironme nt",out ofaarticle quality more high,and be nefitsbetter,a nd struct uremore excelle ntoftransf ormation devel opment ofroad. To str engthe necologi cal constructi on.OnMarch 22, t hedeep re stru
52、ct uring exami ned a ndadoptedt heopini on on perfecting com pensation mechanismofecol ogica lprote ction, pr opose dto ex plore t heesta blishmentofdiv ersified e coolgicalcom pensationmechani sm,progre ssiverea lizationoffore sts, grasslands, wetlan ds a nd ot her area soffocus a nd keye col ogica
53、lfuncti on and otherim portantregi ona l ecologi calcompe nsati on coverag e,the e col ogical adva ntages ofthe regionwill be further highlig hted.We nee d togogre ene co -buildi ng,ast he essential policy, in stricta ccorda ncew iththeState ofmain function regionconstruction re quir ements, car efu
54、l im plementati on a nd Xiaoxi ng 'an mountai nsfore st ecol ogical prote ction andeconomicrestruct uring planfort he constr uction of sky blue, .A cts prohibite dby picki ng upt he remainingwellsin standingtimber.To focuson for est resour ceconservation, increase theacquisiti ona nd supervi sio
55、nofcold storage, no buyfruit,e ncourag e supportto l eading e nterpri ses, worker s'cooperativesas a unit ,the contra ct manageme nt of forest re source s,the rati onal prote ctionand utili zation ofresour ces. Tow orkactivelyt owards policy aime d fromthe level oftheState Fore stryAdmini strati
56、onformulate d regulati onsto pr otectfore stresour cesas soonas possibl e toachieve la w andr egulati on t oprotect fore st resource s. Shoul dfocus on fore stfirepreve ntion.行。4、專業(yè)電氣作業(yè)人員為1 人,負責XXX 我項目部施工的全部區(qū)域的接電、維修、保養(yǎng)。并使用電線路安全暢通,保證施工用電正常。兼職用電專管人員2 人, 1 人負責邊坡支護片,1 人負責排水系統(tǒng)及擋墻部分用電,專管人員職責接三級配電箱及用電設(shè)備、器具
57、的用電,并協(xié)助專業(yè)電氣人員的工作。五、配電室及自備電源配電室靠近電源,周圍灰塵少,位置干燥通風,潮氣少,震動小,無腐蝕介質(zhì),無易燃易爆物和道路暢通的地方。配電柜和控制柜兩端重復(fù)接地及保護零線做電器連接。配電室布置符合下列要求:配電柜正面的操作通道寬度n1.5m。配電柜后面的維護通道寬度n 0.8m。配電柜側(cè)面的維護通道寬度n1.0m。 配電室的頂棚與地面的距離n 3.0m。 配電室內(nèi)裸母線與地面的垂直距離小于2.5m,但采用遮攔隔離,遮攔下面通道的高度n 2.0m。 配電室圍欄上端與其正上方帶地部分的凈距n10cmi配電裝置的上端距頂棚距離n 50cm 配電室內(nèi)的母線涂刷有色油漆,以標志相序;
58、以柜正面方向為基準,其涂色符合“施工現(xiàn)場臨時用電安全技術(shù)規(guī)范”表 6.1.4規(guī)定。 配電室的耐火等級不低于3 級,室內(nèi)配置砂箱和可用于撲滅電氣火災(zāi)的滅火器。 配電室的門向外開,并配鎖。 配電室的照明分別設(shè)置正常照明和事故照明。配電柜裝設(shè)了電源隔離開關(guān)和短路、過載、漏電保護電器。電源隔離開關(guān)分斷時有明顯可見分斷點。自備發(fā)電機組采用電源中性點直接接地的三相四線制供電系統(tǒng)和獨立設(shè)置TN-S接零保護系統(tǒng),具工作接地電阻值不大于 4Q。發(fā)電機控制屏裝設(shè)下列儀表: 交流電壓表 交流電流表 有功功率表 電度表 功率因素表 頻率表hefirstresponsi bility oftheforest,26th spring areahasfullydepl oyedtothe fire, has nowenteredthe fire,we havetobeon dut y,and defend. Determined to overcome paralysis,mustnot"Twelve-Five" no fires in thepast,the re ducedrerequirement s,and meetthea ctualdahingga n
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