1、1 / 102013 年九年級英語全冊 Un it 4 What would you do單元檢測題 人教新目標(biāo)版.單項(xiàng)選擇 (15 分))1. The little girl her seat to the old man on the crowded bus.What a kind girl!)2. Our n ewspaper every Tuesday.going to Larry s party. But I don t know what to wear.)10. Is she really ill?.She s in hospital.A. tookB. broughtC. bo
2、rrowedD. offeredA. looks outB. comes outC. takes outD. turns out)3. She is pla nning on hik ing. Let s help her some good ideas.A. look upB. make upC. use upD. come up with)4. I work very hard because I dont want tomy parents.A. let dow nB. give up C. break off D. deal with)5. Those books are yours,
3、 and the rest mine.A. isB. areC. wasD. were)6. You are a good girl. You dealt with the thing well.Thank you.)7.A. evenDonshe wonA. Why notB. suchC. probably D. fairlyt worry. Mum will come to solve the problem.t come?B. What aboutC. What ifD. How about)8.IfI you, Iwear a dress.A. am。 willB. were 。 w
4、illC. were 。 wouldD. am。would)9. I cant send an e-mail. Would you please teach me it?A. howdoingB. whe n to do C. what doingD. how to doA. I am afraid soB. I hope soC. Not at allD. Help yourself)11. Come and join us, Jimmy!I m sorry, but I m really busy now. If Itime, I would certainly go.A. haveB.
5、have hadC. hadD. will have2 / 10)12. If the teacher us any homework tomorrow, we will go bike riding.3 / 10A. givesB. doesn t giveC. will giveD. won t give()13. After the discussi on, the stude nts asked their teachern ext.A. which to do B. what to doC. how to doD. whe n to do()14. What about playi
6、ng football this afternoo n, Sam? I would rather at home than football. It s too hot outside.A. stay 。playB. stay 。playingC. to stay。to playD. to stay。play ing()15. What is your Chi nese teacher like?A. He is tall and thi n.B. Sorry, I dontlike him.C. He is strict but friendly.D. He doesn t look wel
7、l today.n.完形填空(20 分)If you are a teenage boy and want to succeed in life, you d better read this great book!From Boys to Men, by American author, Michael Curian, tells teenage boys that they areliving thro ugh the 1 years of their life. There is no reason for them not to love life.You may think that
8、 only your body is grow ing at the mome nt. 2 the book says your mindis too. The book t ells tee nage boys that they n eed to 3 their bodies and minds to grow.To do this, they should stop 4 their time play ing computer games and should 5 play ing_sports.Sports, the book says, keep you 6 and teach yo
9、u importantlife skills. They alsoteach you 7 to be a leader and work as a part of a team.The book also tells boys how to love life 8 they _are bullied(受欺負(fù))at school. It saysboys should not be afraid of suchschoolbullies(惡霸學(xué)生).The book says that, to become the man you want to be, you have to believe
10、in 9 _._Most importa ntly, the book says, you must always 10 to succeed. Never be happy with what you ve got and tryto achieve more.()1.A. badB. betterC. bestD. worst()2. A. AndB. The nC. OrD. But()3. A. helpB. makeC. haveD.keep()4. A. mak ingB. pay ingC. spe ndingD. costi ng()5. A. startB. forgetC.
11、 finishD. dislike4 / 10川.閱讀理解(40 分)AMore no, Sta nley, and 23 other st ude nt s f rom Westf ield StateCollege were on vacation in Acapulco, Mexico. This was the last night in the hotel. It was4 am, Moreno and Stanley came back from a party.Just as Stanley went to sleep, he heard loud noise outside.
12、From the balcony (陽臺)oftheir fourth-floorroom,Moreno and Stanleysaw black smoke outof one window andheardpeople shouti ng.Moreno ran out intothecorridor andbeganknocking on doorsandshouti ng,Fire!Afterthat, he went upstairsin a hurryto tellother people. Atthe same time,Stanleywasdow nstairshelp ingp
13、eopleget throughthesmoke-filledroom.There he joinedforceswithNalewanski, a 21-year-old boy who had a room on the second floor.Lets go, Nalewa nski said. He and Stanley wet their shirts in the bathroomand putthem around their mouths and no ses so they could breathe. Then they ran up the stairs. On th
14、e fourth floor they foundMoreno feeling terrible (Moreno had made it up to the eighth floor before turning back). But after making sure he couldget back dow n on his own, theycon ti nued upstairs, knocking on the doors onevery floor.In the end, no one was seriously hurt. Moreno said, There were hun
15、dreds of people inthe hotel. It was our duty to help them.()26. stude nts from Westfield State College were on vacati on in Acapulco, Mexico.A. Twen ty-three B. Twen ty-fourC. Twe nty-fiveD. Twen ty-six()27. Which floor does Sta nley live on?A. The sec ond floor. B. The fourth floor.C. The seve nth
16、floor. D. The eighth floor.()28. Nalewa nski and Stanley put their wet shirts around their mouths and no ses in orderto.A. make them cool()6. A. healthy()7. A. what()8. A. since()9. A. others()10. A. tryB. wor riedB. howB. uni essB. each otherB. liste nC. tiredC. whe nC. beforeC. yourselfC. dealD. i
17、 nterestedD. whereD. eve n ifD. your pare ntsD. talkB. stopthesmokefromgoingintolungs(肺)5 / 10C. let people find themD. play a joke with other people()29. What is th e correct order?a. Moreno told other people.b. No one was seriously hurt.c. Nalewa nski jo ined them to save people.d. Stanley and Mor
18、eno saw the smoke.A. d-b-c- aB.d-a-c-bC. a-d-c-bD. c-d-b-a()30. From the fourth paragraph, we can knowA. the three boys are braveB. More no died in the fireC. the reas on of the fireD. Nalewanski called the police for helpBProblem:rm bored. We have a day off because of the heavy rain. If you did nt
19、go to school today,what would you do? Why?L in daSome advice:If I were you, I would be at home doing someth ing, such as making my bed or help ing mymother do some chores. That way, my room would be clea n and my pare nts would be happy.T inaI would do what I love! Maybe I would help Mom do some coo
20、k in g. I would learn how to makedumpli ngs.KathyI dont have eno ugh time in one day todo all thethingsI wantto.People who getbored usually dont have a good imagination(想象力).Thereare lots ofdiffere nt books to read, websites to surf, people to visit and things to make.J uneWell,if I were you, I woul
21、d watch a good movie and then take a good nap (小睡).Your brain(月腦子)and body will the n be relaxed and ready for classes the next day.Lisa根據(jù)材料內(nèi)容,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。(10 分)()31. Whats Li ndas problem?A. She does nt have a job.B. stopthesmokefromgoingintolungs(肺)6 / 10B. She feels bored.7 / 10C. She hates rainy days
22、.D. She feels awful at school.()32. Who would watch a movie if she had a day off?A. June.B. Kathy.C. Lisa.D. Tina.()33. What would Kathy probably like to do on her day off?A. She would like to cook.B. She would like to sleep.C. She would like to read.D. She would like to watch TV.()34. Ju ne would d
23、o all of the followi ng EXCEPTA. visit friendsB. surf the InternetC. read books D. lie in bed()35. What do we know from the read ing?A. Tina does nt like to do any housework.B. Kathy likes to do the same things as Tina.C. Lisa thinks it would be helpful to Linda to get relaxed.D. June used to be bus
24、y, but now she has eno ugh time to relax.CTwo magaz ines recen tly listed the best cities to live in. Hereare two of the cities listedas the worlds best.SAN JOSE, COSTA RICA The city has comfortable weat her all year round (15Cto 26C).Hous ing is not very expe nsive in San Jose. Also, many of the ci
25、tys older n eighborhoods arevery beautiful and have small hotels and cafes. Beautiful mountains are around the city.Lots of people go sightseeing there every year. But air pollution is a problem in the citycen ter.HONGKONG, CHINA Thislivelycity-oncea smallfish ingvillage-istodayan internationalbus i
26、n esscen ter.It isan in teresti ngmixofEastand West,oldandn ew. Modern tallbuildi ngsare next tosmalltemples (廟宇).Popularni ghtclubsareclo se totraditi onalteahouses.Busy peoplefillthe streetsatallhoursof the day.But outsidethe city,there areparksfor walki ngor relax ing.Hong Kongis famous foritswon
27、 derfuln ativedishes. Theres also food from Europe, North America, and other partsof Asia. However,this small city has a large populati on of n early seve n milli on! Thats why hous ing is very expe nsive. Traffic and airpolluti on are also a problem.()36. Which of the followi ng is NOT men tio ned
28、about San Jose?A. The weather.B. The mountains.C. The air.D. The traffic.()37. What makes Hong Kong the worlds best accord ing to this passage?A. The lively city and the won derful dishes.B. The large populatio n and the traffic.C. The expe nsive hous ing.D. The beautifu l temples.()38. The writer t
29、hinks hous ing in Hong Kong is expe nsive because.A. it is a small fishing villageB. it is a mix of East and WestC. it is a beautiful cityD. there are too many people in the city()39. What do the two cities have in com mon?A. They both have beautiful mountains.B. They both have a large populati on.C
30、. Air polluti on is a problem in both.D. They are both crowded.()40. From the passage, we can know that.A. San Jose and Hong Kong are the only two cities of the worldsbestB. San Jose has more n atural sights tha n Hong Kong doesC. the weather in both cities is fineD. San Jose used to be a sm all fis
31、h ing villageDSophia Wu, 25, is a young Chin ese woma nwho does bus in esswith her family in San tiago,Chile (智禾 U ). On February 27, sheexperie need a ni ght that she will n ever forget.I was asleep and was woke n up by powerful shak ing at around 3:30 in the morning. Mywhole room was movi ng and I
32、 could nt sta nd still. I wan ted to run dow nstairs and go outside,but sudde nly the wall got broke n and the lights in the room wen6 / 10shaky that I could nt move at all.t out. The room became soThat night an8.8-magnitude (震級) earthquake hit Chile. Buil dings and bridges felldown. Electricity(電)
33、and water services shut down. The Chilean Red Cross reported thatabout 500,000 homes were destroyed and more tha n 800 people died.The earthquake has been the fifth strongest since 1900. More than 90 aftershocks (余震)followed the earthquake. A tsunami (海嘯)was set off in the Pacific Ocean by the earth
34、quake.Scientistssay that there are about 500,000 earthquakes in the world each year. Ofthese, only 20% are felt, and 100 of them cause damage.So far, scie ntists have nt found a way to predict earthquakes. But you can lear n to protect yourself during anearthquake. The most important thing to rememb
35、er is to drop, cover and hold on. So remember to drop to the floor, getun der someth ing for cover andholdonto someth ing strong duri ng the shak ing.根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,選擇最佳選項(xiàng)。(10 分)()41. What happe ned to Sophia Wu on February 27?A. Her house was bur ned in a fire.B. She dreamed a terrible dream.C. Her family
36、died in a terrible accide nt.D. A serious earthquake hit the city she was in.()42. Which is the correct order (順序)?a. Wu got up and found her whole room was moving.b. Wu wan ted to run dow nstairs and go out.c. The wall got broke n and the lights went out.d. Wu was woke n up by shak ing.A. a-b-c-dB.
37、 d-a-b-cC. d-b-a-cD. c-a-b-d()43. Wh ich is TRUE about the Chile Earthquake?A. It had no aftershocks.B. It destroyed five millio n homes.C. It caused a tsunami in the Pacific Ocean.D. It has bee n the fourth stro ngest earthquake since 1900.7 / 1010 / 10now.A. 1,000,000B. 100,000year.A. 20% B. 10% C
38、. 1% D. 0.02%()45. How should we protect ourselves duri ng an earthquake?A. We should run outside as quickly as possible.B. We should drop, cover and hold on.C. We should shout loudly for help.D. We should call 120 quickly.IV .任務(wù)型閱讀(10 分)閱讀短文,從 A-D 中選出恰當(dāng)?shù)木渥犹钊胛闹?1-64 處,然后回答第65 題。What would you do if
39、a stra nger gave you some medici ne and he said it would keep youslim or help you do well in exams? Would you take it?Many middle school students have learnedto keep themselves safe by sayingno. 46.Drugs are dan gerous to your health!Because most of tee ns dont know much about drugs, they might want
40、 to try them. Liu, 16,was a good stude nt before trying drugs. 47.He decided to have a try. After tak ingdrugs only once, he found it very hard to stop. Liu began to spend all his time and money on drugs. Soon, he stoppedgoing to school and started steali ng (偷).48.In China, tak ing drugs is beco mi
41、ng a big problem for tee ns. Accord ing to a survey, about one milli on people inChina are using illegal drugs now, and about 74% of them are young people.49.Drugs are dan gerous. Never try them, eve n if youre curious! It is the most importa nt for you to k eep safe andhealthy.A. In the end, he was
42、 put in pris on.B. In fact, what those stra ngers want to give them are drugs (毒品).C. Whats worse, there are about 10,000 drug users un der 16 now.()44. From the passage, we know that aboutof the earthquakes cause damage everyD. Oneday,someoldd be fun.young people in China are using illegal drugs11
43、/ 10V.短文填空(10 分)根據(jù)短文內(nèi)容,從方框內(nèi)選擇合適的單詞填空,使短文完整、連貫。best, cause, either, everyth ing, frien dship, pie nty,take, true, though, withIn todays world many people seem to be hungry for money. Money does have its good effect on the poor. Buteven if a person has already got (51)of money, itdoes nt mean he has g
44、ot (52).If money were everything,allmillionaires(百 萬富翁) would have real love, true(53), good health and a long life. However, this is not always (54)No other three words are more pleasant (令人愉快的 )than I love you. But can love bebought? rm afraid not. Love means to give, not to (55). To each pers on,
45、 healthand a long life are probably the (56)thin gs. Well, can health and a long life bebought (57)mon ey? Of course not. True frien dship cant be bought, (58)As we see aroun d, if money is cared for too much, it can (59)brothers toquarrel, lovers to hate and marriage to end. Even (60)you have much mon ey, it isstill not eno ugh to make you a hap
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