1、漢語以此喻彼或以彼喻此的句式:“甲像乙(一樣)“;“甲如同乙(一樣);甲好像乙(似的)”;“正如(正像)一樣(那樣)”;“正如/好像”英語對應句式:第一式:本體(主語)+like+喻體(名詞/名詞性詞組) 本體(主語)+as+喻體(名詞/名詞性詞組/從句) 本體(主語)+be likened to+喻體(名詞/名詞性詞)例如:1、艱苦的工作就像擔子,擺在我們面前,看我們敢不敢承擔。 Hard work is like (or, can be likened to) a load placed before us, challenging us to shoulder it . 2、這種草藥,正
2、如當地老百姓對我說的那樣,果然能治感冒。This herbal medicine, as I was told by the local people, turned out to be very effective in curing a cold. 3、這就像一句老話講的那樣,“收人禮物,授人以柄”。This is somewhat like what is implied in the old saying, “He that takes is bound.”第二式:It is in/with+本體+as+in/with+喻體 例如:1、時間就像流水一樣,一去不復返。 It is wit
3、h time as with the current of water: Once it goes, it never comes back.2、學如逆水行舟,不進則退。 It is in studying as in sailing against the current-forge ahead or be driven back.第三式:用詞組連接詞“as if / as though”造句;此式常出現如下的搭配: 1、as if / as though+that-clause 例如: A.在我看來,你好像有什么心事。 It seems to me as if youve got some
4、thing on your mind.B.他從清晨一直工作到深夜,仿佛是臺機器,不知道疲勞似的。He works from very early in the morning until very late in the night every day as if he were a machine without any idea of fatigue.C.不要總認為只有自己才行,別人什么都不行,好像世界上沒有自己,地球就不轉了。 Dont think you alone can do everything while others can do nothing; as if the ear
5、th would stop turning without you. D.他走路的樣子就好像喝醉了酒似的。 He walked as if he were drunk.2、as if / as though+prep.phrase ,例如: A.他坐在那里一聲不吭,好像陷入了沉思。He sat there silent as if deep in thinking. B.夢里,他覺得自己一步就躍到了山頂,好像插上了翅膀似的。 In the dream he felt he reached the summit of the mountain with only one jump as if o
6、n wings . 3、as if / as though+inf.phrase , 例如:A.他把手舉起來,好像要打我似的。He raised his hand as if to beat me .B.他今天把胡子刮得干干凈凈,換了一身新衣服,好像要去參加什么聚會似的。Clean shaven and in brand new dress today, he behaved as if to join in a party.4、as if / as though+v-ing/v-ed phrase , 例如: A.那個小男孩突然放聲大哭起來,好像被人打了似的。 The little boy
7、burst out crying as if beaten by somebody. B.把手握起來,但是不抓緊,樣子像抓,還是抓不住東西。 When the hand is clenched as if grasping something, but it is not clenched tightly, there is still no grasp. 5、as if / as though+adv. / n. ,例如: A.有過多少往事,仿佛就在昨天。 Therere so many things past as if yesterday.B.有過多少朋友,仿佛就在身邊。Therere
8、so many friends weve made as if still near and about.注:as if / as though 在現代英語的用法中已無區(qū)別,后面接直陳語氣和虛擬語氣均可。常與it seems or it looks 連用。此外,“好像”在英語中還有對應的插入語“as it were ”、“so to speak ”可用來表達。例如:A.聽到這一消息,每個人都好像遭五雷轟頂。Everyone was thunderstruck, so to speak, on hearing the news.B.一位真正的朋友就好像一面錚亮的鏡子,能反映他的真誠。A true
9、 friend is, as it were, a polished mirror which reflects his sincerity. 第四式:用“ the way”+從句這種句式造句,例如:1、 情況的發(fā)展正如我們所預料的那樣。Things developed just the way we had thought they would.2、 大氣附著于地球表面就像萬物附著于地球表面一樣。The atmosphere clings to the earth just the way everything else does.3、 這個五歲的小男孩說起話來就跟大人似的。The litt
10、le boy of 5 speaks the way grown-ups do.4、 她的教齡還不到三年,可她上起課就跟個老教師一樣。She has taught less than 3 years but she conducts her class the way the teachers with so many years of classroom teaching experience do. 第五式:用“so/asas”或“as much as”造句;例如:1、 他們喜愛兒子,也同樣喜愛女兒。They love their son as much as their daughter
11、.2、 廣大的人民群眾從來也沒有像現在這樣精神振奮、斗志昂揚、意氣風發(fā)。Never before have the masses of the people been so inspired, so militant, so daring as at present.3、 正像行星圍繞太陽旋轉一樣,電子也圍繞原子核旋轉。Electrons revolve round the nucleus of an atom just as the planets revolve round the sun. 此式的變體是“介詞+the same as ”或“ suchas”請看下面的示例:1、他像他的導師
12、一樣小心翼翼地做這項試驗。He did the experiment with the same care as his supervisor did (it).2、磁場可采用和電場同樣的辦法表示出來。A magnetic field may be represented as an electric field.3、生活中像他這樣的人越來越少。Such men as he have become rarer in real life.4、我們祝愿像他這樣的好人一生平安。We wish that auspiciousness be always with such nice people as
13、 he through their journey of life.第六式:用“喻體+of+本體”這種英語的修辭格造句;例如: 1、那平展如鏡的湖面讓人感到多么愜意啊。 What a pleasant effect that mirror of a lake has upon the mind! 2、和她那位粗暴如虎的父親還有什么可談的呢? There is no talking it over with her tiger of a father. 3、突然,我們被像打雷一般的吼聲驚醒了。 All of a sudden, we were aroused by a thunder of a
14、growl. 請注意揣摩下列詞組: the devil of a toothache ;牙疼得要命 a hell of a long way off :遠在天涯 a flight of fancy :想入非非 a shadow of a smile :一絲笑意 a mountain of a wave :滔天巨浪 a palace of a house :一幢宮殿式的房屋 a forest of white sails :白帆林立 a sea of red flags :紅旗如海 an oyster of a man :沉默寡言(的人) a slip of a girl :一個瘦削的女孩 th
15、at idiot of a friend of yours :你那位像白癡一樣的朋友 the old villain of a landlord :那個老惡霸地主 a vast , somber cavern of a room :一間陰森森、黑洞洞的大房間 第七式:可用“A is to B what C is to D”的結構來表達(或對應翻譯)“甲和乙的關系(甲對乙的作用)就如同丙和丁的關系(丙對丁的作用)一樣”、“甲之于乙,猶丙之于丁”這類框架;例如: 1、教育之于心靈,猶如園藝之于一片荒地。 Education is to a human soul what gardening is
16、to a piece of ground. 2、閱讀之于心智,猶如食物之于在血管中流通的血液. 注:這句話若按“閱讀對人的心智所起的作用就如同食物對在血管里流動的血液所起的作用一樣”解,則如下譯: The food is to the blood, which circulates through your veins, what reading is to your mind, 3、五與七之比等于十與十四之比。 Five is to seven what ten is to fourteen. 注:A is to B What C is D的變體或稱替換式是: As C is to D, s
17、o A is to B What C is to D, that is A to B 4、神之于質,猶利之于刃;形之于用,猶刃之于利。利之名非刃也,刃之名非利也。然而舍利無刃,舍刃無利。未聞刃沒而利存,豈容形亡而神在?(范縝) What the sharpness is to the edge of a knife, that the soul is to its material substance; and the body is to its functioning what the sharpness is to the edge of a knife. What we call sh
18、arpness is not the same as the edge, and what we call the edge is not the same as the sharpness. Nevertheless, there could be no edge if its sharpness is inexistent, nor sharpness surviving while the edge destroyed. If it is impossible for a destroyed edge to be still sharp, how can it be admitted t
19、hat the soul could remain when the body is annihilated. 第八式:用“As A is to B , so is X Y”造句,表達類比意念的“如果那么”。請推敲下面的譯例: 1、如果說桂林是廣西的旅游中心城市,那么杭州就是浙江的旅游中心城市。 As Guilin is the tourism center of Guangxi, so is Hangzhou the tourism center of Zhejiang. 2、若沙漠為海,則駱駝為舟矣。 As the desert is like a sea , so is the came
20、l like a ship . 注:表示類比的“如果那么”亦可用“if (then)”句式翻譯;請比較: If the desert is like a sea , then the camel is like a ship .第九式:在現代英語中,還可用“in”表達“像”的意思;例如: 我們失去了像甄教授這樣的一流的英語教授。 Weve lost a first-rate English professor in Professor Zhen. 第十式:用“no morethan”或“notany more than”的結構造句,表達兩種情況或兩件事物在程度上的一致;例如: 1、不天天堅持練
21、習就說不好英語,就如同不下水就學不會游泳一樣。 One cannot speak perfect English without daily practice any more than one can learn how to swim without jumping into water. 2、人之不能抒其襟懷,猶如鳥兒之不能囀其歌喉。 Man cannot help craving for expressions any more than birds can help chirping. 表示兩者之間“程度”上的一致還可用“as much as”、“ as much”造句,例如: 1、
22、他不喜歡打籃球,我也不喜歡打籃球。(含:“我倆都同樣地不喜歡打籃球”之意。) I dont like mountain climbing as much as he does .試比較: Im no more fond of mountain climbing than he is. 或,I am not fond of mountain climbing any more than he is . 2、我是家里最小的,我很愛爺爺,爺爺也同樣地疼愛我。 As the youngest of the family, I love my grandfather dearly and I know
23、he loves me as much.第十一式:用as作關系代詞,指代主句的內容,表示“正如一樣”的意念,例如: As is shown in Fig.X :如圖X所示; As has been/As is said/mentioned/described/stated/above or before :如上(如前)所述; As has been/As is pointed out by/in , or , As has it :正如所指出的那樣; As we all can /As we shall see :正如我們所看到的那樣; As often happens / As( is) o
24、ften the case :正如常見的那樣; As is well known :眾所周知; etc. 對這種as-結構的掌握,并無太大困難,可以觸類旁通,舉一反三,按表達意思所需,信手拈來,臨時構造。但要注意一點,as作為關系代詞,已指代了主句的內容。請看下面的示例:1、 眾所周知,廣西自然景觀資源豐富,開發(fā)旅游業(yè)是廣西的經濟增長點。As is well known, it is an important area of economic growth for Guangxi to develop its tourist industry for Guangxi is very rich
25、in its natural wonders.2、 正如外校專家指出的那樣,你的博士論文還大有可改進之處。As is pointed out by the expert working with the other university, there is still much room in your doctoral dissertation for further improvement.3、 情況往往如此:文憑反映不了實際能力,兩者之間不一定成正比。As is often the real situation, a diploma does not demonstrate the ho
26、lders real ability, and one might not be in direct proportion to the other. 第十二式:用“as it were”和“so to speak”造句,表達“如/像似的”,例如:1、 看書學習就好像是在給大腦補充營養(yǎng)。Reading, as it were, supplies nutrition to the brain.2、 一個真正的朋友就像一本教科書,從他那里你可學到許多有益的東西。A true fiend is, as it were, a textbook from which you can learn a lot what are helpful.3、我若死掉祖父,就死掉我一生最重要的一個人,好像他死了就把人間一切“愛”和“溫暖”帶得空空虛虛。
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