2012高中英語 Unit16 Stories精品學(xué)案 北師大版選修6_第1頁
2012高中英語 Unit16 Stories精品學(xué)案 北師大版選修6_第2頁
2012高中英語 Unit16 Stories精品學(xué)案 北師大版選修6_第3頁
2012高中英語 Unit16 Stories精品學(xué)案 北師大版選修6_第4頁
2012高中英語 Unit16 Stories精品學(xué)案 北師大版選修6_第5頁
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1、Unit 16 Stories知識(shí)清單重點(diǎn)單詞1._ vt.保護(hù);保存_n保護(hù);保存2_n. 建筑_n建筑師3_adj. 反常的;不正常的_ adj. 正常的4_vt.使泄氣;使灰心_adj. 泄氣的;灰心的_ adj. 令人泄氣的5_vt.欽佩;羨慕_adj. 令人欽佩的;極佳的_n欽佩;欣賞 6_v遭受(痛苦)_n痛苦;苦難7_v鼓掌_n鼓掌8_adj.明顯的;顯而易見的_adv.看來;顯然 9_n重要性; 意義_adj.重要的10_vt.放棄;遺棄_adj.被丟棄的;被遺棄的重點(diǎn)短語1._on 指望;依靠e into_出現(xiàn)3end_最終成為;最后處于 e_偶然遇見5_up 斷絕關(guān)系;分成

2、小部分 6._out 試驗(yàn) 7put up _容忍;忍受 8.hold_支撐起9now_既然;由于重點(diǎn)句式1.However, much more than buildings and objects, it_is the forms of the people who were caught in the disaster that have made the city a monument to human history. 2It_was_the_first_time Helen had understood such a complex worda word for something

3、 she couldn't touch.核心語法1.過去完成時(shí)2get / have 賓語過去分詞自我校對重點(diǎn)單詞:1preserve; preservation2.architecture; architect3.abnormal; normal4.discourage; discouraged; discouraging5.admire; admirable; admiration6.suffer; suffering7.applaud; applause8.apparent; apparently9.significance; significant10abandon; aban

4、doned重點(diǎn)短語:1count2.view / being3.up4.across5.split6.try7.with8.up9.that 重點(diǎn)詞匯探究1abandon vt. 放棄;遺棄;拋棄 n. 放任;放縱abandon oneself to 沉湎于(相當(dāng)于be addicted to)abandon one's country 背棄祖國abandon one's friend 背棄朋友a(bǔ)bandon a bad habit 戒除惡習(xí)abandon one's hope / plan / idea 放棄某人的希望/計(jì)劃/主意with abandon 放縱地;肆意

5、地abandoned adj. 被遺棄的;自暴自棄的;無恥的;墮落的 abandonment n. 遺棄;拋棄 1)The match _ _ because of bad weather. 比賽因天氣惡劣而取消。2)He _ _ _ despair. 他陷入絕望中。3)The broken bike was found _ by the riverside. 人們發(fā)現(xiàn)那輛損壞的自行車被扔在河邊。4)_ ship or _ hope. 不棄船,必死無疑。(要么放棄船要么放棄希望。)【答案】1)was abandoned2)abandoned himself to3)abandoned4)Aba

6、ndon; abandon(1)用abandon的適當(dāng)形式填空1)我們必須力勸吸煙的人戒掉這個(gè)習(xí)慣。We must urge people who smoke to _ _ _.2)我放棄了當(dāng)醫(yī)生的夢想。I abandoned_ _ _ _ a doctor.3)那位年輕人除了沉溺于玩樂什么都不做。The young man does nothing but _ _ _ pleasure.【答案】1)abandon the habit2)my dream of being3)abandon himself to (2)名校押題 1)(2010湖南示范性高中高三3月聯(lián)考)The project

7、had to be abandoned largely _ a lack of government funding.Aaccording to Bdue toCin the name of Din the eyes of【答案與解析】B考查短語辨析。題意:主要由于缺乏政府資金而使得這項(xiàng)工程被迫放棄。according to“根據(jù)”;due to“由于”;in the name of“以名義”;in the eyes of“在心目中;從來看”。2)(2010無錫模擬)Five days after the earthquake, rescuers _ all hope of finding a

8、ny more survivors.Aabandoned Baccumulated Cattached Dadvocated【答案與解析】Aabandon “放棄”; accumulate “積累”; attach “附加”; advocate “提倡”。A項(xiàng)符合題意。2preserve vt. 保護(hù);保存;保養(yǎng);貯存preserve.from. 保護(hù)以免preservation n. 保存;保管preservative n. 防腐劑1)We must encourage the planting of trees _ _ our existing forests. 我們必須鼓勵(lì)植樹并且保護(hù)現(xiàn)

9、有的森林。2)We will do everything _ _ peace. 我們將盡一切努力維護(hù)和平?!敬鸢浮?)and preserve2)to preserve(1)完成句子1)The government _ _ _ of the individual person. 政府保護(hù)個(gè)人的權(quán)利不受侵犯。2)Salt and spices help _ _ _. 鹽和調(diào)味品有助于貯存肉類?!敬鸢浮?)preserves the rights2)to preserve meat(2)名校押題(2010湖北百校聯(lián)考) In summer, large crops of fruit may be

10、_ by freezing or bottling.Aprevented BPreservedCreserved Dprotected【答案與解析】B preserve“儲(chǔ)藏;保存”,主要指防止(食物)腐敗,強(qiáng)調(diào)使不受破壞。3witness vt.當(dāng)場見到;目擊;為作證 vi.作證 n目擊者;證人;證據(jù)give witness on behalf of sb 替某人作證be a witness to. 是的目擊者witness to sth / doing sth 作證/證明某事/做某事bear / give witness to sth 作證;證明某事1)I was _ _ _their q

11、uarrel. 我是他們吵架時(shí)的目擊者。2)We were _ the most important scientific development of the century. 我們正見證著本世紀(jì)最重要的科學(xué)進(jìn)展。3)I_ the traffic accident. 我目睹了那次交通事故。4)He _ _ having seen the man enter the building. 他作為證明看到那個(gè)男人進(jìn)入這個(gè)建筑物的證人。【答案】1)a witness to2)witnessing3)witnessed4)witnessed to (1)用witness的適當(dāng)形式填空1)The pol

12、ice found the _ _the murder case.2)Life without a friend is death without _.【答案】1)witness to2)witness(2)名校押題(2010 江西南康中學(xué)高三9月月考)Our country has_great changes in the past 20 years , which are the result of reform and openingup.Aappeared Bhappened Ctaken place Dwitnessed【答案與解析】D考查動(dòng)詞詞義辨析。首先要選擇及物動(dòng)詞,而appe

13、ar,happen,take place都是不及物動(dòng)詞,同時(shí)只有witness合適。題意:我們國家見證了過去20年間所經(jīng)歷的巨大變化,這是改革開放的結(jié)果。4occur vi. 發(fā)生;出現(xiàn),存在;被想起;浮現(xiàn)occurance n. 發(fā)生的事情;存在的事情;發(fā)生;存在;出現(xiàn)occur to sb發(fā)生在某人身上It occurs to sb to do sth某人想起做某事;某人突然想起1)That plane crash _ only minutes after takeoff. 那飛機(jī)在起飛幾分鐘后就撞毀了。2)A brilliant idea_ _ me. A brilliant idea_

14、 _ me. A brilliant idea _ me. 我想到一個(gè)極好的主意。3)It _ _ _ _ _ he might be in trouble. 我怎么也沒有想到他會(huì)遇上麻煩。4)Misprints _ on every page. 每頁都有印刷錯(cuò)誤?!敬鸢浮?)occurred2)occurred to; came to; struck3)never occurred to me that4)occuroccur, happen, take place和come aboutoccur較正式,既可以指自然發(fā)生,也可以指有意安排。happen一般用語,強(qiáng)調(diào)事情發(fā)生的偶然性。take

15、 place “發(fā)生;舉行”,指事先計(jì)劃安排好的事情。come about側(cè)重事情發(fā)生的原因,常與how連用。以上單詞或詞組都沒有被動(dòng)語態(tài)用法。(1)用所給單詞或短語的適當(dāng)形式填空1)When did the accident_?2)It _ _ me that he might agree with the idea.3)The concert will _ _next Sunday.4)How did the quarrel _?5)It _ _ her that she might adopt a homeless child.【答案】1)happen2)occurred / came

16、to3)take place4)come about5)occurred(2)名校押題(2011山東實(shí)驗(yàn)中學(xué)月考)I_along the street looking for a place to park when the accident_.Awent; was occurring Bwent; occurred Cwas going; occurred Dwas going; had occurred【答案與解析】C考查時(shí)態(tài)。題意:我正沿著街道找停車位,這時(shí)發(fā)生了交通事故。此處是when (這時(shí);突然)句式之一“be about to do when.”。5burst vi. 爆裂;爆發(fā)

17、 n. 突然破裂;爆發(fā)burst forth 突然出現(xiàn);突然爆發(fā)出;突然喊出burst into “突然闖入;突然起來”,后通常接具有動(dòng)作意義的名詞。burst out“突然起來”,后通常接動(dòng)詞的ing形式。1)There was no water in the room because the pipe_ _ _ _ _. 房間里沒水了,因?yàn)樗茉诤涞亩毂蚜恕?)As he finished his speech, the audience _ _ _. 他結(jié)束講話時(shí),觀眾中爆發(fā)出雷鳴般的掌聲。3)Suddenly the door_ _ and police officers car

18、rying guns rushed in. 突然房間被撞開,武裝警察攜槍闖了進(jìn)來?!敬鸢浮?)burst in the cold winter2)burst into applause3)burst open(1)完成句子1)她一聽到這悲傷的消息,就失聲痛哭。Scarcely had she heard the sad story when she_ _ _. Scarcely had she heard the sad story when she _ _ _. 2)看到所發(fā)生的事情他大笑了起來。Seeing what had happened, he _ _ _. Seeing what

19、had happened he _ _ _.【答案】1)burst out crying; burst into tears2)burst out laughing; burst into laughter(2)名校押題1)(2010 江蘇泰州一模) Struggling unsuccessfully to control himself,Mr Smith _ a loud and long sigh.Aburst into Bburst out Cburst down Dburst up【答案與解析】Bburst into后接名詞;burst out后接動(dòng)詞的ing形式。2)(2010杭州模

20、擬)Both _ and _ laughter do harm to your health.Aburst out crying; burst intoBto burst out tears; to burst intoCbursting into tears; bursting intoDbursting into crying; bursting out【答案與解析】Cburst out crying / laughing; burst into tears / laughter表示“突然哭/笑起來”之意,這兩個(gè)短語作主語,故用ing形式。6expand vt.使變大;使增強(qiáng)vi.膨脹;擴(kuò)

21、張;增加;增強(qiáng) expanse n. C廣闊區(qū)域expansion n. U膨脹;擴(kuò)張expansive adj. 友好的;可擴(kuò)大的1)The hotel wants to _ its business by adding a swimming pool.賓館想通過添加一個(gè)游泳池來擴(kuò)大業(yè)務(wù)。2)We have plans to _ into the US market.我們打算擴(kuò)展業(yè)務(wù)進(jìn)入美國市場。【答案】1)expand2)expandexpand, extend, increase和spreadexpand為最普通用語,主要指物體由于外力或內(nèi)力的作用而使面積、體積、數(shù)量等變大,也可以用于抽

22、象事物。extend本義為“伸展”,一般引申為“擴(kuò)展范圍、領(lǐng)域”等。用于比喻意義時(shí),表示影響、勢力和范圍都超過目前。另外,extend也可用于拉長,拉寬等其他引申意義,此時(shí)??膳cstretch互換使用。increase指數(shù)量、尺寸、大小等增大,通常與數(shù)據(jù)連用(如增加到;增加幅度等)。spread“傳播”,通常指消息、疾病、細(xì)菌等擴(kuò)散、傳播開來。The coffee shop may expand into a full restaurant.那家咖啡店將可能擴(kuò)展成為一家完善的餐館。Parking restrictions do not extend to ( include) disabled

23、 people.停車限制不適用于殘疾人。I need to extend my visa ( make it last longer)我需要延長我的簽證期。Investments are certain to increase in value.投資一定會(huì)增值。The salary is 18,000 yuan a year, increasing by 3,000 yuan.年薪是一萬八千元,增加了三千元。Are you spreading rumours again?你又在散播謠言嗎?(1)單項(xiàng)填空After some further discussion between Kitty an

24、d Tammy about_ the village school system to other communities around Hebe, Kitty and I left.Aexpanding Bextending Cincreasing Dspreading【答案與解析】B考查動(dòng)詞辨析。題意:在Kitty和Tammy就村級學(xué)校體制推廣到赫柏周邊的其他社區(qū)進(jìn)行了進(jìn)一步商討之后,我和Kitty就離開了。extend“擴(kuò)展;延伸(范圍)”。(2)名校押題(2010湖南師大附中月考)Bad habits should be _ that will do you harm.Aexpande

25、d Babandoned Creleased Dreminded【答案與解析】B題意:對你有害的壞習(xí)慣應(yīng)當(dāng)拋棄。abandon“拋棄;放棄”;expand“擴(kuò)張”;release“發(fā)行;釋放”;remind“提醒”。7eager adj. 渴望的;熱心的be eager for sth 渴望得到;熱切be eager to do sth 渴望做某事be eager for sb to do sth 渴望某人干某事be eager that從句 渴望1)He _ _ _ success. 他渴望成功。2)She _ _ _ see her son. 她渴望見到兒子。3)Tom _ _ _ you

26、 to come to the party. 湯姆期待你來參加晚會(huì)。4)The manager _ _ that the project (should) be started early. 經(jīng)理熱切盼望這項(xiàng)計(jì)劃能早日進(jìn)行。【答案】1)was eager for2)is eager to3)was eager for 4)is eageranxious是eager的近義詞,也常用于be anxious for, be anxious about, be anxious to do以及be anxious that.句型。We are anxious for your safe return.我

27、們盼望您平安歸來。He is anxious to see his wife.他渴望見到妻子。She was anxious for them all to leave the room. 她希望他們?nèi)茧x開這個(gè)房間。She was anxious that he (should) come with her. 她渴望他能與她同行。His parents were anxious about his safety. 他的父母很擔(dān)心他的安全。(1)單項(xiàng)填空My grandmother always gets a bit _if we don't reach the house on ti

28、me when we say we will.Aanxious BashamedCeager Dpatient【答案與解析】Aanxious“著急的”;ashamed “慚愧的”;eager “渴望的”;patient “耐心的”。(2)名校押題(2011東北三校聯(lián)考)After Yang Liwei succeeded in circling the earth, Chinese astronauts _ walk in space.Aanxious to do Beager for Care dying to Dare longing to 【答案與解析】Cbe dying to do s

29、th “渴望做某事”。8gradual adj. 逐漸的;逐步的gradually adv. “逐漸地”,相當(dāng)于little by little, bit by bit。1)It's a process of _ development.這是一個(gè)逐漸發(fā)展的過程。2)There has been a _ increase in the number of people owning cars.擁有汽車的人數(shù)在逐漸上升?!敬鸢浮?)gradual2)gradual(1)單項(xiàng)填空The club is discussing the problem right now. It will _ha

30、ve been solved by the end of next Monday.Aeagerly Bhopefully Cimmediately Dgradually【答案與解析】B本題主要考查副詞詞義辨析。hopefully“有希望地”。(2)名校押題(2010遼寧十校一模) Cutting down trees without any purpose will gradually _ harm to our environment.Amake BdoCTake Dpay【答案與解析】Bdo harm to.“對有害”,是固定搭配。9present v. 贈(zèng)送;提交 adj. 出席的 n.

31、 禮1)The principal _ a diploma to each of the graduates. The principal _ each of the graduates with a diploma.校長授予每一位畢業(yè)生畢業(yè)證書。2)The prize _ _ to the winner. The winner was presented with the prize.優(yōu)勝者獲得獎(jiǎng)品。3)About 300 papers _ _ at the conference.會(huì)上提交了大約三百篇論文。present itself出現(xiàn);呈現(xiàn)present oneself出席;到場at p

32、resent目前;現(xiàn)在at the present time 目前;現(xiàn)在for the present目前;當(dāng)前up to the present至今;到現(xiàn)在為止4)He had to _ a smiling face though heavyhearted.雖然憂心忡忡,但他還得露出一副笑容。5)How many people were _ at the meeting?到會(huì)的有多少人?6)I'm not at all satisfied with the _ situation.我對目前的情況一點(diǎn)都不滿意。7)He often gave his neighbors kids lit

33、tle _.他常常送些小禮物給鄰居家的孩子們?!敬鸢浮?)presented; presented2)was presented3)were presented4)present5)present6)present7)presents(1)單項(xiàng)填空All the young people _ at the birthday party were his fans. Apresent BthankfulCinterested Dimportant【答案與解析】A考查形容詞。present (adj.)在此作后置定語修飾all the young people。題意:所有出席生日晚會(huì)的年輕人都是他

34、的崇拜者。(2)名校押題(2010河北邯鄲模擬)Tom Brown knew he was only an athlete, but he _ his own country.Apresented BexpressedCrepresented Dexpected【答案與解析】Crepresent“代表”。題意:湯姆布朗知道他只是個(gè)運(yùn)動(dòng)員,但代表了自己的國家。重點(diǎn)短語探究1in a way 在某種程度上in the way擋道;妨礙別人in this way 用這種方法all the way一路上;自始至終on the way在路上by the way順便說1)_ _ _, you could

35、say that everybody is selfish a little. 在某種意義上,你可以說每個(gè)人都是有點(diǎn)自私的。2)_ _ _, I would prefer that they didn't come because it would mean extra work.在某種程度上我不希望他們來,因?yàn)檫@將意味著額外的工作?!敬鸢浮?)In a way2)In a way(1)用way短語填空1)The grass land goes back _ _ _to the foot of the mountain.2)_ _ _, would you please send th

36、ese postcards for me on the way?3)_ _ _, he finally completed the whole distance in 40 hours.【答案】1)all the way2)By the way3)In this way(2)名校押題(2010四川綿陽南山中學(xué)模擬)Hearing the good news, the little girls ran _ home.Ain the way Bon the wayCby the way Dall her way【答案與解析】Drun all the way home“一直跑回家”。2come ac

37、ross 遇到;碰見1)I _ _ _ _ _ _ in Oxford Street this morning. 今天早上我在牛津大街碰見一位老校友。2)Perhaps I shall_ _ _ somewhere in the park. 也許我會(huì)在公園的某個(gè)地方遇到他。3)You are the most direct young man _ _ _ _. 你是我所遇見的最直率的年輕人。【答案】1)came across an old school friend2)come across him3)I've ever come acrosscome about 發(fā)生;引起come

38、out 出版;出來come to 來到;合計(jì);總共是;蘇醒過來come to an end 結(jié)束come up with 趕上;提出(1)完成句子1)你怎么兩天后才告訴他這件事情呢?How did it _ _ that you didn't tell it to him until two days later? 2)我想知道你的新書何時(shí)出版。I want to know when your new book will _ _。 3)科學(xué)家正絞盡腦汁,力求找到解決這個(gè)問題的辦法。The scientists are beating their brains trying to _ _

39、 _ a solution to the problem. 【答案】1)come about2)come out3)come up with (2)名校押題(2010湖北黃岡模擬)Do you know him? No. I've never remembered having _ a man like that.A.come across B.come out C.come about D.come up【答案與解析】A come across“碰到;遇見”。答語題意:不,我不記得曾遇見過像這樣一個(gè)人。3count on 依賴;指望count on depend oncount do

40、wn 倒計(jì)時(shí)count off 報(bào)數(shù);報(bào)出數(shù)字count out 不算在內(nèi);除外1)Thanks. I'll be _ _you. 謝謝。一切都要靠你了。2)That was the only thing they could _ _. 那是他們唯一能夠依靠的東西。3)We can always _ _ him for help in any emergency. 我們總能指望他在緊急的情況下幫助我們?!敬鸢浮?)counting on2)count on3)count on(1)單項(xiàng)填空I think we can _Mr White to support us.Acount dow

41、n Bcount out Ccount off Dcount on【答案與解析】D考查動(dòng)詞短語的辨析。count on “依靠;依賴”。(2)名校押題(2010東北師大附中模擬)In our modern society, more and more people depend on computers _ problems of various kinds.Ato solve BsolveCsolving Dto solving【答案與解析】A該題為“depend on sth to do sth”結(jié)構(gòu),意為“依靠做某事”。4hold up 舉起;阻擋;使停止;使停頓;阻礙hold back

42、 keep back 抑制hold down 保有(一份工作);壓抑;壓低;控制 hold off 保持距離;不接近;拖延hold on (打電話時(shí)用語)請等一下;不要掛 hold out 給予;提供;支持;繼續(xù);堅(jiān)持;忍耐 1)The chair was too weak _ _ _. 這椅子不牢,承受不住你。2)The sad mother _ _ her sadness for her children's sake. 這位傷心的母親為了孩子們在控制自己的情緒。3)We_ _ _ for nearly an hour _ _ _by the traffic accident. 我

43、們在路上被交通事故耽擱近一個(gè)小時(shí)。4)His son _ _ _ _a model of hard work. 他的兒子被推舉為勤奮工作的榜樣。5)No one can _ _ the wheel of history. 誰也無法阻止歷史車輪的前進(jìn)。 6)Could you _ _? I'll just see if the manager's in. 你不要掛斷電話好嗎?我去看一看經(jīng)理在不在。 【答案】1)to hold you up2)held back3)were held up; on our way4)was held up as5)hold back6)hold o

44、n(1)用hold短語的適當(dāng)形式填空1)Don't worry. The house will _ _.2)They _ _ _by fog. 3)How long will our food supplies _ _? 4)They will _ _their decision until Monday.5)You should learn to _ _your anger.【答案】1)hold up2)were held up3)hold out4)hold off5)hold back(2)名校押題1)(2010 山東肥城一模)_a moment and I will go to

45、 your rescue.AGo on BHold onCMove on DCarry on【答案與解析】B考查動(dòng)詞短語辨析。go on“繼續(xù)”;hold on“抓住不放;堅(jiān)持”;move on“繼續(xù)前進(jìn)”;carry on“繼續(xù)進(jìn)行”。根據(jù)后句的“I will go to your rescue”可知,這里應(yīng)是“堅(jiān)持住,別松手”。2)(2010黃岡中學(xué)一模)There was a big hole in the road which _ the traffic. Atook up Bbrought back Ckept back Dheld up【答案與解析】Dtake up“開始從事; 占

46、用”;bring back“拿回來;使回憶起來;使恢復(fù)”;keep back“落在后面”;hold up“使停止;使停頓;阻礙”。5figure out 算出;想出;理解figure of speech 修辭手段figure skating 花樣滑冰figured adj. 有花紋圖案的1)It didn't take the children long _ _ _ the correct answer.孩子們沒有花很多時(shí)間就算出了正確的答案。2)The boy can't _ _ the algebra problem.這個(gè)男孩解不出這道代數(shù)題。3)I can't _

47、 _ why he quit his job.我捉摸不透他為什么要辭掉工作?!敬鸢浮?)to figure out2)figure out3)figure out(1)單項(xiàng)填空The present situation is very complex, so they think it will take them quite a long time to _ its reality.A.make upB.figure out C.look through D.put off【答案與解析】Bmake up “組成;化妝;編造”; figure out “算出;想出;理解”; look thro

48、ugh “瀏覽”;put off “推遲”。題意:目前的形勢非常復(fù)雜,因此他們認(rèn)為要花相當(dāng)長的一段時(shí)間來弄清它的真相。(2)名校押題(2010湖南張家界高三調(diào)研)Mary couldn't _ why her cake tasted so funny until she found salt mixed in the sugar bag.Afigure out Btake outCput outDbring out【答案與解析】A figure out“想出;弄明白”。題意:瑪麗弄不清楚為什么她的蛋糕嘗起來如此古怪,直到她發(fā)現(xiàn)了混在糖包里的鹽。6put up with忍受;容忍put

49、away 放好;收好;儲(chǔ)存put aside 儲(chǔ)存;保留put across 解釋清楚;說明put down 記下;放下;鎮(zhèn)壓;平定put forward 提出;建議;把向前撥put in 駛進(jìn)put out 熄滅;消滅;關(guān)(燈);出版;發(fā)布;生產(chǎn)put off 推遲;延期put on 穿上;戴上;上演;增加(體重)put up 提出;舉起;升起;提(價(jià));為提供食宿;建造1)I don't know how his parents _ _ _ his strange behaviour. 我不知道他的父母如何忍受他的怪異行為。2)Poor English makes him have


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