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1、2017中學英語中考復習提綱作文半月練第1天書面表達今年是你的學校建校30周年,有一批外賓將來你校參觀,請根據(jù)下表寫一篇90詞左右的短文,向外賓介紹你的學校。提示詞語:teaching building,office building,art building過 去現(xiàn) 在人數(shù)2位教師,30多名學生200多位教師,2000多名學生(共40個班)建筑兩間房教學樓、辦公樓、藝術樓各一棟特色體育、藝術特色;學生學習勤奮,堅持鍛煉,全面發(fā)展。Our school has a history of 30 years._Our school has a history of 30 yea

2、rs. In the beginning,there were only two teachers and over 30 students. All the students had classes in two houses. But our school has changed a lot in these 30 years. Now there are over 200 teachers working in our school. There are more than 2,000 students in 40 classes. Now our school has a t

3、eaching building ,an office building and an art building. Our school is famous for P.E. and Art. The students are working hard. We  keep doing sports and improve ourselves in every way.第2天書面表達根據(jù)下面表格的提示,寫一篇80詞左右的短文。人類的不明智之舉1.亂伐樹林2.亂扔垃圾3.不加處理排放廢物導致的問題1.土地沙化2.河水變臟3.空氣質量差4.

4、全球氣溫升高建議至少兩條合理化建議As time goes by, man is making the earth sick. People cut down too many trees and throw rubbish away here and there. Many factories pour waste water into rivers and lakes. As a result, a lot of rich land has changed into desert, leaving only sand. Many rivers and lakes are dead now.

5、 The air is becoming dirtier and dirtier. The temperature on the earth becomes higher and higher. Many people now are in bad health. I think everyone is supposed to reduce the waste. Recycling can not only protect the environment but also save money. Wed better not buy bottles or boxes which people

6、can use only once. If we are greener people, our world will become more and more beautiful.第3天書面表達       你校的學生會正在選擇舉下一屆學生會主席。你覺得Cathy是合適人選。根據(jù)下表內容寫一封推薦信介紹她的情況。       注意:1.短文應包括所有內容要點,可適當發(fā)揮;       

7、         2.100詞左右,開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。NameCathyAge16Star SignAriesPersonalities自信、精力充沛、積極向上、樂于助人(舉一例),有創(chuàng)新精神Favorite colour黃色,因為它代表智慧和熱情Interests and hobbies喜歡看雜志,玩電腦,癡迷于足球,英語考試得滿分,上學期寫作比賽一等獎。Shortcomings(缺點)數(shù)學不太好,在上面花費較少的時間,他說他將盡力Dear Sir:Were writing to recommend Cathy a

8、s the new chairperson of the Students Union._In a word, he has all the qualities to be a chairperson. We hope that you agree with us.Yours sincerelyZhang MingShe is 16 years old .Her star sign is Aries. She is confident and energetic. She is also active and always ready to help others. She shows the

9、 Grade 9 students how to use the library. She is creative and imaginative enough to come up with new ideas. She likes yellow best, as it represents wisdom and warmth. She likes reading magazines and playing computer games .She also get full marks in English exams. Last term she won the first prize.

10、However, she doesnt do well in maths, she spends less time on it. She says she will try her best to learn it well. 第4天書面表達你校對全體學生就“Wheres your free time gone?”進行了調查。假設你是校園記者,請根據(jù)本調查的結果(見下表),用英語寫一篇80-90詞的報道,并結合自己的情況談談你的感受和想法。注意:開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。Wheres your free time gone?Doing homeworkGoing to after-

11、school classesDoing sportsSurfing the Internet55%20%8%17% Recently, weve made a survey in our school about “Wheres your free time gone?” Here are the results.                       


13、;                                                 Recen

14、tly, weve made a survey in our school about “Wheres your free time gone?” here are the results.   Students spend most of their free time on study,including doing homework and going to different kinds of after-school classes. Only 8% of them spend their free time doing sports. Surfing the I

15、nternet is the most popular activity for children.    Just like the other students, I have much homework. It usually takes me about three hours to finish my homework every night. I'm tired and stressed. I really hope I'll have more time to do what I like to do, such as doing s

16、ports, listening to music and so on.第5天書面表達劉欣(Liu xin)在廣告上看到“綠色武漢”的計劃后,對這個計劃非常感興趣,請你以劉欣的身份,用英語向這個計劃的負責人劉梅寫一封應聘信,內容如下:1、15歲,武漢人,中學生;2、在空閑時間喜歡種花和飼養(yǎng)動物;3、認為這個計劃不錯想加入其中;4、談談想加入的理由(至少兩點)。要求:1、不要逐句翻譯。       2、字數(shù)60-80詞。參考詞匯:advertisement  n. 廣告   "

17、Green Wuhan" program “綠色武漢”計劃           free time  空閑時間Dear Liu Mei,Dear Liu Mei,I have seen your advertisement about "Green Wuhan" program. I'm very interested in your plan. My name is Liu Xin. I'm 15 years

18、 old. I'm a middle school student. I like keeping animals and growing flowers in my free time. I think your project is very great and I can learn a lot from the activity. I'm free at the weekend. I really hope to join you. I'd like to do something good to make Wuhan more beautiful. I'

19、;m looking forward to your reply.                                          Truly,  &#

20、160;                                        Liu Xin  第6天書面表達請參照下表,假如你是Bill, 寫一篇介紹自己的文章,字數(shù)不

21、少于40個。NameBillAge(年齡)13Sex(性別)boyNationality(國籍)EnglishPhone number7856-5122Good friendSonia愛好運動(收藏了5個籃球、3個乒乓球和6個足球)Hello, my name is Bill. _Hello, my name is Bill. Im an English boy. Im 13 years old. My telephone number is 7856-5122. I have a good friend. Her name is Sonia. I like sports very

22、much. And I have a sports collection. I have 5 basketballs, 3 ping-pong balls and 6 soccer balls. I play sports every day.第7天書面表達    根據(jù)所給提示內容寫一篇短文,70詞左右。提示:上周你買了一臺電腦并發(fā)現(xiàn)電腦有很多用處:收發(fā)郵件,玩電腦游戲,在網上搜索對學習有用的資料和信息等等。一個朋友要過生日了,你打算嘗試網上購物。父母對電腦也很感興趣,你準備空閑時教他們怎樣使用電腦。Last week I bought a comput

23、er. I find I can do lots of things with my computer, such as sending and receiving messages, playing computer games and searching for some useful messages. Next Tuesday is my friends birthday. I want to give her something special. Maybe I can buy a book online. I think buying things in this new way

24、is very interesting. My parents are interested in the computer, too. I think I can teach them how to use it later when Im free.第8天書面表達安徽省黃山聯(lián)合國教科文組織定為世界文化遺產,假設外國友人到你校參觀后,準備去旅游,請你根據(jù)以下要點向為國人簡單介紹黃山(the Yellow Mountain):1. 位于安徽南部,是中國著名的旅游勝地。每年有大批的中外游客前去旅游觀光。2. 乘車去大約要花3小時,也可乘火車或飛機去。3. 登山便可領

25、略其云海(the sea of clouds)、奇松(wondrous pin)、怪石要求:    1. 字數(shù)80詞左右。                                 2. 請不要逐字翻譯。The Yellow

26、 Mountain is one of the most famous mountains in China. It lies in the south of Anhui Province. Every year thousands of Chinese and foreign tourists visit there. Its not far from here. It takes about three hours to get there by bus. You can also go there by train or by plane. While you are climbing

27、the mountain, you can enjoy the sea of clouds, wondrous pines and unique rocks around you. In the early morning when the sun rises, the sky looks very beautiful. Its really a nice place to visit.第9天書面表達今天你到廣州的一家超市購物,遇見一群英國游客,在交談中他們談到明天想去廣州動物園參觀,向你打聽該園的門票價格和開放時間。請你根據(jù)下面表格中的內容向他們作個介紹,并順便提醒他們一些你認為參觀時應注意

28、的事項。(詞數(shù):不少于80個。給出的首句不計入總詞數(shù))票價開放時間成人80元/人星期一星期五1.20米以上兒童40元 /人上午9:00下午4:001.20米以下兒童免費星期六星期天上午8:00下午5:30    (注:成人adult)    Guangzhou Zoo is the largest one in our city. _ _Guangzhou Zoo is the largest one in our city. The ticket for an adult is 80 yuan. The chil

29、dren over 1.20 m in height can pay only half of it, and the ones under 1.20 m can enter the zoo for free. The zoo opens from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm on weekdays and from 8:00 am to 5:30 pm on weekends.    By the way, while visiting the zoo, youd better not feed the animals with the food yo

30、u take. And dont get too close to or even touch the animals. That would be very dangerous. Please keep the zoo clean as well.    Wish you a good time!第10天請以“My favorite animal”為題寫一寫你身邊的動物,100詞左右。要包含以下內容及要點:1)你喜歡什么動物2)你為什么喜歡它3)它有什么特點  4)它來自哪里開頭已給出,不計入總詞數(shù)。My favorite animalThe

31、re are many animals in the world._My favorite animalThere are many animals in the world.But what's my favorite animal, do you know?Many people like her very much. I also like her. She is from China. She looks kind of lazy but very cute. She is our friend. She likes to eat bamboos. She is ve

32、ry friendly to people. She is black and white. She has two black ears and eyes. And she also has black legs and arms.Now do you know what the animal is? Yes, she is a panda. I like her because she is a symbol of friendship(友誼). And I tell my classmates that my favorite animal is a clever a

33、nd very beautiful panda.第11天書面表達    假如你是高二學生李華,請圍繞“中學生獨立性培養(yǎng)”的話題為某英文報投稿,主要內容包括:    1. begin with our own things: clean the bedroom    2. help with the housework: do some cooking    3. learn actively in class:    4. t

34、hink for ourselves:注意:    1.開頭語已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù);    2.可適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫;    3.詞數(shù)100左右。As middle school students,                 _As middle school students, its high time we 

35、;learned to do everything independently, which is of great importance to our future life. We can begin with small things such as washing our own clothes and cleaning our own bedrooms. Arriving home after school, we can give our parents a hand by helping them cook supper. As for studying in clas

36、s, we should learn actively. Its important for us to develop our ability of independent thinking, that is, think about questions by ourselves. We sometimes need to make plans or decisions alone. Dont always depend on others.   If we keep on doing like this, well surly become

37、 more and more independent.第12天書面表達假定你叫李華,你的筆友Peter來信詢問你校情況。請根據(jù)下表提示,給他回一封電子郵件。LocationIn the center of the cityYear of buildingIn 1957Basic informationbeautiful campus;modern teaching facilitiessixty classes;about 3,000 studentsexperienced teachers;lively and interesting classes;hard-working teacher

38、sAchievementeducate many students of high qualityone of the best schools in the city    注意:    1. 開頭語和結束語已為你寫好,不計入總詞數(shù);    2. 可適當增加細節(jié),使行文連貫;    3. 詞數(shù)100左右。Dear Peter,Its great to receive your e-mail. Dear Peter, 

39、;   Its great to receive your e-mail. Now Id like to tell you something about our school. Our school lies in the center of the city. It was founded in 1957 and has a history of 50 years. Now, there are sixty classes and about 3,000 students in our school. It has a beautiful campus and mode

40、rn teaching facilities. The teachers in our school are very experienced, and they often make their classes lively and interesting. Also, they all work hard and put their hearts into teaching. Many students of high quality have been educated since the founding of the school. It is now one of the best

41、 schools in the city.    Im sure our school will become more and more beautiful.         Yours, Li Hua第13天寫作Carol used to be single. Last year she married George. George was divorced and has two children. Read the chart and write a passage

42、about how Carols life has changed using used to .Carol 過去是單身, 去年她和George結婚了, George離過婚并且有兩個孩子, 閱讀表格并寫一篇短文描述Carol的生活發(fā)生了如何變化.(至少寫5句).用used to不用不給分before      nowgo dancing on weekendsstay home on weekends read  novelshelp kids with homeworkgo out to ea

43、t   cook dinnergo the beach  clean the housego to baseball games  do the dishesSample:Carol used to travel in the past, but now she is very busy.Carols life has changed a lot after she got married._Carol used to go dancing on weekends, but now she stays home on weekends. She used

44、 to read novels at night before she got married, but now she helps kids with homework. Carol used to go out to eat in the past, but now she cooks dinner every day. She used to go to beach , but now she has to clean the house. She used to go to baseball games, but now she has to do the dishes.第14天寫作你

45、校與加拿大某校結成姊妹學校,加方??瘉硇帕私饽阈5恼n外活動情況以及你們的有關建議,請你根據(jù)下面表格中的信息用英語寫一篇80字左右的短文。文章的開頭已給出?;顒訒r間4:505:50 pm.主要內容                      體育類(籃球、足球等)                   興趣小組類(繪畫、歌舞、電腦等)                英語角(周三下午)建議                 增加課外活動時間                     減少作業(yè)量     生詞: 興趣


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