1、READINGThis is the read ing sect ion of the test. There are two parts to this sect ion.Part IVDirectio ns: Questi on 51-80 are in complete senten ces. There are four words or phrases, marked (A), (B),(C), and (D), under each sentence. Choose the ONE word or phrase that best completes the senten ce.T
2、hen mark your an swer on your an swer sheet.Example: Please turn off your computer at theof the day.(A) ends (B) ending (C) end (D) en ded51. The man playing basketballover there is my colleague, and _c_ name is Tony.A. myB. herC. hisD. our52. Jack is going to close the deal n ext week, m going to s
3、end_ c_ an e-mail later today.A. herB. heC. himD. his53. Small compa niesmust work very hard in the jun gle of intern ati onal bus in essbecause they have_b_ capital tha n large compa ni es.A. moreB. lessC. betterD. little54. The problem is related to our firewall. Were going to_ c_ the issues.A. in
4、ventB. inv estC. in vestigateD. inv erse55. The hazy weather has_ b_for almost a week in North America, and the gover nment has triedto solve it.A. fini shedB. lastedC. beg unD. passed56. People along the river didn t allow thenatoa factory so as not to pollute the water.A. set upB. give upC. take u
5、pD. look up57. In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money,_ d_during the Spring Festival.A. fin allyB. luckilyC. simplyD. especially58. Drivers can t go when the ligyeitow. This is one of the_a_ rules.A. trafficB. foodC. medici ne D. educati on59. I will attend a meeting in this morning, but I
6、 llprobably be_c_ at noon.A. avoida neeB. avoidableC. availableD. availability60. Many_ b_bus in ess people say,We must lear n the Ian guages and cultures of our bus in esspart ner.A. experie neeB. experie need C. experie ncing D. expertise61. My favorite TV_is A Bite of Chi na. My mother ofte n coo
7、ks delicious food after watchi ngit.A. i nstructio n B. guidebook C. host D. program62. Max Klein is_an on li ne banking service at a meeti ng.A. in troduceB. in troduci ngC. in troduced D. be in troduced63. Claire will_ an assista nts positi on in the Sales Divisio n.A. takeB. took C. taki ng D. be
8、 take n64. Which of the diagrams below shows the air temperature of Beiji ng in a year?65. I_to the airport whe n you called me at nine this morni ng.A. driveB. am driv ingC. was driv ingD. will drive66. _there are no first-class seats available whe n Steffi called the airli ne.A. EspeciallyB. Lucki
9、ly C. Unfortun atelyD. Usually67. Our bank must educate its con sumers, because the level of banking fraud is_ .A. i nteresti ngB. i ncreasi ngC. i ncreased D. i nterested68. Large amounts of wheat_ sent abroad in Can ada.A. isB. haveC. areD. is being69. Well, actually the rece nt problems are not_
10、, but are related to ide ntity theft.A. tech niqueB. tech ni calC. tech no logyD. tech no crat70. Jimmy speaks many foreig n Ian guages. For this_, he un dersta nds the import and exportbus in ess well.A. reas onB. because C. resultD. and so71. The banks web server is_checked for security problems.A
11、. regularity B. regularizeC. regularD. regularly72. The best way to_ this goal is to in troduce new adva need tech no logy.A. accessB. perform C. achieveD. complete73. Kelly has bee n admitted to Harvard Uni versity. His family will have a_ toni ght.A. anni versaryB. celebrati onC. cerem ony D. con
12、gratulati on74. _at the cli nic must fill out a form before they are treated by the doctor.A. PassengersB. Shoppers C. Owners D. Patients75. Paula has the ability to keep_ in an emerge ncy.A. quietB. calm C. stillD. sile nt76. All bus in ess orga ni zati ons have_, and there is a con sta nt risk.A.
13、compete B. competitors C. competitiveD. competitio n77. -Do you have_ email address? -Sorry, I only have a Wechat ID.A. aB. anC. theD. /78._ the In ternet, we can get the in formatio n we n eed more easily and quickly.79. Thi ngs made by hand are usually more expe nsive tha n_ produced in factories.
14、A. theseB. thisC. thatD. those80. Claire is going to London_ the meet ing en ds.A. in order thatB. so that C. as soon as D. eve n thoughPartVDirections:Questions 81-100 are based on reading materials such as notices, letters, forms, and advertisements.Choose the one best answer, (A), (B), (C), or (D
15、), to each question. Then mark your answer on your answer sheet.Read ing the follow ing example.Questions 81-82 refer to the following posting.DO NOT DISTURBTESTING IN PROGRESS81. What should the reader not do?A. Make no iseB. I nterviewC. ProgressD. Test82. What is happe ning?A. A progressi onB. An
16、 examC. A trade fairD.A performa neeQuesti ons 83-85 refer to the followi ng schedule.Joh n scheduleMo nday10:3 011:00a.m.visit Un cle Peter in Gen eralHospitalTuesday2:0 04:00p.m.swimmi ng classWedn esday 12:0 06:00p.m.part-time jobThursday10:3 011:30a.m. Appo in tme nt Mr. Gree n12:0 05:00p.m.Hung
17、 out with JimmyFriday11:00a.m.go to the airport to meet SamSaturday10:0012:00a.m. Meet Dave to study for testSunday5:0 07:00p.m.Birthday party for Kate83. _ is ill in hospital.A. KateB. PeterC. Joh nD. Sam84. Joh n does his part-time job for_ hours a week.A. fiveB. sixC. tenD. eleve n85. Joh n meets
18、 Sam_ .A. at Dave s houseB. in the hospitalC. at the airportD. Kate s homeQuesti ons 86-87 refer to the followi ng directi on.Cough Medici ne.A. In stead ofB. Tha nks toC. As ifD. Thanks forShake well before use. Take three times a day after meals.Each time: Adults: 2 teaspoonfuls.Childre n: 814 1 t
19、easpoo nful.47?0.5teaspo on ful.Not for childre n below the age of 4.Keep in a cold place. Use before October, 200886. Helen is six years old,and she s got a bad cough. She should take_ a day.A. 0.5 teaspo onfulB. 2 teaspo on fulsC. 1.5 teaspo on fuls D. 3 teaspo on fuls87. The cough medicine can t
20、be taken by .A. a four-year-old childB. a three-year-old childC. a seve n-year-old childD. an eight-year-old childQuesti ons 88-89 refer to the followi ng receipt.Qua ntityItemPrice1magaz ine$3.753pen$0.50each1tape$1.251pencil case$2.501no tebook$1.00Subtotal$10.00Tax$0.50Total$10.5088. The tax isA.
21、 fifty dollarsC. 10% of the totalB. less tha n a dollarD. more tha n the price of a no tebook89. Which of these senten ces is true?A. A pen costs more tha n a tapeB. These goods cost $10.50 in total.C. The magaz ine is cheaper tha n the pencil case. D. He spe nds $1.50 buying pens.Questi ons 90-92 r
22、efer to the follow ing advertiseme nt.BabysitterWan tedDo you like childre n? Do you have free time in the after noon? We need a babysitterfor our son. He is five years old. Hours are 3:0 pm to 6:00 pm from Mon day to Friday.Sometimes you have to work on the weeke nd. Pay is $10 each hour.For the jo
23、b, you will: Watch our sonRead to himPlay with himYou will work at our house. We live in Fourth Road, n earHuax ing Clothes Store.90. _ is not a part of the job.A. Cooking for the childB. Working at the child s houseC. Taking care of the childD. Read ing books to the child91. The babysitter must_.A.
24、 drive a car to workB. go to the office to workC. play with the childD. work every Saturday and Sun day92. Which of the followi ng is true?_ .A. The child is less than ten years old.B. The babysitter must be a college stude nt .C. The babysitter must work six days a week.D. The babysitter can get mo
25、re pay on weeke nds. Questi ons 93-95 refer to the follow ing advertiseme nt.Sunny En glish ClubFor stude nts16:00 T8:00 Every Saturday200 Yua n a month9 Zhou Yu StreetTel: 3785290Foreig n teachers, En glish songs and films andmore!Ocea n Museum9:0017:00 From Thursday to Su ndayTicket: 50 yua n132 X
26、ue Yuan StreetTel: 5439871Show you a full picture of sea lives!Health Centre9:0017:3016 Yong Le StreetTel: 3801451Free exam in ati ons for those over 70Give you good advice to keep healthy!93. You will pay_if you want to stay in the En glish club for half a year.A. 300 yuan B. 600 yuanC. 1200 yuanD.
27、 2400 yuan94. One can get free exams in Health Centre if he is_.A. 9B. 17C. 67D. 7395. If you are in terested in the life of fish, you should go to_ .A. Health CentreB. Ocean MuseumC. Sunny En glish ClubD. 16 Yo ng Le StreetQuesti ons 96-98 refer to the follow ing report.Accide nt Report FormAccide
28、ntA car crashed into a tree. Some people weretrapped in the car.Weather con diti ons There was a heavy rain.Date of callDecember 3, 2006Time of call9:30 p.m.Name of callerMrs. GreenPlaceZhon gsha n Road, NanjingCon diti ons of victimsMr. Gree n hurt his head.Mrs. Gree n hurt her left leg.Their daugh
29、ter felt frighte ned.Actio nPoliceme n arrived at 9:40 p.m. and sent thevictims to Gulou Hospital at 9:45 p.m.96. What time did Mrs. Green call the police?_A. At 9:30 a.m.B. At 9:30 p.m.C. At 9:40 p.m.D. At 9:45 p.m.97. How many people were trapped in the car?_A. One.B. Two.C. Three.D. Four.98. Whic
30、h of the followi ng is TRUE?_A. The car crashed into a wall.B. Their daughter hurt her leg and was sent to the hospital.C. The car accide nt happe ned on Zhon gsha n Road in Nanjing.D. The policemen arrived half an hour later and sent the victims to the hospital. Questi ons 99-100 refer tothe followi ng school
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