



1、一般將來時Step1 Review一般將來時一、概念:表示將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài)及打算、計劃或準備做某事。旬中一般有以下時間狀語:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year),soon, theday after tomorrow (后天)等。二、基本構: be going to + do; will+ do.三、否定旬:在be動詞(am, is, are)后加not或情態(tài)動詞will后加not成won' , tsome 改為 any, and改為 or例如:I ' m going to have a picnic this afternoon

2、. f I ' m not going to have a picnic this afternoon.四、一般疑問句:be或will提到旬首,some改為any, and改為or,第一二人稱互換。例如: We are going to go on an outing this weekend. f Are you going to go on an outing this weekend?五、對劃線部分提問:一般情況,一般將來時的對劃線部分有三種情況。1 .問人。Who 例如:I' m going to New York soon. fWh6 s going to New Y

3、ork soon.2 .問干什么。What do.例如: My father is going to watch a race with me this afternoon. fWhat is your father going to do with you this afternoon.fWhen is she3 .問什么時候。When.例如:She' s going to go to bed at nine. going to bed?六、同義句:be going to = willI am going to go swimming tomorrow (明天).=I will go

4、 swimming tomorrow.Step2 語法講解最基本的結構:will + 動詞原形【例句 1】 I/We/You/He/She/They will visit the museum tomorrow.明天我 /我們/你 /他 /她 /他們要去參觀博物館。1】 一般將來時表示將來發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài),其構成形式為;其中will為助動詞,(有/沒有)人稱和單復數的變化。【例句 2】 Will they visit the museum tomorrow?明天他們要去參觀博物館嗎?Yes, they will./ No, they won '是的,他們去。/不,他們不去?!練w納

5、2】變一般疑問句,將 提到主語前?!纠?3】 They won' t visit the museum tomorrow.【歸納3】 變否定句,在助動詞will后加,縮寫為時間狀語與一般將來時連用的時間狀語1. We will have a picnic tomorrow.(明天)明天我們要野餐。2. He will come back the day after tomorrow. (f 天)后天他將回來。3. You will see your daughtersoon.(艮,快 不久)你很快將看到你的女兒。4. They will get to Beijing in three

6、 days.(三天后)他們三天后將到達北京。5. What will happen in the future?(在將來)將來將要發(fā)生什么?6. She will go to Dalian next week.。周)下周她將去大連。7. My dream will come true some day.(等來一天)將來有一天我的夢想會實現。般有以下時間狀語:tomorrow, next day(week, month, year),soon,the day after tomorrow (后天)等。跟蹤小測1解題步驟:1.選擇正確答案;2.說出你的依據(考查知識點)。請根據句意選擇正確的選項填

7、空。1. We ' U for you at the school gate.A. waits B. waiting C. wait2. Each of the students willa computer on the desk.A. have B. has C. having3. I my aunt tomorrow evening.A. visit B. will visit C. will visits4. he have a picnic next week?A. Does B. Is C. W川5. We do some sightseeing tomorrow and

8、we ' ll plant trees.A. don ' t B. aren ' tC. won ' t觀察下列句子,總結有關規(guī)律【例句 41 There will be many buildings in the future.將來會有許多高樓大廈。【歸納4】There be句式的一般將來時結構為 。【例句 5】 Will there be schools in the future?將來還會有學校嗎?Yes, there will./No, there won ' t.是的,會有。/不,不會有。【歸納5】There be一般將來時句式變一般疑問句,將

9、提到 前;肯定回答用: 否定回答用:【例句 6】 There won' t be blackboards in the classroom in the future.將來在教室里不會有黑板?!練w納6】There be一般將來時句式變否定句式在 will后面加not,簡寫為won' t.will句式總結:肯定否定一般疑問回答I will have many presents.I won' tnave many presents.Will I have many presents?Yes, I will.No, I won ' t.He will do dull

10、jobs.He won' t do dull jobs.Will he do dull jobs?Yes, he will.No ,he won ' t.There will be a computer in it.There won' t be a computer in it.Will there be a computer in it.Yes, there will.No, there won ' t.They will do heavy work.They won' t do heavy work.Will they do heavy work?

11、Yes, they will.No, they won ' t.Step3小結一、一般將來時的動詞形式一股將來時表小將來某個時間將要發(fā)生的動作或存在的狀態(tài), 也表小將來 經?;蚍磸桶l(fā)生的動作。一般將來時由助動詞shall或will加動詞原形構成,shall 用于第一人稱,will用于第二、三人稱。但是現在第一人稱一般也用 will ,其區(qū)別并不明顯。(或“be going to + 動詞原形) 常與 tomorrow, next ,in(the) future, soon, in five days, in two weeks 等連用。 如: I shall not come if i

12、t rains tomorrow. 如明天下雨我就不來。My father will leave for China next week.我的爸爸下星期要到中國去。T llYou' ll, He ll , She ll , It ' ll, We ll , They ll ”是簡縮形式。二.一般將來時的句型1 .肯定句:主語+shall /will+動詞+其他成份The workers will build a new school here next year.工人4明年斗等在這JL蓋一所 新學校。We shall be there before dark.我們天黑前會到達那

13、里。2 .否定句:主語+shall /will+ not+動詞+其他成份She won' t come back this week.一周她不回來了。3 .疑問句:shall /will+主語+動詞+其他成份W川you be back in ten minutes?十分鐘后你會回來嗎?Shall we get something hot to drink?我們喝一些熱飲怎么樣?4 .特殊疑問句:特殊疑問詞+shall /will+主語+動詞+其他成份Where will you go next week?下星期你去哪?What shall I do紙怎么辦呢?Step4知識延伸will

14、, be going tobe to ,be about to 的區(qū)別1. be going to環(huán)定式,表示將來。表示打算、準備做的事或即將發(fā)生或肯定要發(fā) 生的事。be going to和will相比,be going to通常表示主觀,will通常表示客觀。What are you going to do tomorrow?明天你要做什么?Look at the dark clouds, there is going to be a storm看看這些黑云, 將有一場暴 風雨。2. “bg+動詞原形”表示按計劃要發(fā)生的事或征求對方意見。這種結構表示計劃 中約定的或按職責、義務要求必須去做的

15、事或即將發(fā)生的動作。We are to have a meeting next Saturday7 個周日我們有個會。The boy is to go to school tomorrow.這個男孩明天要去上學。3. “be about to+司原形”表示即將發(fā)生的動作,意為:很快,馬上。后面一般不 跟時間狀語。這一結構用于表示客觀就要發(fā)生的事,表示馬上就要發(fā)生。一般不再與時間狀語連用。Don' t go out. We ' re about to have a meeMnlg去了,我們很快就開會了。I was about to start when it began to r

16、ainK 剛要出發(fā)就下起雨來了。Step5注意事項1. be about to不能與tomorrow, next week等表示明確將來時的時間狀語連用。2. Let '的附加疑問通常使用“,shall we ?”Let' s have a rest, shall we?3. 問句是“Shall?答句就用“shall ;問句用“Will ",答句就用“will 。 要前后保持一致。Shall you go to school next week ?Yes, I shall . We ' ll have an exam .W川 you have an exam

17、tomorrow?Yes, I will. / No, I won ' t.跟蹤小測2解題步驟:1.選擇正確答案;2.說出你的依據(考查知識點)。1. There a football match tomorrow afternoon.A. was B. is going to be C. will be2. a lot of books for your classmates next term?A. Are there will B. W川 there be C. Will there are3. -W川 there be a computer on your desk? .A.

18、Yes, there is B. No, there aren C. No, there Won 二't4. There any cars on the road in the future.A. wil l be B. won ' t beC. won ' tStep6 Exercise (鞏固練習)一.按要求改寫下列句子。1. We will play basketball tomorrow.(改為否定旬)We basketball tomorrow.2. The students will use computers in school.(改為一般疑問句,并作肯、否定回答)the students computers in school?3. . His brother is walking up the Great Wall.(用 wil


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