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1、五年級(jí)英語(yǔ)5B 復(fù)習(xí)資料班級(jí)姓名一、要求掌握的詞組1 在星期一上午on Monday morning2 今天下午this afternoon3 三節(jié)數(shù)學(xué)課three Maths lessons4 新學(xué)期thenew term5 第一節(jié)課thefirst lesson6 我希望I hope7 10 門學(xué)科tensubjects8 一節(jié)有趣的課an interesting lesson9 你呢?How about you?10 在一周內(nèi)in a week11 歡迎回來(lái)welcome back12 我的課程表my timetable13 更多的英語(yǔ)課more English lessons14 星期

2、天晚上Sunday evening15 這個(gè)星期this week16 上一堂藝術(shù)課have an Art lesson17 每天every day18 告訴她一個(gè)竅門tell her a trick19 讓我想想let me see20212223242526272829303132333435363738394041非常very much重感冒a bad coldstay at home午飯后after lunch在學(xué)校at school吃藥take some medicine一通電話a telephone call放學(xué)了 classes are over / school is over

3、class is over再見(jiàn) see you soon呆在床上 stay in bed給 Mike 打電話 call Mike買些水果給她get some fruit for her很快好起來(lái)get better soon發(fā)高燒get a high fever多休息have a lot of rest嚴(yán)重的咳嗽a bad cough去看醫(yī)生go to see a doctor和我們通話speak to us她缺席了。She is absent.open your mouthfeel ill42 感覺(jué)累 feel tired43 集郵collect stamps44 許多漂亮的花many be

4、autiful flowers45 這張船郵票 this ship stamp46 它們?cè)谶@兒。Here they are.47 攝影take photos48 種花grow flowers49 燒可口的食物cook nice food50 做衣服make clothes 51 為我做一條漂亮的女襯衫m(xù)ake a press blouse for me52 去購(gòu)物go shopping53 收集錢幣collect coins54 養(yǎng)金魚(yú)keep goldfish55 做模型船make model ships56 不喜歡don t like57 聽(tīng)音樂(lè)listen to music58 在花園里

5、in the garden59 澆花木water the trees and flowers60 看一看have a look61 同樣的愛(ài)好the same hobby62 照看孩子們look after the children63646566676869707172737475767778798081828384his classmate talk to himsome hobbiesshow me your picturesplay the pianowrite an e-mailstudy Chinesemy English friendspeak loudlygo to schoo

6、lin the eveningsurf the Internetdance beautifullyswim wellthe same agea small townin the computer roomlive in Shanghaiwrite a letter to my parentsjump highrun fast sit quickly85 小心地走walk carefully86 做一些鍛煉 do some exercise87 看雜志read magazines88 從星期一到星期五 from Monday to Friday89 不強(qiáng)壯not strong90 在三點(diǎn)at t

7、hree91 在體育活動(dòng)房in the sports hall92 下口令give theorders93 站成一行stand ina line94 向左向右轉(zhuǎn)turn left and right95 把你的腳并攏put your feet together96 仰躺lie on your back97 十次ten times98 把膝蓋彎曲(屈膝) bend your knees99 抬起你的右腿lift up your right leg100 上下跳jump up and down101 仔細(xì)聽(tīng)listen carefully102 把它讀五遍read it five times103

8、 用手摸你的腳 touch your feet with your hands104 舉手lift up your hands105 起立stand up106 坐下sit down107 試著跟著口令try to follow the orders 108 把你的手指放在你的脖子上put your fingers on your necks shoulders坐在女孩肩膀上sit on the girl忙碌的一天a busy dayhave no time for rest起床get up準(zhǔn)備吃早飯ready for breakfast刷牙brush one s teeth洗臉wash on

9、e s face六點(diǎn)五十ten to seven十二點(diǎn)四十五a quarter to one值日 on duty觀看足球比賽watch a football game看電視watch TV109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127真的很熱 really hot二占半"八、Ihalf past threea quarter past eleven開(kāi)始上課classes begin洗淋浴have a shower快點(diǎn) be quick在晚上發(fā)光glow at night步行on foot隨身帶些面包take some

10、 bread with me讓我們快點(diǎn)。Let s hurry騎自行車by bike去睡覺(jué)go to sleep關(guān)掉收音機(jī)turn off the radio度過(guò)你的周末spend your weekends做家務(wù)do housework談?wù)撍麄兊膼?ài)好talk about their hobbies捉昆蟲(chóng)catch insects在周末at the weekends去游泳go swimming在家at home看卡通片watch cartoons當(dāng)然of course從書上學(xué)習(xí)到很多 learn a lot from books去電影院go to the cinema每個(gè)星期六every Sa

11、turday去爬山 go climbing樹(shù)上的蜜蜂the bees in the tree128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149喜歡打架like to fight蕩秋千play on the swings150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171我們的好朋友our good friends許多人manypeople喜歡運(yùn)動(dòng)like sports在大熱天里on hot days把它們放在瓶子里put them i

12、n the bottle搬運(yùn)大的東西 carry big things勇敢的蟋蟀brave crickets漂亮的蝴蝶beautiful butterflies分小組工作work in groups觀察螞蟻watch ants非常有趣very interesting參觀你們的學(xué)校visit your school英語(yǔ)俱樂(lè)部an English club教語(yǔ)文teach Chinese她的美國(guó)朋友her American friend來(lái)自澳大利亞be from Australia小學(xué)primary school向他學(xué)習(xí)法語(yǔ)learn French from him長(zhǎng)城the Great Wall

13、不同的國(guó)家different countries參觀北京visit Beijing過(guò)來(lái)和我們見(jiàn)面come here and meet us172 晚飯前before dinner173 說(shuō)日語(yǔ)speak Japanese174 游遍中國(guó) go around China175 寫一些關(guān)于他們的故事write some stories about then176 一個(gè)美國(guó)來(lái)訪者 an American visitor177 喜歡旅行l(wèi)ike travelling178 想要去蘇州園林want to go the garden in Suzhou179 不工作do not work180 包攬家務(wù)活

14、do all the cleaning and cooking二、要求掌握的句型:Unit11. I hope we have more.我希望我們有更多的。2. What day is it today? 今天星期幾?It ' s (Thursday布天(星期四)。3. What lessons do you have in the morning / afternoon?(爾們?cè)谠缟?/ 下午有什么 課?We have and 我們有和。4. What subject do you like? 你喜歡什么課程?I like 我喜歡How about you?你呢?I like 我喜

15、歡。一。句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1.It Tuesday.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))What day is it today?1.1 like English and Maths.(對(duì)劃線部分提問(wèn))What subject do you like?3 .We have eight subjects this term.(對(duì)戈U線部分提問(wèn))How many subjects do you have this term?4 .We have Chinese, Maths and English in the morning.附劃線部分提問(wèn))What lessons do you have in the morning?

16、5 .Nice to see you.刎義旬)Nice to meet you.Unit21. Why are you absent today?你今天為什么缺席?(相當(dāng)于 Why are you not here today?)2.See you soon. 一會(huì)見(jiàn)。3. I hope you get better soon.我希望你盡快好起來(lái)。4. How do you feel now?你現(xiàn)在覺(jué)得怎么樣?。縄 feel ( tired, hot, thirsty, ill)我覺(jué)得(累的,熱的,渴的,病的)。I can get a / some fo我o的你一 / 一些 。5. What&

17、#39; s wrong with you?爾怎么了?(相當(dāng)于 What' s the matter with you?)I' ve got a ( fever, toothache, cold, cough得了 (如燒,牙痛,感冒, 咳嗽)。I ' m sorry to hear thsftff到這我感到很抱歉。打電話的常識(shí):如你致電某人,電話接通后,你應(yīng)對(duì)接電話的人說(shuō)May I speak to ,please?如果你接聽(tīng)電話,而你正是對(duì)方想找的人,應(yīng)說(shuō) This is speaking.如果來(lái)電的人找的人不在,你應(yīng)說(shuō) Sorry, - is not here.無(wú)論

18、是你致電他人或他人致電給你,若你想問(wèn)是誰(shuí)在接聽(tīng)電話,應(yīng)說(shuō)Who s that,please?Is that (speaking)?如果你想告訴對(duì)方你是誰(shuí),應(yīng)說(shuō) Thisis .(speaking).如果有人打錯(cuò)電話,你應(yīng)說(shuō) Sorry, wrong number.Unit31 .Do you have any hobbies標(biāo)有些愛(ài)好嗎?Yes, I do. I like ( taking photos) / No, bdon,我有。我楫歡。(拍照) /不,我不喜歡。2 .He / She likes ( going shopping。.她喜歡。(去購(gòu)物)。3 .He / She doesn

19、' t like (growing floWers她不喜歡。(種花)4 .Ben' s hobby is collecting stam陳的愛(ài)好是集由 B。句型轉(zhuǎn)換:1 .He likes going shopping.帔為一般疑問(wèn)句,并作否定回答)Does he like going shopping? No, he doesn ' t.2 .Ben likes collecting stamps.(改為否定旬)Ben doesn ' t like collecting stamps.3 .Helen and I like making pretty dres

20、ses.又寸劃線部分提問(wèn))What do Helen and you like?4 . My father ' s hobbyeeping goldfish.(改為一般疑問(wèn)句)Is your father s hobby keeping goldfish?Unit41. I' m busy.我忙的。2. We re the same ageK們是同齡人。3. A: Does he / she jump high?他 / 她跳得高嗎?B: Yes, he / she does.是的,他 / 她是。No, he / she doesn 不',他 / 她不是。4. A: Wh

21、at does he / she usually do on Sundays?他通常在星期日做什么?B: He / She usually takes photos.他通常拍照。5. A: What subjects does he study at school?在學(xué)校他學(xué)什么課程?B: He studies English, Maths, Science and Art.他學(xué)英語(yǔ)、數(shù)學(xué)、科學(xué)和藝術(shù)。句型轉(zhuǎn)換:I.Helen usually goes shopping on Saturdays.(對(duì)戈 U線部分提問(wèn))What does Helen usually do on Saturday

22、s?2. Does he jump high?(改為陳述句)He jumps high.3. He runs fast.(改為否定句)He doesn ' t run fast.人稱代詞般現(xiàn)在時(shí)的動(dòng)詞形式主格Iyouhesheitwethey賓格meyouhimheritusthem形容詞性物主代詞myyourhisheritsourtheir名詞性物主代詞mineyourshishersitsourstheirs一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)主要由動(dòng)詞原形表示,但第三人稱單數(shù)后的動(dòng)詞詞尾有所變化。 第三 人稱單數(shù)動(dòng)詞詞尾的變化有幾種形式:變化例詞一般情況加-sreads, says, takes以 ch

23、, sh, s, x,或o結(jié)尾的詞加-esteaches, washes, goes, misses, mixes以本武音字母加y 結(jié)尾的詞變y為i再加-esstudies, cries, carries例:I read English every day.You read English every day.We read English every day.They read English every day.Helen and Mike read English every day.My friends read English every day.He reads English e

24、very day.She reads English every day.Wang Bing reads English every day.His sister reads English every day.Unit61 .站成一排。Stand in a line.2 .讓我們做一些運(yùn)動(dòng)。Let ' s do some exercise.3.現(xiàn)在請(qǐng)仔細(xì)地聽(tīng)Now, listen carefully.4 .上下跳。Jump up and down.5 .做這個(gè)次。Do this times.Do this time times.6 .把放在上面。PutonPut the pineap

25、ple on your head.7 .用觸摸 多少次touchwith timesTouch your left leg with your right hand three times.Unit71. 幾點(diǎn)了?What s the time? = What time is it?It s2. 的時(shí)間到了。/該了。It ' s time to動(dòng)詞詞組) It ' s time to have breakfast.It ' s time for (名詞)It ' s time for breakfast.3. 你想和我一起嗎?Do you want to joi

26、n me?Yes. / No, I ' m .4. 他沒(méi)時(shí)間吃早飯。He has no time for breakfast. 同意句() He doesn t have any time for breakfast.5. 她在十點(diǎn)睡覺(jué)。She goes to bed at ten o clock.Unit81 .下課了 o Class is over. / Classes are over.2 .放學(xué)了。 School is over.3 .課后 after class 放學(xué)后 after school1.1 can learn a lot from it.我可以從中學(xué)到好多。5 .

27、How do you spendyour weekends? I often./ Sometimes怎樣度你的周末呢?我經(jīng)常不時(shí)我一6 .How does .spend his / her weekends? He/ She often / Sometimes he/ she ( 怎樣度他/她的周末呢? 他/她經(jīng)常/有時(shí)他/他)例:How do you spend your weekends? I often watch cartoons. / Sometimes I watch cartoons.How does David spend his weekends? He often watches cartoons. / Sometimes he watches cartoons.How does Nancy spend her weekends? She oft


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