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1、精選優(yōu)質文檔-傾情為你奉上說到非限定性定語從句的講解,還要分成不同的部分,首先大家要知道就得就是該從句的作用是什么。其實它在句子中是一個獨立的成分,不會受到主句的限制,把從句去掉之后,主句仍然是成立的。這也是為什么它會叫做非限定性定語從句。其次,大家要了解該從句的形式:非限制性定語從句與先行詞以及主句之間的關系不甚緊密,因而通常要用逗號與主句分隔開。例如:Have you seen the film Titanic, whose leading actor is world famous?你看過“泰坦尼克號”這部電影嗎?它的男主演可是世界聞名的。My friend, who has serve

2、d on the International Olympic Committee all his life, is retiring next month.我有位朋友,他一輩子服務于國際奧林匹克委員會,下個月就要退休了。下面就是關于該從句不同類型的介紹:(1) who引導的非限制性定語從句Our guide,who was a French Canadian,was an excellent cook.我們的向導,一個法裔加拿大人,擅長于烹調。My gardener,who is very pessimistic,says that there will be no apples this y

3、ear.我家的園丁非常悲觀,他說今年將不結蘋果。(2) whom引導的非限制性定語從句關系代詞whom用于指人,在句中作動詞賓語和介詞賓語,作介詞賓語時,介詞可位于句末。如:Peter, whom you met in London, is now back in Paris.彼得現(xiàn)在回巴黎了,你在倫敦見過他。Mr Smith,from whom I have learned a lot,is a famous scientist.史密斯先生是一位著名的科學家,我從他那兒學了許多東西。(3) whose引導的非限制性定語從句whose是關系代詞who的所有格形式,在從句中作定語。whose通常

4、指人,也可指動物或無生命的事物。如:The boy, whose father is an engineer, studies very hard.那位小男孩學習很努力,他的父親是位工程師。Above the trees are the mountains whose magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface. 在樹林的高處是山,其壯麗的景色完全映照在河面上。The play,whose style is rigidly formal,is typical of the period.這劇本是那個時期的典型作品,風格拘謹

5、刻板。(4) which引導的非限制性定語從句關系代詞which在非限制性定語從句中所指代和修飾的可以是主句中的名詞、形容詞、短語、其他從句或整個主句,在從句中作主語、動詞賓語、介詞賓語或表語。 which指代主句中的名詞,被指代的名詞包括表示物、嬰兒或動物的名詞、表示單數(shù)意義的集體名詞以及表示職業(yè)、品格等的名詞。如:These apple trees,which I planted three years ago,have not borne any fruit.這些蘋果樹是我三年前栽的,還沒有結過果實。She is an artist,which I am not.她是一位藝術家,而我不是

6、。Water,which is a clear liquid,has many uses.水是一種清澈的液體,有許多用途。The two policemen were completely trusted,which in fact they were.那兩個警察完全受到信任,事實上,也真是如此。 which指代主句中的形容詞。如:She was very patient towards the children,which her husband seldom was.她對孩子們很耐心,她丈夫卻很少這樣。She is always careeless,which we should not

7、be. 她總是馬虎大意,我們可不應該這樣。 which指代主句中的某個從句。如:He said that he had never seen her before,which was not true.他說以前從沒見過她,這不是真的。 which指代整個主句。如:In the presence of so many people he was little tense, which was understandable.在那么多人面前他有點緊張,這是可以理解的。He may have acute appendicitis,in which case he will have to be ope

8、rated on.他可能得了急性盲腸炎,如果是這樣,他就得。When deeply absorbed in work,which he often was,he would forget all about eating and sleeping. 他經常聚精會神地工作,這時他會廢寢忘食。(5) when引導的非限制性定語從句關系副詞when在非限制性定語從句中作時間狀語,指代主句中表示時間的詞語。如:He will put off the picnic until May 1st, when he will be free.他將把郊游推遲到5月1號,那時他將有空。(6) where引導的非限

9、制性定語從句關系副詞where在非限制性定語從句中作地點狀語,指代主句中表示地點的詞語。如:They went to London,where they lived for six months.他們去了倫敦,在那兒呆了六個月的時間。They reached there yesterday, where a negotiation of sale will be held.他們昨天抵達那里, 有一個關于銷售的談判在那兒舉行。(7) as引導的非限制性定語從句as引出非限定性定語從句時,代替整個主句,對其進行說明但通常用于像as we all know, as it is know, as is

10、 know to all, as it is, as is said above, as always mentioned above, as is usual, as is often the case, as is reported in the newspaper等句式中。as在非限定性定語從句中作主語、表語或賓語,且引出的從句位置比較靈活,可位于句首或句末,也可置于主句中間。通常均由逗號將其與主句隔開。as有“正如, 就像”之意。 如:As it known to the United States, Mark Twain is a great American writer.美國人都

11、知道,馬克?吐溫是一位偉大的美國作家。(as在從句中作主語)He forgot to bring his pen with him, as was often the case. 他忘了帶筆,這是常事。(as在從句中作主語)He is absorbed in work, as he often was. 他正在全神貫注地工作,他過去經常這樣。(as在從句中作表語)Boy as he was, he was chosen king. 他雖是孩子,卻被選為國王。(as在從句中作表語)as we all know, the earth is round.眾所周知,地球是圓的。 (as在從句中作賓語)

12、The two brothers were satisfied with this decision,as was agreed beforehand.兩兄弟對此決定都滿意,這項決定在事前都已得到他們的同意。(as在從句中作主語)Taiwan is,as you know,an inseparable part of China.你知道,臺灣是中國不可分割的一部分。(as在從句中作賓語)(8)“介詞+關系代詞”引導的非限制性定語從句在介詞后引導非限制性定語從句。關系代詞which有時并不代表主句中某一確定的詞,而是概括整個主句的意思。介詞的選擇取決于它與先行詞的搭配或與從句中謂語動詞的搭配。T

13、hey were short of sticks to make frames for the climbing vines,without which the yield would be halved. 他們缺搭的桿兒,沒有它們產量會減少一半。They thanked Tom,without whose support they would not have succeeded.這些鄰居是北京來的,昨天我被介紹同他們認識了。(9)“名詞/代詞+of+which / whom”引導的非限制性定語從句It now has 20,000 hectares of ,more than two-th

14、irds of which are under cultivation. 現(xiàn)在它擁有兩萬公頃土地,其中三分之二之多已經耕種。Light is the fast thing in the world, the speed of which is 300.000 kilometeThere are 30 chairs in the small hall, most of which are new.大廳里有三十把,絕大部分是新的。The textile mill has over 8,000 workers and staff,eighty per cent of whom are women.

15、這家紡織廠有8千多職工,女職工占百分之八十。除此之外大家還要注意一些非限制性定語從句引導詞的特殊情況:1.非限制性定語從句不可用that引導, 在非限制性定語從句中用who(作主語) / whom(作賓語)指人,用which(作主語 / 賓語)指物, 用whose作定語(指人 / 物)。例如:The famous basketball star, who tried to make a comeback, attracted a lot of attention.這位試圖打反擊的著名籃球明星吸引了眾人的關注。The film, whose director is an old man, is

16、very instructive.這部電影很有教育意義, 它的導演是位老人。2.關系代詞在非限制性定語從句中作賓語時不可省略,若指人時,只用whom,不用who。例如:York, which I visited last year, is a nice old city.我去年訪問過的約克是個古老而美麗的城市。Please give the to Jessica, whom we met in the hall just now.請把這本書交給杰西卡,就是剛才我們在大廳里遇到的那位。3.非限制性定語從句不可用why引導, 需用for which替代why。例如:None of us accep

17、ted the reason he explained, for which he was absent.我們沒有一個人接受他所解釋的缺席的理由。ones怎么用,做題技巧有哪些關于one和ones的用法其實并不是特別復雜,但是需要大家做題的時候細心一點,雖然說ones只比one多了一個s,但是用法上的區(qū)別卻很大。大家可以用最簡單的辦法去理解,加s之后就變成了復數(shù)了的形式,事實上ones就是one的復數(shù)形式。但是很多同學就有了這樣的疑問,ones怎么用?這也是很多人都很好奇的一個問題,針對ones怎么用這個問題,小編給大家做出了如下的總結:one1)代替上文中出現(xiàn)過的單數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,表泛指(同類但

18、不是同一)前面可以有冠詞或形容詞,也可以有this或that或another,但前不能有物主代詞:e.g.:I have lost my pen.Im going to buy one. I prefer this one to that one.比較:Im looking for a flat. Id like a small one with a .Im looking for a flat. Id like one with a garden.(不能說:. a one with a garden.)2)作為不定人稱代詞, 可泛指“任何一個人”,有one's 和oneself形式。

19、多用于正式,中也可用he/his代替第二個one/one's.e.g.:One has to take care of oneself and one's family if he can.One shouldn't hesitate to correct his/one's mistakes.If one wants to see the ruins, he must find his own guide.(如果一個人想看那廢墟, 他必須找自己的向導。)onesones是one的復數(shù)形式,常用來代替復數(shù)可數(shù)名詞,表泛指,前面不用物主代詞修飾,也不用these或

20、those來直接修飾,除非ones前面有形容詞:e.g.:I have a new coat and several old ones.These yellow waistcoats are so small. I want those ones.one/ones用來代替前面提到過的可數(shù)名詞,one指代單數(shù), ones指代復數(shù),所代替的是同名異物,表示泛指,可有前置定語或后置定語,也可單獨使用,特指時必須加 the,用the one/ones 。一、where定語從句修飾pointYou reach a point where medicine cant help. 你已到了藥物無法治療的地步

21、。The crisis has reached a point where the receiver will have to be called in. 危機已達到非把叫來不可的地步。We have reached a point where a change is needed. 我們到了必須改一改的地步。注:有時point也可以是具體的地點:The accident happened at the point where the A15 joins the M1. 事故發(fā)生在A15與M1交叉的十字路口。二、where定語從句修飾caseThere are cases where the word “mighty” is used as an . 在一些情況下,mighty一詞可用作副詞。Today, well discuss a number of cases where of English fail to use the language properly. 今天,我們


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