1、Module 3 Inter personal Relationsh ips Friendsh ipI. 模塊教學目標技能目標Skill Goals Retell a story and talk about relati onships Lear n to use hav ing done as adverbial clauses and verbs followed by -ing and to (do) Write a p aragra ph on frie ndsh ipn .目標語言Talking about relationsh ipsI e known him / her for
2、 .功能句式We first met six years ago. I remember . for the first time.Were good / close / best frie nds.We . quarrel.We (do nt) get on very well. We (dont) trust each other.We see each other .Wee lost touch. / We still kee p touch.1.四會詞匯 interperson al, close, trust, chat, hurt, finan cially, moody, amo
3、un t, raise, theft confront, coun t, lively, quarrel, regret, p redict, click, re un ite, coup le, p erfect, partner, men ti on, bel ong, bottom2. 認讀詞匯 no te, cloakroom, locker, fair( n.), swing, undern eath, sweet (n.)3.詞組 burst out, knock . over, lose in terest in, from time to time, turn roun d,
4、raise mon ey, on the phone, make up, kee p in touch, lose touch with, from the bottom of one heart, as a result, get on (with sb.), get to know (sb.), personal matter, tell a joke1. Adverbial clauses: having (done)Having lost all my old frie nds, I felt shy and Ion ely at my new school.2. Verbs foll
5、owed by -ing and the infinitive with toI remember meeti ng her for the first time.You must remember to kee p in touch.1. Whe n he reached the fin al li ne, every one burst out laugh ing. P222. But just un der a year ago, Ro father was kno cked over by a car. P22lose all3. He had always bee n a cleve
6、r, hard-work ing stude nt but now he seemed to in terest in his work. P224. Havi ng left someth ing in the cloakroom, I went in side to get it. P235. They get on very well because they both have very lively person alities and have a great in terest in books. P25m.教材分析與教材重組1.教材分析本模塊以人際關系中最重要的元素一一友誼為話
7、題,通過談論人際關系和友誼、閱讀故事及介紹自己的好朋友等方式, 使學生對友誼有更深刻的認識和理解,并能用已有的社會知識、親身體會、用所學的語言知識和技能,聽懂以討論人際關系、談論友誼為內(nèi)容的材料,理解課文關于友誼的深刻意義,描述自己與朋友之間友誼的發(fā)展過程。1.1 INTRODUCTION以一組對人際關系觀點的測試引入關于友誼的話題并對此加以討論,輔以兩個活動來學習有關友誼的詞匯和短語。這一活動既呈現(xiàn)了本模塊的中心話題友誼,又為以后關于Frie ndship的進一步學習打下基礎。1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY 包括一篇閱讀課文和五項活動。其中Activity 1是閱讀前的
8、熱身活動。設計了根據(jù)故事的開頭和結尾推斷故事的內(nèi)容、情節(jié)的活動,為下一步的閱讀留下懸念。Activity 2的任務是:用瀏覽的方式在Activities 3, 4 & 5課文中快速找出特定的信息用以回答問題。這兩項活動的技巧性和實用性都很強,既能提高學生的閱讀興趣,又訓練了學生的閱讀技巧。是針對評價學生對課文的理解程度和學習課文中關于人際關系的詞匯和短語而設立的三項任務,用于課文學習之后。供閱讀的課文是一篇題為“ Roy Story” 的關于人際關系和友誼的故事。故事用第一人稱敘述的手法,情節(jié)并不復雜,沒 有給出明確的結尾,為啟發(fā)學生對于友誼和朋友的深層意義的思考留下了足夠的 空間。1.3 G
9、RAMMAR的主要任務是學習現(xiàn)在分詞的完成體 having done作狀語的用法。其中設計了五項任務,要求學生分別以回答問題,總結該語法 內(nèi)容的意義和用法;句型轉換;連線造句;改寫句子;完形填空等多項 活動來操練這一語法項目。練習設計多樣、充分。教師可在此基礎上做些拓展性 和鞏固性練習設計。1.4 SPEAKING設計了兩項活動。第一項活動要求在學習課文和語法的基礎上,以輪流復述課文的形式來運用所學習的語法知識。 第二項活動深入到了課 文的思想內(nèi)容,要求學生用討論的方式發(fā)表對文中的“我”應該怎樣做的看法, 以提升對本模塊的中心話題“友誼”的思想教育內(nèi)涵。1.5 LISTENING AND VO
10、CABULARY 包括五項活動。Activity 1 要求學生閱讀一篇短文并根據(jù)其回答問題。Activities 2 & 3是學習一些在短文和后面的聽力材料中出現(xiàn)的有關人際關系的詞匯和短語。這三項活動為下一步的“聽”作了充分的準備。Activity 4是該部分的中心,要求學生在聽的過程中捕捉細節(jié)信 息,復述與所讀的短文中不同的內(nèi)容,并回答Activity 5中的問題。這些活動的設計有明顯的梯度,能很好地訓練和提高學生的聽力技能技巧,培養(yǎng)學生抓住聽 力材料中的要點信息、分析和總結的能力。1.6 GRAMMAR (2)設計在聽力基礎之上。Activity 1要求學生使用在聽力材料中出現(xiàn)的一些接-i
11、ng和to do作賓語時意義不同的動詞完成句子,并從中體 會這些詞接-ing和to do的不同含義。而Activities 2, 3, 4 & 5都是為了操練和鞏固這一語法項目而設計的。由聽力引出語法對學生來說是個新的挑戰(zhàn)。 該部分實際上是聽力材料內(nèi)容的延伸。1.7 FUNCTION AND SP EAKING的任務主要是要求學生以對話的形式練習口語。為了引導學生學會談論人際關系,這部分共設計了三個項目,Activity 1為學生提供了作對話的步驟;Activity 2以回答問題的方式提供了談論的方法;最后一項Activity 3在聽力的基礎上提供了談論的素材,要求學生以扮演角色的形式完成對話
12、。1.8 EVERYDAY ENGLISH部分主要學習一些英語詞句的習慣用法和意義。教師可根據(jù)情況適當做些拓展性練習。1.9 WRITING要求學生描述自己建立人際關系的過程。 這一部分的設計為 學生提供了明確清晰的寫作指導,為學生的寫作訓練掃清了障礙。1.10 CULTURAL CORNER是一篇泛讀文章。向學生介紹了網(wǎng)絡在幫助老友重逢、重溫友情等方面所起的重要作用,有很強的時代感和人情味。1.11 TASK的主要任務是對學生進行口語訓練。 要求學生以對話的形式描 述與朋友之間產(chǎn)生的問題、解決的過程、方法和結果,并對怎樣維護友情提出建 議。這部分所設計的五項任務層次清晰,內(nèi)容連貫,為學生順利
13、進行口語訓練提 供了有效的幫助。2.教材重組2.1無論從話題內(nèi)容上還是從學習方式上分析,INTRODUCTION,FUNCTION AND SPEA-KING , EVERYDAY ENGLISH 和 TASK 都是一致的,因此可將這幾部分整合在一起,設計成一節(jié)任務型“口語課”。2.2 READING AND VOCABULARY 中的五項活動和作為課文的閱讀材料是一個整體,設計成一節(jié)“閱讀課”。再將WORKBOOK中Vocabulary的鞏固性練習加進來,這一課時會非常充實。2.3 GRAMMAR (1)和緊隨其后的 SPEAK-ING 整合在一起是一節(jié)完整的“語法課”。因SPEAKING的
14、任務是要求學生運用剛學過的語法知識復述課文, 其作用恰好是鞏固和活用所學語法,同時可把WORKBOOK中79頁的語法練習1 & 2充實到本課時中來。2.4根據(jù)本模塊的特點,可以把 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY 與GRAMMAR (2)整合在一起上成一節(jié)“聽力課”。GRAMMAR (2)要求學生抓住 聽力練習中的語法點,拓展該語法內(nèi)容,是聽力材料的延伸。 WORKBOOK中 79 頁的練習 3、4、5 是配合 GRAMMARS) 的,而 83 頁的 Listening and speaking可作為本課時的補充。2.5將 CULTURAL CORNER中的閱讀教材與 WORK
15、BOOK中的Reading部分整合在一起,組成一節(jié)“泛讀課”。2.6 WRITING 和 WORKBOOK 中的 Speaking and writing可整合成一節(jié) “寫作課”。3. 課型設計與課時分配1st PeriodSp eak ing2nd PeriodRead ing3rd PeriodGrammar4th PeriodListe ning5th PeriodExte nsive Read ing6th PeriodWritingIV.分課時教案The First PeriodSp eakingTeaching goals 教學目標1. Target language 目標語言a.
16、重點詞匯和短語 close, chat, frie ndsh ip. Ion ely, relati on shi p, shy, trust, p redict, click, make frie nds, get to know, personal matters, close friend, two of a kind, get together, get on well, it my guessb.交際用語I e known him / her for.We first met six years ago. I remember . for the first time.Were go
17、od / close / best frie nds.We (dont) get on very well. We (dont) trust each other.We . quarrel.We see each other.Weve lost touch. / We still kee p in touch.2. Ability goals 能力目標En able the stude ntsto talk about frie nds and frie ndsh ip, telli ng their partners what their ideas are about frien dsh
18、ip and discuss how to kee p friends.3. Learning ability goals 學能目標Help the stude nts lear n how to talk about frie ndshi p.Teaching impo rtant p oints教學重點Let the stude nts lear n to describe their friends and the thoughts of frie ndsh ip as well as lear n some everyday En glish.Teaching difficult p
19、oints 教學難點a. How to exp ress their ideas about frie nds, frie nd-sh ip, person alities and so on.b. Guide the stude nts to lear n to describe a p roblem with a frie nd and give advice on how to kee p frie nds.Teaching methods教 學方法Talk ing; p air work or group work.Teaching aids教 具準備A compu ter and a
20、 p rojector.Teaching p rocedures & way教學過程與方式Step I Lead-inT: Good morning / after noon, boys and girls!Ss: Good morni ng / after noon, Sir / Madam!T: PI ease look at the pi cture on the scree n.Show the followi ng picture on the scree n.*T: Do you know what the picture is about?Ss: Yes. about an ol
21、d Chinese story “Asking for guilt with sticks” .T: Good. Who would like to tell the story to the class?S: Let me try. The story happened duri ng the Spring and Autu mn P eriod. The two persons in the picture are Lin Xiang-ru and Lian Po. They re both the upper officersof kin gdom of Zhao. Once Lin X
22、ian g-ru made a great con tributi on to the country and had a cha nee to reach a higher p ositi on. But the gen eral Lia n Po env ied him and always tried to p ut him in trouble while Lin Xia ng-ru tried to avoid Lia n Po each time he met him. Fin ally, Lia n Po knew about that and felt very sorry f
23、or what he did. To show his regret, Lia n Po came to Lin Xian g-ru and asked for forgive ness with sticks on his back. Lin Xian g-ru was p leased to forgive him. They later became best frie nds and un der their efforts together, Zhao became a po werful kin gdom.T: That perfect. Let give him a big ha
24、nd. So what can we learn from the story?S: Frie ndsh ip is very imp orta nt to every one, and eve n to the man ageme nt of a country.S: Yes. Every one n eeds frien ds. In our daily life, if we have frie nds, we can live a happier and better life.S: If great persons have good frie nds, like Marx and
25、En gels, they can help coun tries and the whole world.Ste p II IntroductionT: Youve got the right thoughts. So duri ng this class, well lear n somethi ng about the most imp orta nt eleme nt in interpersonal relatio nshipsfrien dshi p. I think this word isntunfamiliar to all of us. We have close frie
26、nds, school friends and so on. What your own attitude towards friendship? I cant help waiting to know. Look at some stateme nts in Activity 1 on p age 21 about frie ndsh ip. Work in p airs to discuss whether you agree with them or not and exp lai n the reas on sto each other, starti ng like the exa
27、mple in Activity 4. Are you clear?Ss: Yeah!The students will have a discussion and tell each other their ideas about these stateme nts. After a while, check their jobs.T: OK. The first stateme nt is: Most people have only one close frie nd, some one they know really well. Do you agree with it? (The
28、first p air)S: I dont agree with that. A lot of people have more than one close friend. For exa mp le, the 108 heroes in the Outlaws of the Marsh, who would devote their lives to their frie nds, were all close friends.S: But I agree with it. Only one close frie nd is eno ugh. Marx had only one close
29、 frie ndEngels. It was Engels friendship that helped Marx finish his great work for theworki ng people.T: Mm, both of you are reas on able. What about the sec ond one? (The sec ond p air)S: I agree with it. A good frie nd is a person who you can tell whatever you think inyour mind and can help you;
30、share your happin ess and sorrow.S: I dont agree. Even though you have a good friend, you cant tell him all yourpersonal matters. You must lear n to deal with them by your own.T: A ll right. I see, you have different ideas. Well, what are your opinions on“Yourfrien dshi p is as imp orta nt as your r
31、elatio nship with your family” ? (The third pair)S: I would like to argue that frie ndsh ip is less imp or-ta nt tha n relati onship with family.Family is the most imp orta nt part in our lives.S: I agree with my partner. Frie ndsh ip will n ever take the p lace of the relatio nship offamily. But I
32、also thi nk it is very imp orta nt in our life. I n my opinion, they are not thesame and cant be comp ared.T: Well done. Now, do you have any idea about“It takes time to really get to knowsome one and find out what they are like” ? (The fourth pair)S: Yes, I think ifsright. Knowing a person n eeds t
33、ime.S: I don tth ink so because I have a best friend. The first time we met, we both thoughtit sas if we had known each other for quite a long time.T: Thats true. “ Every one feels shy and Ion ely at some time in their life” Your ideas?(The fifth pair)S: That depen ds. Differe nt people have differe
34、 nt dis-p ositi ons.S: But we are sometimes in a p ositi on where wee helpl ess and sad. No one can avoidit.T: Well done. Then come to the n ext:“To make frie nds easily, you n eed to be verykind. ” Is that right? (The sixth pair)S: Absolutely. We must be kind to each other.S: Yes, I feel the same.
35、Kindn ess is the basis of making frien ds.“To make frie nds easily, you n eed to be able to chat aboutT: Right. Then the last one:unimp orta nt thin gs.” Do you think so? (The seve nth p air)S: I agree. We can make friends via chatt ing. Whe n we know each other well, we cantell some personal matter
36、s or somethi ng imp orta nt for us.S: But I don th ink so. Marx and En gels were close frie nds and all that they talkedabout were imp orta nt thin gs. But I agree that for our com mon persons, chatt ingunimp orta nt things makes it easy to make frie nds.T: Youre all great. You have your own opinion
37、s on frie ndsh ip. Thats very good. Didyou no tice some p hrases in the stateme nts just now?Ss: Yes. You stressed them while read ing. And we also can find them in Activity 3.T: Oh, youre so smart. Tell me the p hrases and make senten ces with them.S:“Make friends” . Hes good at making friends.S:“
38、Get to know l”suddeniy get to know that she is a cheater.S:“Personal matters . It s my personal matters, and none of your bus in ess.S:“ Close friend Close friends can help you a lot when you are in trouble.T: Wonderful. Youve developed a good habit to gather information. Now let slearnsome words ab
39、out relati on shi p. Look at Activity 2 and match the meanings with thewords in the box. Then make new senten ces based on the words. The first one?Ss: “ Relati onship” . Relati onship is imp orta nt to every one.T: Good. Then the next?Ss: “ Shy” . Sheshy when she meets strangers.T: Right. The n cam
40、e to the third one.Ss: “Trust” . Trust yourself, youll be the winner.T: Won derful. How about the next?Ss:“ Friendship ” .1 value our friendship very much.T: Brillia nt boy. The n ext one?Ss: “ Chat” . Hechatting with his friends happily.T: Oh, a happy sce ne. We coming to the last.Ss :“ Lonely ” .
41、He felt lonely while studying abroad.T: Good job.Step III Function and Sp eakingT: By what you did just now, I believe you e known much about friendship. We start a new part now. You all have frien ds, dohyou?Ss: Yes, we do!T: Well, you must be eager to tell the class about the story betwee n your f
42、rie nds and you, right? I give you a cha nee. Work in p airs and talk to each other about your best friend using the questio ns in Activity 2 on p age 28, accordi ng to the ste ps in Activity 1 on page 27. A few minutes ater, I 1 ask some of you to present the outcome of your ideas in the form of te
43、lli ng stories to the class. OK?The stude nts will start to have a talk in p airs, while the teacher goes among them to see if they have any questi ons and directs the studentactivities.A few min utes later.T: Are you ready?Ss: Yes.T: Who want to be volun teers?Ss: (The first p air) Les us have a tr
44、y.Possible stories: 1. My best frie nd is my classmate. What is sp ecial, we have bee n in the same class since p rimary school. We know each other very well and we ofte n have the same feeli ng. After all, we have stayed together so long. We sometimes quarrel about small things but not long we apo
45、logize to each other. Wee just like sisters.2. I met my best friend all by accident. One day I was playing basketball on the ground, suddeniy I hurt my feet and they bled. They were nearly killing me.Fort un ately, a boy crossed by and sent me to the hos pital in time. My feet were cured and a good
46、friend is also made. I value our friendship very much. He is a kind- hearted boy and I hope our frie ndsh ip will last forever.T: Very good and won derful! Thank you and sit dow n, p lease!Show the in formatio n in the liste ning text on p age 25 for the stude nts to do the p air work.T: Now let swi
47、tch roles to act as a reporter and Liao Mei. By questioning and an sweri ng, welearn more about their frie ndsh ip.Let the stude nts make the in terview as being told and the n check the work.Sam pie dialogue 1:A: Whe n did you first meet each other?B: We met each other about nine years ago.A: How a
48、re you gett ing on? And how about your frie ndsh ip now?B: We get on very well all the time and the friendship between us hasn changed a little. We treat each other just like family members.A: Have you ever quarreled?B: Yes, We have quarreled seriously three times. But each time we have made up and
49、become best frie nds aga in.A: A firm frien dsh ip! Thank you.Samp le dialogue 2:A: What do you two have in com mon?B: We both have very lively person alities and have a great in terest in books.A: Do you always have the same idea about thi ngs in your life?B: Most of the time we have the same idea,
50、 but some-times we have a little forks. But that has no hurt to our frien dsh ip.A: Have you always bee n together now?B: No. We went to differe nt colleges at the age of 18, but we kee p in touch through e-mail and still stay best frie nds.A: You are really best frie nds. Thank you.T: Very good job
51、! How I envy their frie ndsh ip! What about you?Ss: Yes, we too.T: I wish you all best friends in your lives. Now we l come to Everyday En glish.Ste p IV Everyday EnglishT: Now turn to p age 28 and look at each sentence in Everyday En glish. PI ease tell me what the words in bold mean. And try to re
52、member them.Prepare a table on the screen. When the students speak out one phrase with one mea ning, show them out with the sample senten ce. Dick the mouse one by one.P hrasesExa mplestwo of a kindThey are really two of a kind.get togetherFrie nds ofte n get together.get on wellThe old couple gets
53、on very well.It my guessHow nice it is! It my guess!clickGood friends always click each other.If time po ssible, man age the stude nts to make more senten ces.Step V TaskT: Now let start a new part. Sometimes good friends quarrel with each other. Now work in p airs to describe a p roblem you had wit
54、h a frie nd and give advice on how to keep friends. I think it will be of great use to you. Here is a talking guide for you.Letslear n how to do this ki nd of dialogue.Show the guida nee on the scree n.Relatio nshipGood frie nds on the InternetP roblemQuarreled on line because he sold my equipment i
55、n the game without telli ng me aheadWhat happensForgive each other and still be good friendsWhat to lear nListe n to your frie nd p atie ntly before quarrelli ng; kind and forgivi ngAdvice onFrie nds n eed res pect, trust and un dersta nding; to be hon est;how to kee p frie ndskee p in touchA sam pi
56、e dialogue:A: How did you know each other?B: We know each other via the Intern et. We pl ayed the same game and felt happy talki ng to each other.A: The n what is the p roblem betwee n you?B: One day I found that he sold my equipment of the game without informing me. I got very angry and quarreled with him on line.A: What happed next?B: The n he said sorry to me and told me that he really had some very imp orta nt thi ngs to buy and phoned me quite a few times but couldnfi nd me. So he decided to sell it first and tell me about it later. I also remembered that I was
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