譯林牛津版高中英語Module 1 Unit 3 Reading教學(xué)(課堂PPT)_第1頁
譯林牛津版高中英語Module 1 Unit 3 Reading教學(xué)(課堂PPT)_第2頁
譯林牛津版高中英語Module 1 Unit 3 Reading教學(xué)(課堂PPT)_第3頁
譯林牛津版高中英語Module 1 Unit 3 Reading教學(xué)(課堂PPT)_第4頁
譯林牛津版高中英語Module 1 Unit 3 Reading教學(xué)(課堂PPT)_第5頁
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1、123 Some people are overweight, some are a little fat, and some are slim. Find why people are fat.Eating/drinking/sleeping too much.4certain medicines/foodoriginal chunky(矮胖的) 5 genetic(遺傳的遺傳的) Like father, like son. 6AndySammislim figure(shape) attractiveoverweight(fat)7Suppose you are a bit overwe

2、ight like Sammi, do you want to lose weight to look more attractive? How many ways can you think of to lose weight?Questionnaire 1:8go on a dietdo an operation (fat extraction抽脂抽脂)take weight-loss pills/teago to the gym to do exercise/wok out?Andy9 Questionnaire 2:If you were an actor or actress, wo

3、uld you take weight-loss pills to keep slim? Why?(give me your reasons)Michael Jordan :I can accept failure, but I cant accept not trying !101.work out1.work out2.figure2.figure3.priceless3.priceless4.recovering4.recovering5.attractive5.attractive6.embarrassed6.embarrassed body shape becoming well a

4、gain exercise very valuable or important ashamed beautiful or pleasant to look at111.Where does Amy come from?2.What kind of pills did Amy take?3.What caused Amys liver to fail?Guess what “Dying to be thin”means.Canada.Weight-loss pills called Fat-Less.The weight-loss pills.12What does the title “Dy

5、ing to be thin” mean?Amy wanted to _very much.She was going to _because she had taken some weight-loss pills. be thindie13 1 According to Para 2 in the first e-mail, Amy is an actress, _. A. who often exercises B. who wanted to lose some weight C. who became ill D. who ate littleFinish exercise C1 o

6、n Page44142 Why did Amy decide to take weight-loss pills? A. She was overweight. B. She was having problems. C. Her clothes did not fit. D. She wanted to become slimmer.15 3 At the hospital, the doctors told Amy she would _. A. live for seven days B. have to donate her liver C. die without a new liv

7、er D. need her mothers liver16 4 Li Dong, a young Chinese, _. A. saved Amys life by donating money to her B. saved Amys life by giving her part of his liver C. told Amy never to take weight-loss pills again D. once worked with Amy17 5 Zhou Ling, Amys friend _. A. did not want to read Amys e-mails B.

8、 was sorry to hear about Amys problems C. thinks Amy should lose weight D. thinks diets and weight-loss pills are necessary18 6 Amys experience is _. A. an interesting one B. forgotten by her family C. like that of some people in China D. a problem only for actresses19Read again. Discuss with your p

9、artner to find out the main idea of each e-mail. 1st e-mail : Dying to be thin2nd e-mail : RecoveringAmy was recovering from_. She regretted _and wanted to thank Li Dong for_.In order to lose weight, Amy takes _ pills and becomes_.3rd e-mail : Reply to “recovering”_was sorry to hear about Amys probl

10、em and hoped_, as well as all the others whod like to lose weight , would value_.weight-lossslimmer and slimmerliver failuretaking the weight-loss pillsdonating part of his liver to herZhou LingAmyhealth207 7 kgkgused to go to the gymnowtake weight-loss pillsWhy?an actress; ashamed; prepare for a ne

11、w role How?slimmer; feel tired and weakMumIt is dangerous. Health is priceless.The 1st e-mail21Where?Why?What?How?In hospitalSuffer from liver failurePills contain a harmful chemical.Li Dong donated more than half of his liver to her.The 2nd E-mail22 Amy is now recovering from a bad cold in hospital

12、. ( ) Li Dong donated part of his liver to save Amys life. ( ) Amy follows doctors advice and often goes to the gym. ( ) Now Amy eats lots of fruit and vegetables. ( ) For a slim and attractive figure, we can damage our health. ( )liver failure , but seldomcantFFFTTT or F23Zhous adviceTo Amy:To many

13、 Chinese people:We shouldnt be embarrassed about our weight.They should learn from Amys story.Nothing is more important than health.24Summing-up The 1st & 2nd e-mails _(write) by Amy, who is an actress in Canada, _(tell) her own story of _(lose) weight and the result. From the two e-mails, we ca

14、n see the change of Amys opinion about beauty and health. The 3rd e-mail ,which is written by Zhou Ling, _(reply) to the first two, can_ (regard) as a conclusion of the whole passage-Nothing is more important than health.are writtentellinglosingbe regardedreplying25What is your opinion towards beauty and health?Being healthy is beauty.26DiscussionWhat do you think is the best way to keep healthy? Why?Work out, every day!Work out, every day!Looking good, feeling good!Looking good, feel


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