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1、(完整版)菲傭的崗位說明書一一讓基層管理者汗顏菲傭工作內(nèi)容和要求細(xì)則總共分以下幾部分:A) Bi-monthly Household Chores家務(wù)(隔月)B) Weekly Household Chores?每星期工作C) Daily Routines? Households?日常工作指引-家務(wù)D) General Tidyi ng?一般整理E) Cooki ng & Prepari ng Meals 煮覦及準(zhǔn)備膳食F) Laundry & Ironing/?洗衣及熨衫G) Guest Reception?招待客人H) Others?其他I) FOR EMERGENCY SITUATION

2、S?緊急事故J) Look after the baby 照顧小朋友K) Children safety /?小孩安全L) Perso nal Hygie ne & Dressi ng?個人衛(wèi)生及衣著M) Manners?工作態(tài)度A) Bi-monthly Household Chores 家務(wù)(隔月)1. Clea n the roof top and walls using dry cloth whe n required有需要時可用干布清潔天花板及墻身。2. Clea n in terior of all drawers, cab in ets and wardrobes whe n r

3、equired 有需要時清潔抽屜、柜及衣柜里面。3. Clean the exterior and interior of the refrigerator清潔雪柜里面及外面。4. Clean the exterior and interior of the kitchen清潔廚房5. Wash the window curta in清潔窗簾B) Weekly Household Chores? 每星期工作1. Kitche n?廚房-Clean the wall tiles.清潔墻磚-Clea n the wi ndow and frames清潔窗及窗框-Clea n exhaust fan

4、s and smoke hoods清潔抽氣扇油-Clean the exterior and interior of the oven, microwave oven and garbage bin.清潔燃爐、-Clea n the exterior of kitche n cab in ets清潔廚柜而。-Clea n the kitche n rack清潔廚房用的架2. Bathroom /?浴室-Wash the wall tiles清洗墻磚-Clea n the door and door frames清潔門口及門框-Clea n the window and exhaust fan清

5、潔窗戶及抽氣扇-Clea n the mirror清潔鏡子-Clea n the exterior and in terior of the bathroom cab in et a nd glass rack清潔浴室柜內(nèi)外及玻璃架。-Clea n the exterior of the heater water清潔熱水爐之外而。-Wash the shower curta in清洗浴簾-Clean the exterior and interior of the washing machine, includingthe washing powdercontainer清潔洗衣機(jī)之內(nèi)外,包括放

6、洗衣粉儲存格。3. Sitti ng Room, Di nning Room and Bedrooms?客廳、飯廳及睡房-Clean all door, windows and frame清潔所有門、窗及框-Wax clea n the TV set, Hi-Fi, air-c on diti oner, fan, wardrobe, etc抹干凈電視、音響組合、冷氣機(jī)、風(fēng)扇及柜。-Change and laundry all bed sheets, pillow cases and quilt covers更換及清洗床單、床笠及枕袋。-Laundry the cushi on cover清洗

7、咕臣。-Clean the child s bed清潔小孩所睡的床。4. Others?其他 / Lain-Lain-Wash the baby s carriage and toys清潔嬰兒車及玩具-Clea n hair combs and brush清潔梳及刷子-Clea n shoes清潔鞋-Polish leather shoes用鞋油刷亮皮革的鞋-Clea n non-leather shoes with deterge nt or wet cloth用清潔劑或濕布清潔非皮革的鞋1 . Prepare breakfast if require準(zhǔn)備早餐2 Daily gen eral

8、 clea n-up日常清潔Kitchen?廚房-Mop the kitche n floor. Whe n it is greasy, clea n it with deterge nt.清潔廚房地板,如地面有油漬,需用清潔劑清潔-Wash dishes and cups清潔碗碟-Clean the stove, sink, rice cooker, pan, pots and after cooking utensils after each meal每次煮食后,必需清潔爐灶、洗手盆、電飯煲、鍍、平底鍋、煲及所有廚具。-Clea n the kettle and water bottle

9、whe n n ecessary.有需要時清潔水雷:及水樽Bathroom?浴室-Clea n the mirror清潔鏡-Clea n the toilet bowls daily with clea nsers每日用清潔劑清潔坐廁-Mop the toilet floor daily and clea n it with dry cloth it is wet廁所地面需每天拖洗,如地面弄濕,必須用布抹干-Scrup and clea n the bath tub and sink要小心謹(jǐn)慎地清潔浴缸及洗手盆Sitti ng Room, Di nning Room and Bedrooms?

10、客盛、飯廳及睡房-Sweep the floor拖地-Mop the floor with diluted bleach and rinse with water daily每天用稀釋的漂白水拖地及用清水抹干凈-Make up beds every morning每朝整理好床單-Dust all furn iture and decorati ons所有家保及擺設(shè)均須掃塵-Wipe the sofa擦凈沙發(fā)-Wash the baby s changing mat with water and wipe dry with designated cloth用清水洗干凈嬰兒換尿片墊及用專用布抹干l

11、unch and dinner準(zhǔn)備午餐及晚餐drinking water and always check if there is water in the hot pot and glass準(zhǔn)備飲用的水及經(jīng)常檢查是否有熱沸水和凍沸水a(chǎn)nd iron the clothes after laundry dry and mend the clothes if n ecessary.洗衣后要熨衫及摺好衣服to market去街市買餓shoes, which were worn and that day with dry cloth用干布抹干凈雇主所穿的鞋the pla nts outside th

12、e window盆栽/植物需澆水a(chǎn)ll the garbage and close the window in the kitche n before you go to bed.睡前必須清理所有垃圾及關(guān)上廚房的窗D) General Tidyi ng? 一般整理1. Keep all doors and win dows clea n and free of dust.經(jīng)常保持門窗清潔及避免鋪塵2. Keep the kitche n clea n, tidy and free from odor.保持廚房清潔及整理,并避免產(chǎn)生異味3. Keep the living room, dinin

13、g room and bedrooms clean and tidy at all times.要經(jīng)常保持客廳、飯廳及睡房時 常整潔。4. Put back children s toys and belongings in their respective places.將小孩玩完的玩具放回原處。separate towels for different purposes, . separate towels for wiping floor,cleaning furniture,cleaning dining table, washing cups, washing basin and w

14、ashingtoilets etc.用不同的抹布予不同的用途,例如將不同抹布分別用于抹地、清潔家具、清潔飯桌、洗杯、洗洗手盆及清潔廚房等。E) Cooki ng & Prepari ng Meals煮筏送及準(zhǔn)備膳食1. Wash your hands thoroughly before prepari ng or servi ng food.必須徹底清潔雙手才準(zhǔn)備食物。drinking water must be boiling point (afterthe water kettle has been beeping forat least one minu tes) before serv

15、i ng.所有飲用的水必需達(dá)到煲滾程度(當(dāng)水壺至少發(fā)出“ BeeBee” 一分鐘)才可供飲用。to prepare and cook meals. Do not hesitate to ask and lear n to cook more dishes.須要學(xué)習(xí)如何去預(yù)備及煮創(chuàng)心要主動去學(xué)煮多些不同款式的菜。able to provide the children with good meals in the absenee of your employers, and make sure that they fini shed the meal.當(dāng)雇主不在家時,也要為小孩提供豐富有營養(yǎng)的食

16、物,以及確保小孩吃飽。5. Do not waste food.不可浪費(fèi)食物。6. If you have to an swer the teleph one while cook ing, wash your hands first.如果你在煮覦時需要接聽電話,必須先清潔雙手。7. En sure that meals are prepared and served at the proper time.要確保所預(yù)備的跳菜能準(zhǔn)時預(yù)備妥當(dāng)。8. Always keep all dished and cook ing ute nsils clea n.要經(jīng)常保持碗碟及廚具清潔。F) Laun d

17、ry & Iro nin g/?洗衣及熨衫clothes accord ing to in structi ons as in label of deterge nt and label attached to clothes. Hand wash of delicate clothes whe n n eeded.洗衣時應(yīng)按照衣服上的洗衣標(biāo)簽而清洗衣服,當(dāng)有需要時要用手洗名貴衣物。2. When washing clothes, do not mix with those changing-color. Always check with your employer whe n you ar

18、e in doubt.當(dāng)洗衣時,不可將容易脫色的衣物其他衣物放在同一機(jī)洗。如有任何疑問,應(yīng)問清楚雇主。adult s clothes by machine when there is a full load. Hand wash of baby, s clothing immediately when they are soiled with milk, urine or feces.當(dāng)成人衣物儲滿一機(jī)時可以用洗衣機(jī)洗,但嬰兒的衣服沾滿奶、4. Check all pockets before wash ing.先檢查衣服的口袋里是否有東西要拿出來才清洗衣服。5. Remove dirt wi

19、th pre-wash before wash ing.要先清潔頑固污漬才放在洗衣機(jī)內(nèi)洗。6. En sure clothes are in side-out before wash ing.要確認(rèn)衣服是向外翻才放進(jìn)機(jī)洗。must be very good especially sir s shirts and bus in ess suits. Always ask for advice if you are n ot clearwhat temperature shouldbe used for ironing some particularlyclothes.熨先生之恤衫或西裝時要特別小

20、心和留意,如對于一些不清楚物料,便要向雇問 清楚可用幾高溫度去熨這些衣服。clothes must be hung up properly in the wardrobe or kept in the respective shelves/ drawers熨好的衣服必須掛在衣柜內(nèi)或摺好分別放在有關(guān)之抽屜或柜內(nèi)。up the drawers and wardrobes from time to time. ?耍定期整理衣柜及抽屜內(nèi)的衣物。works must be done whe n n ecessary, . replaci ng loose ned butt ons, hem ming,

21、etc.有需要時,必需做簡單的縫補(bǔ)工夫如補(bǔ)衫鈕及縫補(bǔ)。G) Guest Reception?招待客人there are guest for meals, clear their dishes and make sure drinks are topped up.當(dāng)有客人到訪用膳,要替客人清潔干凈碗碟及留意客人飲品需否增添。2. When there are house guests, attend to their needs, . serving drinks. 當(dāng)客人到訪,要隨時留意她們的需要。例如準(zhǔn)備飲品予客人。3. After the guests have left, tidy up

22、 the place immediately.當(dāng)客人離開,要立即收拾整理地方。H) Others?其他?LainTainup before 7:00 in the morni ng.每天早上七時起床。case of illness, please notify your employer.如有不適,要先通知雇主.尿液或糞便時便要實時手洗。breakable items must be handled with great care. If something is broken of damaged because of careless ness, it is agreed that the

23、 equivale nt replaceme nt costs of those items can be deducted from your salary accord ing to labor law.易碎物件應(yīng)小心輕放,如不小心打爛,雇主有權(quán)按勞工法例要求工人作出賠償,并于工資 內(nèi)扣取相等價值。4. Must report any mistakes or accidents immediately and ask for instruction.如發(fā)生任何意外或做錯事,應(yīng)向雇主匯報及尋求指示。not use your employer s belongings and articles

24、. Do not eat snacks in front of childre n or give your food to them without the prior permissi on of your employer.不可擅自使用雇主物品,不可在小孩面前吃零食,不可在沒有雇主批準(zhǔn)下給予你的食物予小朋友。contents of the house are allowed to be taken away or removed from the house without the prior approval from your employer. It will be reporte

25、d to police immediately if any valuables are stole n.不可未經(jīng)雇主同意拿取屋內(nèi)的任何物品離開,否則如有任何貴重物品遺失,雇主會立即報警。7. Do not leave the house without your employer s prior permission.不可未經(jīng)雇主 同意擅自離開屋企。friends or relatives are allowance to your employer s house or let them stayoverni ght.雇主嚴(yán)禁你帶朋友或親屬到雇主屋企或讓她們過夜。n eed to make

26、work ing hours, you should refrain from making pers onal calls. If you urge nt phone calls, please limited them to no more tha n 5 mi nu tes.在工作時間內(nèi),你不應(yīng)傾談私人電話,如你有緊急的電話要致電,也應(yīng)限于五分鐘內(nèi)傾完。10. Do not make Iong-distaneetelephone calls or receive collect calls at the house.在家里不可月雇主電話打長途電話或翻閱電話記錄。not read book

27、 or write any letters during your workings days, so it on your holidays.不可于工作時間內(nèi)看書或?qū)懶?,?yīng)該在你的假期內(nèi)進(jìn)行。your employers instruction on how to do the household work and take care of thebaby. Please make sure that you un dersta nd your employer in struct ions clearly allthe time by jott ing dow n in struct io

28、ns if n ecessary or ask your employer to repeat it.按照你的雇主指示如何處理家務(wù)及照顧小朋友,如有需要,可用筆記下重點或重覆問清楚雇主以確保你能清晰明白雇主的吩咐。 not feel bad when being criticized. It may mean that you have not performed satisfactorily and timely comme nts may help you make improveme nts.當(dāng)你被雇主責(zé)備時,不可露出不悅之色,因為適當(dāng)?shù)呢?zé)備能改善你的工作表現(xiàn)。show annoyanc

29、e whe n work ing and do not grumble.不可在工作時埋怨,不可賭博。15. Do not ask for adva nee salary from your employer.不可向你的雇主預(yù)支工資。not borrow money from your employer, friends or finance companies. You will bedismissed if it is found that you have an outside loa n from finance compa ni es.不可向你的雇主、朋友及財務(wù)公司借錢,如雇主發(fā)現(xiàn)你向

30、外面的財務(wù)公司借錢,雇主會實時與你終止合約。not use your passport as a collateral to borrow money. Make copies on all documents, passport, visa con tract, and HKID card and keep them in a separate and safe place.不可用你的護(hù)照作為抵押去借錢,所有文件如護(hù)照、合約及身份證都應(yīng)影印副本,并將你的正本文件分開及存放于安全的地方。are not allowed to use employer s address and teleph o

31、ne nu mber for whatever purpose without your employer s permission.在未獲雇主同意下,你不可給予雇主的地址及電話予他人作任何目的。19. Smok ing is strictly prohibited.嚴(yán)禁吸煙。not take drugs and alcohol any where and any time.在任何情況,不可飲酒及吸毒。employers permissi on, you are not allow to turn on the air con diti oner, watch TV and liste n t

32、o radio.未經(jīng)雇主同意,不可擅自開冷氣、電視及收音機(jī)。you are at home alone (or with the baby), always lock the door, but DON T shutthe door, otherwise, your employer cannot come in.當(dāng)你獨(dú)留在家(與嬰兒),?大門要經(jīng)常關(guān)上,但不可鎖實大門,因為雇主不能進(jìn)入。water and en ergy and use less deterge nt for clea ning節(jié)約用水及能源,少用清潔劑24. Machine wash clothing only when

33、there is a full load.當(dāng)洗衣機(jī)載滿一機(jī)衣服才開動。off light/ fan whe n it is not used.電燈及風(fēng)扇用后要記得關(guān)掉。apply deterge nt on stubbor n sta insand dilute the deterge nt or use just water forday to day clea ning.每日的清潔只需用水清潔,對于頑固的污漬才用清潔劑。DFOR EMERGENC Y SITUATION 緊急事故l)Whe never an ENfERGENY occurs, be sure to call your em

34、ployer IMMEDIATELY and askfor specific in structio ns. However, whe n FIRE breaks out, TAKE TOGETHER THEBABY/CHILDREN TO LEAVE THE FLAT FIRST and stay at a safe place, then call your employer for in structi on.當(dāng)發(fā)生任何緊急事故,記得立即通知雇主尋求指示。 但如發(fā)生火警,應(yīng)立即帶嬰孩離開屋企, 留在安全的地方才致電給雇主再作安排。J) Look after the baby照顧小朋友pa

35、tient to the child and pay attention to his needs at any time.要對小孩有耐性及隨時留意小孩需要care of the child whe never he/she is awake. Play with the child, talk to him/hersing to him/her and read with him/her.自小孩起床后,便要細(xì)心照料小孩,陪他 /她們玩耍、說話、唱歌及閱讀the child on time. Never use microwaves / boiling water to heat bottle

36、s of milk.Discard left-over milk.準(zhǔn)時喂小孩吃奶,不可用微波爐或用熱沸水去翻熱奶樽內(nèi)的奶,飲剩的奶掉棄。each meal, wet the child s towel with boiled water and clean his/her mouth & teeth, his/her face his/her hands and fin gers.每次喂奶后,要用沾濕凍沸水毛巾去抹小孩的嘴、牙齒、臉、手及手指all feedi ng bottles and n ipple with deterge nt and the n sterilize themdail

37、y before use. After feeding the baby, clean the feeding bottles and nipples with water and brush immediately.每天用清潔劑清潔所有奶樽及奶嘴,在使用前必需清毒。喂奶后,要立即用清水清潔奶樽及奶嘴,并用刷子刷干凈regularly to see whether his/her diaper gets wet. If so, change it immediately and clean the child thoughly. If the changing mat is soiled wi

38、th urine or faeces, clean it immediately.定時檢查小孩尿片是否已濕,如果已濕,必須立即替小孩更換尿片及徹底清潔屁股、如更換尿片墊給尿液及糞便弄污,需立即清洗。will provide you a log book, mark down the time for feeding the baby, how much milk he/her drink / con gee he/her eat, time for cha nging his/her diapers and time forsleep.雇主會給你一本記事簿,記下BB喂奶時間、需要飲多少奶、水及

39、吃多少粥糊,并何時讓小孩換片及睡覺。child in the afternoon each day (twice per day in summer). (Only bathe child before or at least an hour after feedi ng the baby).每天下午替小孩沐浴(夏天每日兩次)(沐浴必需為小孩進(jìn)食前或進(jìn)食后一小時進(jìn)行)the child dirty clothes in the laundry up the towels and clean the child s bat-tub and toys immediately after bath.

40、將小孩骯臟衣服放進(jìn)污衣籃及掛好毛巾,沐浴后要立即清潔小孩之浴盆及玩具child will share the room with you, once he/she is crying, you must wake up immediately to look after him/her.你會與小孩同房,如小孩哭,你必須起床照料you hold the child, prepare food/milk for the him, sterelize feeding bottles andbefore and after changing diapers for him/her, you MUST

41、clean your hand with soap thoroughly.凡抱小孩、喂奶前或換尿片后,必需用視液徹底清潔雙手。going outside, cha nge clea n clothes before tak ing care of the child.出街后,必需更換干凈衣服才照料小孩K) Children s safety/ 小孩安全beat, shake or do any risky action to your employer s children and it will bereported to police immediately.千萬不可打、搖或做任何危害雇主

42、小孩的舉動,因雇主會立即報警處理。leave the children at home alone as it is very dangerous and illegal and you will be dismissed at once if it occurs.不可讓小孩獨(dú)自逗留在家中,因為這是非常危險及不合法的,如出現(xiàn)這個情況,你會實時被解雇。sleep with your employer s infant.不可與雇主初生嬰兒同睡doing the household chores, please ensure that your employer s children are pla

43、cing in safety area (or bed ) without any risk.當(dāng)你做家務(wù)時,必須確保雇主小孩安放在安全的地方(或床上)而沒有任何危險。childre n out of kitche n and toilet 要避免小孩進(jìn)入廚房及廁所等地方。 careful with hot boiling water and sharp objects.當(dāng)處理滾水或利器時要特別小心。 not to leave any pers onal bel ongings or anything that will harm the childre n inyour employer s

44、children s bed.記著千萬不可遺漏私人物品或任何物件在小孩的床上,因為很容易弄傷小孩。the nighttime, you may be required to attend to your employer s children.在晚上時間,你仍需要留意小孩否需要隨時照料。hand before giving or preparing food to your employer s children.Don t give theun clea n or unknown food or sn acks to your employer s childre n any time.在準(zhǔn)

45、備食物及喂孩子進(jìn)食時,必需清潔雙手,在任何情況下都不可給予不潔凈或自己不知道的食物或零食予雇主之小孩。give the unknown pills to childre n without the con set of your employer.在未得到雇主批準(zhǔn),不可給予任何不知名的藥物予小孩服用。L) Pers onal Hygie ne & Dress ing個人衛(wèi)生及衣著attention to your personal hygiene. For instance: wash your hands every time before and after changing diaper

46、s, before preparing food and after finishing toilet, take bath daily, wash your face and brush your teeth immediately after wak ing up.要注意你的個人衛(wèi)生,例如 :替小孩換尿片前后都要洗手,準(zhǔn)備食物及如廁后都要洗手。每 天起床后要洗澡、洗面及刷牙。your hair short, clean and tidy. Washyour hair frequently and brush your hair daily.頭發(fā)不可過長、要保持頭發(fā)干凈整齊。每天都要梳洗頭發(fā)

47、。your n ails short and clea n. Do not use any n ail polish on fin gers and toes. Do not put on make-up while you are on duty.要保持指甲干凈及不可留長指甲。不可涂指甲油于手指及腳指。不可于工作時間內(nèi)化妝。your clothes and un derwear every day.每天更換內(nèi)衣褲。wash your un derwear and socks everyday.每天手洗你的內(nèi)褲及襪子。you are allowed to wash your clothes t

48、ogether with those of your employer s family, it is advisable to hand wash your own clothes separately.除非雇主容許你的衣服可以和雇主家人的衣服一起洗,否則你應(yīng)手洗你自己衣服。the sanitary napkins properly by wrapping them up and put them in the garbage bags.衛(wèi)生巾要包好才掉進(jìn)垃圾桶。will share the bedroom with the child. Keep the bedroom clean and fresh at all times.Keep the door ope n throughout the day.你需要與小孩同房,故要經(jīng)常保持睡房清潔及空氣流通,房門要常開。all your personal belongings in the drawers designated to you. Never occupy other space without the prior permissi on of your employer.雇主會安排抽屜予你放私人物品,你不可未經(jīng)雇主同事而占用其他地方或抽屜。M) Ma nn ers工作態(tài)度


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