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1、教材分析教學(xué)目標單元主題牛津教材 1A Un itl Getti ng to know you. Hello.本周我們將學(xué)習(xí)牛津教材Moudlel第模塊知識,該單元主要還是圍繞學(xué)生們感熟悉的、貼近生活的有關(guān)新學(xué)期入學(xué)與人見面打招、問候和自我第等知識進行學(xué)習(xí)。主要句型涉及句型有:1. Hello! / Hi! 2. Good教學(xué)內(nèi)容morning! / after noon!3.Goodbye! 4. What' your n ame? Myn ame is ?. / I"irP .在教學(xué)過程中,可以借助圖片、玩偶和肢體語言讓學(xué)生理解對話意思 本單元“的知識相對較簡單,所以學(xué)生

2、應(yīng)該較感興趣。第一模塊主要是學(xué)習(xí)我們?nèi)粘I钪腥粘柡蛘Z和自我介 紹學(xué)生們該較感興趣,但是除了讓學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)書上的新詞匯及句型以外,還要教會學(xué)生更進一步描述各種場合的與人問候、交流。所以學(xué)生要一時運用起來還是有一些困 難。1. 語言知識目標:a. 學(xué)習(xí)掌握單詞:掌握教材中的有關(guān)日常問候語的詞匯和句型。能在情境 中辨認和運用單詞和句型,能夠準確的讀準讀音和對單詞做選.b. 學(xué)習(xí)掌握主要句型:Hello! / Hi!Good morning! / after noon! Goodbye!c. Use the simple prese nt tense to express in terests.d.

3、Use formulaic expressi ons to make suggesti ons.2. 語言技能目標:a. 掌握并能熟練運用主要句型:b. Use simple senten ces to com muni cate with others.e. g(1)Hello! / Hi!(2)Good morning! / after noon!(3)Goodbye!./ I"m?(4)What ' your name? My name is3. 學(xué)習(xí)策略目標:過跟,創(chuàng)設(shè)有趣的情境,讓學(xué)生在情境中使用基本單詞和句型,通競賽,創(chuàng)設(shè)情境,TPR,兒歌等形式來掌握本課單詞和核

4、心句型4. 情感態(tài)度目標:讓學(xué)生熱愛生活,增強學(xué)生對英語學(xué)習(xí)的興趣,敢 于英 語表達自己的情感!教學(xué)重點、難點教法學(xué)法課時安排1. Use the simple prese nt tense to express in terests.2. Use formulaic expressions to make suggestions.3. Use adverbs to express similar opinions.4. Use adverbs to express degree.5. Use nouns to ide ntify objects提出問題法(Question -Answer a

5、ctivity)獨立完成法(In dividuals)小組合作法(Group work )情境教學(xué)法(Situational Language Teaching)字母拼讀法(Phonics)歌謠韻文教學(xué)法(So ngs & Rhymes Teachi ng)本周課程分為5個課時Period 1:U nit1 Hello!Period 2:U nit2 My classmatePeriod 3: Unit3 My facePeriod 4:Ph onicsPeriod 5:Test1A Unit1 Hello!1. To Review the letters.2. To introduc

6、e and learn the new words.課新授課3To en able pupils to lear n and use the senten ces.4. To communi cate with others by using the senten ces.1. To lear n to greet with others and in troduce themselves.2. To con verse about feeli ngs, i nterests and experie nces.3. To train the pupilsabilities of listeni

7、ng and speaking.難點To com muni cate with others by using the senten ces.教具 PPT, pictures, word cards課 PPeriod 1集體Pre-task preparati on1. Greeti ngs.2. Sing the letters, song.3. Free talk.While-task procedure1. Lear n to express:Hello! I'rr?. / Hi! I'm?個性課Warm up.1. Sing a song.2. Review.Poced

8、ure1.Watch CD Rom andfollow it.Read the word after T.Group workSs read one by one. Show some pictures and say:2. Play the game.Ss follow T4. Ss readthe2. Teach to express Good morning!andwords clearly correctly.the5. Ss Answer Read and chant: Good morning to you!questi ons. Read the sentence Good mo

9、rning, ? High/Low voice Quick resp on se.3. Teach: Good after noon! Learn to read:Good afternoon to you!Consolidation1. Point and say out the words Read the sentence one by one. Read in group.4. Teach: Goodbye!Read the word.Pair work.Bomb Game.Post-task activity1. Flash the cards.2. T points and Ss

10、say.3. T asks and Ss an swer.4. Ss ask and Ss an swer.5. Sum up.clearly correctly.2.with using senten ces.3. Sum up.andCommuni cate othersby the作 業(yè) 布 置1. Read the senten ces.2. Listen to the tape and read for 5 times.1A Unit1 Starting school(Part A )板 書 設(shè) 斗Hello! I'm?.Good morning, ?Hi! I'm?

11、Good morni ng,Good after noon, ? after noon, ?!Goodbye!GoodBye! Byebye!題Un it2 My classmates課型新授課學(xué)目1. To Review the senten ces with others about greett in gs.2. To teach and use the senten ces.目 標教 材 分 析和 安 排重點1. To teach and use the sentences2. To com muni cate with others.Lear n to use the words,

12、being able to say the sentence with the難點words and being able to make a dialogue with others.教具PPT, pictures, word cards排教 學(xué) 過 程課時Period 2集體備課Pre-task preparati on1. Greeti ngs2. Make and do a cha nt.3. Free talk.4. T flash cards and the Ss say out the words.While-task procedure1. Using nouns to ide

13、 ntify school supplies.Rubber,A book2. Un dersta ndingsome words used com mon schoolsupplies.Book ruler pen cil rubber3. locat ingspecificin formati onin resp onsetosimple in structi ons.Post-task activity1. pronouncing the key words correctly.2. Usi ng modeled pjrases to com muni cate with other st

14、ude nts.個性備課Warm up1. Greeti ngwithstude nts.2. Cha nt.3. Free talk.4. Read the words byusingtheflashcards.Pocedure1. Review and lear n the words .2. Point and say.3. Make the stude nts read after the tape4. Play some Games.3. Pronouncing words in connected speech correctly by linking them together

15、and using appropriate stress.Con solidati on4. Sum up.1. Read the words andsenten ces.2. Ask the stude ntsto read out.3. Talk with others.作業(yè)布置4. Sum up.1. Write dow n the words.2. Read and try to recite the senten ces.1A Unit1 Starting school( Part B )A book ruler pencil rubberLooke!What is in the p

16、en cil case?What can you see?I can see a ruler.題1A Un it1 Start ing school(Part A and B )課型復(fù)習(xí)提升課教學(xué)目標1. To review the main words and senten ces.2. To en able pupils to talk about that they know by using the senten ces.3. To en courage the pupils to help other people that they n eed.教 材 分 析重點1. Using

17、the key words or senten ces in con text.2. Using key patter ns to ask and an swer.難點To con verse about feeli ngs ,in terests and experie nces和 安 排PPT, pictures, word cards教具教學(xué)過程課時Period 3: Part A and Part B集體備課Pre-task preparati on1. Greeti ngs2. Sing a song3. Free talk.4. T flash cards and the Ss s

18、ay out the words.While-task procedure1. Showthe students a pencil case . Then take out a ruler, a rubber and a pencil from the pencil case to elicit the new words.2. Ask the studentswhat can you see intheclassroom?Hold up some objcts that the stude nts have ,such as a ruler or a rubber.3. Ask the Ss

19、 to repeat the new words after you.4. Teach the rhyme on Stude nts Book page9.'個性備課Warm up.1. Greeting with the stude nts.2. Review the words.3. Let ' s talk.Procedure1. Ask the studentsto practice in pairs.2. Ask them to act itoutandmake adialogue.3. Liste ntotheE-book.4. Check the an swers

20、 with the pupils.Con solidati on5. Say aloud the n ames of the objects in troduced in Un it2 have the Ss hold up the corresp onding1. Ss read together.objects and repeat the word they have heard.2. Ss practice the Pracise until they can respond quickly. Then havewords and sentences in them practice

21、in groups.pairs.3. Ss show their twisters.Post-task activity1. Flash the cards.2. T points and Ss say.3. Ss make their own senten ces.4. Sum up.4. En couragethepupils tomake theirown senten ces.5. Sum up.作業(yè) 布 置.Do exercise P1板書設(shè)計1A Un it1 Starti ng school(Part A and B )1 What can you see? What can y

22、ou see?A book,a pen cil ,I can see.A book,a pen cil ,I can see.教 學(xué) 反 思課題Unit 3 My face課型新授課析和安' 排 ;Use modeled phrases to com muni cate with other Ss.Use modeled senten ces to in troduce the parts of a face.重點難點教具Use the key words in con text.To con verse about feeli ngs ,in terests and experie

23、ncesPPT, pictures, word cards課時 Period 4: Pho nicsPre-task preparati on1. Greeti ngs2. Sing a song3. Free talk.集體備課4. T flash cards and the Ss say out the words.While-task procedure1. Us ing nounts to ide ntify parts of a face.Eye mouth face nose2.Using formulaicexpressi onstoin troduceon eself.Hello, I ' m Jack.3.4.個性備課Warm up.1. Greeting with the stude nts.2


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