2021經(jīng)典英語句子大全 英語經(jīng)典句子大全_第1頁
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2021經(jīng)典英語句子大全 英語經(jīng)典句子大全_第4頁




1、本文格式為word版,下載可任意編輯2021經(jīng)典英語句子大全 英語經(jīng)典句子大全 隨著全球化經(jīng)濟步伐的加快和跨文化溝通的頻繁,專業(yè)英語力量成為了高等特地人才的必備力量素養(yǎng)。我細心收集了2021經(jīng)典英語句子,供大家觀賞學(xué)習(xí)! 2021經(jīng)典英語句子精選 1、happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. - albus dumbledore。即使在最黑暗的日子里,也能尋到幸福。 2、hand and catch you fell out of the tears, but not cut the fundus you伸手,接住你眼角垂落的淚滴

2、,卻截不住你眼底的哀痛! 3、follow your heart, but be quiet for a while first. learn to trust your heart. 跟著感覺走,悄悄地。學(xué)著去信任自己的內(nèi)心。 4、first i need your hand ,then forever can begin我需要牽著你的手,才能告知你什么是永久 5、fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,its not because of others cunning.會上當(dāng),不是由于別人太狡猾,而是由于自己太貪. 6、fake friend

3、s never betray in front of you. they always do it behind you. 假伴侶從不會當(dāng)面背叛你,都是背后。 7、fading is true while flowering is past凋謝是真實的,盛開只是一種過去 8、everytime you come to mind, i realize im smiling. 每次想到你,我就發(fā)覺自己是微笑著的。 9、everything happens for a reason 這個世界,沒有偶然。 10、everyone has problems. some are just better a

4、t hiding them than others. 每個人都有自己的難處,只不過有的人不簡單被發(fā)覺罷了。 11、i apply to get into your life.我申請,加入你的人生。 12、i can put the past youre so natural, i think i rea我可以把過往的你說得如此自然,我想我真的釋懷了。 13、be nice to people on the way up, because youll need them on your way down.向上爬時,對遇到的人好點,由于掉下來時,你還會遇到他們。 14、be happy. its

5、one way of being wise.- sidonie gabrielle colette 做個歡樂的人。那是英明才智的一條路徑。 15、as long as it is a comedy, id rather cry during the process. 只要是個喜劇結(jié)局,過程你讓我怎么哭都行。 16、always listen to your heart because even though its on your left side, its always right.總是聽從內(nèi)心的聲音。由于即便它長在你的左邊,它卻總是對的。 17、all things are diffic

6、ult before they are easy.凡事必先難后易。 18、all or nothing, now or never 。要么沒有,要么全部。要么現(xiàn)在,要么永不。 19、dont corrupted themselves, life is not only an opportunity, try to不要墮落了自己,人生并不只有一次機會,努力把握。 20、dont be discouraged; its often the last key in the bunch that opens the lock. 別灰心,往往是最終一把鑰匙才能打開鎖。 2021經(jīng)典英語句子集錦 dist

7、ance could make you forget about them, but the memories would always be there. 距離會讓你遺忘,但是回憶卻會永駐。 everbody will make mistakes, thats why they put erasers on the end of pencils. 每個人都會犯錯,這就是為什么把橡皮擦安在鉛筆后面的緣由。 dont be so hard on yourself. 別對自己太苛刻了。 if you really love me, then why do i see is to breed. 如果

8、你真的愛我,那么為什么我看到的只是繁衍。 dream most deep place, only then the smile is not tired. 夢的最深處,只有微笑不累。 i never wanted to be your whole life. just your favorite part. 我從來就沒想過要成為你的全部。我只想做你最寵愛的那一個部分。 however long the night, the dawn will break. 管黑夜有多長,天亮總會到來。 i dont know where i am going, but i am on my way. 我不知將

9、去何方,但我已在路上。 cant sleep at night. cant get up in the morning. 晚上睡不著,早上起不來。 every thing is gonna be alright. 一切都會好起來的。 dont try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to. 不要焦急,最好的總會在最不經(jīng)意的時候消失。 dont give up the things that belong to you and keep those lost things in memory. 屬于自己的,不要放棄

10、;已經(jīng)失去的,留作回憶。 age wrinkles the body. quitting wrinkles the soul. 歲月使皮膚起皺,放棄使靈魂起皺。 2021經(jīng)典英語句子推舉 every story has an ending.but in life, every end is a new beginning. 每段故事都有一個結(jié)局。但是在人的一生中,每一個終點同時也是一個新的起點。 i dont give a shit on your care the least about me. 我不在乎你對我的不在乎。 everybody dies, but not everybody l

11、ives. 人人最終都會死,但非人人都曾活過。 every hour of lost time is a chance of future misfortune. 一寸光陰一寸金,寸金難買寸光陰。 all endings are beginnings, we just dont know it at the time.-mitch albom. 全部的結(jié)局都是新的開頭,只是當(dāng)時不知道。 if the relationship doesnt make you a better person, then you are with the wrong one. 假如一段感情,沒有把你變成更好的人,那

12、么很圓滿你跟錯了人。 dont realize too much which will let you down. 不要知道得太多,會難受。 blessed is he whose fame does not outshine his truth. 有福之人,是由于他的真實比他的名譽更刺眼。 he who has ability to be such a naughty guy and can be stronger more as well. 有本領(lǐng)任性的人,也會有本領(lǐng)頑強。 do not, for one repulse, forgot the purpose that you resol

13、ved to effort. 不要只因一次挫敗,就遺忘你原先打算想達到的遠方。 destiny determines who comes into our lives but its the heart that decides who stays inside. 命運打算誰會進入我們的生活,內(nèi)心打算我們與誰并肩。 i understand you have called content, and you dont understand is th. 我懂有你叫知足,而你卻不懂有我叫珍惜。 a true friend is someone who accepts your past, supports your present and encourages your future. 真正的伴侶會接受你的過去,力挺你的現(xiàn)在,鼓舞你的將來。 blessedness is of comparative d


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