



1、新概念1B知識(shí)點(diǎn)概括Uni 116On the London Eye生詞與短語(yǔ):L o ndon eye fun b e I i eve toget h er R i ver Thames b r i d ge T ower B r i dg e rea I I y pass binocu I ars a n y ship some Wes t m ins ter d own t her e Big Ben its classroom park churc h c i n e ma語(yǔ)音:/f/fun foot ba I I f i e Id fair f ro nt refereeo ci t

2、 f i t fifty nep h e w/v/very c I ev e r s i I ver r i ver hea v y five s e v e neI even t w eIve重難點(diǎn):一般疑問(wèn)句:Is th e re ?/Are there ? / I sthatoo ?Th e r e be 句型Unit17Smile, please生詞與短語(yǔ):smi le watc hb a la n ce do try as w e IIeasyo n one' s k neesg ood a tgymnastic su seles smaths mus ictaketake

3、apho t ogym di f f icuIt driver ide s pe ak ten n is語(yǔ)音:/ w/w atchwake wew e I comewell woman We stminster W as hi ngtonone twe I ve qu e stion qui c kwas h i ngmachi n e重難點(diǎn):情態(tài)動(dòng)詞can具有助動(dòng)詞得作用,可以用來(lái)構(gòu)成否定句,疑問(wèn)句及用于簡(jiǎn)單得回答、I ca n s i ng a son g、/1 c ant sing as ongoCan yo u sing a song?Yes, 1can. /No,1 can'

4、t。Un :4-1 P a ncan cook,tooun i X i owi a n生詞與短語(yǔ):co o k di nn erhelpr icewa t er panc hop on ions p o on g e? tforkdrawer han dwet yo usee,.openre s t a u rantoh , yea rm u s tjug:dryfoodsu g armilkseanne puterpac k e tco f feete a b ott 丨e ora nge j u ice f r i d g eseammothermeet b (e dr oom f a m

5、 i 1y ha n語(yǔ)甘:/m/mym uds o me c a mer a/ n /n a me n eig h b o u r nigh tkni f e s po ononion student h u sba nd重難點(diǎn):在the re be句型中,當(dāng)主語(yǔ)就是不可數(shù)名詞或可數(shù)名詞單數(shù)時(shí),b e 動(dòng)詞要用單數(shù)形式,當(dāng)主語(yǔ)就是可數(shù)名詞復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),be動(dòng)詞要用are。例如:I s the r e any rice in the d rawer ?/ There i s a bott I e onth e tab I e / There are som e p I a tes on the sh

6、e I fUni t 19You must eat生詞與短語(yǔ):ea t fin ishwhy why no t t i re d p r ob I e m lots off i sh saI ad d i sh d r i nk must n't p each he I p y ourseIf meat g rap e buy br e ad c a ke tin c heese but ter語(yǔ)音:/rj /hung r y I i ving-roomint eres tingbring di ng-do i ng th i ngs English重難點(diǎn):情態(tài)動(dòng)詞mustmus t

7、跟ca n樣,不能在句子中獨(dú)立做謂語(yǔ),而必須跟其她動(dòng)詞原形一起構(gòu)成謂語(yǔ),并且也沒有人稱與數(shù)得變化。含must得肯定 句變一般疑問(wèn)句時(shí)要把must提到句首,其她部分不變。例如:I must g o now、 / Must you go now?否定句就是 I m u st n ' t g o n o WoUnit 20What a surprise生詞與短語(yǔ):s u rpr i seI e sso n half pas t t alk aqua r terfindbye whe n look f o r next homewor k wash t hen 語(yǔ)音:/I/Lind aLu c

8、 yI ook I ess o nlots app I em iI k bowl eI e v en o*cIock重難點(diǎn):特殊疑問(wèn)詞when,它針對(duì)時(shí)間提問(wèn),跟學(xué)過(guò)得what t i me 一樣,不同得就是w h e n比wh a t time更廣泛。What time只針對(duì)鐘點(diǎn)提問(wèn),而 whe n還可以針對(duì)星期,月份,年份以及所有表示時(shí)間得短語(yǔ)提問(wèn)。例如:對(duì)句子Mymusicless on is 4:30。中得時(shí)間提問(wèn),既可以說(shuō)Wh e n i s your mus i c I e s so n? 也可以說(shuō) Wha t time i s y our mus ic I esso n? 對(duì)句子

9、Y ou can ca I I m e tomor r ow。 中得tomorrow 提問(wèn),就只能用 Wh e n can I cal I you?Un i t 21 re a kf a st blues生詞與短語(yǔ):breakfas t b I u es do w an t not rea I I y some thing t ra i n sto ma c h ha v e g ot ho w mu c h pot start mor ning yog hurt can tee n much f ru it ch o c ola te beer paper st ring mone y sp

10、a r e good mornin g語(yǔ)音:/o /a an Kar e ns tu den t mot he rh u s ba n d nei ghbo u r f a mo u s/ 3 :/bi r d early girl thi rte e n thirty wor dshirt dirt y重難點(diǎn):助動(dòng)詞一do d o在句子中不能獨(dú)立使用作謂語(yǔ),并通常用于主語(yǔ)為第 一人稱,第二人稱致第三人稱復(fù)數(shù)得疑問(wèn)句與否定句中、將肯定句變?yōu)橐蓡?wèn)時(shí), 應(yīng)將do放在主語(yǔ)得前面,變?yōu)榉穸ň鋾r(shí)則要在謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞前面加do not,縮寫為 don' t、Hav e gotI ha v e got s

11、 o me c offee 在這句肯定句中,h ave g o t表示有,肯定句變否定句時(shí)在hav e后而直接加not,縮寫為ha v e n' t,遍一般疑問(wèn)句要把have提到主語(yǔ)得前而。要注意得就是當(dāng)主語(yǔ)就是第 一人稱,第二人稱或第三人稱得復(fù)數(shù)時(shí),才用have、som e與anys o me用于肯定句,an y用于否定句與疑問(wèn)句中。Un i t 22Watching the neighbours生詞與短語(yǔ):a lot o f s hy man y int roduce to st udies t rue a I way s C DDV Djac k e tmagazin e vi

12、d eoblouses k i rt vege t abler eI at ive語(yǔ)音:/ i 0/h ere d ea rhea rnear beerc I eare ar重難點(diǎn):have g ot當(dāng)主語(yǔ)就是第三人稱單數(shù)時(shí),h a v e應(yīng)該變?yōu)閔as??隙ň渲兄苯佑胔as got,肯定變疑問(wèn)時(shí)把has提到主語(yǔ)前面,而變否定時(shí) 在h as后加not,縮寫為hasn't、 口訣:您“有”我“有"大家“有",have got 最有用,她"有”她“有”它也“有”,就用has換have、Ther e be 句型與have/has got都表示"有&qu

13、ot;,但這兩個(gè)"有”表達(dá)得含狡不 同。There be句型主要指“某處有菜物”,表示存在與位置,而h a v e/ha s got主要指“某人擁有某物”,表示所屬與擁有。例如:我有一件夾克衫,應(yīng)該說(shuō)I h a v e got a j a eke t床上有一件夾克, 應(yīng)該說(shuō) There i s a j a eke t on the bedsUni t 23An e x pensive camera生詞與短語(yǔ):kind let me t h ink Japane s e rememb e r I kno w Iucky anoth e r I ike bi r th d a y at

14、any ti me B r it ish Germa n p I a s tic I e ath e r CD player It a I i a n w a tch Korea n han d b a g c lock Sw i ss ve r y m uch語(yǔ)音:/eo /1 here Claire cha i r fai r do w ns t airswhere c a refuI重難點(diǎn):助動(dòng)詞does does就是用在第三人稱單數(shù)做主語(yǔ)得句子中,其她用法跟d o就是一樣得。當(dāng)句子中出現(xiàn)do e s與do e sn' t得時(shí)候,謂語(yǔ) 動(dòng)詞要使用原形。Does就是do得第三人稱單

15、數(shù)形式,例如:Peter想要啤酒,P e t e wants some b ee、而否定句就是P et e r doesn' t wan t any b e er、一為殳疑問(wèn)句就是 Do e s P e ter w ant any beer?特殊疑問(wèn)句就是 W h at does Peter want?Unit 24A I i ght dinner生詞與短語(yǔ): I o ve sa Im on p i e ce to nigh t potato lettuc e cucum b e r fan tastic pick str awb e rry d e s s et healthy me

16、al worry ere a m f i rs t hate s wee t wine語(yǔ)音:/ u a /poor s u re jury/ j u a / -pure cure E urope重難點(diǎn):英語(yǔ)中,三餐與球類運(yùn)動(dòng)這些名詞得前而就是不加冠詞得。彳列咬口: have b reakf a s t, have lun ch, have d i nner PI ay bas k e tba II, play footbaI IoUn i t 25The we eke nd sh o p p ing生詞與短語(yǔ): v/eeke ndsh o ppi ng s u permarke t m a k

17、e sho p p i ng I i s t n eed loaf Su n d a y I u n ch Su n day b o r i ng i c e c ream n as ty a n ythi ng else bar so a p large match gi r I fr ie n d語(yǔ)音:/ i / twen tyhappy h e av y fami ly ea s y bus y L ucys trawb e r r y/ ju: /b e au tiful music new ne p h ew student st upid us u a I u s e I ess重

18、難點(diǎn):可數(shù)名詞與不可數(shù)名詞不可數(shù)名詞得數(shù)量可以借助一些表示容器得名詞來(lái)表達(dá),如:t wo bags of sugar, four p acke ts o f tea. 還可以借助表示物品形狀得名詞來(lái)表達(dá),如:a loaf of b r ea d , a piece o f p ap e r o可數(shù)名詞除了可以直接用數(shù)字加名詞復(fù)數(shù)表示數(shù)量外,也可以借助表示容器得名 詞與表示物品形狀得名詞來(lái)表達(dá),如:a box of ch o co I at e .n eedneed作為實(shí)義動(dòng)詞,后面可以接名詞或代詞,彳列咬口:l need a loaf o f bread/ I don't need i

19、t.Unit 2 6A s e Ifservice r esta u rant生詞與短語(yǔ):self service menu as s i stan t so u ptomato sa u c e my d e a r lady glov e a I r ead y j ea ns ne wspape r語(yǔ)音:/J/self sh y sh o ppi ng s h ow wash i ngm a chineE n glis h/s /usua I un usual p leasur e measuretreasuretelevisi o n重難點(diǎn):動(dòng)詞show它就是可以帶雙賓語(yǔ)得及物動(dòng)詞(后

20、而可直接接名詞或代詞作賓語(yǔ)得動(dòng)詞就就是及物動(dòng)詞,而不及物動(dòng)詞與之相反,后而不能直接接 賓語(yǔ))。show+某人+某物 /s how+某物+ t 0+某人S how me y ou r bag。 / Show your bag to me。Un i t 27 Too t hache生詞與短語(yǔ):toot h a che look awful d en t i s t pat i en t make an a ppo intment emergencyt oda yt his a fte rn 00 n mis era b lefeeI hopeeara che dayMondayTu e sda y

21、Wed n esda yThursd a yFr idaySat urdayhe a d a c h esick st omach- a che fI u cold語(yǔ)音:/chai rc h e es echi I dchi I d renC h in e sekit che nt e a ch e r watch/ds /ju i ce jus t gym jar p yj a mas b r idge Ianguage c o I lege重難點(diǎn):介詞at / on /i n與具體鐘點(diǎn)連用得介詞一般就是a t,而在某一天則就是on、,如果時(shí)間范圍繼續(xù)擴(kuò)大,如在一周,一個(gè)月,一年得時(shí)間里,就

22、用 in、彳列咬口: You can c a I I me at 4:00。 I must go at two on Fr i day.生詞與短語(yǔ):every differe n t we a ther me a n quite ever war m E n g I an d sum m e r sunny Atlant i c c I i m a te oft e n ra i n s o met imes e sp e c i a I I y Ju I y cool d i f f i c u I ty c h a n ge mon t h temperature China spr in

23、 g su n shine cloudy sea son u suaI ly n e v er aut u m n w i n ter snow F ra nee R uss i a Afr i ca w ind y s ame語(yǔ)音:/ r / red r o und R o b e rt refer e e Karen camera c r earn dry try s p r i ng b r e ad brea k f a s t ora ng e drawing surpr ise重難點(diǎn):英語(yǔ)中通常用it 來(lái)代替天氣,I t is +表示天氣得形容詞+i n+月 份或季節(jié)等。頻度副詞指

24、表示動(dòng)作發(fā)生得次數(shù)得副詞。我們將這些頻度副詞按動(dòng)作發(fā)生得頻率從低到高排列,就是never從不,somet im e s有時(shí),o f ten常常,usu ally 通常,always總就是、頻度副詞在句子中得位置常常就是在be動(dòng)詞,助動(dòng)詞,情態(tài)動(dòng)詞之后,實(shí)義動(dòng)詞 之前,有時(shí)也放在句首或句尾以示強(qiáng)調(diào)、Un it29Many happy ret urns of the d ayyear pr e s e rit bike生詞 與短語(yǔ):Many happy r eturns A ugustsafe date ques tion askgear traff i c da n g erou s ab o

25、utspecial Jan u ary afte r be f or e Apr iFeb r u a ryI M ay JM a r ch las t u ne Septemb e rDe c emberOcto b eNovem b er p a r e n t語(yǔ)音:/h/h and happy have help ho r s e hothow h u rryhu s band who w h ose重難點(diǎn):序數(shù)詞表示順序得數(shù)詞叫序數(shù)詞。第一:f ist 第二:se c ond,第三:thi rd,第五:fi f th,第八:eighth,第九:nint h , 第十二:twelf th

26、, 這些為特殊形式,其她得序數(shù)詞都就是由相對(duì)應(yīng)得基數(shù)詞后而加th構(gòu)成、 在使用序數(shù)詞時(shí),前而通常要加冠詞t he、Uni t3OAn int e r nationa I event生詞與短語(yǔ):i nt e r n ati ona I eve nt r a ce miler un n er worldAus t r a I i ac o mp I e te Europea nimpres s iverank m arat hon pr a ctice M or oceanB razi I i a n Canadi a n Germa nCh i n e s e name New York n e

27、y I a n g ua g e Bra z i IBerIi n C a nada Amer i ca 語(yǔ)音:/j/ye s you you ry on d Wil I i am 重難點(diǎn):be動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成得一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)c o un t ry Au s tra I ia n live Syd Sao Paulo P o rt u guese G erman yyoun g y o g h u r ty o y ob ebe動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成一般現(xiàn)在吋態(tài)吋,be動(dòng)詞得形式要隨主語(yǔ)得變化而變化:肯 定句:I amYou / We/They are。He/She/I tis 。、否定句:l am not Yo u

28、/ We/T h e y are not (aren' t )He/She / I t is not (isn' t)八一般疑問(wèn)句:Am I ? Are yo u /we / t hey.? Is h e /she / it 、?特殊疑問(wèn)句:特殊疑問(wèn)詞(組)+am + I、?特殊疑問(wèn)詞(組)+are + y ou/we / t hey*. ?特殊疑問(wèn)詞(組)+ is+ h e/sh e / it、?實(shí)爻動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成得一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)實(shí)艾動(dòng)詞構(gòu)成一般現(xiàn)在時(shí)態(tài)時(shí),當(dāng)主語(yǔ)就是第三人稱單數(shù)時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞也要用第 三人稱單數(shù)形式,而當(dāng)其她人稱代詞作主語(yǔ)時(shí),謂語(yǔ)動(dòng)詞要使用原形??隙ň洌篒 / we/

29、you/the y +動(dòng)詞原形+。He/she/i t +動(dòng)詞第三人稱單數(shù)形式+否定句:I /w e / y ou / th e y +do n ot ( d on * t)+動(dòng)詞原形+、H e /she/i t+ does not (doe s n * t) +動(dòng)詞原形+一般疑問(wèn)句:Do I /we/y o u/they +動(dòng)詞原形+?Do e s he/she/i t+動(dòng)詞原形+> ?特殊疑問(wèn)句:特殊疑問(wèn)句(組)+ d o I /we / yo u /the y +動(dòng)詞原形+。?特殊疑問(wèn)句(組)+does h e /she/i t +動(dòng)詞原形+?國(guó)家及哪國(guó)人:Afr i c a Am e r ica At I antic AustraI i a Be


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