1、word哥倫比亞大學約市哥倫比亞大學,通稱哥倫比亞大學,是一所美國私立研究型大學,常 春藤聯盟成員之一。她坐落于紐約上曼哈頓地區(qū)的晨邊高地。她是紐約州歷史最悠久的高等教育機構,美國歷史上第五所成立的大學, 也是九所美國革命前成立的殖民地學院之一。今天,哥倫比亞大學的全球中心分布于安曼,北京,伊斯坦布爾,巴黎, 孟買,里約熱內盧,圣地亞哥和內羅畢。哥倫比亞大學最初于 1754 年以國王學院之名,根據英王喬治二世頒布的 王室特許狀成立。美國獨立戰(zhàn)爭之后,國王學院短暫成為了紐約州下轄的一個實體,并在 1784 年被重命名為哥倫比亞學院。學?,F在根據其 1787 年章程被置于一個私人董事會的管理之下。
2、1896 年,她再一次被賦予了一個新名稱,即一直沿用至今的 “哥倫比亞大 學”。同年,學校的校園被從麥迪遜大道搬遷至她現在位于晨邊高地的校址。校 園占地六個街區(qū),共 32 英畝( 13公頃)。學校本體擁有二十個學院,并且下轄許多教育機構,包括教師學院,雖然 法律上獨立于哥倫比亞大學,但實際上是學校下屬的一個院系)、巴納德學 院、協(xié)和神學院、以及美洲猶太教神學院。同時學校還與美洲猶太教神學院與朱莉亞學院共同擁有本科聯合教育項 目。哥倫比亞大學是每年一度的普利策獎的頒發(fā)機構,一百零一位學?,F在或 曾經的學生或者教職工是諾貝爾獎獲得者。哥倫比亞大學是美國大學協(xié)會的十四個創(chuàng)始會員之一,并且是美國第一個
3、 授予藥學博士的學校。的著名校友包括五位美國開國哥倫比亞大學 包括其前身國王學院 元勛官;二十位在世的億萬富翁;二十八位奧斯卡獎獲得者;二十九位各國元 首,包括三位美國總統(tǒng)。校區(qū) 晨邊高地大多數哥倫比亞大學的本科生和研究生在位于紐約市晨邊高地的主校區(qū)學 習 根據塞斯 ?洛十九世紀晚期的觀點,大學所有的教學任務都應該可以在一 個校園內完成。校園設計由麥金姆 米德 懷特公司的建筑師們主持,采用布雜風格為設 計思路。校區(qū)占地超過六個街區(qū), 32 英畝( 13公頃),且在她的周圍還坐落著 很多高等教育機構。哥倫比亞大學在晨邊高地擁有 7,800 套公寓,用來提供給教職工以及研究 生們居??;另外幾乎所有
4、的二十余個本科生公寓(包括起初作為學生公寓設計 建造的以及后來改作學生公寓的建筑)都位于校園附近或晨邊高地地區(qū)。學校擁有發(fā)達且歷經一個世紀的地下隧道系統(tǒng),最古老的部分甚至要早于 晨邊高地的主校區(qū)。其中有一些仍然對公眾開放,而其余部分則已經被封鎖了起來。 通常被稱為巴特勒圖書館的尼古拉斯 ?穆瑞 ?巴特勒圖書館是哥倫比亞大學 圖書館系統(tǒng)中最大的單體圖書館,也是學校規(guī)模最大的建筑物之一。該圖書館 起初是由前校長尼古拉斯 ?穆瑞?巴特勒提出作為擴展洛氏紀念圖書館的 “南館 ”建 造,圖書館由愛德華 ?哈克尼斯 他同時也是耶魯大學住宿學院系統(tǒng)的資助人 資助建造,由巴特勒校長最中意的建筑師詹姆斯 ?甘博
5、 ?羅杰斯設計。圖書館于 1934年建成,并在 1948 年改名為巴特勒圖書館。 圖書館采用新古典式設計。其正面由一排愛奧尼亞式石柱裝飾,石柱上方鐫刻著古希臘與古羅馬時期 許多偉大作家,哲學家與思想家的姓名,他們中大多數人的作品是選修哥倫比 亞學院“核心課程 ”學生的必讀書籍。到 2012 年,哥倫比亞大學圖書館系統(tǒng)的收藏量已經超越了 1,100 萬,是美 國第八大圖書館系統(tǒng),同時在美國高校圖書館系統(tǒng)收藏量排名中位居第五。晨邊高地校區(qū)的許多建筑被列入了美國國家史跡名錄。 作為美國國家歷史地標以及校區(qū)核心的的洛氏紀念圖書館因其重要的建筑 價值被收入該名錄。哲學樓則因為其作為調頻收音機發(fā)明地的原因
6、被收錄。另外一個美國國家歷史地標,同時是物理系與天文系所在地的普平樓也被 收入了美國國家史跡名錄。人類歷史上第一次鈾裂變的實驗就是在這里由恩里科 ?費米主持進行,在丹 麥哥本哈根完成的人類歷史上第一次原子分裂的十天后。在洛氏紀念圖書館前方臺階的中心有一座名為 “母校 ”的雕像,雕像由丹尼 爾?切斯特 ?法蘭奇創(chuàng)作。法國人是受麥金姆 -米德 -懷特公司的邀請,為使校園中央的洛氏圖書館與 其前方廣場更加協(xié)調而展開設計。雕像中的女神身穿學袍,頭戴桂冠,安坐于王座之上。 王座扶手的前端是兩盞明燈,代表著睿智與訓導。 女神膝上打開的書本象征著知識,一只代表智慧的貓頭鷹藏在學袍的褶皺中。女神右手手持一柄由
7、四束麥穗裝飾的權杖,權杖頂部象征國王學院的王冠 表明了學校于 1754 年初創(chuàng)之時曾為王室特許機構的歷史。 女神的部分創(chuàng) 作原型據說是一位名叫瑪麗 ?勞東的當地演員。雕像于 1903年 9月23日以羅伯特 ?戈萊特先生及其夫人的名義正式贈送給 學校。起初雕像的桂冠以金葉覆蓋,在 1968 年哥倫比亞大學抗議行動中,一枚炸 彈對雕像造成了損壞,不過隨后得到了修復。雕像中隱藏的小貓頭鷹后來成為了許多哥倫比亞大學校園傳說中的主角, 最為人熟知的一條是:新生中第一個在雕像中發(fā)現這只貓頭鷹的人將會成為最 優(yōu)秀的學生,而那些隨后找到的男生們將會在學校對面的巴納德女子學院遇見 自己的新娘?!靶@臺階 ”,或
8、者稱為 “洛氏臺階 ”、“城市海灘 ”,是一個非常受哥倫比亞 大學學生們歡迎的會面地點。這是一段連接校園低地部分(即南校園)與地勢較高部分的大理石臺階。受城市美化運動啟發(fā)的這一設計為哥倫比亞大學與巴納德學院的學生及教 職工的日常聚會,活動與大型儀式提供了舒適與寬敞的戶外空間。同時麥金姆公司經典的洛氏圖書館正面設計是十九世紀晚期新古典主義風 格設計的一個縮影。作為洛氏圖書館的入口,莊重的古典風格石柱和門廊無不 顯示其裝飾建筑的重要性。 氣候溫暖宜人的時候,洛氏臺階經常成為學生們享受日光浴,午餐與玩飛 盤的理想去處 。其他校區(qū)2007年 4 月,大學購買了位于晨邊高地校區(qū)以北曼哈頓維爾的一個工業(yè)區(qū)
9、 超過三分之二,約 17 英畝( 6.9 公頃)的土地。這塊從 125 街延伸至 133 街的新校區(qū)將容納哥倫比亞大學的商學院,國際 與公共事務學院,以及主要研究神經退行性疾病,例如帕金森氏癥和阿爾茨海 默氏癥的杰羅姆?L?格林心智、大腦與行為研究中心。這一涉及 70 億美元資金的擴展計劃包括拆毀除三處有歷史價值的建筑以外 的所有建筑,清除區(qū)域內所有的輕工業(yè)和儲存?zhèn)}庫,以及重新安置 132 幢公寓 的租戶。最后這一區(qū)域將為哥倫比亞大學增加 6,800,000 平方英尺( 630,000 平方 米)的校園面積。但基于從財產保護、公平交換土地到維護居民權的許多理由,西哈勒姆區(qū) 的社區(qū)活動團體反對大
10、學的這一擴張計劃。隨后舉行的聽證會聽取了周圍社區(qū)的反對意見。 后來,紐約州的帝國州發(fā)展公司通過表明曼哈頓維爾地區(qū)的蕭條現狀獲得 了該地塊的使用權,并且在 2008年 12月得到了政府部門給予的,為了發(fā)展公 共事業(yè)使用私人財產的權利。2009 年 5 月 20 日,紐約州公共機構管理理事會批準了學校在曼哈頓維爾 的擴大計劃,現今第一座建筑正在修建中。Columbia University in the City of New YorkColumbia University in the City of New York, or simply Columbia University, is an
11、American private Ivy Leagueresearch university located in the Morningside Heights neighborhood of Upper Manhattan in New York City.It is the oldest institution of higher learning in the State of New York, the fifth oldest in the United States, and one of the country's nine Colonial Colleges foun
12、ded before the American Revolution.Today the university operates Columbia Global Centers overseas in Amman, Beijing, Istanbul, Paris, Mumbai, Rio de Janeiro, Santiago and Nairobi.The university was founded in 1754 as King's College by royal charter of George II of Great Britain.After the America
13、n Revolutionary War, King's College briefly became a state entity, and was renamed Columbia College in 1784.The University now operates under a 1787 charter that places the institution under a private board of trustees, and in 1896 it was further renamed Columbia University.That same year, the u
14、niversity's campus was moved from Madison Avenue to its current location in Morningside Heights, where it occupies more than six city blocks, or 32 acres (13 ha).The university encompasses twenty schools and is affiliated with numerous institutions, including Teachers College(which is Columbia U
15、niversity's Graduate School of Education), Barnard College, and the Union Theological Seminary, with joint undergraduate programs available through the Jewish Theological Seminary of America as well as the Juilliard School.Columbia annually administers the Pulitzer Prize,101 Nobel Prize laureate
16、s have been affiliated with the university as students, faculty, or staff, the second most of any institution in the world.Columbia is one of the fourteen founding members of the Association of American Universities, and was the first school in the United States to grant the M.D. degree.Notable alum
17、ni and former students of the university and its predecessor, King's College, include five Founding Fathers of the United States; nine Justices of the United States Supreme Court; 43 Nobel Prize laureates; 20 living billionaires; 28 Academy Award winners; and 29 heads of state, including three U
18、nited States Presidents.CampusMorningside HeightsThe majority of Columbia's graduate and undergraduate studies are conducted in Morn ingside Heights on Seth Low's late-19th century vision of a university campus where all disciplines could be taught in one location.The campus was designed alo
19、ng Beaux-Arts principles by architects McKim, Mead, and White. Columbia's main campus occupies more than six city blocks, or 32 acres (13 ha), in Morningside Heights, New York City, a neighborhood that contains a number of academic institutions.The university owns over 7,800 apartments in Mornin
20、gside Heights, housing faculty, graduate students, and staff. Almost two dozen undergraduate dormitories (purpose-built or converted) are located on campus or in Morningside Heights.Columbia University has an extensive underground tunnel system more than a century old, with the oldest portions preda
21、ting the present campus.Some of these remain accessible to the public, while others have been cordoned off.The Nicholas Murray Butler Library, commonly known simply as Butler Library, is the largest single library in the Columbia University Library System, and is one of the largest buildings on the
22、campus.Proposed as "South Hall" by theuniversity's former President Nicholas Murray Butler as expansion plans for Low Memorial Library stalled, the new library was funded by Edward Harkness, benefactor of Yale's residential college system, and designed by his favorite architect, Ja
23、mes Gamble Rogers.It was completed in 1934 and renamed for Butler in 1946.The library's design is neo-classical in style.Its facade features an arcade of columns in the Ionic order above which are inscribed the names of great writers, philosophers, and thinkers, most of whom are read by students
24、 engaged in the Core Curriculum of Columbia College.As of 2012, Columbia's library system includes over 11 million volumes, making it the eighth largest library system and fifth largest collegiate library system in the United States.Several buildings on the Morningside Heights campus are listed
25、on the National Register of Historic Places.Low Memorial Library, a National Historic Landmark and the centerpiece of the campus, is listed for its architectural significance. Philosophy Hall is listed as the site of the invention of FM radio.Also listed is Pupin Hall, anotherNational Historic Landm
26、ark, which houses the physics and astronomy departments.Here the first experiments on the fission of uranium were conducted by Enrico Fermi, and the uranium atom was split there ten days after the world's first atom-splitting in Copenhagen, Denmark.A statue by sculptor Daniel Chester French call
27、ed Alma Mater is centered on the front steps of Low Memorial Library.McKim, Mead & White invited French to build the sculpture in order to harmonize with the larger composition of the court and library in the center of the campus.Draped in an academic gown, the female figure of Alma Mater wears
28、a crown of laurels and sits on a throne.The scroll-like arms of the throne end in lamps, representing sapientia and doctrina.A book signifying knowledge, balances on her lap, and an owl, the attribute of wisdom, is hidden in the folds of her gown.Her right hand holds a scepter composed of four spray
29、s of wheat, terminating with a crown of King's College which refers to Columbia's origin as a Royalist institution in 1754. A local actress named Mary Lawton was said to have posed for parts of the sculpture.The statue was dedicated on September 23, 1903, as a gift of Mr. & Mrs. Robert G
30、oelet, and was originally covered in golden leaf.During the Columbia University protests of 1968 a bomb damaged the sculpture, but it has since been repaired.The small hidden owl on the sculpture is also the subject of many Columbia legends, the main legend being that the first student in the freshm
31、en class to find the hidden owl on the statue will be valedictorian, and that any subsequent Columbia male who finds it will marry a Barnard student, given that Barnard is a women's college."The Steps", alternatively known as "Low Steps" or the "Urban Beach", are a
32、popular meeting area for Columbia students.The term refers to the long series of granite steps leading from the lower part of campus (South Field) to its upper terrace.With a design inspired by the City Beautiful movement, the steps of Low Library provides Columbia University and Barnard College stu
33、dents, faculty, and staff with a comfortable and spacious outdoor platform and space for informal gatherings, events, and ceremonies.McKim's classical facade epitomizes late 19th century new-classical designs, with its columns and portico marking the entrance to an important structure.On warm da
34、ys when the weather is favorable, the Low Steps often become a popular gathering place for students to sunbathe, eat lunch, or play frisbee. Other campusesIn April 2007, the university purchased more than two-thirds of a 17 acres (6.9 ha) site for a new campus in Manhattanville, an industrial neighborhood to the north of the Morningside Heights campus.Stretching from 125th Streetto 133rd Street, the new campus will house buildings for Columbia's Business School, School of International and Public Affa
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