



1、養(yǎng)成好習慣Cultivating Good Habits梁實秋人的天性大致是差不多的,但是在習慣方面卻各有不同,習慣是慢慢 養(yǎng)成的,在幼小的時候最容易養(yǎng)成,一旦養(yǎng)成之后,要想改變過來卻 還不很容易.Men are about the same in human nature, but differ in habit. Habit is formed little by little, and most easily in one's childhood. Once it is formed, it is difficult to break.例如說:清晨早起是一個好習慣,這也要從小時候

2、養(yǎng)成,很多人從小 就貪睡懶覺,一遇假日便要睡到日上三竿還高臥不起,平時也是不肯早起,往往蓬首垢面的就往學校跑,結(jié)果還是遲到,這樣的人長大了 之后也常是不知振作,多半不能有什么成就.祖逖聞雞起舞,那才是 志士奮勵的典范.For example, the good habit of early rising also starts from one's early life. Many people, however, have been in the habit of sleeping late ever since they were kids. They won't get

3、up till late morning on holidays and even oversleep on work days. Children are often late for school though they make a rush even without washing up. Such children, when they grow up, will often lack drive and most probablyget nowhere. The story of Zu Ti rising at cockcrow to practise swordplay shou

4、ld be a good example for all men of resolve to learn from.我們中國人最重禮,由于禮是行為的標準.禮要從家庭里做起,姑舉 一例:為子弟者出必告,反必面工這一點點對長輩的起碼的禮,我 們是否已經(jīng)每日做到了呢我看見有些個孩子們早晨起來對父母視假設(shè) 無睹,晚上回到家來如入無人之境,遇到長輩常常橫眉冷目,不屑搭 訕.這樣的跋扈乖戾之氣如果不早早地糾正過來,將來長大到社會服務,必將處處引起摩擦不受歡迎.我們不僅對長輩要恭敬有禮,對任 何人都應該維持相當?shù)亩Y貌.We Chinese set great store by propriety becau

5、se it is the accepted rules of social behavior. Propriety begins from the family. For example, children should keep their parents informed of their whereabouts. That is the ABC of good manners on the part of children. Yet some children just ignore their parents when get up in the morning or come bac

6、k from school. They often pull a long face and refuse to converse when they meet their elders. If they continue to be so cocky and willful without correcting themselves as soon as possible, they will never get along well with other people some day as members of society. We should be polite not only

7、to our elders, but also to all people. 大聲講話,擾及他人的寧靜,是一種不好的習慣.我們試自檢討一番, 在別人讀書工作的時候是否有過喧嘩的行為彼們要隨時隨地為別人 著想,維持公共的秩序,顧慮他人的利益,不可放縱自己,在公共場 所人多的地方,要知道依次排隊,不可爭先恐后地去亂擠.It is a bad habit to talk loudly to the disturbance of others. Ask yourself if you ever made a lot of noise while others were at their studies

8、 or at work. We should be considerate of others at all times and places, caring for public order and interests and abstaining from self-indulgence. In crowded public places, you should line up and never push through to get ahead of others.時間即是生命.我們的生命是一分一秒地在消耗著,我們平常不大覺得,細想起來實在值得警惕.我們每天有許多的零碎時間于不知不覺

9、中浪費掉了,我們假設(shè)能養(yǎng)成一種利用閑暇的習慣,一遇空閑,無論其 為多么短暫,都利用其做一點有益身心之事,那么積少成多終必有成.常聽人講起 消遣"二字,最是要不得,好似是時間太多無法打發(fā)的樣 子,其實人生短促極了,哪里會有多余的時間待人消遣陸放翁有句云:待飯未來還讀書.我知道有人就經(jīng)常利用這 待飯未來的時 間讀了不少的大書.古人所謂 三上之功,枕上、馬上、廁上,雖不 足為訓,其用意是在勸人不要浪費光陰.Time is life. Our life is ticking away unnoticed minute by minute and second by second. It is

10、 certainly alarming when we come to think of it. Every day we are unconsciously wasting many odd moments. We should acquire the habit of utilizing leisure time, and snatch every odd moment to do whatever is beneficial to our body and mind. That will enable us to achieve good results little by little

11、. People often talk most improperly about a seekinrelaxation as if they hmdre than enough time for them to while away. Life is, in fact, extremely short. How can you find so much surplus time for you to fool away? Lu Fangweng says in one of his poems, “Spened/en the pre-meal odd moment in reading. A

12、s far as I know, many people did snatch the odd moment before a meal to do a lot of reading. Our ancients recommended “ three on's , that is, doing reading even while you are on a pillow, on a horse or on a nightstool. All that, though impracticable, serves the purpose of advising people not to

13、waste time.吃苦耐勞是我們這個民族的標志.古圣先賢總是教訓我們要能過得儉 樸的生活,一個有志的人應能耐得清寒.惡衣惡食,缺乏為恥,豐衣 足食,缺乏為榮,這在個人之修養(yǎng)上是應有的熟悉.羅馬帝國盛時的 一位皇帝,Marcus Aurelius,他從小就摒絕一切享受,從來不參觀那 當時風行全國的賽車比武之類的娛樂,終其身成為一位嚴肅的苦修的 哲學家,而且也建立了不朽的事功.這是很值得令人欽佩的.我們中 國是一個窮的國家,所以我們更應該體念艱難,棄絕一切奢侈,尤其 是從外國來的奢侈.從小就養(yǎng)成儉樸的習慣,更要知道物力維艱,竹 頭木屑,皆宜愛惜.Ours is a nation known f

14、or industry and self-denial. Frugality has always been the teaching of our ancient sages and wise men. A man of strong will should be able to endure spartan living conditions. It should not be regarded as a disgrace to live a simple life. Nor should it be regarded as a glory to live a luxurious life

15、. That should be the correct understanding one needs for self-cultivation. Marcus Aurelius, emperor of the Roman Empire in its heyday, refused to enjoy all comforts of life from childhood and always kept away from amusements like the chariot race then in vogue and other fighting-skill competitions.

16、He remained a life-long staunch Stoic philosopher and meanwhile distinguished himself by numerous exploits. Ours is a poor country, so it is even more necessary for us to see the tough conditions facing us and renounce all luxuries, especially those coming from abroad. We should build up the habit o

17、f leading a thrifty life. We should bear in mind that all material resources are hard to come by and should be treasured, even including their odds and ends.以上數(shù)端不過是偶然拈來,好的習慣千頭萬緒,勿以善小而不為習慣養(yǎng)成之后,便毫無勉強,臨事心平氣和,順理成章.充滿良好習 慣的生活,才是合于 自然的生活.The above points have been picked by me at random. Good habits are too numerous to be de


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