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1、三年級英語下冊 情景對話專項訓(xùn)練、情景對話。是一筆完成的。1. 下列兩個字母中,字母B. CA. B2. 對班上來的新同學(xué)表示歡迎,你要說:A. Watch out!B. Welcome!3. Mike 來自加拿大,他自我介紹時應(yīng)該說:_A. Hi! I m Mike. I m from CanadaB. . Hi! I4. 你想讓別人進來,可以說:m Mike. I m in Canada.A. Come in.5. This my friend.B. Come on.A. is6. 別人跟你道歉,你可以說:A. It s OK.B. areB. I m sorry.7. 不小心碰掉了別人的

2、鉛筆盒,你要說:A. It s OK. 二、情景對話。B. I m sorry.1. 當(dāng)你下午遇到朋友時說:A. Good morning.B. Good afternoon.C. Goodbye.2. 當(dāng)你要表達你來自中國時,你應(yīng)說:A. I am from Canada.B. I am China.C. I am from China.3. 當(dāng)別人對你說:I' m sorry你應(yīng)該說:C. Here you are.A. It s OK.B. Thank you.4. 新學(xué)期開始了,你又見到同學(xué)時應(yīng)說:A. How old are you?5. This my friend.B.

3、Nice to see you, again.A. is6. 班上來了新同學(xué),他說:A. Goodbye.B. are你應(yīng)該說:Hello, I am Zhang Peng.時,B. Welcome.三、情景對話。) 1. 當(dāng)你和家人在路上遇到老師,你應(yīng)介紹說:A. Where are you from? B. This is my teacher, Mr Li. C. Nice to meet you.) 2. 你想知道班里的新同學(xué)從哪里來,應(yīng)該問:A. Where are you from? B. What s your name?C. Who are you?) 3. 當(dāng)對方向你問好:N

4、ice to meet you. 你應(yīng)回答:A. Hello.B. Nice to meet you, too.C. Thank you.) 4. 亮亮向同學(xué)介紹自己的弟弟,他說:A. He is my brother.B. This is my brother.) 5. 當(dāng)你對事實表示懷疑時,可以說:A. Really?B. Wow!四、根據(jù)情景,選擇正確答案。) 1. 當(dāng)你詢問照片上的女人是誰時,應(yīng)說:A. Who is the woman? B. What s she?C. Who s the man?) 2. 當(dāng)你想讓別人和你一起做事時,應(yīng)說:A. Come out!B.Come in

5、!C. Come on!) 3. 當(dāng)你對事實表示懷疑時,可以說:A. Great!B.Really?C.Wow!) 4. 當(dāng)別人問你:Who is the girl? 時,你不能回答:A. She is my sister, Nancy.B. She is in ashop.C. Sorry, I don t know.) 5. 當(dāng)你夸贊對方的服裝漂亮?xí)r,應(yīng)說:A. How big!B. How funny!C. How beautiful!6. 你和媽媽走在大街上,遠處有位叔叔向你們走來,你問媽媽:A. Who s that man?B. Who s that boy?C. Who s th

6、an woman?7. 在動物園里,各種各樣的動物真可愛:Lucy: Look at the elephant.Mike:.A. It s so bigB.OKC. Look8. Teacher: It has a long nose. It has big ears and a short tail. Student:五、根據(jù)情景,選擇正確答案。A. It s annt.根據(jù)情景,選擇正確答案。B. It s an elephant.C. It s a panda.1. 當(dāng)別人幫助了你,你應(yīng)該說:A. Thank you.2. 當(dāng)你向別人介紹你的好朋友A. This is Lisa.B. H

7、ello!Lisa時,你應(yīng)該說:B. I m Lisa.3. 當(dāng)你歡迎新來的同學(xué)的時候,你可以說:A. Welcome.B. Thank you.()4.當(dāng)別人邀請你和他(她)一起做游戲時,你可以說:_A. Welcome!B. OK!()5.你想知道那個女孩是誰說: A. What s she?B. Who s she?()6.在動物園與你看到大象時想說: A. It s so big.B. It s so small.()7.你想詢問你的鉛筆盒在哪里,你該說: A. Where is my pencil case? B. What s in my pencil case?() 8. 你想詢

8、問某物品是否在玩具盒子里,你會說:A. Are you in the toy box? B. Is it in the toy box?() 9. 你想表達自己的書包放在了書桌下面,你會說:A. My bag is on the desk. B. My bag is under the desk.六、情景交際。) 1. 詢問什么東西在什么地方?Mike: Where is my pen?Lucy: B. Give it to me.D. Yes.A. Here you are.C. In your bag.) 2. 當(dāng)詢問對方某樣?xùn)|西時,若對方不確定,可以用疑問語氣。John: Mum, wh

9、ere is my car?Mum: A. No.B. Let s play a ga.meC. On your desk?D. Look out.) 3. John 向 Amy 借鉛筆,Amy 說當(dāng)然可以。John: Excuse me, Amy. Can I use your pencil?Amy: A. It s OK.B. It s very good.C. Good idea.()4. Mike 向 Lucy借尺子,D. Sure.Lucy答應(yīng)了,從以下的答案中找出不能填入括號中答案。Mike: Excuse me, Lucy. Can I use your ruler?Lucy:

10、A. Certainly.B. Sure, here you are.C. No problem.D. Thank you.七、根據(jù)情景,選擇正確答案。() 1. 你勸來你家做客的小朋友多吃點東西,應(yīng)該說:A. Do you like bananas? B. Have some more (更多的)() 2. 你想吃塊蛋糕,應(yīng)該怎么對媽媽講:A. Mom! Can I have a model car? B. Can I have a cake, mom?() 3. 你去別人家做客,主任對你說:Have some fruits. 你應(yīng)回答:A. Thank you.B. OK.() 4. 當(dāng)你

11、想表示不喜歡西瓜時可以說:A. I like watermelons. B. I don t like watermelons.() 5. 當(dāng)你想讓別人吃些水果時可以說:A. Have some fruits.B. Have some more.八、情景交際。()1.桌子上擺了各種美味的食品,Amy問Bai Ling愛不愛吃蘋果,Bai Ling說不喜歡:Amy: Do you like apples?Bai Ling: A. I m hungry!B. OK.C. No, I don t.D. No, I do.() 2. John 請 Mike 喝一杯果汁,Mike 高興地答應(yīng)了:John

12、: A. Have some juice, please. B. Do you like juice?C. Give me juice?D. There is a cup of juice.() 3. 當(dāng)你拒絕某種東西時,用sorry 顯得較委婉:Miss Li: Do you like bananas, Amy?Amy: A. No.B. Yes.C. Sorry, I don t like. D. Sorry, I like.() 4. 當(dāng)別人向你請求某樣?xùn)|西時,用sure 或 certainly:John: Can I have some orange juice, please?Sar

13、ah: A. Sure, here you are. B. No, you can t.C. It s OK.D. Yes.九、讀一讀,選一選。() 1. 當(dāng)你想說不喜歡吃橘子,你該說:A. I don t like oranges. B. I don t like orange.() 2. 當(dāng)你想問別人喜不喜歡吃梨,你該說:A. Do you like pears? B. What about pears?() 3. 你想要與他人一起分享,你該說:A. Let me share (分享) with you. B. Have some fruits.() 4. 表示這個品嘗起來很美味,你該說:

14、A. It s nice.B. It s tastes good!() 5. 讓我們吃些葡萄和香蕉,你該說:A. Let me have some grapes and apples. B. Let s have some grapes and bananas. 十、根據(jù)情景,選擇正確答案。() 1. 去朋友家做客,你想吃個橘子,應(yīng)說:A. Have some apples. B. Can I have an orange, please?() 2. 問朋友喜歡吃桃子嗎,應(yīng)說:A. Do you like peaches? B. I like peaches.() 3. 在水果店里,你想要些蘋

15、果和橘子,對服務(wù)員應(yīng)說:A. I like apples and bananas. B. I want some apples and oranges.() 4. 家里來了客人,你拿出水果請客人吃,應(yīng)說:A. Have some fruits?B. Can I have some fruits?() 5. 你非常喜歡梨,應(yīng)說:A. I like peaches very much. B. I like pears very much.() 6. 要問小朋友有幾個梨,應(yīng)該說:A. How many pears do you have? B. How many pears do you see?十

16、一、情景對話。() 1. 當(dāng)你想問你的同學(xué)有多少本書時,應(yīng)該說:A. How many books do you have? B. How many books do you see?() 2. 你想問: “你看見了多少條魚?”時,應(yīng)這樣說: A. How many fish do you have? B. How many fish do you see?() 3. 當(dāng)你想要表達: “看那個風(fēng)箏”,應(yīng)該說:A. Look at that kite.B. This is my kite.() 4. 當(dāng)有人對你說: “真漂亮”時,應(yīng)該說: A. Oh, it s so beautiful. B.

17、 Oh, it s so big.() 5. 當(dāng)你想知道對方是誰時,應(yīng)該說:A. What are you?B. Who are you?十二、讀一讀,選一選。() 1. 你想說還想來點葡萄,你該說:A. Can I have some more grapes, please? B. Can I have some grapes, please?() 2. 你邀請朋友們吃水果,你該說:A. Have some fruits.B. Look at the fruits.() 3. 你想表達自己不喜歡橘子汁,你該說:A. I don t like orange juice. B. I like o

18、range juice.十三、根據(jù)情景,選擇正確答案。()1.你的同學(xué)幫你拿了一本書,你應(yīng)說: A. I ' m sorry.B. Thank you.C. Hello.()2.你想知道你的一個新同學(xué)叫什么名字,你應(yīng)說: A. What is it?B. What are these?C. What' s yourame?()3.有一天,你遇見一位很久沒有見面的同學(xué),你應(yīng)說: A. Who are you?B. How are you?C. Here you are.()4.你第一次認識 Mike,感到十分高興,你應(yīng)說: A. Me too.B. Nice to meet you.C. Good afternoon.5. John說:"I like yellow."你的愛


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