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1、學(xué)習(xí)資料look 構(gòu)成的短語動(dòng)詞look介詞或副詞詞義例句1look about查看,警戒Look about! There are many interesting things here.仔細(xì)看看,這里有很多有趣的東西。2look about for四周環(huán)顧He is looking about for something to do.他到處找工作做。3look after照看,目送She is looking after the baby now她.在照看小孩。He stood at the gate and looked after us.他站在門口凝視著我們離去。4look ahea

2、d精品文檔學(xué)習(xí)資料小心,展望We must look ahead before we go further in the matter. 在進(jìn)一步進(jìn)行這件事情之前,我們必須謹(jǐn)慎小心。Look ahead, what can you see on the ridge?朝前看,在嶺上你能看見什么?5look ahead for期待,預(yù)料Look ahead for troubles, itoming rightscenough. 要預(yù)計(jì)到困難,它就要來臨的。6look around等于 look round7look at看,注視,查看Look at the cat , he is always

3、asleep in front of the fire看.那只貓, 它總是睡在爐火前。I have looked at the machine, and there is nothing wrong with it.我查看了機(jī)器, 沒有發(fā)現(xiàn)什么毛病。精品文檔學(xué)習(xí)資料8We must look at the question from a9l sides. 我們必須從各個(gè)方面考慮這 10 個(gè)問題。8look away from轉(zhuǎn)移目光He is 11looking away from her. 他把目光從 12 她那轉(zhuǎn)移到了別處。9look down upon看不起,輕視Don t look13

4、 down upon young leaders不.要 14 看不起年輕干部。10look for尋找,期盼It s too soon yet to look for results現(xiàn).在就指望有結(jié)果未免太早。Mary is looking for you now. 瑪麗正在找您。11look forward to期待,預(yù)料We are looking forward to seeing you again.我們盼望再次見到您。I look forward to your visit next week. 我期待著您下周來訪。精品文檔學(xué)習(xí)資料12look in往里看,順便看望Look in a

5、nd see if you like it.往里看,看你喜不喜歡。As I was passing your office I thought I由d于look我路in過.你的辦公處,我就想順便看望你一下。13look into往里看,窺視, 調(diào)查The X-way allow a workman in a factory to look into a thick steel casting.X 光可以使鑄造車間的工人看到厚的鑄鋼件的內(nèi)部。14look like象,與 相似It looks like rain. 好像要下雨了。He looks like you.他看起來很象你。15look o

6、n(upon)旁觀,觀看精品文檔學(xué)習(xí)資料We visited a factory and looked on. 我們參觀了一家工廠,在那僅僅是觀看。16look on with sb.同 一起觀看May I look on with you?我和你一起看好嗎?17look out留神,提防“ Look out! A car is coming. 注意”,有“車來了。18look out for當(dāng)心,搜尋When you are eating fish, look out for bones. 吃魚時(shí),當(dāng)心魚骨頭。Will you go to the station to look out fo

7、r Mr. Bill? 請(qǐng)你到車站找一下比爾先生好嗎?19look over檢查精品文檔學(xué)習(xí)資料Mrs Maclillan spent the evening looking over the month s bills andwrting achecks. 麥克米倫太太花了一個(gè)晚上查看當(dāng)月帳單并開具支票。20look round環(huán)顧,觀光,查看Don t make a hurried decision: look round well first. 不要匆忙決定,先好好考慮一下。Look round and see who is behind us掉.頭看誰在我們后面。21look roun

8、d for到處尋找They are looking round for the suitable place.他們到處尋找適合的地方22look through看穿,仔細(xì)審查He made a hole in the window and looked through. 他在窗戶上弄了一個(gè)洞往里看。I must look through these bills and check them before I pay them.我必須在付款前審查核對(duì)一下這些帳單。精品文檔學(xué)習(xí)資料23look to往 看,照看The house looks to the south.那房子朝南。Would you look to the children, please?請(qǐng)照看一下孩子們好嗎?24look up查詢,拜訪It is a good habit to look up the new words in a dictionary. 有生詞久查字典是一個(gè)良好的習(xí)慣25look up to敬仰The boy looks up to you. Don t let him那


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