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1、compulsion  / kmpln; kmpln/ n (to do sth) 1 U compelling or being compelled 強迫; 強制; 被迫: I refuse to act under compulsion, ie because I am forced to. 我決不能讓人逼著做事. * You need feel under no compulsion to accept, ie do not have to accept. 你不必勉強接受. C urge (esp to behave in an irrational way) that one

2、 cannot resist (不能克制的)慾望, 沖動, 要求(尤指不合情理的行為): a compulsion to destroy things 毀物慾.should have done只用于談論過去情況,主要有兩個用法:用于推測過去已經(jīng)發(fā)生的情況。如:He should have arrived by now. 此時他本該到了。用于指本該發(fā)生而實際上未發(fā)生的情況。如:You should have told me so before. 你早就應該告訴我。would have done:本應該那樣做卻沒有做would not have done:本不應該做的事卻做了多

3、數(shù)情況下用于虛擬語氣中other than 不同于,除了,與不同;與不同方式Theres nobody here other than me.除了我這里沒別人.You cant get there other than by swimming.你只能靠游泳游到那邊去.rather than 用來表示“是.而不是.”,通常連接兩個并列成分eg:He is an artist rather than a philosopher.他是位藝術家而不是位哲學家.set off begin (a journey, race, etc) 開始(旅行 賽跑等): What time are you plann

4、ing to set off tomorrow? 你打算明天幾點鐘啟程? * They've set off on a journey round the world. 他們已經(jīng)開始環(huán)游世界. * If you want to catch that train we'd better set off for the station immediately. 你要是想趕上那班火車, 咱們就最好馬上動身去火車站. set sth off (a) cause (a bomb, mine, etc) to explode 使(炸彈 地雷等)爆炸: Do be careful with

5、those fireworks; the slightest spark could set them off. 這些煙火要格外小心, 稍有火星就能引起爆炸. (b) cause or prompt sth 引起或激發(fā)某事物: Panic on the stock market set off a wave of selling. 股票市場上人心惶惶, 掀起拋售浪潮. (c) make sth appear more attractive by contrast (通過對比)使某事物更有吸引力: That jumper sets off the blue of her eyes. 在這件毛衣襯

6、托下, 她眼睛的藍色顯得更漂亮了. set sb off (doing sth) cause sb to start (doing sth) 使某人開始做(某事物): Don't set him off talking politics or he'll go on all evening. 可別讓他談起政治來, 要不然他一談就得一個晚上. * Her imitations always set me off (laughing). 她模仿別人的動作, 每次都把我逗得哈哈大笑.duck 2  / dk; dk/ v I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.

7、p move (esp one's head) down quickly, to avoid being seen or hit 迅速低下(尤指頭)(以免被看見或被打中): I saw the gun and ducked under the window. 我見到槍就迅速俯在窗下. * Duck your head down! 低下頭! Tn, Tn.pr push (sb) under water for a short time 使(某人)浸入水中片刻: Her sisters ducked her in the river. 她的姐妹把她按到河里. Ipr, Tn (infml

8、 口) (out of) sth avoid or dodge (a duty, responsibility etc) 躲避, 推脫, 推委(任務 責任等): It's his turn to wash up but he'll try and duck out of it. 輪到他刷鍋洗碗, 他卻想法兒逃避.Her love for him blinded her (to his faults). 她非常愛他以至(對他的缺點)喪失了判斷力.shut  / t; t/ v (-tt-, pt, pp shut) (a) Tn move (a door, lid, w

9、indow, etc) into a position where it blocks an opening 關上(門 蓋子 窗戶等): shut the doors and windows at night 夜晚把門窗都關上 * shut the drawer 關上抽屜 * I can't shut the suitcase lid when it's so full. 衣箱裝得很滿, 我蓋不上蓋子了. * He shut the door on her/in her face, ie wouldn't let her in. 他把她關在門外了. (b) I (of

10、a door, etc) move or be able to be moved into such a position (指門等)關上, 能關閉: The window won't shut. 這窗戶關不上. * The supermarket doors shut automatically. 超級市場的門是自動關的. grey  (also esp US gray) / gre; re/ adj (a) of the colour between black and white; coloured like ashes, slate, lead, etc 灰色的; 灰

11、白的: grey eyes, hair, etc 灰色的眼睛 頭發(fā)等 * a grey suit 灰色西裝. (b) usu pred 通常作表語 having grey hair 有灰色頭發(fā); 有花白頭發(fā): She has turned quite grey recently. 她近來頭發(fā)多已斑白. * I'm going grey. 我的頭發(fā)開始白了. (c) dull; cloudy 灰暗的; 陰沉的: a grey day 陰沉的一天. ease 1  / iz; iz/ n U freedom from work, discomfort, pain or anxie

12、ty 安逸; 舒適; 無痛苦; 無憂慮: a life of ease 安逸舒適的生活 * ease of mind 心情舒暢 * The injection brought him immediate ease. 他經(jīng)注射後疼痛頓消. Cf 參看 easy1 2. (idm 習語) (stand) at ease (as a military command 用作軍事口令) (stand) with feet apart and hands behind the back 稍息. Cf 參看 attention 4. (be/feel) at (one's) ease (be/fee

13、l) comfortable and unworried; (be/feel) completely relaxed (感到)舒適而無憂慮; (感到)完全松弛: I never feel at ease in his company. 我跟他在一起總是感到很不自在. * Finish the work at your ease, ie in your own time. 你可以從容地把這項工作做完(在你方便時). ill at ease => ill1. put/set sb at (his, her, etc) ease make sb feel comfortable, free f

14、rom embarrassment, etc 使某人感到舒適 不拘束等: He had been dreading their meeting but her warm welcome soon put him at his ease. 他對彼此相見一直忐忑不安, 可是她熱情相迎使他很快就無拘無束了. put/set sb's mind at ease/rest => mind1. ,take one's ease stop working or worrying; relax 不再工作或憂慮; 休息; 輕松; 放心: She sat down and took her

15、ease by the fire. 她坐在火旁休息一下. with ease without difficulty 容易地; 無困難地: He passed the test with ease. 他輕而易舉地考及格了.sneak n (infml 口) cowardly deceitful person (esp one who informs on others) 怯懦而慣於欺騙的人(尤指告密者).sneak adj attrib 作定語 acting or done without warning; secret and unexpected 出其不意的; 秘密而突如其來的: a sne

16、ak attack 偷襲 * a sneak preview 不公開試映 * a sneak look at a letter 偷看信.sneakers n pl (US; Brit infml 口) = plimsolls: He wore old jeans and a pair of sneakers. 他穿著舊牛仔褲和膠底運動鞋.sneaking adj attrib 作定語 (esp of an unwanted feeling) secret and unexpressed (尤指不應有的情感)私下的, 暗地的: have a sneaking respect, sympathy,

17、 etc for sb 暗地里敬佩 同情.某人 * I have a sneaking (ie unproved and vague but possibly right) suspicion that he stole my wallet. 我心想準是他偷了我的錢包.rug  / rg; r/ n thick floor-mat (usu smaller than a carpet) 厚地毯(通常比carpet小): a hearth-rug 壁爐前的小地毯. (a) faint light after sunset or before sunrise 日落後或日出前的微光; 曙光

18、; 暮色: I couldn't see their faces clearly in the twilight. 我在曙色朦朧中看不清他們的臉. (b) period of this 黎明或薄暮時分: farmers walking home at twilight 黃昏時走回家的農(nóng)民 * Twilight is a dangerous time for drivers. 黎明或黃昏是司機容易出事的時間.the (of sth) (rhet 修辭) period of decreasing importance or strength; decline 衰落時期; 沒落: the t

19、wilight of his career 他事業(yè)的衰退時期 * attrib 作定語 his twilight years 他的暮年.haul n 1 act of hauling 拖; 拉; 運送. 2 (usu sing 通常作單數(shù)) distance to be travelled 移動的距離: short/medium/long haul aircraft 短程中程/遠程運輸飛機 * Our camp is only a short haul from here. 我們的營地近在咫尺. 3 (a) quantity of fish caught in a net at one tim

20、e 一網(wǎng)的捕魚量: The fishermen had a good haul. 漁民捕得滿滿一網(wǎng)魚. (b) (fig 比喻) amount gained by effort 經(jīng)努力獲得的數(shù)量: The thief got away with a huge haul. 那個賊偷走了大量財物. 4 (idm 習語) a long haul => long1.jolt  / dult; dolt/ v I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p (cause sb/sth to) move with sudden jerky movements (使某人某物)顛簸著移

21、動: The old bus jolted along (a rough track). 舊公共汽車(沿凹凸不平的小路)顛簸而行. (phr v) jolt sb into/out of sth make sb act by giving him a sudden shock 使某人受到震驚而采取行動: He was jolted out of his lethargy and into action when he realized he had only a short time to finish the article. 他意識到須在很短時間就得把文章寫完, 立即動手寫起來.>

22、jolt n (esp sing 尤作單數(shù)) 1 sudden bump or shake; jerk 震動; 搖晃; 顛簸: stop with a jolt 停止時震動了一下. 2 (fig 比喻) surprise; shock 驚奇; 震驚: The news of the accident gave her an unpleasant jolt/quite a jolt. 她聽到出事的消息吃了一驚大吃一驚.jolty adj jolting 震動的; 搖晃的; 顛簸的.eventful  · adjectivefull of things that happen,

23、 especially exciting, important or dangerous things: an eventful day / life / journey/ sel; sel/ v (a) Ipr, Ip travel on water in a ship, yacht, etc using sails or engine power; move forward on ice, a sandy beach, etc in a wheeled vehicle with sails (乘船或機帆船 游艇等)作水上旅行; (坐帶帆的輪式運載工具)在冰上或沙灘上滑行: sail up/

24、along the coast 向沿海岸航行 * sail into the harbour 駛入海港 * an oil tanker sailing by 駛過的油輪. (b) I (usu 通常作 go sailing) travel on water in a boat with sails, esp as a sport 乘帆船航行; (尤指)帆船運動. =>Usage at travel 用法見travel. I, Ipr (from.) (for/to.) (of a ship or the crew and passengers) begin a voyage (指船或船員

25、和乘客)起航: When does the ship sail? 這船何時起航? * He has sailed (from Southampton) for New York. 他已乘船(從南安普頓)去紐約了. Tn travel by ship across or on (a sea, an ocean, etc) 乘船在(海洋等)上或越過(海洋等)旅行: sail the Aegean in a cruiser 乘游艇在愛琴海上旅游. I, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p (be able to) control (a ship or boat) (能)駕駛(船): Do you sai

26、l? 你會駕駛船嗎? * She sails her own yacht. 她駕駛自己的游艇. * He sailed the boat between the islands. 他駕駛著船在兩島之間航行./ fens; fns/ n structure of rails, stakes, wire, etc, esp one put round a field or garden to mark a boundary or keep animals from straying 柵欄; 籬笆; 圍墻. =>illus at App 1 見附錄1插圖, page vi. (idm 習語)

27、come down on one side of the fence or the other => side1. sit on the fence => sit.> fence v 1 Tn surround, divide, etc (sth) with a fence 用柵欄 籬笆 圍墻等將(某物)圍著或隔開等: Farmers fence their fields. 農(nóng)人用籬笆把田地圍起. * His land was fenced with barbed wire. 他的土地用鐵絲網(wǎng)圍著.ringer  noun= BELL-RINGER(AmE) a h

28、orse or person that takes part in a race illegally, for example by using a false nameringer英r(r)美rn.套環(huán),投環(huán);lousy  / lauz; laz/ adj (-ier, -iest) infested with lice 多蝨的. (infml 口) very bad or ill 極壞的; 極不適的: a lousy holiday 極糟的假日 * I feel lousy. 我覺得很不舒服. pred 作表語 with sth/sb (sl 俚) having more tha

29、n enough of sth/sb 大量; 多: In August the place is lousy with tourists. 八月里這地方游客多如牛毛.heck  / hek; hk/ interj, n (infml euph 口, 婉) (used to express mild annoyance or surprise or for emphasis 用以表示輕度的懊惱或驚訝, 或用以加強語氣) hell: Oh heck, I'm going to be late. 糟糕, 我要遲到了. * We had to wait a heck of a lon

30、g time. 我們可等了很長時間.elegant  / elgnt; lnt/ adj tasteful and stylish in appearance or manner (相貌或儀態(tài))優(yōu)雅的, 文雅的, 高雅的: an elegant woman, coat, style of writing 文雅的女人 高雅的外衣 優(yōu)美的寫作風格 * elegant manners 優(yōu)雅的儀態(tài). > elegance / elgns; lns/ n U. elegantly adv: He always dresses elegantly. 他總是穿得很講究.have the gr

31、ace to do sth be polite enough to do sth 出於禮貌而做某事: He might have had the grace to say he was sorry! 他本可以出於禮貌說聲抱歉的嘛! in sb's good graces approved of and favoured by sb 為某人贊同和喜愛: I'm not in her good graces at the moment. 我此刻尚未討得她的歡心. a saving grace => save1. with (a) bad/good grace reluctan

32、tly and rudely/willingly and cheerfully 勉強而粗魯?shù)匦廊欢樵傅? She apologized with (a) bad grace. 她很勉強地道了歉. * They withdrew their objections with as good a grace as they could manage. 他們極力裝出情愿的樣子撤回了反對意見. year of grace => year.back 4  / bæk; bæk/ v I, Ipr, Ip, Tn, Tn.pr, Tn.p (cause sth to)

33、move backwards (使某物)後退: back (a car) out of/into the garage, onto the road, into (ie hitting) a tree 開倒車駛出駛入車房 駛上公路 撞著一棵樹. Ipr, Tn (on/onto) sth face sth at the back 背對著某物: Our house backs on(to) the river. 我們的房子背靠著河. Tn (a) give help or support to (sb/sth) 幫助, 支持?某人某事?: She's the candidate who

34、is backed by the Labour Party. 她是工黨支持的候選人. (b) give financial support to (sb/sth) 給?某人某事物?以財務上的支持: Who is backing the film? 誰是那影片的贊助人? Tn bet money on (a horse, greyhound, etc) 下賭注於(賽馬 賽狗等): I backed four horses but won nothing. 我在四匹馬上下了注, 但全都輸了. * Did anyone back the winner? 有人下注下在最後勝出的這匹馬上了嗎? * Th

35、e favourite was heavily backed, ie Much money was bet on its winning the race. 在那匹熱門馬上下了重注. Tn, Tn.pr esp passive 尤用於被動語態(tài) sth (with sth) cover the back of sth; be a lining to sth 覆蓋某物的背面; 作某物的襯里: The photograph was backed with cardboard. 照片背面襯上了一層紙板. Tn sign (sth) on the back as a promise to pay if

36、necessary; endorse 在背面簽字作為可根據(jù)需要隨時付 款的擔保; 背書: back a bill, note, etc 在單據(jù) 票據(jù)等上背書. I (of wind) change gradually in an anti-clockwise direction (eg from E to NE to N) (指風向)循反時針方向逐漸改變(如由東風轉為東北風再轉為北風). Cf 參看 veer 2. (idm 習語) ,back the wrong horse support the loser (in a contest) 下錯了賭注; 支持(競賽中的)輸家. (phr v)

37、 back away (from sb/sth) move backwards in fear or dislike 因害怕或厭惡而後退: The child backed away from the big dog. 那個孩子看見大狗就向後退了. back down; US back off give up a claim to sth; yield 放棄對某事物的要求; 屈服: He proved that he was right and his critics had to back down. 他證明了他是正確的, 而那些非難他的人不得不收起他們那一套. back out (of s

38、th) withdraw from (an agreement, a promise, etc) 不履行(協(xié)議 承諾等): It's too late to back out (of the deal) now. 現(xiàn)在要(在這筆交易)打退堂鼓為時已晚. back up (US) = back4 1: You can back up another two yards. 你可以再後退兩碼. back sb/sth up give support or encouragement to sb/sth 支持或鼓勵某人某事物: If I tell the police I was with y

39、ou that day, will you back up my story/back me up? 假若我對警方說那天我和你在一起, 你肯為我這個說法作證為我作證嗎? back sth up (computing 計) make a copy of (a file, program, etc) in case the original is lost or damaged 制作(文件 程序等的)復制件(以防原件丟失或損壞).> backer n 1 person who gives (esp financial) support to another person, an undert

40、aking, etc 贊助人; (尤指)資助人. 2 person who bets money on a horse, etc (賽馬等中的)下賭注者.backing n 1 (a) U help; support 幫助; 支持. (b) sing group of supporters 一群支持者: The new leader has a large backing. 那位新領導人有大批的支持者. 2 U material used to form the back of sth or to support sth 用作某物的背襯材料; 用作支撐某物的材料: cloth, rubber,

41、 cardboard, etc backing 布 橡膠 紙板等做的背襯. 3 U, C usu sing 通常作單數(shù) (esp in pop music) musical accompaniment to a singer (尤指流行音樂)為歌手的伴奏: vocal/instrumental backing 和音伴奏 * attrib 作定語 a backing group 和音小組.# back-up n 1 U support; reserve 支持; 支援; 後備: The police had military back-up. 警方有軍隊作後盾. * attrib 作定語 back

42、-up services 善後服務 * the back-up team of a racing driver 賽車手的後勤隊. 2 U, C (computing 計) (making a) copy of a file, program, etc for use in case the original is lost or damaged (制作)(文件 程序等的)復制件(以備原件丟失或損壞時使用): attrib 作定語 a back-up disc 復制件磁盤.depot  / depu; dpo/ n () (a) storehouse, esp for military

43、 supplies; warehouse 倉庫; (尤指)軍需庫; 棧房. (b) place where vehicles, eg buses, are kept 車庫(如公共汽車的). () (US) railway or bus station 火車站; 公共汽車站.harmonica  (BrE also mouth organ)nouna small musical instrument that you hold near your mouth and play by blowing or sucking air through itcrummy  / krm;

44、 krm/ adj (-ier, -iest) (infml 口) bad; worthless; unpleasant 糟糕的; 毫無價值的; 令人厭惡的: a crummy little street in the worst part of town 城中最差之地段的一條邋遢的小街.appetite  / æptat; æptat/ n U physical desire, esp for food or pleasure 肉體的慾望(尤指對食物或享樂); 食慾; 胃口: When I was ill I completely lost my appetit

45、e. 我生病時完全沒有食慾. * Don't spoil your appetite by eating sweets before meals. 飯前不要吃糖以免影響食慾. * (fig 比喻) He had no appetite for the fight. 他毫無斗志. C instance of a natural desire for sth (對某事物的)自然的慾望: The long walk has given me a good appetite. 走了長路使我食慾大振. * He has an amazing appetite for hard work. 他出奇

46、地喜愛艱巨的工作. * a person of gross sexual appetites 性慾旺盛的人.tip n 1 small sum of money given to a waiter, taxi-driver, etc as a personal reward for their services (給服務員 計程車司機等的)小費, 小帳: He left a tip under his plate. 他把小費放在盤子下面了. 2 (a) small but useful piece of practical advice 有用的小建議; 實用的小提示: Here's a

47、 handy tip for removing stains from clothing. 有個除掉衣服上污點的竅門兒. (b) private or special piece of information, esp about horse-races, the stock-market, etc 私下的或特別的情報(尤指有關賽馬 股市等的): a hot (ie very good) tip for the Derby 有關德比大賽馬的極好的信息 * Take my tip/Take a tip from me and buy these shares now. 聽我的, 立即買下這些股份

48、.# tip-off n hint or warning 暗示; 警告: Acting on a tip-off, the police arrested the drug smugglers. 警方根據(jù)密報逮捕了毒品走私者./ rul; rol/ n (a) cylinder made by turning flexible material over and over on itself without folding it 卷狀物: Wallpaper is bought in rolls. 壁紙是成卷買的. * a roll of carpet, film, cloth 一卷地毯 膠

49、卷 布. (b) person or thing with this shape 帶有卷狀物的人或物: a man with rolls of fat around his stomach 腹部有層層肥肉的男子. (a) small individual portion of bread baked in a rounded shape 小圓面包: Six brown rolls, please. 請給我來六個黑面包. =>illus at bread 見bread插圖. Cf 參看 bun 1. (b) (with a preceding n or ns 用於名詞之後) one of

50、these containing the stated filling 有某種餡的小圓面包: a ham roll 火腿面包 * a bacon and tomato roll 腌豬肉加西紅柿餡的面包.cracker  / kræk(r); kræk/ n thin flaky dry biscuit, typically eaten with cheese 薄脆餅乾(多與乾酪一起食用). (a) small firework that explodes with a sharp sound 爆竹; 鞭炮. (b) (also Christmas cracker)

51、 party toy consisting of a cardboard tube wrapped in paper that makes a sharp explosive sound as its ends are pulled apart, with a small gift, paper hat, etc inside 彩包爆竹(一種宴會時的娛樂用品, 為一硬的紙筒, 內(nèi)裝小件禮品 紙帽等, 用紙包裹好, 兩端一拉即?啪作響): a box of crackers 一盒彩包爆竹. (Brit infml approv 口, 褒) attractive girl or woman 迷人的

52、姑娘; 有魅力的女子: What a little cracker she is! 她真是小美人! spare 2  / spe(r); spr/ v Tn, Dn.n refrain from hurting, harming or destroying (sb/sth); show mercy to 不傷害(某人某事物); 饒恕; 寬容: Please spare (ie don't kill) me! 請饒了我(一命)吧! * (fml 文) spare a person his life, ie not kill him 饒某人一命 * if I am spared,

53、 ie if I live 假若我幸而不死 * They killed the men but spared the children. 他們把男人都殺了, 但放過了孩子. * The woodman spared (ie did not cut down) a few trees. 伐木工人留下了幾棵樹沒砍掉. Tn, Dn.n refrain from using, giving, etc (sth); use as little as possible 節(jié)制使用或提供(某事物); 吝惜; 節(jié)約: No trouble was spared to ensure our comfort. 為

54、了我們舒適, 已竭盡全力. * Try to spare her as much distress as possible when you tell her. 你告訴她的時候, 盡量不要讓她傷心. * He does not spare himself, ie works, etc very hard indeed. 他不偷懶. * Please spare me (ie don't tell me) the gruesome details. 你可別給我講那些可怕的細節(jié). Tn, Tn.pr, Dn.n, Dn.pr sth (for sb/sth) be able to affo

55、rd to give (time, money, etc) (to sb for a purpose) (為某人或某目的)提供(時間 錢等); 撥出; 勻出; 分出: I can't spare the time for a holiday at the moment. 目前我抽不出時間去度假. * Can you spare me a few minutes of your time? 我能耽擱你幾分鐘嗎? * Can you spare me a few litres of petrol? 你能勻給我?guī)咨蛦? * Can you spare a cigarette for me

56、? 給我根煙行嗎? Tn, Tn.pr (infml 口) manage without (sb) 無(某人)也可以: I can't spare him today we need everybody here. 我今天需要他-我們需要人人都到齊. * I can't spare you for that job; you must finish this one first. 我不能放你去做那件事; 你必須先把這件做完. (idm 習語) no expense spared => expense. spare sb's blushes do not embar

57、rass sb by praisinghim 不夸獎某人以免使之難為情. spare sb's feelingsavoid hurting sb's feelings 避免傷害某人的感情; 不使某人難堪: He spared her feelings by not criticizing her husband in front of her. 他沒當她的面說她丈夫的不是, 以免使她難堪. spare no pains doing/to do sth (fml 文) take as much trouble as is necessary to achieve sth 不遺余力

58、地做某事: The hotel staff spared no pains to ensure that our stay was as enjoyable as possible. 旅館工作人員對我們照顧得無微不至, 盡量讓我們住得舒適. ,spare the ,rod and ,spoil the child (saying 諺) if you do not punish a child when he does wrong you will spoil his character 孩子不打不成器. (and) to spare more than is needed; left over 過剩; 有余; 剩余: We have enough fruit and to spare. 我們的水果充足有余. * Do you have any sugar to spare? 你的食糖有富余嗎? * There's no time to spare! ie You must act, go, etc as quickly as possible. 沒有多余的時間了!> sparing / sper; spr/ a


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