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1、distinguisheddistigwit著名的,卓越的very successful and admired by other peoplehaving an appearance that makes sb look important or that makes people admire accomplishkmplivt.達到(目的),完成(任務),實現(xiàn)(計劃)to succeed in doing or completing sthbestowbistuvt.贈與,授予 sth (on / upon sb) (formal) to give sth to sb, especial

2、ly to show how much they are respectedconceiveknsi:vvt./ vi.(of)構想出,設想;懷孕 to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind; to imagine sthhithertohiðtu:ad.到目前為止,迄今(formal) until now; until the particular time you are talking abouteternityit:nitin.永恒,來世,無窮U(formal) time without end, especially life co

3、ntinuing without end after death(an eternity) sing. (informal) a period of time that seems to be very long or to never endappetiteæpitaitn.欲望a strong desire for sthmeddlemedlvi.干涉 (in / with sth) (disapproving) to become involved in sth that does not concern you (with sth) to touch sth in a car

4、eless way, especially when it is not yours or when you do not know how to use it correctlydisinteresteddisintristida.無私的able to judge a situation fairly because you are not concerned with gaining any personal advantage from itpolishpulivt.磨光,擦亮 to make sth smooth and shiny by rubbing it with a piece

5、 of fabric, often with polish on itconsiderableknsidrbla.相當大(或多)的(formal) great in amount, size, importance, etchighlighthailaitvt.強調(diào),突出,使顯著to emphasize sth, especially so that people give it more attentionreservedriz:vda.說話不多的slow or unwilling to show feelings or express opinionsmaliciousmlisa.惡毒的h

6、aving or showing hatred and a desire to harm sb or hurt their feelingsalightlaitvi.下adjectivenot before nounto get out of a bus, a train or other vehiclecripplekripln.跛子,傷殘人(或動物) vt.使跛;嚴重削弱verbVNusually passiveto damage sb's body so that they are no longer able to walk or move normallyto serious

7、ly damage or harm sb/sthnoun(old-fashioned or offensive) a person who is unable to walk or move normally because of a disease or injuryirritateiriteitvt.使惱怒,使煩燥to annoy sb, especially by sth you continuously do or by sth that continuously happens ill-bred 無教養(yǎng)的,粗野的 rude or badly behaved, especially b

8、ecause you have not been taught how to behave wellconceitknsi:tn.自負too much pride in yourself and what you doseniority 年長,職位高the rank that you have in a company because of the length of time you have worked thereperceivepsi:vvt.感知,感覺,察覺to notice or become aware of sthimposeimpuzvt.(on)強加于;征(稅等),處以(罰

9、款等)VN sth (on / upon sth/sb) to introduce a new law, rule, tax, etc.; to order that a rule, punishment, etc. be usedVN sth (on / upon sb/sth) to force sb/sth to have to deal with sth that is difficult or unpleasantVN sth (on / upon sb) to make sb accept the same opinions, wishes etc. as your ownV (o

10、n / upon sb/sth) to expect sb to do sth for you or to spend time with you, when it may not be convenient for themVN yourself (on / upon sb/sth) to make sb/sth accept or be aware of your presence or ideasscrambleskræmbl爭奪to manage to achieve sth with difficulty, or in a hurry, without much contr

11、olappealpi:ln.呼吁;感染力a quality that makes sb/sth attractive or interestingexpertiseeksp:ti:zn.專門知識(或技能等),專長U (in sth / in doing sth) expert knowledge or skill in a particular subject, activity or jobdeceptiondisepnn.欺騙a trick intended to make sb believe sth that is not truerenaissancernzansn.the R-(文

12、藝) 復興(時期);(the Renaissance) the period in Europe during the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries when people became interested in the ideas and culture of ancient Greece and Rome and used these influences in their own art, literature, etc: Renaissance arta situation when there is new interest in a particul

13、ar subject, form of art, etc. after a period when it was not very popularimplicitimplisita.含蓄的,暗示的,隱含的 (in sth) suggested without being directly expressedexploiteksplitvt.剝削;利用,開發(fā)(采)verb, nounverbVN(disapproving) to treat a person or situation as an opportunity to gain an advantage for yourselfdexte

14、ritydeksteritin.純熟,靈巧skill in using your handsinterpretint:pritvi.口譯,翻譯 vt.解釋,說明,詮釋to decide that sth has a particular meaning and to understand it in this waymanipulatemnipjuleitvt.操縱,控制,影響;to control or use sth in a skilful wayrepresentationreprizenteinn.描寫;表現(xiàn)(法)the act of presenting sb/sth in a p

15、articular way; something that shows or describes sthsleightslaitn.巧妙手法,巧計,靈巧skilful movements of your hand that other people cannot seecompensatekmpenseitv.補償,彌補,抵消verbV (for sth) to provide sth good to balance or reduce the bad effects of damage, loss, etc.blurbl:n.模糊,模糊的東西 v.(使)變模糊nouna shape that

16、 you cannot see clearly, often because it is moving too fastsomething that you cannot remember clearlyverb(-rr-)if the shape or outline of sth blurs, or if sth blurs it, it becomes less clear and sharpif sth blurs your eyes or vision, or your eyes or vision blur, you cannot see things clearlyto beco

17、me or make sth become difficult to distinguish clearlyimpairimpevt.損害,損傷,削弱VN(written) to damage sth or make sth worseimmuneimju:n(有)免疫(力)的;不受影響的;免除的 to sth) not affected by sthgaugegeid vt.估計;計量to make a judgement about sth, especially people's feelings or attitudesactivateæktiveitvt.使活動起來

18、,使開始起作用VNto make sth such as a device or chemical process start workingincongruousinkgrusa.不調(diào)和的,不相稱的adjectivestrange, and not suitable in a particular situationfalliblefælbla.難免有錯的able to make mistakes or be wrongdischargedist:dvt.釋放;排出 vi.排出,放電 n.釋放;排出from hospital / job sb (from sth) to give

19、sb official permission to leave a place or job; to make sb leave a jobdistractdistræktvt.轉(zhuǎn)移(注意力),使分心VN sb/sth (from sth) to take sb's attention away from what they are trying to dounflappablenflæpbla.鎮(zhèn)定的,從容不迫的(informal) able to stay calm in a difficult situationperforatep:freitvt.穿孔VNt

20、o make a hole or holes through sthincurink:vt.招致,遭受,引起if you incur sth unpleasant, you are in a situation in which you have to deal with itif you incur costs, you have to pay themhypotheticalhipetikla.假說的,臆說的based on situations or ideas which are possible and imagined rather than real and trueprimal

21、 connected with the earliest origins of life; very basicemigrateemigreitvi.移居國外(或外地)V (from .) (to .) to leave your own country to go and live permanently in another countryfascinationfæsineinn.魅力,嬌媚a very strong attraction, that makes sth very interestingtreacheroustretrsa.背叛的;危險的that cannot b

22、e trusted; intending to harm youdangerous, especially when seeming safefeatfi:tn.功績,偉業(yè),技藝(approving) an action or piece of work that needs skill, strength or courageIncalculable too great to calculateascentsentn.上升攀登the act of climbing or moving up; an upward journeyconferknf:授予,賦予 to give sb an awa

23、rd, a university degree or a particular honour or rightphenomenalfinminla.非凡的,出眾的,龐大的very great or impressivewaneweinvi.衰退(written) to become gradually weaker or less important(of the moon) to appear slightly smaller each day after being round and fullresourcefulris:sfla.足智多謀的(approving) good at fin

24、ding ways of doing things and solving problems, etcconfideknfaidvt.吐露(秘密等) (sth) (to sb) to tell sb secrets and personal information that you do not want other people to knowrepelripelvt.使厭惡;擊退,逐回,驅(qū)除;排斥to drive, push or keep sth awayunveilnveilvt.揭露uncoverto remove a cover or curtain from a painting

25、, statue, etc. so that it can be seen in public for the first timereluctantrilktnta. 不情愿的,勉強的 (to do sth) hesitating before doing sth because you do not want to do it or because you are not sure that it is the right thing to dohostilehstaila.敵對的,敵意的,不友善的;敵方的 (to / towards sb/sth) very unfriendly or

26、aggressive and ready to argue or fight (to sth) strongly rejecting or opposed to sthmaking it difficult for sth to happen or to be achievedbelonging to a military enemy(business) (of an offer to buy a company, etc.) not wanted by the company that is to be boughtperilousperilsa.危險的(formal or literary

27、) very dangerousmesmerizemezmraizvt.使入迷to have such a strong effect on you that you cannot give your attention to anything elsesuccumbskmvi.屈從;死于 die fromV (to sth) to fail to resist an attack, an illness, a TEMPTATION, etcrepealripi:lvt.廢止,撤消VNif a government or other group or person with authority

28、 repeals a law, that law is no longer validelusiveilu:siva.躲避的difficult to find, define, or achievescourskauvt.四處搜索;洗滌;沖刷 sth (for sb/sth) to search a place or thing thoroughly in order to find sb/sth sth (out) to clean sth by rubbing its surface hard with rough material sth (away / out) sth (from /

29、 out of sth) to make a passage, hole, or mark in the ground, rocks, etc. as the result of movement, especially over a long periodlegibleledbla.可辯認的,易讀的(of written or printed words) clear enough to readcontendkntendvi.爭奪,競爭;搏斗,爭斗 vt.聲稱,主張to say that sth is true, especially in an argumentV (for sth) t

30、o compete against sb in order to gain sthreprimandreprima:ndn.& v.訓誡,譴責 sb (for sth) (formal) to tell sb officially that you do not approve of them or their actionslevylevivt.征收(稅等) n.征稅,稅款 sth (on sb/sth) to use official authority to demand and collect a payment, tax, etcvoluntaryvlntria.自愿的,志愿

31、的done willingly, not because you are forcedsubmitsbmitvt.呈送,提交;主張VN sth (to sb/sth) to give a document, proposal, etc. to sb in authority so that they can study or consider itcompositekmpzitn.合成物,復合材料something made by putting together different parts or materialsinfancyinfnsin.嬰兒期;初期the time when a

32、child is a baby or very young: to die in infancythe early development of sththrillriln.興奮;引起激動的事物 v.(使)非常興奮exciting and enjoyablespecifyspesifaivt.明確說明,具體指定condemnkndemvt.譴責;判刑,宣告有罪 sb (to sth) to say what sb's punishment will bedelimitdilimitv.定界,劃界 to decide what the limits of sth arepanoramap

33、ænr:mn.全景;概括,綜述,概觀a description, study or set of pictures that presents all the different aspects or stages of a particular subject, event, etcimpendimpendv.迫近,逼近,即將發(fā)生buoyantbinta.無憂無慮的;cheerful and feeling sure that things will be successfulvistavistn.遠景,展望(written) a range of things that migh

34、t happen in the futurecharacterizekæriktraizvt.成為的特征,以為特征;描述to be typical of a person, place or thingoften passiveto give sth its typical or most noticeable qualities or features sb/sth (as sth) to describe or show the qualities of sb/sth in a particular waymanifoldmænifulda.多方面的adjective(formal) many; of many different typesnoun(technical) a pipe or an enclosed space with several openings for taking gases in and out of a car engineblessingblesin.祝福usually sing.God's help and protection, or a PRAYER asking for thisusually sing.approval of


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