1、第1頁15. While I was waiting at the doctor , I read the whole of a short story. (using the -ng participle clause )16. It was raining hard. The team stayed in doors due to this fact.(us ing which ” to refer to the fact)17. The lecture was quite boring. Many listeners fell asleep.(usingothat ”)18. Leave
2、 it to me, said Dan Defoe. Dan Defoe was the man on night duty.(usingappositioanlstructure )19. Children are not so afraid that they will not tell the truth.(usingnever too to structure)20. The general electi on has bee n going on for almost two mon ths, but_ (結果如何尚待以后見分曉)(using femain to ”)三.閱讀( (2
3、X 20=40)AThere are popular programmes about the work of the police on TV. People like them because they arein teresti ng and useful.In London there is a TV programme called“ Police Five . It takes five minutes a week. ATV reporter talksabout crimes(犯罪)in London. He asks people for help, because the
4、police station needs their help.The TV reporter shows picture of lost painting, lost cars and other lost things during the week.Sometimes he shows the picture of the car that the thieves( 賊)drove away. When people see the picture of such thingson TV, they may remember something so that they may tell
5、 the police where or when they saw them. With their help thepolice may catch more thieves.Sometimes the police find a car or something expensive that has ever been lost, the TV reporter showsthem on TV. Then the owners may see them and they can get them back.21. “ Police Five ” is_ .A.a n ame of a T
6、V reporter.B. time of a TV programmeC. the n ame of a TV programme D. a police stati on.22.“ Police Five is shown_ .A. every weekB. once a weekC. five min utes a dayD. five times a week23. This programme is about_ .A. a TV reporter B. painting C. cars D. crimes24. The police_ by this programme.A.let
7、 people understand themB. ask for people s helpC. let people know what was lost D. let people feel in terest ing25. When a lost thing is found, the police will_ by this way.A. tell the TV reporterB. caught the thiefC. find the ownerD. be show n on TVBIt was nearly eleven o clock when Quinlan s telep
8、hone rang. Betty ran out of her bedroom.I mom. she called, as she passed her mother s door.英語精讀科目2018年上 學期期 末考試卷答案大題號-一-二二三四五六總分評卷人分值1020401020100分實得分一.詞匯(10)A.選詞填空spon sorcan celcon ductmutualweakn ervousapprove1.The compa ny is_ a survey to find out local reacti on to their rece ntly promoted prod
9、uct.2. The Nati onal Fi ne Arts Associati on_ the fair to raise money for Hope Project last week.3.1 firmly believe that this agreeme nt will be for our_ ben efit.4. He never complains that there are any problems he cannot deal with or that he is under too muchpressure; he believes that such compla
10、ints are a sig n of_.5. The new project is expected to start early n ext year; it has won the_ of the board.B. 構詞Add prefixes (前綴)to the words below and fill in the blank.6. She_a large map and spread it on the table. (fold)7. We should economize on oil, because the supply of a natural resource is n
11、ever_.(limit)Add suffixes (后綴)to the words below and fill in the blank.8. He often comes here, but_en ough, I have n ever met him. (stra nge)9. Im fed up with your_compla ining. (end)10. She stayed up very late the ni ght before, so she was still tired and_ whe n he woke her the nextmorni ng.二.語法(2X
12、10=20)Combine the two sentences or complete the sentence, according to the requirement.11. People admit pollution is very serious. Few are willing to take any measures.(using the conjunction while)12.We will give in to their dema ndsun der no con diti ons .(emphasiz ing the italicized part)13. He ea
13、ts much. He becomes fat.(using the more ,the more )14. If you work hard, you will succeed.(using the -ng participle clause )第2頁“ Thank you, dear. Betty ran dow n the stairs, picked up the phone and said. Hello? This is Betty“ Yes,Quinlan. The slow voice of the sheriff!郡長)came over the wire. Is your
14、father there, Betty?“ No, he hasncome back yet. Shall I give him a message? The sheriff said,“ Yes, please. Tell him I want to speak to himimmediately. Some one left a silver cigarette case (銀煙盒)here at the place, and I want to exam ine it for第3頁fingerprints (指紋).”I ll tell him, Sheriff.”“ Tell him
15、to bring his fingerprints stuff ( 材料)and a camera. Itnormal clinics,” he points out,“ and they might find communication on the isnupieriagbiiway (超級高速s a cigarette case with a heart on it and an 公路)less fearful than face -to- face dialogue with their doctors.”arrow through the heart. There is an R o
16、n one end of the arrow and a B on the other. Will you tell him as soon as he comesin. ”I ll tell him. Goodbye.”The words came out slowly. As she put the pho ne dow n, Betty felt as if she had tur ned to ice.That was the cigarette case she had give n Roy for Christmas!26. Why did Betty run dow nstair
17、s to get the pho ne call? She probably_ .A.loved her motherB.liked to received a phone callC.was expect ing a phone callD. thought the call must be very importa nt27. From the passage we can guess_ .A. Betty loved RoyB. Roy didn t love Betty by losing the caseC. Betty was a smokerD. Roy wan ted to d
18、raw police s atte nti on on Betty28. From the passage you can find that it may be a story about_ .A.loveB. murder C. fin gerpri ntsD. Betty29. What did Betty feel after she put dow n the pho ne? She felt_.A. too happy to moveB. afraid and surprisedC. shocked and worried D. cold and fearfulCE-mail (電
19、子郵件 )can be a powerful new tool in improving communication (交流)between patients anddoctors, accord ing to one expert.“ Using the Intern et, doctors can an swer more questi ons from more patie nts in ashorter time, ” writes Dr Basal Pal, a famous doctor in Manchester, UK.Accord ing to Pal, n early 40
20、% of America n patie nts say they used e-mail to commu ni cate with a doctor in thepast.He no tes, however, that although patie nts have such in terest, only up to 2% of doctors in the Un ited States offere-mail service.Usi ng e-mail, doctors can make sure of their advice and point patie nts to pati
21、e nt in formatio n materials and otherresources on the Internet. It s said that more tha-or100 wedsirtes (網(wǎng)站)already exist now.However, some people worry that widespread use of medical e-mail might set up two kinds of care one for Internet“ haves ” and the other for the-nots ”.“ haveBut Pal poi nts
22、out that“by the year 2002 n early every library will offer In terne-mad services in theUn ited Statesfowaleve n low-i ncome patie nts to use such means. Pal also talks about other possible barriers ( 障礙)to the accepta nee of medical e-mail.Doctors may be unwilling to offer e -mail services for fear
23、of increasing workload (工作量)and uncertainty30. The article in troduces a new way of patie nt- doctor commu ni cati on_ .A. by e-mailB. by visit ing websitesC. by searchi ng the In ter netD. by using the computer31. Accord ing to the text, some people worry that_ .A.it might have to serve both those
24、who have access (訪問通道 )to the Internet and those who don tso the workload is too heavyB.it might meet double doubts from those who have access to the Internet and those who donC.it might make trouble betwee n those who can use the Internet and those who canD.it might take troub le betwee n those who
25、 have In ter net experie nces and those who have n32. All the following points are advantages (優(yōu)點)of using medical e-mail except that_ .A. it is more reliable (可靠的).B. it is less frighte ningC. it en able patie nts and doctors to un dersta nd each other betterD. it provides patients more choices of
26、treatment (治療)33. Which of the followi ng is true about e-mail in the USA?A. Every patie nt cannot use it.B. Only doctors can use it.C. Patients needn t pay for their treatment ilng usmail.D. No others can read the in formatio n sent by e-mail.DThere have bee n many great inven ti ons, things that c
27、ha nged the way we live. The first great inven ti on was onethat is still very important today the wheel(輪子).This made it easier to carry heavy things and to travel long dista nces.For hun dreds of years after that there were few inven ti ons that have as much effect as the wheel. Then in theearly 1
28、800s the world started to change. There was little unknown land left in the world. Peopl e didn t have to exploremuch any more. They bega n to work in stead to make life better.In the sec ond half of the 19th cen tury many great inven ti ons were made. Among them were the camera, theelectric light a
29、nd the radio. These all became a big part of our life today.The first part of the 20th cen tury saw more great inven ti ons: the helicopter(直升飛機 )in 1909, sou ndmovies in 1926, the computer in 1928 and jet pla nes in 1930. This was also a time whe n a new material was first made.Nylon(尼龍)came out in
30、 1935. It changed the kind of clothes people wear.The middle part of the 20th cen tury brought new ways to help people get over diseases. They worked very well.They made people healthier and let them live long lives. By the 1960s most people could expect to live to be at least 60.By this time most p
31、eople had a very good life. Of course new inven ti ons contin ued to be made. But man now had adesire(渴望)to explore again. The world is known to man but the stars are not yet. Man began looking” he explained,“ and patients may worry that their medicOb r ways to go into space. Russia made the first s
32、tep. Then the United States took a step. Since then otherBut these problems can be all be solved,” he adds.countries, including(包括)China and Japan, have made their steps into space.E- mail may help us a lot in health care,Pal con cludes.In 1969 man took his biggest step away from the earth. America
33、ns first walked on the moon. This isabout payment (付款)for the time they spent,in formati on might be read by others.PatielEtShwalnthteykeawget in第4頁certa inly just a begi nning though. New inven ti ons will someday allow us to do thi ngs we have n ever yet dreamed of.34. Nylon came out n early at th
34、e same time as_A. the radioB. the cameraC. jet pla nesD. movies35. People can live long lives because_ to help people cure diseases have worked very well.A. doctorsB. new methodsD. new hospitalst have a desire to explore a lot_at the beg inning of 1800sin 1900sA. sight in formati on serviceB. Royal
35、Natio nal In stitute for the Bli ndC. a serious sight problemD. Royal Natio nal In stitute for the Disabled 四翻譯(10)41. 不打算努力工作的人就沒有可能取得成功42. 我相信如果財富以更為合理的方式分配,世界上就沒有人會挨凍受餓。43. 政府正在采取這些措施,希望飛漲的房價降下來。44. 如果你作此讓步,你不久就會為此付岀代價。45. 看來你從因特網(wǎng)上下載的這個故事是原文的簡寫本。C. since 1900sD. from 1800s to 1960s37.By the 1960s
36、_ .A.people had known everythi ng about the worldB.there was n ot much to be exploredC.only the moon had not yet bee n knownD. the world as a whole was known to manERHIB Helpli ne0345-669999In formati on, support and advice for anyone with a serious sight problem.We can:* put you in touch with speci
37、alist advice services.* send you free information and leaflets.* give you details of support groups and services in your area.If you or some one you know has a serious sight problem, RNIB will help.Call Mon day to Friday 9:00 a.m. 5:00 p.m.Call charged at local rates.All calls treated in con fide nee.Royal Natio nal In stitute for the Bli nd.38. With which problem can I call 0345-669999?A.My mother has cataracts (白內障)andIneed information.B.I ve just been registered partiallysighted.C.My sight s getting worse and
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