



1、寫作講義1一篇完整的作文至少由三個不同寫作方向的段落組成, 故掌握常見的幾種段 落展開模式對高效寫好一篇作文非常重要。歸納起來常見的段落方向有 1)現(xiàn)象 段;2)解釋原因段;3)闡述利弊;4)列舉不同觀點段;5)建議措施段;6) 重要性段。謀篇:每個段落盡量朝一個方向?qū)?,切忌在一個段落里什么都談一下, 讓人 抓不住重點;又忌在其他段落反復(fù)提及已經(jīng)論述過的話題。 解決這個問題最有效 的辦法是拿到作文后認(rèn)真審題,對要寫的三段話參照幾個常見段落模式對內(nèi)容和 主攻方向做個規(guī)劃(即謀篇),其實無非在6種段落種選3種構(gòu)成一篇整體。最 好有個提綱,按計劃按方向分別寫好每一段,這樣就不容易竄題造成思路混亂。展

2、開:余下無非就兩件事情,擴(kuò)展段落和擴(kuò)展句子。1 段落的展開:講究有層次和簡潔和銜接。其實就是分點說、先說什么后 說什么、說什么不說什么的問題。首先層次問題,即最好是先一針見血地說到點 上后再解釋,而不是倒過來(中文口語方式經(jīng)常如此)。如下例A方式就比B方 式更好,更具邏輯性和讀者友好性。A: There is no doubt that “ Advertiseme nts ben efit people a lot in many ways. First of all, advertising provides people with useful information. For examp

3、le, a visitor knows which hotel is cheap by check ing the ads on n ewspape”.B: “ For example, a visitor knows which hotel is cheap by checking the ads on n ewspapers. So advertiseme nts ben efit people a lot. They provide people with useful in formatio n. ”其次是簡潔。常見的問題是:舉例時過于啰嗦,把一件簡單的事情分解成好 幾個步驟再用5、6

4、個句子才把它說完。如有人在談廣告的其中一個好處時說“ Whe n some one travels to a new place, he wants to find a place to live, but he doesnt have much money, so he wants to look for a cheap hotel. At this time, he suddenly finds a newspaper, and he reads an advertisement, saying a hotel is ched” 其實用上面的一個句子For example, a visit

5、or knows which hotel is cheap bycheck ing the ads on n ewspaper就已經(jīng)說清楚了。下筆時培養(yǎng)簡潔的習(xí)慣注意兩點:一、跟隨最重要信息走,別跟隨中文字翻 譯走;二、舉一個例子最多別用超過兩個主句的詞量(或用2滿行即可)。字?jǐn)?shù)不夠能可多舉個例。如: And advertiseme nts on TV ofte n in troduce new products to the viewers.最后是銜接。在重要段落(如第 2或3段),是否用上了 to begin with,In additi on Last but no t least /

6、On the one han d, On the other han d -/ For one thing, For another,/ There are mainly two reasons as follows. / As a result.等 等詞?2.句子的擴(kuò)展:展開句子分兩步考慮,一、首先如何在核心詞的基礎(chǔ)上構(gòu) 建出一個基本結(jié)構(gòu)清晰的句子?二、如何將這個簡潔甚至是簡短的句子變得稍 長?1)構(gòu)建基本句子。首先學(xué)會把話說全,即有完整的主語和謂語(賓語),盡 量把人和你要討論的話題都放到你的句子里說。句子展開的方式常有: a. 什么 人做什么事;b.什么事對于什么人如何;c.做什么事對于

7、什么人來說很如何(it is);d.在存在什么;(there be )。The public are very concerned about this issue/ This issue has aroused much concern in the public./ There is much concern in this ca其.實都一樣。 看你擅長哪種句子啰。2) 擴(kuò)展句子:如句子不夠長,常??梢酝ㄟ^在句首和句末加句子或介詞組 來進(jìn)行強(qiáng)調(diào)、委婉、限制(如時間、地點、程度等)。如句首:There is no doubt that/ It goes without saying that

8、/ It s well known that/ It seems that/ It is likely that/As a coin has two sides,/ Without any doubt, /It is obvious that等; 句末:in this world/ on this planet/in the society/in recent years/ in this case/ to some degree/ to some extent/ 等。 Nowadays,語言的多樣化 另外,語言表達(dá)上的多樣也是努力的方向。 首先加強(qiáng)動詞的多樣化:盡量先不要用 make, le

9、t, 看看除此外能用 result in, lead to, account for, sb benefit from ; do good to; do harm to; provide sb with sth; help; bring; 等用詞否。其次,積累一些地道常見的常用表達(dá) : 1表示重要、必要、困難、方便、可能1) It is important ( necessary,difficult ,convenient, possible) for sbto do sth2) We cantimagine what our world would become without3) It p

10、lays an important role in our life4) People attach a lot importanee to-2表示好處1) It has the follow ing adva ntages6) It provides us with opport unity to 2) It does us a lot of good3) It benefits us quite a lot in the development of our 4) It is beneficial to us5) People ben efit a lot from 3表示壞處1) Its

11、 disadvantages outweigh its advantages2) It does us much harm3) It is harmful to us4) Its negative effect should not be ignored.4表示數(shù)量1) It has increased ( decreased) fromto2) The population in this city has now increased (decreased) to 800,000 5表示看法1) People have( take, adopt,assume) different attitudes towards sth2) People have different opi


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