



1、 V ol. 22, N o. 4 A BST RA C T 83 ag ent is added int o a w at er based dr illing f luid. T his paper describes mechanism of for matio n pressure bearing abilit y increasing and lost circulat io n prevent ion and contr ol of t his f luid. T he fluid behav es excel l ent sealing / plug ging pro pert

2、y in sandsto ne of diff erent permeabilit y and f ract ur ed f orm ation, w hich help realize approx imately zer o f ilt ration. In addit ion, by fo rming ult ra low per meable membrane on t he surf ace of w ell bore and enhancing inner mud cake st reng t h, t he zer o f ilt ration hol e st abilizin

3、g ag ent increases the fo rmat io n pressure bearing abilit y subst ant ially. In sit u using in several w ells locat ed in Dag ang oilf ield and L iao he oilf ield show ed t hat , accident s such as lost circulat ion, pipe st icking and hol e col lapse w ere st opped in long bo reho le in multi pre

4、ssured f ormat ion and depleted f orm ation. It indicat ed that ult ra low permeable drilling fluid could seal por e thro at in a lar ge range and a com pact ult ra low bar rier w as f orm ed on t he st one surf ace. L eak pressure and break dow n pr essure gr adient w ere increased, and saf e densi

5、ty w indo w w as enlarged. Key words: ult ra low perm eable drilling fluid, sand bed filt rat e, cor e, pressur e bearing abilit y, f ract ure, lost circulat ion cont ro l First Author s Address: Pet roChina Ex plo ration & Development Research Inst it ut e, Beijing Study on a modified alkal ine

6、 pulp black liquor ( APBL as a viscosity reducer for dri lling fluid. DFCF, 2005, 22( 4 : 24 26 Authors: L ONG Z hu, CH EN Yun zhi, CUI Chun x ian, XU L i x in and CH EN F u shan. Abstract: When po lymer dr illing fluid is used in deep w ell s, o nce m ud t hickening happens, convent ional viscosit

7、y does not w or k due t o it s dispersing ef f ect. T herefo re, a new viscosit y reducer is in need to act w it h polym er s in drilling fluid. T he v isco sit y r educer shields t he adso rpt ion groups of poly mer to w eaken the bridg ing str ucture m ade of po lymer and clay. In t his paper, syn

8、thesis m et hod of viscosit y reducer by alkaline pulp black liquor ( AP BL , 2 acr ylamide 2 m et hylpropanesulfo nic acid, acrylic acid and dially l dimet hy l amm onium chloride as raw mat er ials w as inv estig at ed. Relev ant ef f ect s of t he APBL AM PS/ AA/ DMDAAC copo lymer on synthesis w

9、ere st udied and t he dr illing fluid propert ies w ere evaluated in labo rato r y. Exper im ent al result s show ed that t he viscosit y reducer has very goo d heat resistance, salt t olerance and calcium t o lerance w hen it is used as viscosity r educer f or drilling f luids. When it s addit io n

10、 is 0. 3% , the ag ent plays it s ro le best ; it w orks w ell up t o 150 ; the NaCl to ler ance is 30% and t he CaCl2 is 1. 0% . Key words: drilling f luid, drilling f luid addit ive, viscosity reducer, alkaline pulp black liquo r, copoly mer First Author s Address: T ianjin U niv ersity o f Scienc

11、e & T echnolo gy, T ianjin Development of Strength enhanced and toughness reinforcement additive ZZC 1 and its application. DFCF, 2005, 22( 4 : 27 29 The author: SUN De yu Abstract: T o com plet ely im pro ve the equal balance of physical and m echanical perf orm ance of convent ional oil w ell

12、cem ent , the str engt h enhanced and t oughness reinfo rced cement addit ive Z ZC 1 has been devel o ped. Ex periment al r esult s in lab and field applicat ion bot h sho w ed it s goo d compat ibilit y w it h ot her ce m ent addit ives. It can signif icant ly improve t he break resist ance, ant i

13、impact t oughness, cement at ion st reng t h and compressiv e st reng th of conv ent ional o il w ell cement , and meanw hile improv e cem ent ing qualit y. It result s f rom t he f act t hat t he feature alt ered f iber in t he additiv e has lim ited the gr ow t h and de v elo pm ent of m icro f ra

14、ct ures in cem ent mat rix. M oreover, it cont ains active fine part icles and accordingly com pat ible act iv at or. T hey can no t only enhance t he cement at ion st reng t h betw een cem ent part icles, but also benefit load t ransmission by it s part icle infilling f unction, w hich has been show n on the macro physical and mech


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