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1、The Defferent of Family Education between China and America1st, emphasis is laid on family education. No matter which country you come from, what nationality you belong to all think t he family is a persons first school, and th e parent is the first teacher. Either China or Western countries, either

2、 the ancient ti mes or the modern times, family educatio n is always in the most fundamental positi on.2nd, family education should be started since childhood, perform the duty promptl y.Family instruct ion of Yan said that,“ The parents should do the missionary work, w hen the infant is young. Judg

3、ing from his facial expression, we know whether he is angry or happy, then give instructions.” “F amily Instruction of Yan” , Zhitui Yan, So uthern and Norther n Dynasties Because “i ts easy to concentrate a childs attention. After he grows up, his attention is easily dispersed, so a child must be c

4、aught earl y.” Dewey also thought the family educatio n should be executed early.3rd, parents unsuilable role division in e ducation brings about some bad results. Either in China or in the West mother is almost described in many cultures as the main fosterer, and then father plays only a part. The

5、father is the main undertaker who teaches the child to know the rationa lity education. Mother is responsible for c hilds food and drink in daily life, the mat erial guarantee, the emotional satisfaction and so on, is also the main undertaker of childs emotional cultivation. Its result is that the c

6、hild holds his father in awe and veneration and causes the poor relation be tween child and father, and thus affects c hilds perfect development.5th, attach importance to teaching by pe rsonal example as well as verbal instructio n.The parents are childs models, usually a simple movement is more eff

7、ective than t he inculcation of ten thousand instructions. However, the traditional family education in China, on account of the respective dif ferences in more aspects is different from that in the West . They have their own c haracteristics between regions and cultures. Print.asp?ArticleID=200To b

8、egin with, the tendency of education is different.The Chinese parents lay emphasis on so cial enlightenment, ignore the growth of c hildren. The Chinese parents take the soci al compatible enlightenment seriously, but often neglect the development of children s characteristics, they often train the

9、child ren under established forms , and lay dow n the broad road for their growth.The western parents provide the children a environment for growth resistant to the m, and foster their tenacious individuality and the good conduct, and they choose th eir idea and way of cultivation according t o the

10、change of society and the characteri stic of children physical and mental.Secondly, the value of family education i s different.The function of Chinas family education is forced by the Chinas traditional cultur e. The Chinese traditional Confucian cultur e emphasize “the cultivation of ones mora l c

11、haracter, the running of ones family, th e administration of a state, the peace and security of the world”. In this directional thought, the family education is bestowed on the direct social significance. In additio n, the Chinese traditional culture also rega rds the family education and childrens

12、ind ividual growth as the direct correlative cau ses and effects. The Chinese parents care about the reputation in educating the chil d, thinking educating the child to become a useful person is their achievement, but if not, the parents feel shameful. The ed ucations goal is for earning their livin

13、g, f or honor.The western family education is different from china in the educational goal. Educa tion is not the preparation for earning the ir living, but for survival. “The learned edu cation” they emphasize has the value of m olding ones mind, one kind of value whic h has nothing to do with the

14、utility or the occupation consideration.In fact, Western family does not make t he comparison painstakingly, but the Chin ese familys comparison has brought abou t a serious problem: CompetingThirdly, the view of who is the main bod y of the family and the reciprocity of edu cation are different.The

15、 Chinese traditional family culture is following the dominant pattern, displays t he familys internal authority consciousnes s. It emphasis obedience and respects, tak es the external control serious. The chief educator is parents in chinas traditional c ulture. The Chinese parents guardian-consciou

16、sness is extremely intense. They regard the child as their own private property, regard him as their accessory. Therefore, t he parents think highly of shaping the chil d unlaterally, affects the childs individualit y construction. They pay attention to their own image, has neglected the child and a

17、dults interaction, its process and compre hensiveness, so it causes the child to be i n the passive position, disregard of the ch ilds individual existence.Whereas, the western civilization takes th e child as the main body, emphasizes indi vidual struggle, emphasizes equality, demo Th e western par

18、ents think of the child as an equal member in the family, respect the childs personality and dignity, can let thechild think independently and choose freel y. They respect the childs right, do not d o the compulsory education. They respect the childs self-respect, advocate childs in stinct developme

19、nt, and the natural develo pment. Parents responsibility only lies in discovering and guiding the childs interes ts and potential ties, creating the advanta geous environment for the child, paying at tention the communication with the child, and the educational reciprocity. In the wes tern home educ

20、ation, the parents are not childs dominations, but his friends.Fourthly, the focal point of education is different.What the Chinas traditional culture gras ps is life and morals, so the Chinese valu e life and the human relations extremely. Therefore, the Chinese parents have regar ded the morals as

21、 the highest value orient ation in the education. Especially, in the C hinese mind, “the good child” is a child w ho is obedient and sensible at first, aims at the community, liked at first sight. In t hat case, the guardian trains the child to practice the moral culture, cultivates ment al poise, s

22、elf-restraining, emphasizes reser vation, and the idea of social rank. The m ain connotation of Chinese family educatio n is “the mercy, righteousness, the ritual, the wisdom, the honesty, loyalty, forgivene ss”, and the Chinese child was taught by historical story, ethics, loyalty, filial piety a n

23、d integrity when he was young. The child was influenced by the ice-cold moral law and the rules and regulations, and studie d 3-character classic and Younger brother Cuckoo since childhood.Yet, what the western culture grasps is kn owledge, the family mainly arouses the chi lds the curiosity about a

24、nd the imaginatio n of nature. As we all know knowledge cr eation comes from curiosity. So parents by making children interested in the nature and fairy stories, let the children have a b roader imagination space, so as to help th e knowledge creation. In addition, they re gard the psychological dev

25、elopment as the highest direction, so the cultivation of chi lds interest and the creativity is the main point of Western family education.The Chinas traditional culture takes the family as the focus, pays great attention t o individual responsibility and duty. This i s performed in the value orient

26、ation: (1 f amily education function is strengthened. I n the Chinese tradition of society, family s houlders many kinds of social functions. It has the bright characteristics of building the country and family with concerted effo rts. But the children education is a part of family lifes extension,

27、so the home educ ations vital role also lies in achieving the goal“the family education is lasting”. It is a tool with which the positions of family and social politics are maintained and dev eloped family culture is presented and car ried forward. (2 Education takes family be nefit as the main valu

28、e orientation. “Bring honor to ancestors”, “the illustrious familystatus” are scholars go al to pursue . The personal interest and the family benefit a re merging into one organic whole. It is cl osely related to “the view of immotality” o f Chinese traditional culture.The western culture takes indi

29、vidual as a focus paying great attention to individual freedom and right. And in education, the westerners place the educated in promin ent status, with the emphasis of the cultiv ation of individuality. The Individuals stan dard and family transforms are closely cor relative. This educational tradi

30、tion was est ablished, which experienced “Renaissance movements” from the 14th to the 16th ce nturies, “Franch bourgeois ideology Enlight enment” in the 18th century as well as th e “ideological trends” and so on at the be ginning of 20th century. Then, Rousseau i nitiated the natural and free educa

31、tion. De wey proposed that education is growth, e ducation is life, individual is the main bod y who grasps his own experience construc tion. But the individual standard is not eq ual to individualism, does not equate itself to taking the child as the center. The fa mily needs the individual of rich

32、 individual ity, who can tame himself, control himself, surpass himself, a modern man with perf ect moral quality, healthy individuality . In stead of a selfish and dependent utilitaria n.Sixthly, the cultivation of independent co nsciousness is different.The Chinese guardians think the value ofeduc

33、ation is studying for entering a high er school, they only ask the child to study attentively, without bothering about other things. So the childre ns consciousness of all-round development is faint. So the chi ld has no opportunity to develop and enh ance his qualities in many aspects. The C hinese

34、 parents place their hopes on the c hildren , the sense of responsibility for ed ucation issettle the development direction. Therefor e, the child becomes all dependent individ ual, lacks independent character. It causes the child to be able to do nothing but k nowledge study. The meticulous concern

35、, helps to form the habit of relying on othe rs. So when facing the storm, he is unable to do anything. Being unable to get the help, he will blame everyone and everythin g but himself.The western parents pay great attention to raising childrens independent conscious ness since childhood. In the Wes

36、tern famil y, you may see the child addresses his vis it relatives and friend by name, bolds exp resses his own opinion, participates in fa mily discussion as adults do. He solves so me problems all by himself. The parents d o not reprove the child casually. They leav e the child an opportunity of u

37、ndergoing a process of tempering. All this enables th e child to dare to rush, dare to do, dare t o take a risk, dare to display himself. Let the child learn how to make a living since childhood, have the strong physique,thequality of bearing hardships and standing hard work, and good psychological

38、quality, thus moves towards life with perfect com posure. Such independent individuality cau ses the child to pay great attention to indi vidual ability and the struggle when he m oves towards the society.Seventhly, the difference in emotional edu cation and corporal punishmentWhy family education i

39、s different from sc hool education? An important characteristi c is that family education is love educatio n. However, maybe he Chinese traditional culture emphasizes “reserve”, the Chine se family is not good at expressing love, and the emotional education is very weak. Th e communication between C

40、hinese parents and the child is characteristic of China. A nd in the Chinese family , such characters as “no”, “cannot”, “wont do”, “do not ”ap pear repeatedly, the Chinese collective education is accustomed to saying to the child “should” besides using the negative ter m to instruct the childs beha

41、vior. This is the manifeslation of guardian authoritative colouring. Such raw and cold order phras es cause the emotional education to be bl ocked. But “one can not become a useful person without being beaten”, “the club he lps the child to be loyal son” bring about the difficulty in strengthening t

42、he emotion al education.According to the investigation, in the We stern family, parents show their appreciati on to the children by using the encouragi ng language. The western parents pay gre at attention to individual quality and the e motional communication. The family lays e mphasis on the const

43、ruction and the cultiv ation of emotion. They can vacate their ti me to talk with the child, listen attentively to the childs aspirations, and emphasize heart to heart communication. In Western countries, the corporal punishment also of fends the law. Moreover, the Western pare nts are very happy pr

44、aising their own chil d in front of others, they think that this may raise childs self-confidence. But the Chinese modest attitude causes the guardi an not to be glad to do this, because the y think that it can cause the child to be a rrogant, they like nitpicking and strengthe ning childs weakness.

45、Eighthly, education method is different.The Chinese traditional education metho d is a type of education in, which people repeat what the book says and imbue the child with it. It emphasizes mechanical me morizing. That is to say, the child receives the study. There is an ancient proverb. If the boo

46、k is read hundreds of times, its meaning is shown naturally”. Zhu Xi also s aid “read frequently then read again, if yo u cant recite, until you can”. Therefore, th e Chinese guardians most like seeing the child sit in front of the desk, either recitin g with his head wagging, or bending over the de

47、sk doing exercises. The eyes do no t leave the books; the hands do not leave the books. “Dig into books of saints obliv ious of what is happening outside”. Load t he stomach with ancients knowledge andsages experience without knowing whethe r they can be digested or not.The west emphasizes the child

48、s “power of understanding”. They like letting the chi ld practise by himself, going to the nature, seeking the knowledge from life. Their st udy resides in many kinds of forms. The western family has the special cooking cla ss, the hardwork class and the playroom. They do not think that play and stu

49、dy are conflicting with each other, and encourag e the child to study outside, pay great att ention to the childs ability to ponder. The parents usually lead the child in seeking the natures mystery, help them know abo ut the society. They carry out Deweys “ed ucation is life”, “school is society”.

50、They e ncourage the child to go to the library, th e museum to read the books he is interes ted in, and participate in the social practic e.About fight, Chinese parents and teache rs are act as “ pacificator”, “judge”, Americ an parents and the teachers are act as “te acher”. The thought of dealing

51、with fightst in Chinese families, is based on the Conf ucianist idea of “frendly and farmonious re lations are valued ”; That the American gu ardians may stand by, or “instigate” the ch ild “to fight back”, is based on the ideal o f maintaining the personal interest promin ently, achieving and safeg

52、uarding individua l rights and interests from any injuries ; C hinas family thinks its all right if one sto ps to compromise, so beg as theres peac e. The American thinks only individual rig hts and interests are protected and respec ted, then there will be the harmony in soc iety and equality of ea

53、ch person. “the Diff icult Problem of Childs Education,” XiaoFe ng, Peoples Military Doctor Publishing Hou se, June 25th,2004Next, education in managing money mat ters is different.The Chinese gentleman does not care ab out fame and fortune. fixed the thinking t ype of being loyal to others causes t

54、he Ch inese parents simply to not have the idea of financial transaction. In China, earning money to support ones family and managi ng the wealth are adults matter. When ha ving no money they can ask the parents f or some. Even if after getting married, the y can also do this. The Chinese parents al

55、 ways render economic assistance gratis to the children, and try every means to satis fy the children with the money, and indul ge the childs excessive consuming desire.In the West, especially in US, the educati on of financial transaction is one of the fa mily educational branches. Therefore, the W

56、estern parents extremely focus this. The y do not supply the money for the child r egularly, but issue the child a fixed fund r egularly. And they help the child to set up the correct consciousness of managing fi nances, foster a good habit of managing money matters, besides these, they also p ay gr

57、eat attention to raising basic quality of managing money matters. The western parents teach the child to make plans for budget items, learn to spend money reaso nably; They encourage the child to work outside to gain income by themselves; They educate the child to store up the wealth, not to spend m

58、oney freely; They help the child learn to donate, help other people; They educate the child to be honest, have the self-respect facing money; They tell t he child saving money is a virtue; And the y teach the child to hold the opportunity of managing money matters and make the correct decision, and

59、be ready to serve o thers.Lastly, religious thought and scientific ed ucationAlthough the Chinese culture begins with religion, we emphasize the scientific natu re in education. The Peoples Republic of Chinas compulsory Educational law stipula tes explicitly that, education and religion must be separated.The western religious tradition still retain s the formidable influence even in


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