1、文獻出處:Mahpula A. The Research of Regional Logistics CompetitivenessJ. Journal of Tran sport Geography, 2015, 15(2): 30-34.原文The Research of Regi onal Logistics Competitive nessMahpula AAbstractAt prese nt, the developme nt of logistics is the logistics dema nd rapidin crease, the expa nding market ca
2、pacity, accelerates the con struct ionoflogisticsinfrastructure,third-party logistics fast growth the tendency,the whole logisticsin dustryis develop ing in the direct ionof theinformation,globalization and specialization.At the sametime, with therapid in crease of logistics dema nd, the developme n
3、t of the regi onal logistics more rapidly. Regional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existenee and development of regional logistics is the premise of existenee and development of regional economy, no regional economy there would be no regi on al logistics. Regi on al logistic
4、s andregional economic development level, is closely related to the scale and the level of the differe nt regi onal econo mic shape, size and in dustry, determines the level of regional logistics, the scale and structure form. Regi onal econo mic in tegrati on can make the area and regi on al logist
5、ics in cli ne to reas on able, adapt to reas on able layout of in dustrial structure, to reduce logistics cost, promote the development of regional logistics.On the other hand, the regi onal econo mic developme nt is in separable from the developme nt of regi on al logistics and regi on al logistics
6、 to provide support and guarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regional logistics will drive and promote the further development of regional economy. Therefore, the development of the regional logistics has become to improve the regionalinvestmentenvironment and in
7、dustry development environment, expanding the scope of the regi onal in flue nee, the key to enhancing regi onal competitive ness.Keywords: Regi onal logistics;Regi onal logistics competitive ness;Evaluatio n in dex1 In troducti onThe rapid development of world economyand the progress of modern scie
8、nee and tech no logy, the logistics in dustry as an emerg ing service in dustry, is develop ing rapidly in the global scope. Intern ati on ally, logistics in dustry is con sidered to be the econo mic developme nt of the artery and basic in dustry, its developme nt degree become to measure a coun try
9、s moder ni zatio n degree and comprehe nsive n ati onal stre ngth, one of the important marks is known as the third profit source of the enterprise, its role is more and more big, became the current after the IT industry, finan cial in dustrys hottest emerg ing in dustry a new growth point of nation
10、aleconomy, and caused widespread socialattention.Regionallogistics is an important component of regional economy, is the importantforce in the formati on and developme nt of regi onal econom y, it is to improve the efficie ncy and econo mic ben efit in the field of regi onal circulati on, i mprove t
11、he competitive ability of regi onal market, etc., plays a positive role in active. Behi nd the rapid developme nt of moder n logistics, however, there are still many problems; including logistics competitive ness level is lower tha n the level of logistics developme nt is particularly prominent. Cho
12、os ing logisticscompetitive nessdevelopment level evaluation index, since there is no uniform standard, can only use freight or freight turno ver scale to measure logistics.Impleme ntati on of goods tran sport is the process of logistics spatial displacement at the center of the link, with the two i
13、ndicators to measure logistics scale has certain scientific, but it cant reflect the outline of the regi onal logistics. Estimates of logistics dema nd, typically based on GDP and total retail sales of social con sumer goods such as in dex of nationaleconomic accounting. This is just a simple measur
14、e of the macrolevel, the proporti on of differe nt researchers use differe nt, ra nging from tee ns to twenty perce nt, there are large differe nee betwee n the results and gives theoreticalanalysis greater difficulties. At the sametime, the logistics industrys economic statistical data shortage, th
15、ere is no comprehe nsivelogistics dema nd statistics, which made usqualitative un dersta nding of the level of un dersta nding of logistics.2 Literature reviewAbout the Core Compete nee theory, Core Compete nee (Core Compete nee) of the orig inal in ten tio n is the Core skills or Core skills, this
16、eon eept is in 1990 by the Ameriean strategie management experts made (C.K.P rahalad) and Britai ns strategie man ageme nt experts hamer (e. amel), refers to the en terpriseorga ni zati onof aeeumulati ngkno wledge,espeeially about how to eoordi nate differe ntproduet ionskills andintegrate a variet
17、y of teehniealknowledge, and on the basis of advantageover other eompetitors unique ability, n amely Core Compete nee is built on the basis of enterprise Core resourees, is the enterprise intelligenee, teeh no logy, produets,man ageme nt, eulture and other eleme nts in therefleet ion of eomprehe nsi
18、ve adva ntage in the market. At prese nt there are three typieal aeademie argument: the ability theory represented by Rossby and Christies sehool; Sehool represe nted by porters theory of market strueture; Represe nted by Werner Phil and Pen roses theory of resouree sehool. Core eompetitivenessis va
19、lue, the ability to integrated,uniquen ess, exte nsibility and in here nt eharaeteristies.Related theory, the study of regi on al logisties, the logisties researeh of Europe and the Un ited States, Japa n and other developed eoun tries, foeus on the en terprise level, is eommitted to provid ingen te
20、rpriseoptimizati on strategy. And regi onal logistiessystem and eompetitive nessreseareh, invo Ived. Aeeord ing to literature review, the regi onal intern atio nal logisties field of researeh main ly in eludes the followi ngaspects: (1) from the perspective of mult in ati onal compa ny research the
21、global logistics resources con figurati onand coord in ati onproblems.Specific include logistics infrastructure, market competition mechanism and the problem of logistics supply chain operation.Such researchqua ntificati on tech no logy such as using the operati onal research tools, more for the glo
22、bal network of supply chain facilitylocation positioning,and coordi nate the factory more support, strategic distributio n system desig n problem. This is an exte nsion of the logistics en terprise level optimization study, the commonly used methods include mathematical an alytical method, system si
23、mulatio n method and heuristic methods, etc.If only one method and graphical method solving the problem of the layout of the site; Mixed integer programming solve the problem of site selection of logisticscenter and logistics planning, etc.(2) from the perspectiveof urba n economy and the en vir onm
24、ent, the research of urba n traffic n etwork Sett in gs. For example Tanjguchietal from the city level, using a dynamic trafficsimulation model, quantitativeresearch economic growth,the tran sportdema nd, as well as the related road con gesti on andenvironmental pollution.(3)from the point of view o
25、f the city government,study its role in macro logistics development and utility. For example MeirJ. R and Sen blatt, studied the global supply cha in man ageme nt in in frastructure financing, tran sportati on and regi onal tradi ng rules, corporate tax law of the gover nment subsidies, and other ef
26、fects of the main factors of global producti on and distributi on n etwork, etc.3 In troductio n to the theory of regi on al logistics related3.1 The defi niti on of regi on al logisticsAcademic defi niti on of regi on al logistics has not yet un ified, a moreaccepted view is that regional logistics
27、 is the geographical environment in a certain area, with large and medium-sized cities as the center, based on the regional scale and scope economy, combined with effective logistics service scope, area in side and outside of all kinds of goods from the supplier to accept to effective en tity flow;
28、Is the tran sport, storage, loading and unioading, handling, distribution, packaging, circulation process ing,in formati onprocess ing, such as in tegrated logisticsactivities, to service in the composite system of regi onal econo mic developme nt. It requires the in tegrati on, the in tegrati on of
29、 logistics man ageme nt, n amely to meet user n eeds for the purpose, to the goods, services and related in formatio n from the supplier to accept to the efficient flow of planning, execution, and control activities, is the orga nic un ity of cash-flow, in formati on flow and cash flow.3.2 Relati on
30、 ship of regi on al logistics subject, object and carrierRegi onal logistics has the characteristics of multi-level and multi-dimensional structure, its basic elements include logistics main body, object and logistics carrier, and the structure of the basic elements and their complete system, each e
31、lement show differentfeatures, thus formi ng the fun ctio n of the regi on al logistics. Regi on al logisticsmain body is directly invoIved in or specialized is engagedin the economic orga ni zati on of regi on al logistics activity, in cludi ng the owner of the goodsFlow, the third party logistics
32、en terprise, storage an d tran sportati on enterprise, etc. Logistics is the supply chain logistics channels, the start ing point and end point of conn ecti on in the whole course of the regional logistics activity plays a dominant and decisive role. Elements of the in tegrated logistics subject is
33、the esse ntial characteristic of modern logistics.Therefore, the elements of logistics as one of the mainbody, logistics has a decisive role in the development of logistics in dustry. Similar accumulati on and regi onal economy in dustry, regi onal logistics also emphasizes the logistics main body a
34、ccumulation, logistics main body in space is beneficial to promote the logistics activities of large-scale, intensive, body development, it is also a regional logistics park, logistics center, the objective basis of the formationofdistributi on cen ters, and regi on al logistics park, logistics cen
35、ter and distributio n cen ter determ ines the spatial structure of the regi onal logistics system.3.3 Regi on al logistics and regi onal econo mic relati onsRegional logistics is an important part of regional economy, the existenee and developme nt of regi on al logistics is the premise of existe nc
36、e anddevelopme nt of regi onal economy, no regi onal economy there would be noregional logistics. Regional logisticsand regional economic developmentlevel, is closely related to the scale and the level of the different regi onal econo mic shape, size and in dustry, determ ines the level of regi on a
37、l logistics, the scale and structure form. Logistics is always accompa nied by bus in ess flow, the more adva need the regi onal economy, manufacturing and trading more active, the logisticsindustry as a servicein dustry will have a good customer base and market in frastructure, the greater the cha
38、nee of large-scale developme nt. On the other hand, the regi onal econo mic developme nt is in separable from the developme nt of regional logistics and regionallogistics to provide support andguarantee for the development of regional economy, the development of the regi on al logistics will drive a
39、nd promote the further developme nt ofregi onal economy. Thus, regi on al logistics and regi onal economy is the unity of interdependence. Regional economyis the premise and foundation of regional logisticsdevelopment, is the dominant force in the regionallogisticsdevelopment;Regional logistics is a
40、n important part ofregional economy, is the regional economic support system, and serve the regi onal economy. Regi on al logistics developme nt goal and strategy must obey and serve the regi onal econo mic developme nt goals and strategies.4 Regi on al logistics competitive nessRegional logisticsco
41、mpetitivenessrefers to a certainspace range(generaladministrativearea as the border, across regions),thelogistics in dustry are differe nt from other areas of the assig nment of resources was made in the advantage, the logistics enterprises, gover nment policy support and in dustrial inno vati onabi
42、lity, eve ntuallyembodied through regi onal internal benign competiti on will be more tha n all kinds of resources, the ability to effectively integrate to form a complementary and integratedability system, reflect the regionalcomparis on of competitive power in the logistics activity, reflect the s
43、ize of the regional logistics service ability and the logistics industry developme nt level of high and low. The competitive ness of the regi onal logistics is mainly composedof six basic elements constitute:social andecono mic developme nt level, scale of logistics dema nd and supply con diti on of
44、 logistics, the logistics developme nt of logistics in dustry in the en terprise in formati on developme nt level, developme nt level, the macro en vir onment.4.1 The social and econo mic developme nt levelComprehensive social and economic development level reflects the regional logisticscompetitive
45、nesslevel of social economic basis, istheguarantee of development of regional logistics competitiveness, to provide support for the susta in able developme nt of regi on al logistics, from the other side also reflects the competitiveness of regional logistics developme nt pote ntial and power.4.2 Th
46、e logistics dema nd scaleLogisticsdemandscale is mainly refers to the logistics services in thefield such as production, consumption and circulationquantity and scale,to some extent, restricted by local resource conditions, it reflects a regi on, the dema nd forlogistics service level and size: the
47、size of thelogistics dema nd, determ ines the size of the logistics market capacity, is the premise of existenee and development of regional logisticsindustryand the foun dati on.4.3 Logistics supply con diti onThe supply condition of logistics refers to the logisticsinfrastructureprovided for the d
48、evelopme nt of the logistics in dustry, all kinds of logistics tech no logy and equipme nt, is en gaged in the logistics services en terprises and the corresp onding professi on als such as the nu mber and size of traffic capacity and regionalsituation,the comprehensivereflect ion of regi onal logis
49、tics supply capacity and service level, reflects the effect on the developme nt of the logistics in dustry to promote and satisfaction,is the main factor of the formation anddevelopme nt of regi on al logistics competiti on.4.4 Logistics en terprise developme nt levelLogistics en terprise comprehe n
50、sive developme nt level reflectstheregional logistics main bodys ability to provide logistics services and meet customer dema nd, embodies the subject of logistics operati on level, mainly including the enterprise competition ability, profit ability and performa nee level, reflect a certa in period
51、of logistics en terprises in the area of the overall level of developme nt, is the key factor for the formati on of regi on al logistics competitive ness.4.5 In formatio n developme nt levelMain lyrefers to the regi onalin formatio ndevelopme ntlevel ofin formatio ndegree and the level of in formati
52、o ntech no logy.Logistics isbased on information flow, logistics has becomemore and more rely on the whole process of access to in formatio n. Many logistics en terprises have established their own in formatio n man ageme nt system as a crucial to the development of its core competitiveness,the deve
53、lopment level ofin formatio n is the one importa nt factor for the formatio n of regi onal logistics competitive ness level.4.6 Logistics macro en vir onmentMacro environment refers to the logistics industrydevelopment oflogistics in dustry developme nt pla nnin g, la nd use policy, tax policy, mark
54、et access policy, tale nt trai ning, such as the soft en vir onment, affect ing the developme nt of logistics in dustry reflects the exter nal en vir onment for the developme nt of the logistics in dustry to provide favorable con diti ons and the en vir onment support.譯文區(qū)域物流競爭力研究作者 Mahpula A摘要當前,物流的
55、發(fā)展正呈現(xiàn)出物流需求快速上升、市場容量不斷擴大、物流基 礎設施建設加速、第三方物流快速成長的趨勢,整個物流產(chǎn)業(yè)正朝著信息化、全 球化和專業(yè)化的方向發(fā)展。同時,隨著物流需求的快速增加,區(qū)域物流的發(fā)展更 加迅猛。區(qū)域物流是區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的重要組成部分, 區(qū)域物流的存在和發(fā)展是以區(qū)域 經(jīng)濟的存在和發(fā)展為前提的,沒有區(qū)域經(jīng)濟也就沒有區(qū)域物流。 區(qū)域物流與區(qū)域 經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的水平、規(guī)模密切相關,不同區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的水平、規(guī)模和產(chǎn)業(yè)形態(tài),決定 了區(qū)域物流的水平、規(guī)模和結(jié)構(gòu)形態(tài)。區(qū)域經(jīng)濟一體化能使區(qū)域內(nèi)和區(qū)域間的物 流趨向合理,適應產(chǎn)業(yè)結(jié)構(gòu)的合理布局,從而降低物流成本,促進區(qū)域物流發(fā)展。 反之,區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展也離不開區(qū)域物
56、流的發(fā)展,區(qū)域物流為區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的發(fā)展提 供支撐與保障,區(qū)域物流的發(fā)展將帶動和促進區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的進一步發(fā)展。因此,區(qū)域物流的發(fā)展己成為改善區(qū)域投資環(huán)境和產(chǎn)業(yè)發(fā)展環(huán)境、擴大區(qū)域影響范圍、提升區(qū)域競爭力的關鍵。關鍵詞:區(qū)域物流,區(qū)域物流競爭力,評價指標1引言世界經(jīng)濟的快速發(fā)展和現(xiàn)代科學技術的進步,物流產(chǎn)業(yè)作為一個新興的服務 性產(chǎn)業(yè),正在全球范圍內(nèi)迅速發(fā)展。在國際上,物流產(chǎn)業(yè)被認為是經(jīng)濟發(fā)展的動 脈和基礎產(chǎn)業(yè),其發(fā)展程度成為衡量一國現(xiàn)代化程度和綜合國力的重要標志之一, 被譽為企業(yè)的“第三利潤源泉”,其發(fā)揮的作用越來越大,成為了繼IT業(yè)、金融業(yè)之后的當前最熱門的新興產(chǎn)業(yè)和國民經(jīng)濟新的增長點,引起了社會的普遍重
57、視。區(qū)域物流是區(qū)域經(jīng)濟的重要構(gòu)成要素,是區(qū)域經(jīng)濟形成與發(fā)展的重要力量,它對提高區(qū)域流通領域的效率和經(jīng)濟效益, 提高區(qū)域市場的競爭能力等,發(fā)揮著 積極的能動作用。然而,現(xiàn)代物流快速發(fā)展的背后仍然存在較多的問題,其中物流競爭力水平低于物流發(fā)展水平顯得尤為突出。選擇物流競爭力發(fā)展水平評價指 標時,由于沒有統(tǒng)一的標準,只能利用貨運量或貨運周轉(zhuǎn)量來衡量物流規(guī)模。運輸是物流過程中實現(xiàn)貨物空間位移的中心環(huán)節(jié), 用這兩個指標來衡量物流規(guī)模有 一定的科學性,但不能真實反映地區(qū)物流的全貌。 估計物流需求量時,通常的做 法是根據(jù)GDF和社會消費品零售總額等國民經(jīng)濟核算指標。這僅僅是宏觀層次上 的一種簡單估算,不同的
58、研究人員采用的比例不同,從百分之十幾到百分之二十 不等,所得結(jié)果存在較大差異,給理論分析帶來了較大的困難。同時,有關物流 產(chǎn)業(yè)的經(jīng)濟統(tǒng)計資料極度缺乏,也沒有全面的物流需求統(tǒng)計數(shù)據(jù), 這使我們對物 流的理解始終處于定性的認識水平上。2文獻綜述關于核心競爭力理論,核心競爭力(Core Compete nee)的原意是核心能力或 核心技能,這一概念是1990年由美國的企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略管理專家普拉哈拉得 (C.K.Prahalad)和英國的企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略管理專家哈默爾(C.Hamel)提出的,指的是企 業(yè)組織中的積累性知識,特別是關于如何協(xié)調(diào)不同的生產(chǎn)技能和整合多種技術知 識,并據(jù)此獲得超越其他競爭對手的獨特能力, 即核心競爭力是建立在企業(yè)核心 資源基礎之上的,是企業(yè)的智力、技術、產(chǎn)品、管理、文化等要素的綜合優(yōu)勢在 市場上的反映。目前學術界有三個有代表性的論點 :以羅斯比和克里斯蒂森為代 表的能力論學派;以波特為代表的市場結(jié)構(gòu)論學派;以沃納菲爾和潘羅斯為代表 的資源論學派。核心競爭力具有價值雙重性、能力整合性、獨特性、延伸性和時 段性的特點。關于區(qū)域物流的相關理論研究,物流發(fā)達的歐美、日本等國研究,側(cè)重于企 業(yè)層面,即致力于提供企業(yè)優(yōu)化策略。 而區(qū)域?qū)用娴奈锪飨到y(tǒng)及競爭力研究, 則 涉及不多。根據(jù)文獻查閱,國際上區(qū)域性物流領域研究,主要包
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