





3、器振動伺服液壓缸生產(chǎn)質(zhì)量的提高有著重要的作用。關(guān)鍵詞:液壓缸,間隙密封,支承環(huán),流固耦合,建模與仿真AbstractIn the mould hydraulic oscillation system,the working performance of the mould oscillation servo hydraulic cylinder had important influence on the highly efficient production of the continuous casting line.For the working performance,the main

4、 factors were the sealing combination on the piston and the piston rod.Because the hydraulic cylinder often works in the high frequency and big load working environment,traditional rubber sealing ring combination would cause severe wear and failure in this conditions.To address this situation,Shaogu

5、an Hydraulic Components Factory opened balanced-pressure grooves on the piston to use a new non-contact seal way-clearance seal.This method could effectively avoid the disadvantages of traditional seal,so that the quality of the cylinder got bigger promotion.But on the piston rod, the guide sleeve s

6、till used traditional rubber sealing ring.In the harsh conditions,this could cause severe friction and a lot of fever,which could burn the piston rod plating chromic layer and cause serious leakage.Based on the situation,this paper designed a new type of back-up ring with clearance seal,instead of t

7、he guide sleeve,and applied fluid-solid interaction analysis method to research it and finalize the design.Firstly,using Pro/E and Gambit to establish the model of back-up ring and flow field of gap seal.Using relevant software to mesh the model.Secondly,based on Workbench,using Fluent to analysis t

8、he flow field,then importing the results into ANSYS Mechanical APDL and using it to research the back-up ring(fluid-solid interaction analysis.Finally,compared simulation results data,this paper got the best clearance sealed clearance thickness and supporting ring thickness.The paper introduced a ne

9、w simulation method of fluid-solid interaction analysis into Hydraulic field to study the clearance seal and the solid ring,which was very important to the research of clearance seal and its application in the futureKey words:Hydraulic cylinder;Clearance seal;back-up ring;Fluid-solid interaction;Mod

10、eling and simulation目錄摘要.I Abstract.II 目錄.III 第一章緒論 (11.1選題背景 (11.2間隙密封的研究現(xiàn)狀及在液壓領(lǐng)域中的應(yīng)用 (21.2.1間隙密封的國內(nèi)外研究現(xiàn)狀 (21.2.2間隙密封技術(shù)在液壓領(lǐng)域的應(yīng)用 (31.3課題的研究意義和內(nèi)容 (5第二章流固耦合分析基礎(chǔ) (72.1流固耦合的基本定義 (72.2計(jì)算流體力學(xué)的基本方程 (72.3計(jì)算固體力學(xué)的基本方程 (82.4流固耦合方程 (92.5流固耦合的分類 (92.6流固耦合的數(shù)值模擬實(shí)現(xiàn)及軟件介紹 (102.7ANSYS Workbench12下單向流固耦合模塊組合方式 (11第三章流場

11、域的建模分析 (143.1引言 (143.2流場域的前處理 (143.2.1幾何模型的建立及其網(wǎng)格劃分 (153.2.2網(wǎng)格質(zhì)量檢查 (163.2.3邊界條件類型的定義 (173.3基于fluent仿真的流場域求解 (173.3.1仿真參數(shù)設(shè)置 (173.3.2仿真計(jì)算收斂性分析 (193.4泄漏量分析 (203.4.1縫隙流動的泄漏量的理論分析 (203.4.2基于Workbench下Fluent的仿真泄漏量分析 (233.4.3基于Workbench下Fluent仿真的流場域耦合面壓力分析 (243.5本章小結(jié) (25第四章固體域耦合目標(biāo)的建模分析 (264.1引言 (264.2基于Workbench ANYSY的支承環(huán)變形仿真分析 (274.2.1前處理及求解設(shè)置 (274.2.2后處理變形及應(yīng)力分析 (304.3本章小結(jié) (31第五章多種壓力下不同支


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