Unit4 Grammr高三英語課件 新課標(biāo) 人教版 課件_第1頁
Unit4 Grammr高三英語課件 新課標(biāo) 人教版 課件_第2頁
Unit4 Grammr高三英語課件 新課標(biāo) 人教版 課件_第3頁
Unit4 Grammr高三英語課件 新課標(biāo) 人教版 課件_第4頁
Unit4 Grammr高三英語課件 新課標(biāo) 人教版 課件_第5頁
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1、Unit4 GrammrEx.1. They can be_ three large groups.2. She was_ on of the greatest scientists of our times.A . Classified intowClassified aswClassified to beB. classifiedAB3.The time _ the meeting was 2 pm. A. was appointed to B. appointed to C. appointed for D. appointing forC4. Snow _ a depth of fiv

2、e feet.wincreased tow accumulated tow accumulated byB5. Police will be _ trouble- makers at todays match.w look out forw looking out forw look out at A. looking out atA6. I know nothing about the project. Can you explain it to me_?7. Can you give me a _ explanation?w in detailw in detailsw detailedw

3、 detailAC8.Because of his good work, John _ a high class. A. was promoted to B. promoted into C. was promoted from D. was promoting toAhave an appetite for 9.此時(shí)此刻她無心閑聊。此時(shí)此刻她無心閑聊。At the moment she had no appetite for gossip.10.他正忙著準(zhǔn)備入學(xué)考試。他正忙著準(zhǔn)備入學(xué)考試。be involved inHe is involved in preparing for the en

4、trance exam= be busy doing / be engaged in從事,從事, 忙于忙于involve sb. / sth. in (doing ) sth. 使某人使某人/物參與物參與Dont involve me in solving your problems.11.她陷入絕望之中。她陷入絕望之中。She abandoned herself to despair.(與與oneself連用連用)使放縱使放縱;使聽任使聽任(+to)Grammar -object 賓語賓語直接賓語:表動作的承受者直接賓語:表動作的承受者間接賓語:表動作是對誰或?yàn)檎l做的間接賓語:表動作是對誰或

5、為誰做的He asked me a question.可充當(dāng)賓語的有可充當(dāng)賓語的有名詞或代詞數(shù)詞動詞不定式動名詞或動名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)賓語從句名詞或代詞He bought a book.He told it to me in the classroom.數(shù)詞Two plus two makes four.動詞不定式He wanted to have a holiday.動名詞No one likes being laughed at.動名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)動名詞的復(fù)合結(jié)構(gòu)He apologized for_to inform me of the change in the plan.wHis being

6、 not ablew his not to be ablew his not being ableA. he not being ablec在動名詞前加表示人的名詞,在動名詞前加表示人的名詞,名詞所有格,人稱代詞,或名詞所有格,人稱代詞,或物主代詞,表示動名詞動作物主代詞,表示動名詞動作的發(fā)出者的發(fā)出者賓語從句 that引導(dǎo) : He said(that)he was right. 若謂語動詞后帶有兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上以若謂語動詞后帶有兩個(gè)或兩個(gè)以上以that引導(dǎo)的賓語從句,引導(dǎo)的賓語從句, 除第一個(gè)除第一個(gè)that外,外,其余均不能省略其余均不能省略。 whether 或或 if 引導(dǎo)引導(dǎo),表,表

7、“是否,能否是否,能否”This depends on _he is interested. whether 介詞后的賓語從句用介詞后的賓語從句用 whether引導(dǎo)引導(dǎo) whether.or not whether or not連接代詞和連接副詞引導(dǎo)連接代詞:連接代詞:who ,whom,whose,what, which連接副詞:連接副詞:when,where, how,whyHe asked whose handwriting was the best.I dont know why he didnt come.賓語從句一律用陳述語序賓語從句一律用陳述語序英語中某些及物動詞后習(xí)慣跟英語中

8、某些及物動詞后習(xí)慣跟動名詞動名詞作賓語作賓語避免錯(cuò)過避免錯(cuò)過 avoid, miss延期完成延期完成 postpone, finish建議練習(xí)建議練習(xí) suggest, practice承認(rèn)冒險(xiǎn)承認(rèn)冒險(xiǎn) admit, risk否定妒忌否定妒忌 deny, envy禁不住喜歡想象禁不住喜歡想象 cant help,enjoy, imagine請?jiān)徧颖苷堅(jiān)徧颖?excuse ,escape介意保持忍受介意保持忍受 mind , keep, stand有些動詞只能跟不定式作賓語有些動詞只能跟不定式作賓語 afford, agree, ask decide, demand expect fail

9、help, hope mange offer plan, prepare, pretend, promise refuse, seem wishMultiple choice:1.-What do you think of the matter ? - Dont you remember I have already _ that it was troublesome ? A. made it clear B. made clear C. took it for granted D. made sure2. Peter was frustrated. I wonder _ him. A. wh

10、at was the matter with B. what the matter was with C. what had happened to D. what has occurred 3.-What do you think upset him so much ? - _. A. Because he failed in the exam. B. His failing in the exam C. For he failed in the exam D. Him failing in the exam4.-How many students passed the maths test

11、 ? - _, for it was too much for them. A. Nobody B. A few C. None D. No one A5.After the summer vacation, the professor, together with his fellow teachers, _ the scientific experiment A. gets down to B. get down to C. goes down D. go down 6.It is not right to give a child _ he or she asks for. A. wha

12、t B. whatever C. that D. no matter what7.I never doubt _ he was dedicated to our firm. A. that B. whether C. if D. what8.I dont know when he _at the destination. When he _, please keep me informed. A. will arrive, will arrive B. arrives, arrives C. will arrive, arrives D. arrives, will arriveA9.My god, here you are! We were looking for you everywhere. I regret _ you that your elder brother is in hospital now. A.


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