1、difficult, not hating; bl ueprints, not rhetoric; w ords and simple,but fullof love, truth, passion, entrepreneurialpassi on.Take this opportunity, my inspirationalquotes LiDazhaosclassic ironspe cialise in uplifting blen d with the article gave everyone, with a view on how to do well under the neww
2、 situationsituati on of township and village leaders inspire and help, and also share with you. A goodandplay to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume thebur den be pa sse d; only specificqualiti es, will itbe possi ble in spe cific areas to create a world.an eterIn my view, village chiefs in
3、 thenew situation, we must first have five basic quality. One ambition is to pi oneer. Who ishandsome. People only high-minde d can stimulate the flow of momentum to be come brave andpersiste nt, becomequiet a nd powerful. Township and villageparty leaders, within their respective jurisdictions, pol
4、itical stability and e conomic aOrganizations trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the moral andotherqualities.Therefore, we must always maintain the hi storical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hardwork of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable coura
5、ge toope n up a neof villages and towns.o have a feeling ofclosene ss to the second. The peoplecountr y. Ourbusiness foundation i n thepeoples blood in thepeople powerpeople. Advanceddeci sionsof the party cadres t o the feelings of thepeople isnal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, cal led first,and e njoycomfo
6、rt about others, ZhengBanqiaos also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the r ustlingof bamboo, the suspect is suffering. Cao County officials, little my,a total turnoff.Old of feudalofficial evenhas so feelings, alone we iconsciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and most
7、directly, and most reality of interests problem grabbed, real do love for people by Department, and right for people by with, andLee for people by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mind. Non-indifferent not insist yourdream, without serenity not go far. Ascensi on to fame is morality, is thesubl
8、imationof the soul. AsTownship and village,be sure to maintain anormal stateof mind, establish a correct viewpointon power, position and values and Outlook, as fame is light like water,depending . 50 km,also red and likehundreds of thousands of theKMT military combat, but he went on to collect a var
9、iety of newspapers and magazines, and then race against time to poreover. As long a s the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the library, workshops, into the villages,people learned farming techniques,problem-solving methods, participati on in附表 C技術交底記錄編 號表 C2-1工程名稱長春地鐵1 號線一期03 標段交底日期施工單位
10、中鐵25 局長春地鐵項目部分項工程名稱基坑開挖交底提要冠梁、混凝土支撐施工交底內(nèi)容:一、編制說明1.1、編制依據(jù)城市軌道交通技術規(guī)范(GB50490-2009 )地鐵設計規(guī)范( GB50157-2003 )混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)設計規(guī)范(GB50010-2010 )混凝土結(jié)構(gòu)工程施工質(zhì)量驗收規(guī)范(GB50204-2002 )1.2、施工位置及范圍衛(wèi)星廣場站位于人民大街與衛(wèi)星路交叉口處,沿人民大街南北設置, 此站為換乘車站。既有3 號線輕軌呈東西方向從此地下穿過。車站起迄里程為K24+288.305 K24+466.905 ,長 178.6m 。車站主體圍護采用旋挖灌注樁,圍護樁共計 311 根,沿開挖深度
11、設置5 道支撐 (局部六道 ),其中第一道為砼支撐,其余為鋼支撐,冠梁設置在圍護樁頂。冠梁長度為:一期1.2m 寬冠梁長度311.79m 、1m 寬冠梁長度為 51.78m ;二期 1.2m 寬冠梁長度為 63.8m 、1m 寬冠梁長度為 30.6m 。冠梁截面尺寸分為1200*1000mm 和 1000*1000mm兩種。第一道砼支撐共計53 根,截面尺寸為 700( 寬)*900 (高) mm :冠梁及混凝土撐采用 C30 混凝土。二、施工前準備工作conference s, learned superiorspolicies; re ports, youcan le arn to dea
12、l withproblems, art, just wanted to lear n, to learn at any time. To continuously expand t he scope of the study. Thecomplexity andcomprehensiveness of our work, decide d to not only do we want tobeprofessionals, or if generalists, to dabble indifferent areas of knowledge. Masteryof knowledgenot onl
13、y to have kpromisinowl edge to rational analysis. Thison requirements we,not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to withpolitical theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide w ork; not only to read hist
14、ory, also to readhistory;notonly to absor ption SM of mirror, also t o gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to out side l earn;not only to tobooks learn, also to field study lear n.Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outwe must think. Learning without thought to overs
15、hadow, thi nking without learning is perilous. We want to foster thechara cter of advancing with the times, forge ahead,often reflect themselves i n ada pting to the ne w situati onon whether t here are delays, have a nything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the
16、 development of a relaxation, keepng State of mind.In or der todo investigations, investigations is the road toheaven,God disposesof the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, a nd get truth, received effectiveness,on must in-depth act ual, a nd outreach, and in-depth masses, wors
17、hip masses for Division, and masses heart, with masses with discussion everyonecare of problem, listening they of calls, understand t hey of mood, feel theyof suffering, summary they of experience , concentrated they of wisdom, especiallyon masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worries, and mo
18、st complairemain the old waydoe snt work, the new approach would not situation, the reason, the key is that manypeople know thatcopying other peoples ide as, mechanicall y, using someone elses old ways. To change this pre dicame nt, requires us to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overco
19、me conservative,conformist, good at finding newproblems and to accept new things,summarize new experience, new ideas, developi ng newprogrammes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, spe ed up development. Especi ally in implement superior policy spirit of process in the,both implementation
20、, andcannot mecha nically, to to extraordinaryof courage and dev elop enterprisi ng of spirit,put flexibility and princi ple combined up,put superior of spirit and local re ality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developeddifficult, not hating;
21、bl ueprints, not rhetoric; w ords and simple,but fullof love, truth, passion, entrepreneurialpassi on.Take this opportunity, my inspirationalquotes LiDazhaosclassic ironspecialise in uplifting blend with the article gave everyone, with a view on how to do well under the neww sisituati on of township
22、 and village leaders inspire and help, and also share with you. A goodandplay to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume thebur den be pa sse d; only specificqualiti es, will itbe possi ble in spe cific areas to create a world.an eterIn my view, village chiefs in thenew situation, we must first
23、 have five basic quality. One ambition is to pi oneer. Who ishandsome. People only high-minde d can stimulate the flow of momentum to be come brave andpersiste nt, becomequiet a nd powerful. Township and villageparty leaders, within their respective jurisdictions, political stability and e conomic a
24、Organizations trust, more ability to you, fully affirmed the moral andotherqualities.Therefore, we must always maintain the hi storical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hardwork of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage toope n up a netuation of vil
25、lages and towns. To have a feeling ofclosene ss to the second. The peoplecountr y. Ourbusiness foundation i n thepeoples blood in thepeople powerpeople. Advanceddeci sionsof the party cadres t o the feelings of thepeople isnal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, cal led first,and e njoycomfort about others, Zheng
26、Banqiaos also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the r ustlingof bamboo, the suspect is suffering. Cao County officials, little my,a total turnoff.Old of feudalofficial evenhas so feelings, alone we is to serving for purposeconsciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and mo
27、stdirectly, and most reality of interests problem grabbed, real do love for people by Department, and right for people by with, andLee for people by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mind. Non-indifferent not insist yourdream, without serenity not go far. Ascensi on to fame is morality, is thesu
28、blimationof the soul. AsTownship and village,be sure to maintain anormal stateof mind, establish a correct viewpointon power, position and values and Outlook, as fame is light like water,depending . 50 km,also red and likehundreds of thousands of theKMT military combat, but he went on to collect a v
29、ariety of newspapers and magazines, and then race against time to poreover. As long a s the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the library, workshops, into the villages,people learned farming techniques,problem-solving methods, participati on in2.2、技術準備工作冠梁及砼支撐標高如下:標高基坑 1基坑 1基坑 2基坑 2位置(B
30、型樁)(A 型樁)(C 型樁)(D 型樁)冠梁頂標高234.017234.028232.688232.688冠梁底標高233.017233.028231.688231.688砼支撐頂標高233.967233.978232.638232.638砼支撐底標高233.067233.078231.738231.738開始施工前項目部總工對現(xiàn)場技術員、施工作業(yè)分包隊作技術交底及安全交底。對施工中技術、 安全方面的注意事項進行詳細的交底。施工隊在收到技術交底后,積極組織生產(chǎn),并要做好夜間施工的準備工作。2.3、現(xiàn)場準備工作灌注樁完成檢測驗收后,現(xiàn)場積極準備土方開挖、冠梁及混凝土撐的施工。為滿足現(xiàn)場施工的進
31、度要求, 施工現(xiàn)場配置鋼筋加工棚一個,施工所需的機具、 勞力以滿足施工進度計劃要求為準,現(xiàn)場配備發(fā)電機一臺以預防臨時停電。三、施工方案3.1 、工藝流程圖車站主體圍護結(jié)構(gòu)的冠梁及混凝土撐施工分二期完成,一期完成基坑 1、基坑2,二期完成基坑 3。冠梁、混凝土撐同時施工,冠梁施工時要預埋擋土墻的鋼筋。混凝土撐施工時要設置一定的預拱度,1/2 截面起拱 3%Lcm 。conference s, learned superiorspolicies; re ports, youcan le arn to deal withproblems, art, just wanteus. We wad to l
32、ear n, to learn at any time. To continuously expand t he scope of the study. Thecomplexity andcomprehensiveness of our work, decide d to not only do we want tobeprofessionals, or if generalists, to dabble indifferent areas of knowledge. Masteryof knowledgenot onlyto have knowl edge to rational analy
33、sis. Thison requirements we,not only to learning national of route, and approach, and policy, also to learning national of legal, and regulations; not only to withpolitical theory armed mind, also to with economic theory guide w ork; not only to read history, also to readhistory;notonly to absor pti
34、on SM of mirror, also t o gets is of road; not only to from local learn, also to to out side l earn;not only to tobooks learn, also to field study lear n.Therefore, I would encourage you, and more to the outwe must think. Learning without thought to overshadow, thi nking without learning is perilont
35、 to foster thechara cter of advancing with the times, forge ahead,often reflect themselves i n ada pting to the ne w situati onon whether t here are delays, have a nything to fear in the reform and innovation, whether in terms of accelerating the d evelopment of a relaxation, keeppromising State of
36、mind.In or der todo investigations, investigations is the road toheaven,God disposesof the base. To wants to real heard truth, and justice to truth, a nd get truth, received effectiveness,on must in-depth act ual, a nd outreach, and in-depth masses, worship masses for Division, and masses heart, wit
37、h masses with discussion everyonecare of problem, listening they of calls, understand t hey of mood, feel theyof suffering, summary they of experience , concentrated they of wisdom, especiallyon masses most hope, and most urgent, and most worrieremain the old waydoe snt work, the new approach would
38、not situation, the reason, the key is that manypeople know thatcopying other peoples ide as, mechanicall y, using someone elses old ways. To change this pre dicame nt, requires us to break the shackles of traditional concepts to overcome conservative,conformist, good at finding newproblems and to ac
39、cept new things,summarize new experience, new ideas, developi ng newprogrammes and Maverick, a new approach to solve problems, spe ed up development. Especi ally in implement superior policy spirit of process in the,both implementation, andcannot mecha nically, to to extraordinaryof courage and dev
40、elop enterprisi ng of spirit,put flexibility and princi ple combined up,put superior of spirit and local re ality combined up, Yong conspiracy to breakthrough of policy, and exercise innovation of lift, developedout developmedifficult, not hating; bl ueprints, not rhetoric; w ords and simple,but ful
41、lof love, truth, passion, entrepreneurialpassi on.Take this opportunity, my inspirationalquotes LiDazhaosclassic ironspecialise in uplifting blend with the article gave everyone, with a view on how to do well under the neww situationsituati on of township and village leaders inspire and help, and al
42、so share with you. A goodandplay to create iron shoulders strong arms, to assume thebur den be pa sse d; only specificqualiti es, will itbe possi ble in spe cific areas to create a world.an eterIn my view, village chiefs in thenew situation, we must first have five basic quality. One ambition is to
43、pi oneer. Who ishandsome. People only high-minde d can stimulate the flow of momentum to be come brave andpersiste nt, becomequiet a nd powerful. Township and villageparty leaders, within their respective jurisdictions, pol itical stability and e conomic aOrganizations trust, more ability to you, fu
44、lly affirmed the moral andotherqualities.Therefore, we must always maintain the hi storical mission and social responsibility, and our ideal tree rooted in the hardwork of the soil, with indomitable spirit, indomitable courage toope n up a neof villages and towns. To have a feeling ofclosene ss to t
45、he second. The peoplecountr y. Our business foundation i n thepeoples blood in thepeople powerpeople. Advanceddeci sionsof the party cadres t o the feelings of thepeople isnal theme. Fan Zhong-yan, cal led first,and e njoycomfort about others, ZhengBanqiaos also wrote a Ya Chai lay listening to the
46、r ustlingof bamboo, the suspect is suffering. Cao County officials, little my,a total turnoff.Old of feudalofficial evenhas so feelings, alone we is to serving for purposeconsciously from itself do up, from small do up, from masses most care, and mostdirectly, and most reality of interests problem g
47、rabbed, real do love for people by Department, and right for people by with, andLee for people by conspiracy to. Three with the fame of mind. Non-indifferent not insist yourdream, without serenity not go far. Ascensi on to fame is morality, is thesublimationof the soul. AsTownship and village,be sur
48、e to maintain anormal stateof mind, establish a correct viewpointon power, position and values and Outlook, as fame is light like water,depending . 50 km,also red and likehundreds of thousands of theKMT military combat, but he went on to collect a variety of newspapers and magazines, and then race a
49、gainst time to poreover. As long a s the study of mind, it is not necessary to come to the library, workshops, into the villages,people learned farming techniques,problem-solving methods, participati on in2。具體的工藝流程見下圖:測量放線綁扎鋼筋支立模板澆筑混凝土養(yǎng)生、檢測3.2、施工工序及質(zhì)量保證措施、測量放線、鑿除樁頭:采用履帶式200 挖掘機按測量班放樣出的白灰線開挖,挖至冠梁底標高后
50、,立即組織鑿樁頭、清除樁頂浮渣。首先采用風鎬對樁基超灌部分進行鑿除, 施工中要特別注意對埋設有測斜管、應力計的保護; 其次采用空壓機吹凈樁頂上的浮渣, 必要時進行高壓水槍沖洗。 樁頂鑿除以混凝土面頂要有一定的麻面為準,以保證灌注樁和冠梁混凝土之間有一定的咬合力。、鋼筋綁扎:檢樁完成后開始按測量班放線進行綁扎鋼筋,綁扎時要預埋好擋土墻鋼筋。 運進基坑內(nèi)的鋼筋必須及時綁扎,以免銹蝕和變形。 各種鋼筋尺寸均要滿足設計及規(guī)范要求, 施工時要特別注意混凝土支撐處鋼筋的綁扎及混凝土的保護層厚度。冠梁及混凝土撐鋼筋的具體尺寸見附圖:conference s, learned superiorspolicies; re ports, youcan le arn to deal withproblems, art, just wanted to lear n, to learn at any time. To continuonciusly expand t he scope of the study. Thecomplexity andcomprehensiveness of our work, decide d to not only do we want tobeprofessionals
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