



1、forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and actively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all level

2、s must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", povert

3、y and development, environmental protection, the main task is to 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, . . Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and . . Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to te

4、ll you three views: the first, on "three" last year, my County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds . . Billion yuan, annual tasks . .%; only completion target . . Minutes, annual tasks . . rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent intro

5、duction . . Award recognized scientific and technological achievements . . , Cooperation of . . Innovation platforms . . Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city . . Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other c

6、ounties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each town in the County Street, allocusing on ways and means of improving and upgrading work, further development of "three to split". (A) fully grasp "no unauthorised" created. The township "no unauthorised" crea

7、ted the existing building "one household, one document" survey and file storage work must be unconditional and full coverage. Main corridor leading to the town (road, river) village, the Central built-up area of the town on both sides must be to create a "no unauthorised village"

8、. According to "five hundred villages" created and shanty towns, villages, old houses, reconstruction of old plant, expand create, upgrading creates files, the real "no unauthorised village" created into the benefit of the people of very good thing. (B) to strictly manage count a

9、s unauthorised controls. Promoting the "new" control work to move the center of gravity, management measures to the front, and earnestly pipes effectively. A strict new unauthorised network responsibility. Sectors such as land, housing and basic stations (stations) and the Township of grid

10、 accountability mechanisms must be strictly in accordance with the new regulatory requirements, effective implementation of the area of responsibility of the new inspections, suppression, demolition work to ensure that the new "zero tolerance". Second, public security, water, electricity,

11、water, oceans and fisheries, tourism collaboration, market supervision departments should strictly enforce the illegal construction of disposal of relevant provisions of the regulations, effective fulfilment of responsibilities, particularly in electricity and water supply, and other units may not b

12、e new illegal buildings to supply water and electricity supply. While more regulation to prevent personal privacy violations. Illicit trading in illegal construction in the Ministry of public security sector to strictly from the blow. Three is to create additional offence reporting system of incenti

13、ves. According to building law and covers an area of nature, to report timely degree divided report grade, effective after the removal of certain incentives. (C) integrated implementation ", building demolition, modification, use" combination. Demolition is the means and purpose built is.

14、To adhere to the building demolished, combination of construction and demolition waste, demolished with combined efforts to improve the scientific level of three to split; second, we must pay attention to "three to split" and "five hundred" and "five water treatment", &

15、quot;three of the four sides", the shackDistrict transformation, and dangerous old room transformation and "two road sides", series work organic combined up, active do River, and along demolition work, and manpower advance village in the, and old residential demolition work, to improv

16、ed masses housing conditions and live environment; three to put "three modified a split" as traditional low, and small, and bulk industry structure transformation upgrade of important initiatives to caught, speed up advance industry Park, effective optimization park environment 石油鉆采機械試題一 石

17、油工程1. 地層流體?答:地層中的油氣水稱為地層流體。2. 天然氣的主要成分?那種成分最多?答:主要組成:甲烷(CH4)、乙烷(C2H4)、丙烷(C3H8)、丁烷(C4H10)。甲烷含量最多。3. 石油的主要成分?那種最多?答:烴類(碳氫化合物):包括碳、氫、氧、硫、氮等元素,占80;非烴類:包括氧、硫、氮等元素。4. 有桿泵和無桿泵采油的工藝原理有什么主要區(qū)別?代表的設備有哪些?答:無桿采油不需要用抽油桿傳遞地面動力,而是用電纜或高壓液體將地面的能量傳輸?shù)骄聨泳聶C組把原油抽到地面。無桿抽油設備:水力活塞泵,電動潛油離心泵,電動螺桿泵。有桿采油主要是動力機通過減速箱,曲柄連桿機構和游梁等

18、,將高速旋轉運動變?yōu)橥鶑瓦\動,通過懸繩器,光桿和抽油桿帶動有游動閥的柱塞,在深井泵筒中往復運動完成抽油。主要設備:抽油機,抽油泵,抽油桿。5. 油井清蠟技術常用的油哪些?答:機械清蠟,熱載體循環(huán)清蠟,電熱清蠟,化學清蠟。6. 油井防砂技術有哪些?答:濾砂管防砂,防砂卡泵防砂,繞絲篩管礫石充填防砂,小直徑氣砂錨防砂,化學防砂。7. 提高鉆進速度的主要技術措施有哪些?(影響因素)答:“鉆速”通常指機械鉆速,即在純鉆進周期內每小時鉆進的米數(shù)。影響鉆速的因素很多,除了組織因素和人的因素之外,主要有:地層特性、鉆機性能、泥漿性能、鉆頭類型、鉆壓、轉速以及水力因素。8. 環(huán)空返速是不是越大越好?答:“小排

19、量、低返速” 可以降低循環(huán)管路壓力降,提高鉆頭壓力降;但是,攜帶巖屑能力差;反之,環(huán)空返速大,則循環(huán)管路壓力損失大,而且對井壁沖刷嚴重,可能引起井壁不穩(wěn)定。所以環(huán)空返速的控制,要依據(jù)地層的復雜性、鉆井液的性能和鉆機能力。二 石油鉆機1. 石油鉆機?主要包括哪些系統(tǒng)和主要設備?答:石油鉆機是用于石油天然氣鉆井的專業(yè)機械,是由多臺設備組成的一套聯(lián)合機組。包括:十大部分1、起升系統(tǒng)2、旋轉系統(tǒng)3、循環(huán)系統(tǒng)4、動力系統(tǒng)5、傳動系統(tǒng)6、控制系統(tǒng)7、底 座8、井控系統(tǒng)9、輔助設備10、鉆臺操作設備2. 鉆機的三大工作組件?驅動機組的組合形式不同,可以分為哪幾種驅動?答:絞車,轉盤,鉆進泵三大工作機組。柴油

20、機直接驅動、機械傳動;柴油機發(fā)電機組驅動、電氣傳動;SCR、VFD;液壓驅動、傳動;復合驅動3.鉆機的機械傳動主要有哪幾種?各有什么特點?答:鉆機的機械傳動有:齒輪,膠帶,鏈條:齒輪傳動允許線速度高,體積小,結構緊湊,方向軸結構簡單,緊湊,維護保養(yǎng)方便,互換性好;膠帶傳動時傳動柔和,并車容易,制造容易,維護保養(yǎng)方便。鏈條傳動:傳動功率大,結構緊湊,壽命長,適合于各級井深鉆機.4.鉆機的主要參數(shù)有哪些?答:名義鉆深范圍,最大鉤載,絞車額定功率,單臺鉆井泵功率,游動系統(tǒng)繩數(shù)。5.最大鉤載?主要用于哪些工況?答: 最大鉤載:鉆機在規(guī)定的最多繩數(shù)下起下套管、處理事故或進行其它特殊作業(yè)時,大鉤不允許超過

21、的載荷。是大鉤允許的最大靜載荷。發(fā)生工況:1、發(fā)生動載時,鉤載為靜動載之和;2、處理卡鉆事故;3、下套管;4、下套管遇阻時,上提下放.6.名義鉆井深范圍?答:名義鉆深范圍:指鉆機在規(guī)定的鉆井繩數(shù)下,使用規(guī)定的鉆柱時,能夠達到的經(jīng)濟鉆井深度。是我國鉆機主參數(shù)。依據(jù)4 1/2、5 兩種鉆桿柱尺寸確定。7.鉆機型號表示?答:鉆機型號:ZJ-1-2-3 1表示鉆機級別 ;2表示鉆機特點:鏈條并車鉆機無或為L,三角膠帶并車鉆機為J,齒輪傳動鉆機為C,電驅動鉆機為D,自行或車裝鉆機為T。3表示廠家代號及改型序號。9. 轉盤的主要功能?主要結構組成、主要參數(shù)?主軸承和輔助軸承分別承受什么載荷?答:轉盤功能:

22、 (1)旋轉鉆具,傳遞足夠大的扭矩和必要的轉速;(2)下套管或起下鉆時,承受全部套管或鉆具重量;(3)完成卸鉆頭、卸扣,處理事故時倒扣、等輔助工作;(4)井下動力鉆具鉆井時,轉盤制動承受反扭矩。轉盤的結構組成:(1)水平軸總成;(2)轉臺;(3)主、輔軸承;(4)殼體。特性參數(shù):通孔通徑:轉臺通徑一開鉆頭最大直徑10mm;最大靜負荷:匹配于鉆機最大鉤載;最大工作扭矩:最低工作轉速時達到的最大工作扭矩;最高轉速:輕載下的最高轉速,一 般為300r/min。主軸承起承載和承轉作用,輔助軸承起徑向扶正和軸向防跳作用。10. 剎車裝置的類型有哪些?個有什么作用?答:主剎車:盤式剎車,帶式剎車。作用:下

23、鉆、下套管作業(yè)時:剎慢或剎住滾筒;控制下放速度;懸持鉆柱。正常鉆井時:控制滾筒轉速,調節(jié)鉆壓,送進鉆具。 輔助剎車:水剎車,電磁渦流剎車,作用:控制下鉆速度.11. 游動系統(tǒng)的效率與哪些因素有關?起升和下鉆時的效率是否相等?答:與滑動軸承的摩擦阻力和通過滑輪時的彎曲阻力及鋼絲繩的損耗有關。不相等。12.快繩的拉力計算?答:起鉆時:Pf = Qt/Z /t 下鉆時:Pf = Qt*t/Z13.起鉆過程分為那幾個階段?答:加速,勻速,減速。14.鉆機設計時絞車檔位是否越多越好?絞車檔位與絞車形式的關系?一般為幾檔?答:由檔數(shù)越多功率利用率越高,但是絞車結構越復雜。由max=e/(e + 1)可知檔

24、位越高利用率變化也不明顯所以不是越多越好,一般實用的檔數(shù)少于6個。15.起下鉆過程中,天車個滑輪的轉速是否一樣?實際中應該注意些什么?答:鋼絲繩速度由快繩側至死繩側依次為:v ' = v '1 = 6 v = zvv ' 2 = v '3 = 4 vv ' 4 = v '5 = 2 vv ' n = v ' z = v d = 0天車滑輪的切向速度V和轉速 n 依次為:v"1 = zv, v"2 = 4v,v"3 = 2v1、 起鉆時,快繩側的滑輪轉速要比死繩側的高數(shù)倍;2、快繩側的鋼絲繩的彎曲次數(shù)要





29、,然后利用絞車將后臺底座起升到位,最后起升前臺底座。旋升式底座廣泛應用于深井和超深井鉆機、固定式海洋平臺鉆機。如7000m、9000m和2000m鉆機。31.底座的結構類型主要有哪幾種?至少列舉三種,分別敘述其優(yōu)缺點?答:1、塊裝結構井架底座:塊裝結構井架底座是有多個片狀結構通過銷軸拼裝而成。底座結構復雜、內部空間狹?。坏鬃鹧b工作量大;不適應于高鉆臺底座。 2、箱式結構井架底座:是有多個箱體結構搭接而成。箱式結構底座穩(wěn)定性好,箱體內部可以容納設備和工具,充分利用空間;拆裝工作量大,尤其是高鉆臺底座拆裝困難;適應于海上平臺鉆機(鉆機搬家少,穩(wěn)定性要求高)。 3、雙升式結構井架底座:雙升式結構井


31、全性好; 4、適應于任意高度設計、制造。缺點:1、底座分前后臺面,需要兩次起升到位,起升井架、后臺、前臺需要兩次倒換鋼絲繩,操作勞動強度大于自升式底座;2、底座結構較自升式復雜,重量也大些。32.除砂器的離心力場與離心機的離心力場有什么不同?答:33.螺旋沉降式離心機的排雜原理?答:離心機分離的核心部件由轉鼓和螺旋輸送器組成,轉鼓和螺旋輸送器之間存有少量間隙,采用行星差速器驅動,使得二者之間維持一定的轉速差,泥漿經(jīng)空心軸經(jīng)入轉鼓,轉鼓高速旋轉,形成離心力場,使得泥漿實現(xiàn)固液分離,固相在螺旋輸送器的作用下推向固相排出口,液相在壓力作用下從液相排出口排出。34.解釋底座高度與底座凈空高度,為什么要



34、口操作范圍大。曲柄遠離井口;安全4、容易實現(xiàn)常規(guī)抽油機改造。異相曲柄抽油機在結構形式上與常規(guī)型抽油機相類似。39.額定懸點載荷?答:額定懸點載荷:懸繩器懸掛光桿處承受的光桿拉力的額定值。KW40.光桿最大沖程?答:光桿最大沖程是光桿能獲得的最大位移。M41.減速器額定扭矩?答:減速器額定扭矩:減速器允許輸出的最大扭矩,kN.m;42.游梁式抽油機的平衡方式通常有哪幾種?標準中的代號是什么?答:B曲柄平衡,Q氣平衡,Y游梁平衡,F(xiàn)復合平衡43.游梁式抽油機懸點運動規(guī)律是近似為那兩種機構分別得出的其運動方程?答:1、簡化為簡諧運動時懸點運動規(guī)律:A點的位移sA為:s A =as B/b =ar (

35、1 cos t )/b,A點的速度為:v =ds A/dt=ar sin t/b,A點的加速度為:a A =dv A/dt=awwr cos t/b;2、簡化為曲柄滑塊機構時懸點運動規(guī)律:44.無45.上沖程和下沖程時液柱載荷對旋點載荷的影響?答:上沖程中,游動閥關閉,作用在柱塞上的液柱引起的懸點載荷為:Wl = ( f p f r ) Ll g f p 柱塞截面積 在下沖程時,由于游動閥打開,固定閥關閉,液柱載荷通過固定閥作用在油管上,而不作用在懸點上。46.有桿采油系統(tǒng)中,沖程損失指的是什么?為什么會產(chǎn)生沖程損失?試解釋上下沖程中沖程損失的原因?答:沖程損失時抽油機的沖程與泵的有效沖程之差



38、徑大,可以獲得較大的產(chǎn)液量,缺點:檢修工作量大,需要起出抽油桿和泵筒。桿式泵優(yōu)點:只要提起抽油桿,就可以提起內工作筒及其內的柱塞和游動閥、固定閥等全套抽油裝置,檢修方便。方便于過油管作業(yè),缺點:泵徑小,產(chǎn)量小。53.桿式抽油泵可以分為哪兩種?答:分為定筒桿式泵和動筒桿式泵。所有進場鋼材,掛有標牌,牌上印有廠標、鋼號、爐罐(批)號、直徑等標記并附有質量證明書;無質量證明書,不得入庫;經(jīng)檢驗合格后物資設備部方可收貨,如發(fā)現(xiàn)不合格鋼材,不得驗收入庫。合格鋼材應分批驗收入庫。forming the Government, enterprises and the public forces and ac

39、tively participate in, sharing a strong atmosphere. Comrades, do work in the countryside and "five water treatment", "three to split", is related to overall development, responsibility, task, departments at all levels must play more than spirit, do solid work, and difficult, and

40、efforts to promote the work to a new level, "South Gate of XX beauty" to make new and greater contribution to the building! Research by the County, the County Government, the convening of this county, "three", poverty and development, environmental protection, the main task is to

41、 2016-these work arrangements. For a while, . . Gay also made an important speech, we must pay special attention to follow-up. The following, according to the city's plans and . . Comrade usual requirements of our work, I want to tell you three views: the first, on "three" last year, m

42、y County "three" has made certain achievements. Capital work is done using city funds . . Billion yuan, annual tasks . .%; only completion target . . Minutes, annual tasks . . rate, access to city-wide recruitment talent introduction . . Award recognized scientific and technological achiev

43、ements . . , Cooperation of . . Innovation platforms . . Also complete tasks in the city. The overall "three" column in the city . . Name, did not enter the city in recognition of the results of this. This means we and other counties than there is room to continue the efforts. From each to

44、wn in the County Street, alland improve idle land of utilization, real achieved environment improved and productivity development mutual promoting total win. Five, firmly implement, promoting work ahead, to create highlights. Third deployment, implementation of seven, then it is imperative to streng

45、then responsibility and improve the mechanisms and implementation. All localities and departments must be convinced that goals, going all out, mustering spirit, work together to ensure that this year's objectives carry out tasks, at the forefront. First, we must strengthen the leadership to impl

46、ement. Departments at all levels should always work and rural "five water treatment", "three to split" in an important position, and carry the main responsibility, main leader personally, leaders arrested and layers of responsibility rank transmission pressure established hierarc

47、hical accountability, and work together to promote the work of the mechanism, a concerted effort pay attention to implementation. County nongban, flood, three to one down to further play a leading catch total, integrated and coordinated role of all kinds is "long", "Sheriff" &quo

48、t;Inspector" to effectively fulfill their responsibilities, formed the alignment on the fire line and management a lively situation. Second, we must strengthen the test implementation of the Governor. Role play the Governor got the baton, for agricultural and rural focus and "five water treatment", "three to split" work, refine improve assessment method


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