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1、文檔供參考,可復制、編制,期待您的好評與關注! 動詞參加3、join一般是參加一種組織,如Party(黨)或者可以是join sb.join in 指參加某種活動,尤其指和其他人一起參加某項活動。1、take part in 指參加群眾性活動,往往指參加者持有積極的態(tài)度,起一份作用。5、attend 指出席一些比較正式的場合。一般用于attend the meeting之類的2、enter for 指參加某項競賽之類的。4、participate in正式用詞,表示參加、參與,強調與他人共同參加某種活動be made of ( from / out of ) / be made into /

2、be made up / be made up ofbe made of:由制成。用于由產(chǎn)品可以看出原材料。例如:The desk is made of wood.be made from:由制成。用于由產(chǎn)品看不出原材料。例如:Paper is made from wood. be made out of:由制成。例如:The desk / Paper is made out of wood. be made into:制成。例如: Wood can be made into desks / paper.be made up:由編成。例如:Dont believe him; the whole

3、 story was made up. (別信他的,整個過程都是捏造的。)be made up of (=consist of):由組成。例如: This desk is made up of / consists of twelve pieces of wood.be known for / be known as / be known to be known for:因而出名。例如:Our town is known for its stones.be known as:作為而出名。例如:The town is known as a stone town.be known to:被知曉,了

4、解。例如:The hot spring city is known to every one of them.be tired of / be tired from / be tired out be / get tired of:對厭倦。例如:I am really tired of your words! (你的話我聽膩了?。゜e tired from:因疲倦。例如: I was so tired from climbing the hill that I fell asleep the moment my head touched the pillow. (我爬山太累了,所以頭一碰枕頭/

5、一躺下就睡著了。)be tired out:筋疲力盡。相當于be worn out。例如: We were tired out when we climbed over the high mountain.contain / includecontain:包含(全部),容納。include:包括(部分)。例如:Senior Book One contains twelve units, including two (units) chosen from the old textbook.This atlas contains forty maps, including three of Gre

6、at Britain.(這地圖集含有四十幅地圖,包括英國地圖三幅在內。)How much does this bottle contain? (這瓶能裝多少?)cost / spend / pay / buy / charge cost:花費,付出代價。通常以事物作主語,即sth+ cost + (sb) + 金錢、時間、勞力或其他代價。例如:The book cost me $10. Careless driving cost him his life. (粗心駕駛使他付出了生命的代價。)spend:花費。主語是人,可以指花金錢,也可以指花時間。spend的用法:sb + spend +時間

7、+ (in) + v-ing / sb + spend +金錢 (時間) + on sth。例如:I spent $10 on the book. I spent two hours (in) finishing the composition. 比較:It took me two hours to finish the composition.pay:付款。例如:I paid $10 for the book.buy:買。例如:I bought the book for $10. charge:收費。例如:They charged me $10 for the book. (買這本書,他們收

8、我十美元。)dress / put on / wear / have on / be in dress:穿衣,穿著。可用作及物動詞,“人”當賓語;可用作不及物動詞;可用be dressed表示穿著狀況。例如:The baby isnt old enough to dress itself. (這孩子還小,無法自己穿衣服。)She is well dressed today.The girl was dressed in pink last night. (昨晚這女孩穿著一身粉紅色的衣服。)The girl dressed herself in pink last night.put on:穿上

9、(衣服),上演。表示動作。例如:Better put on your coat; its cold outside.A new play will be put on at the Grand Theatre.wear:穿著,佩戴。表示狀態(tài),包括穿著衣物、佩戴首飾以及留頭發(fā)、胡須等。例如:Can you recognize the woman wearing sunglasses over there?(你能認出那邊那個戴太陽鏡的婦女嗎?)I dont understand why he wears long hair now.have on:穿。表示狀態(tài),穿著衣物,不用于進行時態(tài);也意為“有

10、事;有約會”。如:The foolish emperor had nothing on that day.不說:Were having on school clothes today.Sorry, I cant help you this weekend. Ive too much on already. (對不起,這周末我不能幫你,我有很多事。)be in:穿。表示狀態(tài),其后常接表示顏色或服裝、眼鏡的詞作賓語。例如:The boy in white is one of my classmates.help / aid / assist help:幫助,幫忙。是普通用語,常用在日常談話中。例如

11、:例226:May I help you with your luggage? 例227:We helped him (to) mend his bicycle. aid:幫助,援助。是比較正式的用語。例如:例228:The flooded areas were aided by many countries. (災區(qū)得到許多國家的援助。) assist:幫助,協(xié)助。是比較正式的用語,強調起協(xié)助作用;其名詞assistant是“助手”的意思。例如:例229:She assisted me in the experiments. (她協(xié)助我做實驗。)happen / occur / take p

12、lace / come abouthappen:發(fā)生。帶有偶然、未能預見的意思,主語為事;當針對人時,意為“碰巧”。例如:This happened on a December evening.What happened to him?I happened to meet Tom in the street when I went shopping today.It happened that I met Tom in the street when I went shopping today.occur:發(fā)生(既表示偶然地,也表示必然地);被想到。例如:When did the accide

13、nt occur?A fresh idea suddenly occurred to me. (我突然有個新主意。)take place:發(fā)生。指事先布置或策劃好而后發(fā)生。例如: The May 4th Movement took place in 1919.come about:產(chǎn)生。指自然產(chǎn)生。例如:How do the differences between British English and American English come about?hurt / injure / wound / harm / damage / destroy hurt:傷害(常用詞,包括外傷和感情傷

14、害);疼痛(此時用作不及物動詞)。例如:例240:I hurt myself in the leg when I fell off the bike the other day, and it still hurts now.(前幾天我從自行車上摔下,傷著腿,現(xiàn)在還疼著呢。)例241:I am afraid your words have hurt him.injure:受傷。常指意外或事故傷害。例如:例242:Several people were injured in the traffic accident.wound:受傷。常指戰(zhàn)爭場合的傷害,如槍傷、刀傷等。例如:例243:His f

15、ather was wounded in the war 30 years ago.harm:危害。例如:例244:In my point of view, the rain will harm our crops. (依我看來,這雨對我們的莊稼有害。)例245:Reading in dim light will harm your eyes. (在昏暗的燈光下看書會損害眼睛。)damage:損害。常指不完全地破壞;側重人為過失;不用于指人。例如:例246:The car was slightly damaged in the accident.destroy:毀壞。常指嚴重地,甚至毀滅性地摧

16、毀;側重外界力量;可用于指人或物。也可以指希望、計劃等破滅。例如:例247:Thousands of houses were destroyed in the earthquake.例248:His hope of being a writer was destroyed. (他想成為一個作家的希望破滅了。)lie / lay(注意動詞變化形式)動詞原形過去式過去分詞現(xiàn)在分詞中文意思lielaylainlying躺下;位于lieliedliedlying說謊laylaidlaidlaying安放;下蛋例259:The boy who lay on the table lied to me th

17、at the hen lying there laid two eggs that day.(躺在桌面上的那男孩對我撒謊說,蹲在那里的母雞當天下了兩個蛋。)lie in / lie on / lie tolie in:位于(屬于,包含其中)。lie to:位于(不屬于,隔開)。lie on:位于(接壤,比鄰關系)。例如: 例260:Fujian lies in the southeast of China, to the west of Taiwan, and on the east of Jiangxi.require / demand / requestrequire,demand和req

18、uest都有“要求”的意思,其賓語從句多用虛擬語氣。require側重于制度方面的要求;demand側重于理直氣壯的要求;request側重于客氣的要求。如:例292:It is required that everybody (should) go to school at 7:00. (要求每個人7點到校。)例293:The workers demanded that they (should) be given a rise. (工人們要求加工資。)例294:All I request of you is that you (should) be early. (我對你的要求就是你應該早

19、點來。)say / speak / talk / tell say:說。常用作及物動詞,對某人說用say to sb。例如:例305:What you said is wrong. 例306:How do you say it in English?例307:He said to me, “I will come here soon.” speak:講。除講某種語言以外,不用作及物動詞,其后常跟to, with, on, of等引起的短語。例如:例308:He is speaking at the meeting. 例309:You oughtnt to have spoken to your

20、 uncle like that. 例310:He speaks English well. talk:談。指兩人或兩人以上的一般交談,一般用作不及物動詞,但在有些習語中作及物動詞用。例如:例311:What are you talking about?例312:Lets talk business. (我們談正事吧。)tell:告訴,區(qū)分,判斷,預言。常用作及物動詞。例如:例313:Tell Bill the news when you meet him.例314:Tell Bill to be there on time. 例315:He cant tell right from wron

21、g; after all, hes only a boy of four.(他不能辨是非,畢竟,他只是個四歲孩子。)例316:Who can tell what will happen tomorrow?separate / divide separate:分開,隔離;把分離出來,析出;作為形容詞是“單獨的”意思。例如:例326:Britain is separated from France by the English Channel. 例327:Oxygen can be separated from water. (氧可以從水中析出。)例328:We need two separate

22、 rooms.divide:分,劃分。指把整體分為若干部分。例如:例329:I divided the moon cake in half / into two halves.例330:He divided the cake among the children. (他把這塊蛋糕分給了孩子們。)被divide分隔的東西在一定的條件下具有統(tǒng)一性,separate分隔的東西沒有統(tǒng)一性。suit / fit / do / match / go suit:合適,中意(多指符合需要、口味、性格、條件、地位等。特別是指顏色、款式等)。 fit:合適,合身(常指大小、尺寸等)。do:合適(常與for連用)。

23、match / go:匹配(go常與with連用)。例如: 例349:The coat doesnt suit you; its too dark.例350:The coat doesnt fit you; its too small.例351:The coat doesnt do for you; its too small.例352:The color of the tie doesnt match / go with that of your shirt.例353:A good teacher suits his lessons to the age of his pupils. (好教

24、師授課力求適合學生的年齡。)take ones place / take the place of / take placetake ones place:就座,就位。相當于take ones seat。例如:例357:Please take your places; we are ready to begin our class.take sbs place / take the place of sb:替代(某人)。例如:例358:The manager is going on business. Who can take his place? (=Who can take the place of the manager?)例359:Nothing can take the place of a wheel. (沒有什么能取代輪子。)take place:發(fā)生,舉行。無被動結構。例如:例360:Great changes have taken place in my hometown in the past five years.例361:A class meeting is to take place tomorrow afternoon.try to do / manage to dotry to do:試圖、企圖做某事(未必成功)。相當于attempt


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